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February 16, 2013, 12:59:58 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

This topic has to do with the ITG Step Charts and everything that has to specifically do with the steps. While there already is a ITG Supreme thread, this will help sort things out a lot easier while clarifying and noting different aspects of the project in a more organized fashion.




1.) Difficulty Ratings

The ITG Supreme Project will have FULL difficulties for all the songs on the mix, this includes Novice, Easy, Medium, Hard, and Expert for Single mode and Easy, Medium, Hard, and Expert for Double mode totaling 9 different charts per song. Here are some conditions about what those mean. Note that all rating minimums and maximums for the difficulties below can have exceptions in rare circumstances EXCEPT for Novice and Expert's minimum. Novice is always 1, and Expert's minimum is always 9. Everything else can change in rare circumstances.

Novice - Always rated 1. Almost entirely whole notes and half notes, no mines. Very basic charts. I won't be putting too much stock on this difficulty and these really shouldn't take too long to make. Keep these under 100 steps as Novice is supposed to be boringly easy.

Easy - Rated 2 - 6. While most songs will probably end up in the 3 - 5 ratings, Easy must cater to players transitioning from Novice and have some easier songs with 2 rated charts and some of the harder "boss" songs can use 6 rated charts if the song calls for it and to further distinguish that song as a "boss" type song.

Medium - Rated 5 - 9. Medium is sometimes the trickiest steps to make because it seems to be the awkward transition phase between someone just learning to play the game and someone who is truly comfortable (not necessarily a master) playing dance games. 5's tend to be the slower easier songs whereas 8's and 9's are usually given to the real high intensity songs, but again, the chart should reflect what the song calls for.

Hard - Rated 6 - 11. The vast majority of Hard charts will fall into the 7, 8, and 9 range, but some of the more mellow songs can be rated 6 whereas the "boss" type songs cab be rated 10 and in rare cases 11. While I am aware that Dreams of Passion is a 5 on Hard and Destination Relapse is a 12 on Hard, I do not normally find these ratings
indicative of Hard difficulty, but exceptions can made in rare circumstances.

Expert - Rated 9 - 15. This mode is the most trafficked by long time players but I want steppers not to be tempted to only spend creative effort on Expert. There will be no exceptions for the 9 rating minimum and for THIS pack (other packs obviously do not follow this rule) there will be no exception for the 15 rating maximum. As this is a spiritual successor to ITG and we are striving to make a official feeling pack, we believe in a logical progression in difficulty from ITG1, 2, 3, Rebirth, Rebirth 2, and now Supreme. Using that progression, I do not believe that we are quite ready for 16's or higher and will confine ourselves to 15.

2.) Style

Within reason, ANY stepping maneuver you can think of is allowed in this file, but NONE of the files should feel like they are using any maneuver ridiculously or abusing it. I want to be open to many different and creative types of charts but I also want these charts to feel official and viable for tournament play later on down the road. If a section is deemed too wonky or crazy, it  could be edited somewhat while still retaining the feel and integrity of that section. My goal is not to streamline any chart or mandate how a stepper writes a chart, but to make sure every chart can be realistically comboed (Not necessarily trivially, but all notes must be possible) and all charts feel like they creatively represent the chart.

3.) Deciding who writes what

I want people to volunteer to write charts for songs they feel passionate about. I find this produces better charts than having them assigned to people. Please post in this thread which song/difficulty you wish to write a chart for, I can then mark it down on a spreadsheet that I can link in this post. Likewise, if you no longer wish to do a certain chart, please contact me so I can free up that specific song/difficulty on the spreadsheet so that everyone knows that it is available. If there are songs left over that no one has picked, they may be assigned (or I may may do them seeing as I love making charts). Likewise, if more than one person wishes to make the same difficulty chart for the same song (i.e. SX chart for Peak 1.1) The order each person expressed interest and the amount of charts each person has done/is working on can be factors in deciding. If, after all factors are looked at, both steppers are still eligible and very interested, they both can make a chart for that specific difficulty of that song and the ITG Supreme steppers/people in our local community can decide which chart they wish to be used in the pack. In these situations, I want people to be as objective as possible as which chart works with the song best.

4.) Double?!?

