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DDR SuperNOVA 2 / Online
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September 30, 2007, 11:35:21 PM
The New DDR SuperNOVA 2 has come out for the PS2, I encourage you to buy this game even though you will have to wait longer untill the machine comes out. It actually has a much better songlist than the other ddr's. Online Features up to 4 players in 1 room and chatting capabilities for competition and fun. These are some songs that are on the DDR SuperNOVA 2 beta machine: NGO, Unreal, Volcanoe, and some extra's like, Paranoia Hades, Trip Machine Pheonix...
NGO has a crazy slightly retarded challenge steps, same with Paranoia Hades....
Get SuperNOVA 2 and talk about how good it is or how bad it is...
I might have to revise this later....
Divers go deep, in Okinawa
December 27, 2007, 04:19:27 AM
thats a really good question, but ya know, just because I'm in Japan, doesn't mean I know whats gonna make it overseas. Sorry, but it would be nice to dream. I don't think Japan realizes how much we americans really do like DDR. Maybe if I play over here more, they'll get the idea, and magically grant us E-amuse, among other great things they have that we don't, instead of enjoying all the stuff we can't. Who knows.
where da white women @
December 30, 2007, 04:24:01 AM
Quote from: DancingTofu on December 27, 2007, 05:20:43 PM
You'd think the fact that Oregon alone has more DDR machines than all of Japan, which is 100 times as populated as Oregon, would be enough. ;P
Also, someone tell them that Americans can handle being booed when they suck and missing when they suck hard.
Seriously, the ghosting SuperNOVA with nothing unlocked at the new Century Theatre here gets probably between 100 and 200 games on a good day. DDR's not dead; it's just that nobody waits around to play it any more.
1-200 games a day is more than any game at Tilt! gets. Trust me, E-Amuse is not something that would work in a very home-online-oriented market. Such a system isn't worth it for arcade operators because there are much better things to spend money on. Or not, and just reap the profits. E-Amuse might be a win for niche gamer, but the casually oriented arcades would definately not spring for an expensive system that doesn't even cater to their consumerbase.
As a whole, the competitive gamer is not as viable of a market asset as the casual. Look at the Wii's success, and companies are not edging towards hardcore gaming. In the next few years we will see an influx of games and services that will reflect this. Scratch that, we already are.
Sadly enough, gaming is becoming a much different animal then it was around ten years ago. Fewer and fewer games pride themselves as being competitive oriented, and those that do rarely ever have enough layers of complexity to satisfy the competitive player. The most competitive game with the most complex gameplay I've played on the Wii is EA playground in Dodgeball. It has some insane mindgames, but it's depth was an entire accident, and by no means did the developers intend or foresee the gameplay to reach the peaks some players can achieve. On other platforms, especially in the arcade, you see short, easy games that reward the player for their money, not their effort. A case in point is Skee-Ball.
Enough ranting, I'm getting off topic. I need to sleep.
Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 04:26:07 AM by zeppy_gorrila
Divers go deep, in Okinawa
December 30, 2007, 10:06:05 AM
yeah, true, but look at Initial D. They cater to the competitive players of that game. Well, not all the arcades do. Game Trax at the south hill mall doesn't have the card machine. They don't have enough money to spend on it. The amount of influx they would get from competitive players coming there just wouldn't cover it. It still gets a lot though. But DDR, there just aren't that many hardcore players around. But its still gets a lot of play from little kids, begging their parents for a few quarters. So it won't leave the arcades completely. But DDR in Japan? Dead. With all the other Konami games now, Japanese are losing interest in DDR. It may be another 6 years before they release something after SN2. But IIDX's keep on comin. DDR here in Okinawa makes it money off of foreiners. The only machine I've seen the Japanese on was SN2. And SN at a very popular arcade, but not much. Everyone is crowed around IIDX. And a few watch me as I play DDR. "OOOOH, look at the primitive american as he engages in the long lost art of DDR, not bad for a gaijin!" But I think the fact that I have blonde hair and blue eyes and am good at DDR does turn quite a few heads here.
