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April 13, 2010, 09:57:45 AM - ORIGINAL POST -


I figured I'd make a thread for those of us in the PNW who've made custom stepcharts. I'd like to see local charts posted here for download, review, sharing, and (hopefully constructive) criticism. I'd also like to see any custom charts from local tournaments eventually get posted to this thread too. I look forward to seeing what everyone has to offer.

I'll start things off by sharing two some charts I've recently written.

Update: You can find all my charts at

Stamp on the Ground by Italo Brothers
Singles: ( 3 / 5 / 8 / 9 )

*Updated on 1/13/2011
Download: Stamp On The Ground
Hint: The quads on the expert chart are supposed to be "stomped".

Super Driver by Hirano Aya
Singles: ( 4 / 5 / 8 / 9 )

*Updated on 1/13/2011
Download: Super Driver

Summer party by Smile.DK
Singles: ( 4 / 6 / 7 / 9 )

*Updated on 1/13/2011
Download: Summer Party

Let Me See Your Love by SkankFunk
Singles: ( 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 )

*Updated on 1/13/2011
Download: Let Me See Your Love

Don't Cry, baby by SoundTeMP | Ragnarok Online
Singles: ( - / - / 8 / - )

*Updated on 1/13/2011
Download: Don't Cry, baby

As always, comments, constructive criticism, and bug/error reports are always welcome!

P.S. You can find preview videos of most of my charts here:

And you can download my charts here, or at Zenius-I-Vanisher.

« Last Edit: June 26, 2017, 03:32:54 PM by Suko »
Read January 30, 2011, 11:44:18 PM #26

Made this pretty straight forward chart the other day. It may not be Christmas anymore, but it's still a pretty fun song. It's on sync for the most part. Suko, you might like this one Smiley Thought I'd share it with everyone else here.

Last Christmas by Crazy Frog: Difficulty is 9 block and song time runs about 3mins and 25secs. Happy dancing!  Cheesy

Edit: Some feed back would definitely be a great help to me making better simfiles in the future Smiley

« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 11:36:17 AM by NSX »
Read February 27, 2011, 09:28:18 PM #27

I've got a couple more charts that I'd like some input on. I feel that playing my charts on the pad offers a better experience then just playing it in StepMania or OpenITG. So please keep this in mind when critiquing. Oh yes, I'm also not shy about inserting 360 spins into my charts on occasion. I don't think that I forced any of them in these charts, but just keep that in mind.

Romeo's Dead by Sarina Paris


Just a head's up, this one's got a few spins in it. The WIP is an unfinished chart, so you can ignore it.

Super Mario World (Sky Theme) by Koji Kondo


I'm still waiting for Keby to give me his "awesome" edit chart, but in the mean time you can enjoy what I've got.

4F73R M3 (B4U Remix) by SuperGreen X


This is an old stepchart from years back that someone else made. The Expert 10 was the original chart, which seems to have been a keyboard chart. I loved the song and wanted to give it a proper stepchart that can be done on the pad, so I made the 9 step Hard chart.

Made this pretty straight forward chart the other day. It may not be Christmas anymore, but it's still a pretty fun song. It's on sync for the most part. Suko, you might like this one Smiley Thought I'd share it with everyone else here.

Last Christmas by Crazy Frog: Difficulty is 9 block and song time runs about 3mins and 25secs. Happy dancing!  Cheesy

Edit: Some feed back would definitely be a great help to me making better simfiles in the future Smiley
I thought the chart was pretty good actually. It was a bit bland in some of the patterns, but the majority of it was pretty good. I'll try it out on the machine sometime soon.

« Last Edit: February 27, 2011, 11:20:28 PM by Suko »
Read February 28, 2011, 04:53:18 PM #28

1. Scott, your charts always manage that perfect balance between "actually possible to sightread" and "actually fun to play," so thanks for posting them! Cheesy

2. I totally had that Sarina Paris CD when it came out like a decade ago. Holy crap!
Read February 28, 2011, 05:25:32 PM #29

I've loved Sarina Paris since I heard Look at Us Now on Max2. Great song and a great artist, IMO.

Btw, thanks for the compliments. I'm always trying to improve my charts and I like to know that someone other than me (and Tom) might actually play'em.

