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Introduction Thread: Get to know eachother!
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January 31, 2007, 01:48:19 PM
This thread had to start some time. Although I've seen exactly zero people post that didn't already talk to eachother already, the aim is to have more people show up, right? Yes.
About me.
name: James
age: too old
how to find me: I'm 5'9 and half asian. Like everybody else at ACME, but whatever
I show up at ACME bowl every now and then.
I like DDR more than ITG for the most part but give both equal playtime, and also I play a lot of IIDX at home, it's a great game.
I am what can be generalized as a "scorer." That is, I play to get the highest score possible on everything.
My tag is "5DAI" on ITG/IIDX or "GODAI" on DDR usually. Sometimes other names if I feel like it.
I am a pretty darn good simfile maker (as judged by me) but don't make a whole lot due to time constraints. I take requests but they don't get fulfilled a lot for the same reason.
Nice to meet you.
January 31, 2007, 01:56:13 PM
Great idea, James... I'll bite.
Well, hi, I'm Laura. I typically play dance games at ACME bowl, although I will occasionally venture out to Narrows. I'm also a fan of Drummania, and really like Pop'n music, as well. I'm easy to find, because I always wear a miniskirt when I play dance games. When I'm not playing Bemani, I mostly focus on being a college student, although at the end of this quarter I'll have my first degree (my associate's) and I'll be taking six to nine months off to work and travel. My other hobbies include singing, cooking, and writing (I'm an English major.)
January 31, 2007, 01:56:27 PM
Name: Zach
Age: 18 (May 5, 1988)
how to find me: I'm 5'11 and have curly hair. Like everybody else at ACME, but whatever
I show up at ACME bowl almost every Friday and saturday.
I like ITG more than DDR for the most part, and also I play a lot of IIDX at home, it's a great game.
I am what can be generalized as a "Horrible scorer." That is, I kinda suck
My tag is "Pants" on ITG/IIDX or "Pantsu" on Forums usually. Sometimes other names if I feel like it.
I am a pretty bad simfile maker (as judged by alot of people) but don't make a whole lot due to time constraints.
Copy... Pasta!
January 31, 2007, 02:58:23 PM
I'm better at IIDX than I am at ITG/DDR.
January 31, 2007, 04:14:47 PM
Name: Tada
Age: 19
Appearance: 5'6", semi-long black hair, skinny, and pretty dominantly Japanese.
I show up at ACME bowl almost every Saturday, about 5pm-close.
I like ITG more than DDR for the most part, and also I play a lot of IIDX at home, it's a great game.
I am a crappy scorer. I am more about passing ridiculously difficult and/or long charts (12*+) than getting great scores on easier ones. For IIDX, it's the exact opposite.
My tag is "tada" on here, and I guess it will be that way forever. Sometimes I use ATT, for high scores and VJ Army.
I am a prolific (30+ sims in the past three months), but arguably bad simfile maker. They are great for building stamina though.
custom title
January 31, 2007, 04:17:59 PM
Davyn Rundall
20 years young baby
I'm 5'6", white, and have blond hair.
I go to acme randomly throughout the week, rarely on saturday.
I like to play pump it up the most, even though there's nowhere really good to play it anymore.
I also play pop'n music at home on an asc. I have iidx at home but i'm only good in arcade. (as far as home vs arcade skill standards go). I can also rock 5key like no other.
January 31, 2007, 06:11:54 PM
Just turned 20
I'm female, white, have brunnette hair
I think I entered the DDR scene at the end of its peak (or not?) in 2002. I like those three arcade dance games, IIDX (will start playing at home once PS2's fixed), para para dance (I do the real-life dance, not
the game) and "DDR freestyle". I can find hardly anyone interested in the last two. Will be moving back to my hometown Portland after this term, and probably go to school in Eugene this coming Fall. The only machine in Olympia right now is crap, so I've gotten out of shape. I make a trip to Narrows every once in a while. I used to be gung-ho for ITG, but I got back into playing Extreme because I want to improve my old scores (and EX is cheap anyway). My scores on ITG are identified by EESH, if you ever come across it xD
January 31, 2007, 07:08:55 PM
Blindingly white
Acme on Fri/Sat night when UW is in session, randomly when not.
I play ITG (Mostly speed/endurance, almost exclusively r21'd files and ridiculous double edits), Extreme (Supernova just doesn't feel as fun to play), PIU (when there's a decent machine), IIDX (home only), DM, Air Hockey
I wear shorts. Always.
January 31, 2007, 07:11:49 PM
Mason Caldwell
Eugene, OR
IIDX has my <3. I play clarinet like a crazy person (in other words hecka good), I'm bad at scoring in ITG/DDR but love to play when I get the chance. I'm also a Christian.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
January 31, 2007, 07:23:28 PM
I feel less like the youngest person on this forum now. =)
White w/ native American tanning skills, but not enough sun, so I'm green. xD I've got 28" of curly black hair with a slight tint of fuschia, and you can usually tell it's me if it's a scruffy guy with long hair in a black manskirt.
