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Gerrak's Challenge
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Puttin' that rage on the stage...
September 12, 2012, 09:49:41 AM
Friends! Colleagues! Soldiers of the Wastelands! The time has come again for the fires of competition!
Hear, ye! In the names of and Masterman Vending, I,
, declare the following challenge and offering of bounty:
A prize shall be issued to the first man, woman, or child to hold at least 25 first-place scores in the “Gerrak's Recommended” pack on the ITG machine at Acme Bowl for 1 consecutive week. Upon declaration of the winner, the people holding the second and third-most number of scores will receive prizes as well.
To be declared the winner you must:
Obtain at least 25 scores and hold them for 1 consecutive week! It should be noted these do not have to be the same scores held for the entire week, so you can, say, take 28 scores, lose 3, take another 2, lose a different 2, and still have been considered as maintaining a high-enough total for the week. However if at any time during the week your total drops below 25, you must raise your total back, and start the week over.
Post on the forums
that you claim to have 25 scores. After 1 week, if no one claims to have re-taken enough scores to reduce your total below 25, I will go to Acme to verify your claim and declare you the winner.
You must post on the forums to ensure other players know you are claiming to have almost won, and your week does not start until the day you post.
You do not have to list the titles of the songs you hold, nor the actual total number of records you hold, you need only state that you hold 25 scores as of that day. If two people claim on the same day, their submission will be considered simultaneous and be subject to tiebreaker-rules (below), regardless of the actual time of their forum post. For these purposes, consider a “day” to start (and thus end) when Acme opens, rather than midnight (i.e. posts made ‘Saturday’ at 3am count as being made on that Friday.)
If someone claims to have 25 scores, there is a one-week challenging period where other players may try to take-back those scores. If you take back enough scores to reduce that player to below 25, you should post on the forums that you have done so, and ideally what song(s) you took back. I will verify that the player has been reduced to below 25 (and I will probably check every day I go if someone claims to have enough to win anyway), and if so, they must start their week over after re-upping their total. If you are going to make this claim,
you should make sure
you have actually reduced their total below 25 (by counting!), since they may have held more than 25 when you retook the song!
Some general rules/comments (Some extra details/notes in
). The few slight revisions to rules (or other emphasized text I suppose) in
No one can be declared the winner before
Mon, Oct 8
. This is to ensure ample time for players to learn the songs, and establish scores.
This means no one can issue a claim of holding 25 until Mon, Oct 1.
Mon, Oct 22nd
, the total required to win will reduce by
2.5 each week, rounded up
. This is a sort of “sudden death” to ensure the tournament/event wraps up by around the end of Oct or beginning of Nov.
I've extended this slightly to accommodate the longer-term nature of the event than originally anticipated
. In the rather unlikely event of a tie, tiebreaker goes to
the person who holds the most number of scores, then to
the person who holds a higher sum of difficulties in their scores, then to
whoever holds a score on the highest difficulty, then to the holder of the most number of scores at this difficulty, then to the higher of the average percent of this difficulty across their scores if there's still a tie somehow (complicated I know, but decisive…). I also reserve the right to make resyncs to the pack at any time, though at this point most have been tested and/or corrected; let me know if you think a song is way off-timing. Sadly pad-errors cannot fairly be taken into account for this event, if you suspect pad errors, you should report it to Masterman Vending (their number is on the machine, for those who don’t know). The machine has a built-in tiebreaker for exact ties in scores on any given song.
Remember, there are prizes for the top three score-holders, and many (even most) of the charts will require playing a couple times to nail-down. There is also
no entry fee for this event!
So if nothing else, just try to take as many as possible! If you can’t take a score, move on to another song, keep practicing it, or give it another try the next time you go. If someone starts taking a lot of scores, practice up some of those songs and take them back!
You must use the same name for all your scores across the pack, to within extremely obvious similarity (i.e, NSXX/NSX/NSXX! Are all fine, ALLAN/GRAK would not be acceptable). It must be very obvious to who’s total each score adds to.
We are on the honor-system here,
please exhibit good sportsmanship!
