Submitted By: BLueSSDate: November 22, 2010, 08:52:56 PM
Views: 6312
Summary: Learn the do's and don'ts of playing DDR or ITG in a typical arcade environment.
Anyone who has played DDR at the arcade has probably experienced a situation that has caused them to get upset at a spectator or player. Most DDR players have a story to tell about their "worst arcade experience", and many of these situations are caused by people ignorant to the basic needs of a player during a game. While little can be done to educate the spectating masses on the proper etiquette for interaction at a DDR location, there are players out there - often beginners - who fail to understand some of the most basic rules of the arcades. To this end, I have created this simple list to suggest proper DDR Etiquette while at the arcade. My hope is that veteran players will refer newbies to this list and get them started in the right direction. By following these simple rules, we can all enjoy a better gaming experience. Try not to think of this as an oppressive, end-all-be-all of rules that everyone MUST follow and more like a set of guidelines to help make everyone's playing experience as fun and hassle free as possible.
Obey the Coin Line
Everyone should obey the line, regardless of how good they are, how long they've been waiting, or how often they hang out at the arcade. If someone is currently playing a set when you arrive, wait until the song is finished before putting your coin in place. Try not to use business cards, club cards, or school IDs, because these take up a lot of space and are something you don't want stolen.
''Note: A coin line is where people who want to play an arcade game put their tokens in a line on a machine. To join the line, simply put your token at the end of the line, and know who is in front of you. You can wander away, but pay attention to who's playing so you can be ready when you're the next one up. If you can't keep track of which "coin" is yours, try taking a quarter, nickle, or token and coloring it with a marker or put your initials on it.''
If you still don't understand coin lines, or your arcade uses a sign-up sheet for keeping order, see here:
This seems obvious to anyone who has played DDR, but many people don't understand how much attention a player gives to the game. It's very distracting when you try to talk to someone who is playing, and it's even worse trying to have a conversation while playing the game. If you tell a player they're good, don't be offended if they don't respond.
Don't Shout or Yell
It can be distracting to have people carrying on a loud conversation behind you while playing. Despite the volume of the machine, it's important that any conversations you're having while waiting your turn doesn't distract the current players from their the game. Conversation volume is something that even veteran players forget to keep in check.
Don't Heckle or Insult a Player
Don't make snarky comments about how "easy" a song is, don't tell people they suck, or that you're so much better. You may be, but it's rude to intimidate the person on the pad. It's a good way to scare off potential players and it makes you look like an arrogant buttocks.
Don't Shadow Without Permission
Players have mixed feelings about someone shadowing while they they play. Generally, a rookie player won't mind this as much, but shadowing can seriously affect the concentration of experienced players. It's important to ask before you shadow someone. This goes for on or off the pad. Never arbitrarily hop onto or off the pad in the middle of a song. If you want to ask if you can shadow, do it before the song begins.
''Note: Shadowing is when (Person A) is playing a single player game of DDR and (Person B) plays on the unused side of the pad and mimics the steps. This is often done so that a second person can get practice and experience without having to pay for their own game. It's also considered shadowing if someone is mimicking the steps off of the pads, behind the current player.''
Stay Back
Keep a respectable distance from the pads while someone is playing. This includes not touching or holding the bars if you're spectating. Not only is it distracting having someone standing too close while you play, but it can be hazardous. If you get stomped, kicked, or hit from a player on the machine, chances are it was your own fault for standing too close.
Keep Out of Sight
It can be distracting seeing someone walk in and out of your peripheral view as you play. Try to avoid the area 45° to the left and right of the player's direct view to the monitor. Needless to say, don't deliberately cover the screen or walk between the dance pad and the monitor. Many players forget this when putting a "place holder" up in a coin line. Don't stick your hands across the screen or a player's view to put up a coin or grab any personal things.
No Stomping
Stomping is loud, destructive, and annoying. Stomping may be your preferred style of dancing, but when people stomp on the dance pads, it wears down the sensitivity, and physically wears down the pads. Other players don't have to stomp on the pad to get good scores, so why should you.
''Note: There are a variety of techniques to improve playability on a machine with unresponsive pads. One suggestion is to use the flat foot technique and try hitting in the center of the arrow panel for maximum effect.''
Don't Get Worked Up
Throwing a tantrum is childish. No matter how bad you messed up, or how terrible the pads might be, there is no excuse for abusing the machine. Never hit, kick, punch, stomp, or throw things at the monitor or cabinet. Not only is it immature, it's also a good way to get yourself kicked out of the arcade. Trust me, you don't want to be like this guy.
Leave the machine in the same condition it was in when you got there. If you get it dirty, clean it up. If you shift the platform while playing, move it back into its original position when you're done. Don't leave water bottles, cups, wrappers, or any trash on or near the machine. No one wants to clean up your mess.
Respect the Pad
Don't wear shoes that can damage the pads (like high heels, shoes with cleats, or heavy boots) and make sure your shoes are clean before getting on the stage. Leaving a mess of dirt for the people that play after you is not the way to earn respect from your peers.
On this note, it's hard to play when there's gum stuck to the pads. Don't chew gum while playing, it could fly out of your mouth and land on the pads or get stuck on someone's shoes.
Silence Cell Phones
Few things are more distracting than having a cell phone ringtone interrupt your rhythm during a song. If you insist on putting your cell phone on the machine, make certain it's on silent. It's good practice to carry your phone with you when your turn is over. This will prevent the need to grab your phone during another player's turn.
Respect Personal Property
Players often leave bags, jackets, or other belongings on or near the machine. It should go without saying that you don't touch, steal, or vandalize anyone's property. If it's not yours, don't touch it. The only exception to this is if a belonging is encroaching on the pad or somehow disrupting the game. If this is the case, politely ask the owner to address the issue. If the owner isn't present, then take care of it yourself, but treat the belonging as if it was your own.