Milwaukie Wunderland most weekends (pretty much a private machine), Avalon about once a month.
I like (rhythm games):
DDR (+FS), ITG, PIU (+FS), PPP (FS only), DMX (+FS), IIDX, KBM.
I don't like (rhythm games):
I like (other shit):
Dancing, Iceskating, Katamari, Music, SC3, Reading
I don't like (other shit):
Dogs, liars, haircuts, shaving, homework
Some Gaming stuff:
tag - TOFU
skill lvl DDR/ITG - 9's/10's (my stamina's gotten pretty bad though, after not playing for a month)
skill lvl PIU - 7's/8's (I don't have the money to get good at it)
skill lvl IIDX - 4's, almost 5's.
Current setup - DT600 prototype, tx1000 duo-modded, BMUS Controller, ps2 (M/M2/X2/SN/ITG/BMUS), stepmania
Random stuff:
I play piano, guitar, bass, mandolin, xylophone, vibraphone, violin, some basic woodwinds, panpipes, some harmonica, some drums, and I'm a fairly good vocalist.
I have a band called Tofu Delivery Service, which has a core group of me and two friends, but we have guest artists in almost everything we play. I write a lot of our songs, although I don't write nearly as many as I used to, and not nearly as quickly either. We've been working on recording a few of our better pieces, but won't be able to finish for a couple of weeks. We currently mix with Sony Acid Studio 5.0, but I hope to get something better eventually. Our styles include trance, techno, rock, metal, and many forms of jazz. All our music is audio recorded, even our techno and trance.
I make DDR pads; buy them.
I'll have a website up soon. =)
waits the zealot...
January 31, 2007, 07:30:50 PM
Kevin B.
5"10 i think (well if james is 5"9...)
White like clouds.
ACME Bowl most saturdays, but I occasionally pop up at Narrows.
I usually play DDR/ITG, but play a bit of Pump when I can, and play an assload of IIDX at home (DJ KDDR). Drummania, I'm pretty decent at. I've passed a fair amount of 80+ songs without autobass.
I've been playing since I was 6, there's no way I'm stopping any time soon. Other interests of mine are music and technology in general; I'm a big fan of technology and how it applies to my life.
January 31, 2007, 07:59:52 PM
Kevin P. (...)
Really I don't know my height
asian (full cambodian -_-;
I'm really good at IIDX, semi-decent at other games. I wish I could go to Acme more but I live to far and have no driver's license. I'm taking PIU more seriously this year because that game is awesome. I make IIDX simulator files more than DDR simulator files. (lolLIADZ1 on IIDX)
January 31, 2007, 08:22:09 PM
Name: Wes
Age: 17
How to find me: I'm 6'3'', wear a black studded belt, black New Balance, jeans, and play Psalm Pilot, Habanera 1, and Cryosleep too much. Also, I have brown hair which at the moment is decently short.
I play ITG, DDR, Guitar Heroes, Stepmania, and World of Warcraft (Hey, it's true). I consider myself passable at ITG, decent at DDR, decent at Guitar Heroes, and actually pretty damn good at Stepmania.
I usually just play to have fun, thus I do 7-11's a lot, though I can bust out 13's or easy Double 12's if asked too. Tag = TYRG, but honestly, you won't find it often. That would require beating people's scores.
I have been playing piano for 11 years and would consider myself to be quite talented (thus the reason I'm good at Stepmania and only OK at anything else.) I make simfiles and people seem to like them from what I've heard.
I'm not overly talkative, yet I can be loud and flamboyant if the moment calls for it. In fact, I'm trying out for American Idol next season in the late summer.
That's me.
January 31, 2007, 11:14:40 PM
5'6" - not that white, slightly tan(ish) with short brown hair. I wear shirts that have buttons (contrasting to the shorts/pants and the tshirt everyone else pretty much wears). Slightly preppy, but oh well.
I play doubles and am not a fan of Tech. I'll play SuperNova and Pump over ITG any day.
Currently attending the UW and going to get a Business Marketting degree so I can be rich one day (and no, that is not my goal in life).
I'm also one of the only religious people here. I'm a Christian, and always will be. I'm also a Republican but that really doesn't matter.
I get down to Acme maybe 2 times a month, usually Friday or Saturday night. Lately I've gone to the UW HUB to play because it's cheap and convenient.
I will also beat you at air hockey.