This means you may not have, for instance, two different people using the same name to try to make a combined effort at getting a total of 25. Analogously,
you may never put the name of another player for a score you made
. You should also
never make a false claim
of holding enough scores, or for reducing someone’s total to below the needed total. No one should be cheating here, but if you suspect/witness it, please report it to me and I will investigate the allegation, to the possible end of disqualification. You should also
treat other players with
politeness, respect and encouragement
. This is a friendly competition and community after all!
The scores held must be out of the “Gerrak’s Recommended” pack, NOT “Gerrak’s Pumpin Kicks”.
The latter pack will be deleted after the event, and remains on the machine only temporarily for players to practice out of (if desired) and for me to play the songs in that pack without potentially disrupting any scores (and hence unfairly disrupting anyone’s total). No songs in GPK can count toward your total, even if you hold a higher score on a song in GPK than the score in GR.
Only Expert-level charts count toward the total, or Hard charts where no Expert is available. Long/Marathon songs only count as 1 toward your total (but do count!).
There are four charts in pack that will be considered ~~BOSS SONGS~~ (wooooOOOoo). These are the three 15s (Trisection, Over Drive, and Flames of the Sky), and the one 16 in the pack (Beyond the Universe). If you hold a score on any of these songs,
it counts as two toward your total
The three 15s are of completely different chart-types celebrating (what I consider to be anyway) the 3 main attributes of difficulty in any song: Speed, Stamina, and Technicality (corresponding respectively above). The 16 is just really, really hard. This is to add some fun to the hard-end and to present a very tough challenge to aspire to, but of course there are ample songs in the pack to win without holding (or passing even) any of these, and I strongly suspect not all 4 of them will even be passed by anyone by the end of the event!
The "Gerrak's Recommended" pack is available for download in two separate links for your convenience in learning the songs! They can be found here:
(part 1)
(part 2)
Best of luck friends! And I hope you enjoy the event! Exact prizes will be revealed later and will be cooler than just boring cash. Special thanks to Bill Masterman for his significant contribution to the prize pool!
Last Edit: October 26, 2012, 11:13:05 AM by Gerrak
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
September 15, 2012, 07:39:07 AM
To answer a couple common questions, no I'm not competing in this myself, this is just for you guys, and yes, 25 seems like a lot, but there are about 100 songs in the pack now (mostly 9-12s), and no one's supposed to win until Oct! So really the best thing to do for the first few weeks is to just go to Acme a couple times a week and put scores on what you can, see what songs you like, etc.
You can also expect to have the pack downloadable in the next week or so; I realize many of the charts are difficult to score well on on sight-reads, and it's hard to go into a 100-song pack not knowing what to pick! Anyway good to hear some excitement about it at Acme, be sure to put some of that in this thread
Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 09:35:30 AM by Gerrak
September 22, 2012, 07:59:52 PM
Pretty sure Chris (and maybe Abby) have at least 25 of the records since today. As for how long they have had these records, im not sure
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
September 23, 2012, 08:15:34 AM
I actually know Chris has something like 30 scores, however lucky for everyone:
No one can be declared the winner before Mon, Oct 8. This is to ensure ample time for players to learn the songs, and establish scores.
I have given the pack to Tuan, who is helping with the upload process. As I said before, these can be difficult to learn just playing them on the pad, so you can expect to have the pack downloadable in the next couple days! And Andy you gotta help take them down boss. hehe...
September 23, 2012, 03:37:59 PM
Gerrak's Recommended pack is now available in two parts (since MediaFire only lets free users have a limit of 200mb/File) for download:
(part 1)
(part 2)
Now get out there and dantsu!
Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 11:26:52 PM by NSX
October 08, 2012, 01:48:53 PM
Hey this is Chris/APHR just letting everyone know that I am currently holding 25+ records in Gerrak's Recommend pack.
October 08, 2012, 11:36:57 PM
Quote from: cwkarma123 on October 08, 2012, 01:48:53 PM
Hey this is Chris/APHR just letting everyone know that I am currently holding 25+ records in Gerrak's Recommend pack.
Wish I could come down see if I could break some. School + a torn ligament unfortunately makes that a no go.
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
October 09, 2012, 12:01:03 AM
Hey this is Chris/APHR just letting everyone know that I am currently holding 25+ records in Gerrak's Recommend pack.
