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October 17, 2007, 01:27:12 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Sometimes when I tell people/friends that we should go "play" DDR or ITG, it just sounds so lame to me. I know that this is the correct thing to say, but is there a better way to word something like "playing a game" without using the word play? I know this probably sounds ridiculous to some people, but sometimes I get the feeling people write us off as even bigger nerds because we "play" DDR. I dunno if this is making any sense, but if you are following me, does anyone have any suggestions?
Read October 17, 2007, 03:20:43 PM #1

Read October 17, 2007, 04:53:08 PM #2

i make DDR and ITG into a verb.

as in, "i'm going to go didder" or "i diddered yesterday" or "i'm going to itg" (pronouncing it IT-ig).

i don't quite understand what verb you would want to use to make it seem less nerdy.  it's a game, so you play it.  if you treat it as something that's not a game, it will make you look like more of a geek, not less.  i think the problem here is "ddr", not "play", because when you go "play" tennis, you're not considered a geek.  maybe i'm missing the point here.
Read October 17, 2007, 05:10:49 PM #3

"I am going arrow stomping."

"I am going to the arcade."

"I'm going to play really fast Simon Says."

"I am going out, see you later."

"I am going to get my vengeance on the arrow that killed my father."
Read October 17, 2007, 05:24:22 PM #4

"Gonna go hang out with some friends."

Quote from: "darknote"
if you treat it as something that's not a game, it will make you look like more of a geek, not less.

Quote from: "darknote"
i make DDR and ITG into a verb. as in, "i'm going to go didder" or "i diddered yesterday" or "i'm going to itg" (pronouncing it IT-ig).

Read October 17, 2007, 05:38:12 PM #5

Quote from: "Davyn"
Read October 17, 2007, 05:48:24 PM #6

usually when I'm talking to davyn I'm like "word dude lets go hit up gameworks and bump some old o on the drive over"
Read October 17, 2007, 07:11:36 PM #7

Quote from: "LynxWinters"
"I am going to get my vengeance on the arrow that killed my father."
Fucking sig'd!
Read October 17, 2007, 07:52:31 PM #8

You're in denial.

Saying "I'm going to play ddr or itg." let alone trying to use "euphemisms" or synonyms to cover it up, is nerdy. Flat out.

Actually, I take that back. Playing DDR isn't nerdy, being decent enough to make someone who's biggest grasp of the game is a US home version and a Naki/Madcatz pad impressed makes you a nerd. I've accepted it from long ago when I spent one night a weekend plopping PuttPutt tokens into DDR and ITG that it was a nerdy thing to do. But you know what? Fuck the haters. Do what you find is enjoyable...

...unless you liked Hostel and Hostel 2, then stay in your house forever please.

P.S. Kudos to anyone who's been in the scene long enough to remember the first Naki pads and how they were actually so much better than the Konami ones, despite tearing to shreds if they were unmodded.
Read October 17, 2007, 07:54:53 PM #9

Quote from: "LynxWinters"
"I am going out, see you later."

"I'm outta here, I got warrants"
Read October 17, 2007, 11:06:38 PM #10

"I'm gonna go out and look like a fag no matter how hard I try not to"
Read October 17, 2007, 11:35:37 PM #11

I decided a long time ago to just not be ashamed that I take fighting games and rhthym games seriously.  If the other person has a beef with it, I usually just laugh it off to myself.  Afterall, I'm enjoying the game; they're not.

BTW, I usually just say I'm going out arrow stomping or 'to the arcade.'
Read October 17, 2007, 11:46:43 PM #12

Honest things I have said and still say (all in a joking fashion though)

"I'm hitting up a club"

"I'm going to go bust some out on the floor"

"I'm going to disprove my whiteness"

"I'm going to rape a bar"

I use these off and on for fun or to see people's reactions. Most the time I say I'm gonna go dance. Yes, I know arrowsmash isn't dancing, but hey, it's one syllable and I don't consider arrowsmash a conventional video game so I don't use the verb play.
Read October 18, 2007, 12:33:18 AM #13

im usually like "im gonna go eat a bunch of dicks"
Read October 18, 2007, 12:43:05 AM #14

Read October 18, 2007, 10:20:29 AM #15

Quote from: "Peaches"
I decided a long time ago to just not be ashamed that I take fighting games and rhthym games seriously.  If the other person has a beef with it, I usually just laugh it off to myself.  Afterall, I'm enjoying the game; they're not.

hear hear.

there was one time when i was hanging out with a friend and we went to the arcade and i was playing DDR.  I think i was playing either Dead End or Max 300 or something.  In the middle of the song, i started to hear some hooting and hollering of some sort.  people clearly mocking me, "Yeah!"  "oooh!  300 combo!" and the like in a jeering manner.

i didn't break my stride, and when the song was over, i turned around to find about five or six jock-looking guys and some girlfriend or something with jeery sort of faces.  I gave them a very complex smile that clearly said, "not only did your attempt to intimidate me or put me down not work, but you look absolutely ridiculous and pathetic.  i eat people like you for breakfast." and all of them literally shrank back.  I gave them a friendly, "how's it going?" that was meant more as a "what's your problem?" and someone squeaked out  something, and then i asked in my smiling friendly voice, "you want to try?" and same said guy said, "no, no, that's all right" in a tone that tried to sound tough but instead sounded meek.  I said, "cool," and they filed out of the arcade without another word, and i went back to playing.