where da white women @
December 31, 2007, 11:25:26 PM
That doesn't add up to the solid 200+ plays you are trying to claim. Trust me, this is another case of you overstepping your bounds of knowledge in an area. If a game got 200+ plays in a day, it'd be more prevalent across America and there'd be DDR machines everywhere. Your claim goes unsubstantiated, and even if "10 ANZ CHIX 1!!!1!" an hour get on a machine that is not gonna make 200+ plays a day. 3 songs that are about 1.3 minutes long, times 200. There's not really enough open hours for that kinda play. In Avalon's heyday it wouldn't even cross over maybe 75, and that was when the cardline went up the screen.
You never saw DDR when it was alive here, and it's fucking dead. Trust me, 200 + plays is absurd and a totally random fantastical figure
Last Edit: December 31, 2007, 11:31:10 PM by zeppy_gorrila
where da white women @
January 01, 2008, 01:09:02 PM
dude go get your dick sucked you need to chill. i'm just pointing out some simple shit here, no reason to completely flip. if you were simply bullshitting, it's cool.
But if you're attempting to make it look like your bullshit has some sort of foundation it's not gonna work. I really don't like it when you try to pass off your logic as law, and I see it all the time on DDR freak and now you're doing it here. They may be really stupid over there, but some of us here can smell bullshit.
And if you've heard of a bell shaped curve you'd understand that you are an out lier in the data, and nobody gives a shit enough to spend 10 dollars on ten games of supernova
also, since you're such a math expert, maybe you knew that one play every 7.5 minutes makes 25 hours for 200 rounds. I guess your post-calc math classes haven't gotten as advanced as my middle school pre-algebra yet, so I'll give you some time.
Last Edit: January 01, 2008, 01:22:31 PM by zeppy_gorrila
...has trouble with "slow songs"
January 01, 2008, 03:21:21 PM
EDIT: Not worth it. I'm not going to argue with my best friend over the side topic of a side topic.
Last Edit: January 01, 2008, 03:27:42 PM by DancingTofu
Divers go deep, in Okinawa
January 01, 2008, 05:53:55 PM
well, it looks like the only way to enjoy Supernova 2 is with an e-amuse card. After all, I what the point of getting the new high score if you can't even put your name up anymore. I really hope that machine gets all the songs unlocked soon though, because I really want to try Paranoia Hades and Trip Machine Phoenix. I don't know if Trim is on the console version or not, but that song is fricken hard. Its goes from 80 bpm to 340.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
January 01, 2008, 10:05:21 PM
I've been looking at some stuff. It looks like SN2 accepts "global" e-amuse cards and you can get them off bemanistyle. (although they're sold out right now)
That's just based on some offhand posts I found via google though, or maybe they'll just spontaneously decide to make the US version playable without. (although they probably have some bogus contract that makes it so they can't do that)
Divers go deep, in Okinawa
January 03, 2008, 04:59:53 PM
Konami might not license a U.S. release of SN2, but that won't stop someone from buying a supernova expansion pack, or cab or whatever and putting in their arcade here in the states anyway. All it would mean then though is that it wouldn't really work properly, like it does in Japan. It wouldn't matter if it had the E-Amuse card thing or not, because it has to hook up to the network which is currently only in Asia, and that won't accept our ISP's.
As far as some bogus contract saying you have to play SN2 with E-Amuse, I doubt it. If an aracade has the capability, they're going to want to hook it up anyway, because, well duh, more people would play on it than if it didn't (Although, I have seen SN machines that have the hardware, but it isn't hooked up. I guess the arcade didn't feel like paying for internet or something). That, and it wouldn't work right without it. We'll just have to wait and see what Konami does I guess.
Damn you Konami for thinking of a handy way of letting people record their scores online without using a usb drive and personal computer. Damn you to Hell......
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DDR SuperNOVA 2 / Online
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