I believe most people will opt to work on single charts and fewer will opt to work on double charts. I understand this because most people play single and are much more comfortable writing single. I would ask anyone who is comfortable to write double or simply brave enough to try and help out with it. I can and will write a lot of the double charts because I am very aware that less people will opt to do double, but I don't want to step them all because it would make double mode would feel solely like me as opposed to a community effort.

5. Professionalism

Every chart should have the steppers name in the file, preferably as a first initial and a last name (i.e. W. Murphy). We need backgrounds and banners for all songs in order to make this pack look complete and polished. Every chart will be both tested on keyboard and pad and every song will be tested for and synced to the closest millisecond we are able to. The goal is to make this feel more like a sequel than simply a collection of songs. Finally, avoid putting arrows in the first couple seconds of a song because not all players are visual players and I want audio players a couple/few measures to hear the tempo before they dive in. Basically every official song follows this rule and we should as well.

« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 03:44:00 PM by Tyrgannus. »
Read March 19, 2013, 09:09:47 PM #26

I'm not going either, but it's in a week so there's still time.
I think Laura is running the arcade again so we might be able to get the pack on there through tony or something.
Read March 20, 2013, 02:19:23 PM #27

I'll test the crap out of whatever you have. Bring it on.
Read March 20, 2013, 04:58:48 PM #28

I'm specifically aiming to have one of every expert difficulty block (9 - 15) on single. If anyone has noticed and is wondering why I am focusing on high end charts right now, it's because I'm somewhat making a rubric in my mind and helping define the 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 range for the pack. The pack will largely be 9's, 10's, and 11's when completed, but I want to get a very early sense of the difficulty spread from easiest to hardest in the pack.

Scott has a single 9 (Romeo's Dead), but it might be a good idea to get another one as that's a preexisting chart. Keby said In the Moment will probably be a 9.

No 10 is completed on single yet so that will be my next goal, though I admittedly don't know what Keby's Nickelodeon is rated.

Derezzed and Haven are 11's on single. Haven is a preexisting chart with very minor editing and Derezzed is completely new for ITG Supreme. I'm going to up the volume on the mp3 because I find it is a little quieter than the other songs.

Badlands is currently rated a 12 on single, but I'm on the fence with this one mostly because I know I'm not a completely accurate tester. It's either a very high end 11 or a very low end 12. It has some complex footwork in a couple sections and fast speed bursts, but doesn't have any real runs and is on the fence stamina wise. I would be interested to see what other people would rate this.

Keby has stated that Boulafacet will probably be a 13. His original iteration last year was very much 13 worthy and I trust his rating judgement.

Intensive Care Unit is DEFINITELY a 14. It has been stepped by a few people and has a pseudo famous chart by Mute at 13, but mine is notably more...."intensive". Between the subtle footswitches, candles in the bursts, and jumpiness this should be roughly as hard as Chromatic Blitz. Slightly less dense but 10 bpm faster.

Lastly, our single 15 is kind of gross. This chart needs to either be scrapped or overhauled because it tries too hard to be hard. My friend wrote it and it would be a nice custom chart, but it's a little forced and gimmicky for a spiritual successor type pack.

Andy, I very much appreciate your testing help. It will prove invaluable for the 13+ charts on single. Now, if only we could convince ZEELLLOOO to test the 13+ charts on double.....becuase none of us can do them.
Read March 21, 2013, 09:25:28 AM #29

Oh yeah I also started on Bait singles at random. Right now it's heading for 14 range. I just went nuts with it. chart can be completely changed just thought I'd let you know.
Read March 21, 2013, 10:04:45 AM #30

I'll mark you down for that too then. 14 makes sense. Bait Double really only is a 15 because I understand how exponential stamina drain can be at the super high end, and it has a 1100+ combo. It is a pure stamina beast, but the intensity is roughly that of a 14. You got the one with tempo changes from dropbox, right?
Read March 28, 2013, 01:44:34 PM #31

How are those charts coming along? Boulafacet is done. Other 3 should be good by tomorrow
Read March 28, 2013, 02:32:46 PM #32

-Badlands is ready for testing on single and mostly ready on double.

-My version of Bait only has doubles charts because I haven't added in your singles chart. Did you have the "pleasure" (morel like horror) of testing the doubles expert chart on keyboard? It's a masterpiece of utter evil.

-I was trying to get a chart for Colours - The Prodigy up to maybe get a 10 out there, but I'm having some major problems with the sync. Unfortunately, this song and Angels will probably have to be recut from the original music because I messed up on them. Oh well, better to catch it now I guess.