I think the next thing I need to focus on is making patterns that are a little less chaotic and a bit more straight-forward. I like my charts, but the patterns in most of them are slightly...unconventional.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2011, 05:28:41 PM by Suko »
Read March 01, 2011, 10:15:40 AM #30

I have a Sarina Paris CD as well, although it's a Singapore edition with a 2nd cd of different mixes from the songs. I was addicted to that for a short bit.

Suko, I'm gonna try to play your files tonight or sometime soon and give some feedback. Smiley
Read March 01, 2011, 03:21:09 PM #31

Keby's Pumpin Kicks.


March 20th.

All that's left is Banner and Backgrounds. This is my goal. If I don't get them done by then I'll just release the pack as it is.
Read March 02, 2011, 08:25:02 PM #32

Feedback on Suko's files. Smiley

Stamp On The Ground
+ Heavy chart is really fun, but has a few odd parts, some steps that have no rhythm to match at one point.
- Don't have super short freezes in your charts. You don't even have to hold them to have them counted as "OK" making them pretty pointless.

Super Mario World
- It crashes my Stepmania (3.95)
- Bad formatting in the file prevents some arrows from being hit at all.

Romeo's Dead
- Bad formatting in the file prevents some arrows from being hit at all.
- Short freezes again that are useless
- holy batman jackhammers and double steps. I think you tried to over engineer this chart. Smiley

4r73r m3
~ Heavy is an Ok chart. Song didn't jump out to me much though.
- Bad formatting in the file prevents some arrows from being hit at all.

I don't know what's up with your files, but there are sections where they completely lock up Stepmania from accepting input on those arrows. I've NEVER had that happen before. :\
Read March 02, 2011, 08:55:46 PM #33

I don't know what's up with your files, but there are sections where they completely lock up Stepmania from accepting input on those arrows. I've NEVER had that happen before. :\
Those must be rolls then. SM 3.95 doesn't support rolls I believe... So every time you miss them, it causes SM to crash. You'll have to upgrade from a 3.95 to a 4.0 I guess. Or install OpenITG Cheesy. Hope that clears things up.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2011, 10:20:25 PM by NSX »
Read March 02, 2011, 10:21:01 PM #34

Aah, yes. Those silly things. I'm used to simfiles without those and often forget those like to crash 3.95.
Read March 03, 2011, 02:42:46 PM #35

That's gotta be your problem. I use OpenITG for all my simfile editing now-a-days. I suggest you get it. It's what I use, since most of my simfiles are intended for use on ITG machines. Check out my charts again (especially Romeo's Dead), now that you (hopefully) have that working right.
Read March 05, 2011, 06:58:16 PM #36

Hey everyone (and Jon). I've updated my Romeo's Dead and my SMW simfiles. The download links above are updated with the latest files. SMW now has all the charts filled out (including Keby's ridiculously difficult Edit chart) and the Romeo's Dead chart now has an Expert chart.

As always, comments and feedback is welcome.

Oh, and for those of you with Bemanistyle accounts, would you do me a favor and (once you've tried out my charts) please rate them. I think you have to download them from BS before they let you rate a chart though. But your time and effort would be greatly appreciated!

Btw, by the time SakuraCon comes around, I should have 8+ stepcharts fully written with all difficulties, backgrounds, banners, etc. And those who've played my charts know most of them are very playable by people of varying difficulties.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 10:07:50 PM by Suko »
Read March 09, 2011, 12:28:36 AM #37



Keby's Pumpin Kick's Preview!!!!! Rockit!
Read March 20, 2011, 07:45:29 PM #38


Simpack is done and on the ITG machine at ACME Bowl!!!

Download here for personal enjoyment
Read May 03, 2011, 07:43:51 PM #39

Here's my first simfile Smiley Heard this one at work, and had to make a stepfile to it, her voice and melody of the song makes it a great pick for ITG. I won't be cranking too many simfiles out unless I feel an absolute urge to make it, this one has a pretty good deal of hands and a smiley face of mines at the start. i can't wait to play this on the pad. Smiley Download it, have fun, and let me know what you think! Smiley Smiley

One - Sky Ferriera
Expert: 10 (it's an easy 10 but harder than a 9)

« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 07:45:47 PM by neempoppa »
Read May 03, 2011, 08:07:15 PM #40

Wow that is not half bad for a first simfile. Good job mate!