*shrug* you're only as ridiculous as you feel when you do anything in life.

well, okay.  that's not strictly true.  people can be ridiculous and pathetic without knowing it.  *thinks about JSB*
Read October 18, 2007, 10:55:35 AM #16

Haha JSB drama. "Guys I AAA'd MaXx but I don't need pictures. Fuck you guys."

I have a story like your's dark.

I was playing Legend Road, AAAing it of course, and some kids for a birthday came over and were like. "Wow! 900 combo!" And then one of the kids older brother's came over with his smokin' hot girlfriend and said, "That game'll make you suck at life guys, come on. That kid's a loser!" I proceeded to finish Sakura and then jump over the bar, roundhouse kick him back to his mother's womb, and then his girlfriend and I finished PSMO, if you know what I mean.

All in front of those little kids. Obviously they wanted to play after that.

Read October 18, 2007, 12:57:56 PM #17

one time i beat this guy up and took his lunch money
Read October 18, 2007, 03:48:43 PM #18

Quote from: "darknote"
there was one time when i was hanging out with a friend and we went to the arcade and i was playing DDR.  I think i was playing either Dead End or Max 300 or something.  In the middle of the song, i started to hear some hooting and hollering of some sort.  people clearly mocking me, "Yeah!"  "oooh!  300 combo!" and the like in a jeering manner.

i didn't break my stride, and when the song was over, i turned around to find about five or six jock-looking guys and some girlfriend or something with jeery sort of faces.  I gave them a very complex smile that clearly said, "not only did your attempt to intimidate me or put me down not work, but you look absolutely ridiculous and pathetic.  i eat people like you for breakfast." and all of them literally shrank back.  I gave them a friendly, "how's it going?" that was meant more as a "what's your problem?" and someone squeaked out  something, and then i asked in my smiling friendly voice, "you want to try?" and same said guy said, "no, no, that's all right" in a tone that tried to sound tough but instead sounded meek.  I said, "cool," and they filed out of the arcade without another word, and i went back to playing.


Man, I've tried to remain cool towards "jeery" people so may times that I've lost count. My confidence is so poor that I usually just ignore people or end up putting them down. I've gotten a little better at it though.

I've found that, at least in Portland, the number one question those jock-types will ask is "do you play this game every day?" I don't, so my response to that is "no, not at all." The usual reaction is they either feel bad about themselves or they think I'm a prodigy. Or they don't care, which is fine by me.

The second most common question in my experience is "you put a lot of effort into this, don't you?" in a very, very condescending tone. My reaction to that differs; usually I just ignore them, but every now and then I feel compelled to say "not nearly as much effort as you put into ogling sweaty, fat nerds and then attempting to make fun of them." Usually this retort goes over their heads, but when they understand it, it is CRUSHING. I know I've singlehandedly sent entire groups of people out of arcades with that one phrase.

But every now and then you get the assholes who are actually funny, or insane. I wish Jason (TiltEmployee) posted here more often, because he could vouch for me on this story: around the time I started playing ITG seriously (two years ago around this time I think) and started passing 11's and 12's, there were a lot of business meetings being held at the Lloyd Center. As such, lots of suit-and-tie types would take their breaks from these meetings at various places around the LC, sometimes at Tilt!. I guess these guys are really, really bored, or snort an awful lot of coke, because the one group I encountered was fucking nuts.

I was in the middle of playing Lemmings on the Run or something when they came in. They were led by a stocky guy with his coat off and his shirt unbuttoned a little bit. I noticed their entrance out of the corner of my eye and didn't pay them any attention. The second I hit the last chorus, (lots of drills) the stocky guy starts going "OH WOW HOLY SHIT, HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS GUY IS A FUCKING STUD!!!!!" I started laughing so hard I broke combo, but I managed to finish the song.

My score was mediocre but I guess my performance was impressive, because the stocky guy had a seizure/orgasm over it. "OH WOW JESUS CHRIST YOU MUST WORK OUT OR SOMETHING, HOW DO YOU DO THIS? YOU'RE A STUD!!!" I half expected him to say "YOU MUST HAVE HUGE GUTS" and half expected him to ask me on a date or something, since he kept insisting that I was a stud. I was laughing so hard I couldn't respond.

Then one of the people in the group asked me to play something really hard. Around this time the hardest thing I could reasonably play was probably Tell, but I was pretty tired so I just played Utopia instead. They seemed impressed for the most part, what with their cheering, but during the long runs they absolutely flipped out. At first they were silent, and then the entire group was like "OHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK" and started CLAPPING. I was actually really happy and was glad to have an audience for the first time.