-Hard and Expert is ready for Derezzed. A good friend of mine wrote the Hard chart (Cool and I think it's pretty decent. There's a doubles chart on there as well, but I don't think many, if anyone, will be testing doubles anytime soon.

-Disconnected Supreme has a Hard chart which I think will work great, but as I said earlier the Expert chart is very hard and gimmicky. Only a small few in the area could pass this. Possible candidate for chart overhaul.

-Other than a very minor edit to Ben's Haven chart at the beginning, the chart is exactly the same. SX is currently the only chart on this song.

-Intensive Care Unit also only has an SX chart, but it's a great chart. To anyone testing this, wait until the second half of the song before you make a judgement call on what it should be rated, the ending is MUCH harder than the beginning.

-Powerhaus has a SX chart rated 11, and also 2 doubles charts. This one should be fun because it's halftime (70 BPM as opposed to the more intuitive 140 BPM).

-Scott's Romeo's Dead has full single's charts and has been tested a long time ago.

That's about it in terms of progress so far. There's a couple doubles charts I didn't mention, but they're songs without any singles charts yet so no need to worry about them.
Read March 28, 2013, 07:20:48 PM #33

Opened up bait on doubles...
Read March 28, 2013, 09:39:10 PM #34

I can't wait to try out the new charts and songs. Send them my way and I can put them in Dropbox for everyone.

I need to get off my ass and sync the rest of the soundtrack so people can work on whatever song they want to easily. I also need to address a few technical issues with some of the music cuts. No point working this hard without doing it right!
Read March 29, 2013, 01:27:01 PM #35

Hey can you make a separate folder for songs that have at least one full chart so people can grab those easy.

Trying to finish all these up by 5 or so.
Read March 29, 2013, 03:14:09 PM #36

Blank sim link added

Current charts link will be updated every time I put something into dropbox, and I'll put in to dropbox as soon as I get it

Also, spread image is up to date. A handful of songs are currently being maintenanced, fixing audio cut and quality as I have deemed the cuts either off sync or poor quality, both of which would have been my fault from earlier so I'm fixing it. No song with already existing charts other than Novice steps is being maintenanced.

There's a lot of upkeep to putting one of these super packs together, isn't there?
Read March 29, 2013, 04:19:05 PM #37

everything except nickolodean. gonna get that done tonight.
Bait is a monster. Tagged as a 14 for now
Boulafacet is a strong 13 this time around
in the moment is a 9 with basic footswitching
Read March 29, 2013, 09:16:43 PM #38

Nice, already played them like 3 times each. From what I played, I'm very impressed with how this pack is turning out honestly! I have a few minor remarks about technical things, but when it comes to chart concept, sync, and all the important stuff this is spot on work. Either our computers are mutually off (possible) or mine is finally on sync (also possible) because I was FAing both of them like a charm. I say both because...

Boulafacet only seemed to have a Novice file. Whether it wasn't uploaded right or made I mistake I don't know. I'll try again after this post.

In the Moment has a weird arrow after most of the songs fadeout. It seemed unintended to me, but I could be wrong. Could you confirm or deny the intent of this arrow?

Bait starts a little early for audio players, and by that I mean the first beat of actual music is literally the first step you to start playing. Could you consider cutting the first 2-4 measures from your single chart? I know it's lame but I asked Ben the same thing with Haven and I want to be consistent here so audio players aren't at a notable disadvantage. I guarantee it will still be an extremely challenging chart with 10-15 less arrows.

Finally, if you could put your name on your charts in the future (I can edit these so it won't be a problem) that would be great. I'd like to have everyone acknowledged for every chart they do and there's no way I'll remember who did what by the end of this. Sorry for all the nitty gritty technical stuff, the two charts I played were really, really good and I don't want you thinking I'm giving you a hard time.
Read March 29, 2013, 11:20:06 PM #39

Oh yeah oops I always put an arrow at the end of the music so I know where it ends. Must have left one hanging on accident.