February 01, 2007, 01:51:41 AM
Sup Phylicia and Tofu are the only two people here that actually know me. Name's Ryan. I can be identified as an 18 year old, white, 6' tall male with long-ish black hair. This is probably irrelevant though because I'm not in the same area as most of you guys, so you won't see me in your arcades playing your dancey games. I live in central Oregon, which doesn't have a single decent arcade anywhere, so I'm mostly stuck with home versions unless I feel driving 40 miles to Bend. I started playing DDR in February 03, back when we had a good arcade. I've SDGed all but one 10 on Extreme (MaxX Unlimited), haven't been into DDR enough lately to get any good scores on Supernova's 10s. I've been much more into IIDX for the last year.
Aaaand that's pretty much it. I don't have any interesting interests like other people. :3
Happy Redneck
February 01, 2007, 06:16:58 AM
Arcade I go to the most: Narrows
DDR/ITG skill level: 11 (Hardest thing I can pass is Delirium)
IIDX skill level: 6 (Hardest thing I can pass is Foundation of Our Love 7k)
I like 10+ foot/block songs because they're good workouts and they're just fun. I can pretty much AA/A all 9s and below and don't really care about AAAs or teching in general.
Subject to change?
February 01, 2007, 09:40:36 AM
Quote from: "KevinDDR"
Kevin B.
5"10 i think (well if james is 5"9...)
White like clouds.
ACME Bowl most saturdays, but I occasionally pop up at Narrows.
I usually play DDR/ITG, but play a bit of Pump when I can, and play an assload of IIDX at home (DJ KDDR). Drummania, I'm pretty decent at. I've passed a fair amount of 80+ songs without autobass.
I've been playing since I was 6, there's no way I'm stopping any time soon. Other interests of mine are music and technology in general; I'm a big fan of technology and how it applies to my life.
u r sooo not 5'10 Kevin...i am 5'9 and was i little taller then u at ds2...maybe 5'9.31251545189999990000210.....1
Eric aka Scrambles
Has the funk
February 01, 2007, 11:54:13 AM
height: six foot nothin'
weight: about 160 or 165
age: buys alcohol for people
location: seattle - international dist.
one of the last freestyle players.
can't really clear 10s.
guitar hero>guitar freaks
February 01, 2007, 11:35:50 PM
Buys alcohol for people and does FS? You're my friend.
Quote from: "eric-c-c"
guitar hero>guitar freaks
nooo xp
Ryan, I didn't know you were so into IIDX. It's too bad we've only met once o_O We met once, right? Heh
Travis, I miss hanging out with you, you gangsta.
February 02, 2007, 12:01:44 AM
My name is Hieu. Wouldn't you know it, I'm asian...and I'm pretty old.
I live in Salem, Oregon and went to school in Eugene, Oregon. Apparently, some people called me that guy whole tagged along with Tyler (Dyaus) and Mendel (Darknote). I just hang out with them outside of bemani
Played DDR for about 6 months until ITG first arrived. Took a small two month break inbetween until ITG2 arrived. Played that for 4 months until it broke. Haven't played much since then.
I have been playing IIDX since this past August, but stopped a few weeks ago because I can't seem to snag a decent playable copy of the game (crappy dvds and old ps2 does not help).
I love video games, I'm pretty into graphic design, have studied and can speak/read Japanese, enjoy all types of sports, and all around nice guy...I think.
There aren't many arcades that I frequent due to my lack of interest in the games, but the people sure make it fun. I've been around most arcades people play at, it's just that I don't say or do much when I'm there.
February 02, 2007, 12:18:15 AM
Age:19, soon to be 20
Height ~ 6' maybe
I'm really quite white, and I wear thick-rimmed glasses and tons of rubber/silicone bracelets.
I'm slowly getting better at ITG (I'm still getting horrible scores on 12).
And I usually go to narrows when I have time.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
February 02, 2007, 01:13:06 AM
I totally refurbished my little intro blurb.
Check it out if you have love for the scrub.
Speed mods are for ninnies. Bar is for newbies. Bring back 5th Mix! Get off my pad, ya damn kids!
February 02, 2007, 12:14:29 PM
How to find me:
I'm 6'2" @ 135-140lbs and white. I live 3 exits away from Acme, so I go there semi-often. You can also find me running DDR tournaments now-and-then.
I don't play ITG. DDR or bust. I play IIDX at home, but rarely in the arcade (I hate paying money to fail on L7). I hate the bar, except when grabbing it to avoid falling on my ass. While I'm the best DDRer out of my normal group of friends I'm the worst out of my friends I met via the DDR Global BBS. I've only entered 1 tournament and I qualified 33rd out of 32, right behind a little girl (Bill's kid).
Edit> I've never passed Max300.
February 02, 2007, 12:27:51 PM
Quote from: "Freq"
you sound like a cool guy
Happy Redneck
February 02, 2007, 12:39:59 PM
Quote from: "phylicia"
Travis, I miss hanging out with you, you gangsta.
Wow someone actually loves me. Nice
Dude if you see this have your phone on so I can call you and we can go to Narrows and get crunk
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