Mwa ha ha... Better get down to Acme if you want to put a stop to this beast...
You have until the end of next Monday.
Keby, sad you got injured at just the wrong time
I'm sure we'll have another event/tournament here soon, and if nothing else, the packs got a lot of good songs to play upon your recovery anyway!
Masterman Vending
October 09, 2012, 04:54:06 PM
IMPORTANT: Wednesday, Oct 10, Acme is hosting a private party from 3:00-9:00 P.M., gameroom not accesible for rapid arrow smashing activity. Just wanted to give you a heads up so you do not waste a trip.
October 10, 2012, 11:33:52 PM
So, what is the prize for winning?
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
October 11, 2012, 10:48:48 AM
So, what is the prize for winning?
It's partly a secret. Mwa ha ha! That is to say, I have to still figure out the last bit of the 1st place prize, but it will be good; I've just been insanely busy so far this quarter. I can tell you all 3 places will get a particular customized non-cash item (which will need to be ordered off the internet after the tournament ends, since it's customized, so you unfortunately won't be able to actually get this for a couple weeks). The top 2 places will get an additional prize or two
October 11, 2012, 11:34:34 PM
Quote from: Gerrak on October 11, 2012, 10:48:48 AM
It's partly a secret. Mwa ha ha! That is to say, I have to still figure out the last bit of the 1st place prize, but it will be good; I've just been insanely busy so far this quarter. I can tell you all 3 places will get a particular customized non-cash item (which will need to be ordered off the internet after the tournament ends, since it's customized, so you unfortunately won't be able to actually get this for a couple weeks). The top 2 places will get an additional prize or two
Yeah, both Abbye and I haven't seen you in ACME for quite some time now. Figured you were busy.
October 14, 2012, 04:05:33 PM
I, NSX have reduced aphr below 25 scores and would also like to start my week as I have 28scores.
October 15, 2012, 01:11:46 AM
All yours Tuan, great work!
Probably going to go back to working on my Foot Speed!
Good Luck!
October 15, 2012, 09:30:38 AM
Thanks Chris, but I'm sure my rein of terror will be gone by Sunday lol. With that said, everybody else participating, come and get me.
October 15, 2012, 10:06:41 AM
Now I can focus on taking you out, Tuan
October 15, 2012, 12:57:12 PM
Reign of terror : p Sure, sure.
Everybody already knows this, but just to write it down officially, we have to do this again with a new set of songs once this is over. This is incredibly fun, even for someone who isn't in the running to win : )
October 15, 2012, 02:16:25 PM
Quote from: uhhh on October 15, 2012, 10:06:41 AM
Now I can focus on taking you out, Tuan
Yup, by all means, do so. Mwahaha
We're in for a long one folks!
October 16, 2012, 09:30:27 PM
Well, back at 27 as of today... appears to me that this is going to be an ENDLESS tournament. Considering we all will be going back and forth for the next year or so
, I wonder who's going to win?
As of today, here are the standings for the TOP 4 players:
APHR @ 27
NSX @ Tuanty Six
MKYL @ 21
ROSE @ 13
In all honesty, I grow tired of this tournament.
Just saying, because I am playing tomorrow and going after ALL OF YOU, stay home
October 18, 2012, 12:38:46 AM
Tuan, your week has been reset!
You at Tuanty now!
doin' work
October 18, 2012, 03:18:46 AM
Quote from: APHR on October 18, 2012, 12:38:46 AM
You at Tuanty now!
Ahhhhhhhhh snap XD
pun props!
October 18, 2012, 10:01:06 PM
Sorry Tuan
Couldn't help myself to take another one of your scores.
Took a few so now I'm at 24, unless Chris decided to take more after I left -_-
October 18, 2012, 10:55:23 PM
I'll be back.
All Arnold Schwarzenegger's "I'll Be Back" on film
Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 10:57:59 PM by NSX
October 18, 2012, 11:22:18 PM
Michael, you at 23 now!
Tuan, I'm sorry for your loss, you at 18 now.
I have a GREAT IDEA! Tuan and Michael should both stay home this weekend, because...uh, ITG, yeah!
October 19, 2012, 02:10:51 AM
Great... You finally broke it... We should just let you have it
sike you're going down.
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