I'll upload again when I'm done with nickelodean. If boulafacet still doesn't work try reloading your songs in the options of stepmania/openITG

« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 11:26:18 PM by Keby »
Read March 30, 2013, 12:01:56 AM #40

double posting so you see it.

all 4 charts on single EX done.
If some stuff doesn't load try reloading songs in stepmania. I know this fixes that sometimes if it doesn't look like the file changed.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 07:58:36 AM by Keby »
Read March 30, 2013, 01:04:10 AM #41

Nickelodeon looks great! This might be a decent tournament pick due to it's mixture between straight sixteenths, swung gallops, and hands. Fairly easy to pass, but very hard to score for a 10.

I realized my problem with Boulafacet was an expired sec file which I deleted and then it worked perfectly. SM5 can be silly sometimes.

I can't even freakin' tell if Boulafacet is synced well because I sucked so bad at it, but I shouldn't have expected any less on a first run of a classically stepped Nightmare chart. I'll have to play it on Cmod for a few tries until I "get it". The mines in the anchor runs at the end are going to be quite hard and you were more judicious with 32nds this go round. All in all this is an awesomely chaotic 13 that isn't just a stamina circle jerk. I'll be posting everything in the original post.

Know what you're tackling next? Once I finish up Derezzed Hard Doubles I'm setting my sights on Weapon of Choice SX & DX.

Also, on a more general note:
If you guys want to write steps for a specific song that hasn't been synced into a blank simile yet and you're not completely comfortable creating a file from scratch, post what song you want and ask me to set up the file for you. I am here to make this pack get done and want as many interested people to participate as possible! I know there's a handful of people that expressed interest in writing a few charts that haven't called any charts yet so don't be shy.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 01:11:59 AM by Tyrgannus. »
Read March 30, 2013, 07:59:41 AM #42

Hey btw I'm heading to sakura-con today if wanna get everything in a quick zip because I can't access the dropbox for some reason.
Read March 30, 2013, 11:47:20 AM #43

Links are fixed, probably too little too late as you guys are at sakuracon already. Really sorry about that.
Read March 30, 2013, 03:16:46 PM #44

50 charts done, 670 to go!

Angels and Colours are done being maintenanced. I royally botched these the first time, and these cut are roughly a million times better. Angels is even better quality, not just sync. To give you an idea, I was a whole 3 bpm off the first was disgusting.

Going to work on syncing as many songs into blank sims as I can today.

Carry Out, Spotlights Go Dark, The Way I Are, and Those Who Fight Further are now all synced as well for a total of 32/80 synced sims in dropbox. Will work on more as soon as possible.

« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 03:40:40 PM by Tyrgannus. »
Read April 13, 2013, 11:55:00 PM #45

34 of 80 songs synced into a sim and posted in dropbox. Check out some new additions like the intense "Dokuta Wairi, Rival to the Light". All charts except Novice aren't claimed for this Overclocked metal mayhem.

Halfway done with all blank sims, 40 of 80 now, including Watercolour by Pendulum. Anyone biting on some tasty charts?

« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 01:17:25 PM by Tyrgannus. »
Read April 20, 2013, 01:30:12 PM #46

going into finals this week. I'll be checked out for a little while.
Read April 21, 2013, 07:38:52 PM #47

Synced "Fell in Love With a Girl" which was an absolute nightmare to sync with the fluctuating tempo, but I actually think I did a pretty great job honestly. Feel free to check it out.

Also, we are done with 10% of the charts. Admittedly a large portion of those are Novice charts, but I still thought it was a milestone.
Read April 25, 2013, 12:38:58 AM #48

Two thirds of songs synced. With only 3 exceptions I've got everything up to the letter "O", and some in the later part of the alphabet as well.

EDIT: 56 now, up to 70%. Will be at 75% by tonight.

« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 10:03:05 AM by Tyrgannus. »
Read April 30, 2013, 11:34:09 PM #49

75% of songs are synced, and I will be finishing up the last 20 ASAP so that every simile will be 100% ready to go for everyone. Also, take a look at the Shudder DX chart. I like how it turned out and it is definitely quite hard.
Read May 01, 2013, 07:56:33 PM #50

77 of 80 songs synced. Scott's handling the other two (Ancient Groover, Hamster Dance) and I ran into some issues with Sunshine right now, but as over 95% of songs are now synced in a simfile, this stage is basically over. Hurray! So many freaking songs.....glad that's behind me.

Have fun making some creative and awesome charts for these babies. Don't be shy, only you can ensure that the steps in the pack feel a certain way so it's up to all of us to make the gameplay aspect unbelievably awesome!
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