Now for some feedback:

-Don't step a fade out of the song. It's a bit weird. I would just put in a long hold or roll Smiley

-I love the hands. Definitely my type of stuff. With hands though to make them more legit, especially ones that are at the end of a freeze, extend the freeze for a 16th note more so the player will recognize that they have to hit it with there hands......or bracket them :/

-sound quality could be a bit better, but don't worry too much about that. It's fine where it's at Smiley

Overall nicely done. *applause*

PS. Smexy font on that banner there Wink

Read May 03, 2011, 08:35:46 PM #41

Yeah I love hands and even tricky ones also. I'm also an audiophile but I got paranoid in keeping it under the machines tolerance of 5mb.

Thanks for the feedback Smiley I'll revise it tonight! could you explain a bit more what you mean by freezing the 16th to let the player know about the hands? I definitely wanna communicate it to the player a bit while not giving it away completely for sure. I'm a hands on kind of guy never been a bracket fan lol.
Read May 04, 2011, 12:12:23 AM #42

oh, well basically when you have an arrow at the end of say a double freeze (two arrows being held) it reads as a hand according to stepmania, but you can let go of either one of the freezes and hit that arrow with your foot because the time it take for the freeze arrow to drop is not fast enough.

So extending the freeze arrow just a little bit past the beat that one arrow is on will make more legit of a hand arrow if you see what I'm saying. Cheesy

Does that help?
Read August 23, 2011, 09:58:14 PM #43

Anyone have a working download link for Keby's Pumpin Kicks?  The machine at Acme Bowl is always busy and no one will play Lala Song with me.  Sad  Afraid of the hands, I guess...


Read August 24, 2011, 10:58:24 AM #44

Why yes here you go! Smiley

When do you go to ACME? I'll totally come down and play the Lala song!
I'll also throw these out there now that I'm pretty much finished with them Smiley

You're welcome! Cheesy

« Last Edit: August 24, 2011, 11:15:51 AM by Keby »
Read August 29, 2011, 09:17:16 PM #45

Thx very much!  :-)  Will let you know about the new ones after I've had a chance to try 'em.

I come down to ACME pretty much every Thursday at 7-730ish.  We've got a regular weekly group thing.
Read September 13, 2011, 10:49:55 PM #46

Nice!  Finally some Dubstep songs!  Smiley  Moar plz.  Have you considered doing a step chart for Clocks (Flux Pavilion)?

I noticed Cinema in there now.  Not sure that was on the machine @ ACME...

Still Getting It: IMHO, on Expert this is a very hard 9.  Could be considered a 10.

Why yes here you go! Smiley

When do you go to ACME? I'll totally come down and play the Lala song!
I'll also throw these out there now that I'm pretty much finished with them Smiley

You're welcome! Cheesy
Read September 15, 2011, 10:52:20 AM #47

no one will play Lala Song with me.

Yeeeeah just do it do it do it.

I'll totally play this with you Wink

Good to see the Thursday group finally made it to the forums!  Roll Eyes
Read September 15, 2011, 09:05:23 PM #48

I can't believe people are playing my charts!
*fangirl mode on*

I've got some new stuff in the works as well. I think I've been getting better at hand placement in charts overall. Spread Smooth Criminal around miu, or get it on the machine. I'd love to see what people think of those! Cheesy
Read September 16, 2011, 09:29:01 AM #49

Hey, I just found out about Under Arrest last weekend when Tuan, Travis, Ben and Dr. Z came by and played it. I want to find more gimmick-like charts similar this. I heard them say Sweet Donuts was similar, but searching for that has returned a lot of different charts by numerous people and I don't know which one is the 'right' one.

So, can people suggest some songs that would be similarly fun or interesting to the Under Arrest chart? Oh, and would someone please post the link to the Sweet Donuts stepchart I'm asking about? Thanks!
Read September 16, 2011, 10:08:55 AM #50

You want Jayce's charts, they're all posted at  Jayce's charts are extremely consistent in quality, though only a handful have full foreground animations like Under Arrest - Sweet Donuts (from Gay4Gimmix Again) and Still Alive (not from a specific pack) are done similarly.  Honestly, just download the bulk of Jayce's stuff, it's all pretty good, even when it isn't as gimmicky.  The Medley of Kirby SSDX is about the only thing I'd suggest skipping - it's a 15 minute stamina fest (long 180 BPM runs) with Kirby + enemies flying over the arrows, so I don't think you'd be playing it too much, even though it's cool to watch.
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