Afterwards, the stocky guy came up to me and asked me how much it was to play. I told him it cost a dollar and asked, "are you going to give it a shot?" and this was his response: "No way dude, there's no way I can show you up. I seriously respect your skill at this game," and he gave me a dollar. He then said something to his colleagues about going back to the meeting, and they all turned and waved at me and I returned the gesture meekly. I used his dollar to buy a water.

If I ever get old and stop playing dancing games, I hope I stay as open-minded as that guy. Of course, in the best-case scenario I'd still be playing, and if I went on a business trip I could show up all the whippersnappers with my skill and say "SOMEDAY YOU'LL BE A STUD LIKE ME, KEEP TRYING" and give them all dollars.
Read October 18, 2007, 06:09:27 PM #19


What's really fun is to go up to people who are playing Standard and hogging the machine and be all like, wow, you're good, can I try?

If they say yes, I play, then I give them advice and encouragement on how they can get better, and reinforce that they're good, just not yet experienced.

If they say no, I go buy something at the front desk and look for an attendant who's interested in DDR.  When I find one, I start chatting, and when they ask if I can beat LoM, I'm all like, oh, yeah, sure, but I'm not that great at it.  Then I play Panic Park and wait for them to come find me, and ask if I can play LoM.  I say, "Sure, just gotta wait for those guys to finish".  Then the attendant waits for them to finish, asks them to let me play, I play LoM, impress them, sometimes get a game paid for by the attendant, and the people who were playing suddenly seem far more friendly.

Oh, and anyone who makes fun of you for playing DDR at an arcade is a hypocrite.  Anyone in an arcade is a nerd.  Period.  No exceptions.
Read October 18, 2007, 06:17:55 PM #20

Quote from: "DancingTofu"

What's really fun is to go up to people who are playing Standard and hogging the machine and be all like, wow, you're good, can I try?

If they say yes, I play, then I give them advice and encouragement on how they can get better, and reinforce that they're good, just not yet experienced.

If they say no, I go buy something at the front desk and look for an attendant who's interested in DDR.  When I find one, I start chatting, and when they ask if I can beat LoM, I'm all like, oh, yeah, sure, but I'm not that great at it.  Then I play Panic Park and wait for them to come find me, and ask if I can play LoM.  I say, "Sure, just gotta wait for those guys to finish".  Then the attendant waits for them to finish, asks them to let me play, I play LoM, impress them, sometimes get a game paid for by the attendant, and the people who were playing suddenly seem far more friendly.

Oh, and anyone who makes fun of you for playing DDR at an arcade is a hypocrite.  Anyone in an arcade is a nerd.  Period.  No exceptions.

That must happen all the time.
Read October 18, 2007, 06:20:14 PM #21

Well, 3 times in the last year.  Often enough for it to be a routine.
Read October 18, 2007, 09:54:29 PM #22

I'm not sure what's worse; either I don't have anything to contribute, or that the first words I noticed in your post were PANIC and PARK.

Seriously, if I ever come down to Portland, I am taking you way the fuck down at Panic Park.
Read October 18, 2007, 09:59:54 PM #23

Kevin: Stop saying "if I" and change that to "WHEN I" because we all know that some serious OWNAGE would TAKE THE FUCK PLACE if you came down to POORTLAND SOMETIME.

ESPECIALLY at Panic Park. Oh god what a good game.
Read October 19, 2007, 02:12:44 PM #24

I feel that this thread has changed to the cool story thread. As such, I shall tell a cool story that happened this past summer.

I went to a bowling alley to play some DDR and did my normal routine of endless 9's. (I rarely do 10's as there aren't many on Extreme and they generally get you more tired thus making you play less). Anyways, a group of guys files in and starts watching me during Irresistiblement. When I finish the song, one guy asks how long I have been playing and I told him over 4 years. With this, he says he has a friend who's only been playing for 3 and is totally better than me.

At this point I completely believed him, but still felt led to show off a little to show that Irresistiblement wasn't the hardest song I could do. I picked PS and FC AA'd, to which everyone was quite impressed.....except for the one guy with the 1337 friend. He waited until the questions of "How the crap did you get so good" died down before he said he's seen better. After all, his friend can combo Max300.

I'll be honest, I was a little tired by this time, but my competitive nature couldn't resist the obvious challenge laid before me. I selected Max300 with a subtle smile and played it though. Again, another FC AA, though I was kind of surprised because I thought I was a tad offbeat after the freeze. Anyways, Heckle Skeptic Man was obviously impressed by the way he looked, but in order for me to not call out his bluff he stated that his friend actually AAA'd Max300.

I looked back at him and said, "Funny, your friend keeps getting better and better every song I play. I wish I could progress that fast."

The other guy was silent.

It was awesome.
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