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November 07, 2008, 05:57:29 PM - ORIGINAL POST -      Grin

This was the Elite Beat Agents sort of game, but with much better music and an actual arcade cabinet.  Shocked
Read November 08, 2008, 02:54:19 AM #1

I wish the official website would actually load in a reasonable amount of time. It really shows off how impressive the visuals are. In any event it's extremely good news to see another music game coming to America, at least in test form. But I probably won't get a chance to play it before going back to Korea next year. Tongue

If you wanna check it out anyway, go to
Read November 15, 2008, 06:44:20 PM #2

What's with you going back and forth to Korea? Tongue  Can't make up your mind?
Read November 16, 2008, 04:29:26 AM #3

I was there for almost two months this past summer visiting my girlfriend and her family (language barriers are even worse with potential in-laws Tongue). It's a fun place and obviously I have to visit her as much as I can. Smiley
Right now I'm looking into exchanges since the University of Hawaii has a lot of sister schools over there.
Read April 19, 2009, 02:36:39 PM #4

Is it just me, or does this game just look awesome?  I hope some place in Portland gets one.

Yes, I know I'm bumping an old thread, but I didn't see the need to make a new one.
Read April 20, 2009, 09:34:53 AM #5

Is it just me, or does this game just look awesome?  I hope some place in Portland gets one.

Yes, I know I'm bumping an old thread, but I didn't see the need to make a new one.
You best be sorry. The bump made me think that someone had news that the PNW has or is getting a Technika machine... jerk
Read April 20, 2009, 05:38:22 PM #6

I'd be happy with this or Jubeat/UBeat.
Read April 20, 2009, 05:50:16 PM #7

You best be sorry. The bump made me think that someone had news that the PNW has or is getting a Technika machine... jerk
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing :/
Read July 07, 2009, 12:50:01 PM #8

I just got back from Anime Expo and got plenty of play time with this.
I'll keep this short.


the game has a great selection of music, along with a great learning curve. The touch screen is extremely responsive. I got a Dj Technika card to save my profile and stats. From what the developers said when I talked to them at their booth they said, they will add updates and songs to people with the card, so kinda like e-amusement, only no subscription fee.

The only negative is there is some screen lag. SOME, you can adjust really fast to it, so its really not the big of a deal unlike *cough* DDR X *cough*
Read November 26, 2009, 07:55:09 PM #9

Not the DJ max I am use to... but is still quite awesome.
Read November 27, 2009, 01:23:23 PM #10

I think I'll play this when I go back to Rhode Island for Christmas break.

I'll let you guys all know how awesome it is.   Wink
Read November 27, 2009, 11:56:53 PM #11

Oh yeah, I'm in Korea again and I play this usually one or two times a week. There's a few odd things about it though. If you play regular three stage mode, it does the old beatmania style "new set of songs each round". So you can't play anything hard until your last stage, and you can only play the first stage songs during first stage. There will probably a "free mode" later but it's kind of lame now. If you play courses you can get around this, since there's the Customizer course that lets you pick four songs.

The best mode is Platinum Crew, which is the online mode. Here you can play special note patterns for old songs that are released monthly and are usually a lot harder than the defaults. There's also monthly courses added for internet ranking, and you can look up all your stats at the website.

I think the game would do pretty well with you guys. But so would Jubeat.
Read November 28, 2009, 01:09:45 AM #12

Jubeat was nothing short of AMAZING when I played in up in B.C.  Davyn, have you played both? If so, which do you prefer, Jubeat or Technika?
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