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April 05, 2010, 10:47:58 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

So since the game is still going to be in beta form at Power Play, please post any feedback you have regarding the game, charts, etc... and Chris Danford will check it out.

The more feedback now, the better the release can be. Smiley
Read April 05, 2010, 11:29:34 PM #1

I didn't get much play time on the machine, but the lag on the screen was very noticeable.  Also, why were there so few songs?  Was that just part of beta testing?

Other than that, I thought it was a lot of fun!  Definitely love Routine mode. =)
Read April 05, 2010, 11:33:18 PM #2

My thoughts so far.

Dropped frames are visible, but it doesn't take away from the game at all. It's just there.....but oh well.

I like the theme overall, it's a lot more user friendly.

For the mods menu it can be a little hard to find out where you are. maybe have a bar highlight the selection or have a colored line underneath like in DDR or ITG. That seems to be the best. Still once again this doesn't hurt the game at all really.

I love the songs, diskowarp has great music. Gosha makes great videos. The HD screen makes everything better. I love the cabinet design. It's probably the best looking dance game around.

Basically, I kinda fell in love with Pump it Pro 2. Good Job guys ^_^
Read April 05, 2010, 11:52:29 PM #3

Dropped frames blah blah... I'm sure that's a hardware thing and probably won't be too hard to deal with.  Whatever on that though.

I like routine mode.  It's nice to have those types of couples charts written into the game.  It's definitely not the style of chart DDR's arrow layout is good at doing, and I like it.
Read April 06, 2010, 11:32:02 AM #4

I'm a little confused by the comment that it had 'so few songs'.  It seemed to have quite a number of songs, but most people were playing in Routine mode.  The songs with Routines defined were a fairly small list, so you saw those songs over and over and over.  Probably made it seem like they were the only songs on the machine.
Read April 06, 2010, 12:20:41 PM #5

Yeah there are a ton of songs on there, just only a handful have a routine charts on them, which seemed to be the most popular mode of the night.
Read April 06, 2010, 12:38:48 PM #6

Yeah there are a ton of songs on there, just only a handful have a routine charts on them, which seemed to be the most popular mode of the night.

That would make more sense then.  I didn't think I was in a special "Routine" mode, so I thought that was everything.  In that case, there was one 10 on there (I think it was a 10) that didn't have a Routine chart, but was on the list.
Read April 06, 2010, 12:54:58 PM #7

Yeah we organized the songs by routine charts, you can do that by holding down the red button and pressing the green one.

Read April 06, 2010, 06:57:06 PM #8

For the mods menu it can be a little hard to find out where you are. maybe have a bar highlight the selection or have a colored line underneath like in DDR or ITG. That seems to be the best. Still once again this doesn't hurt the game at all really.

They have that little arrow between the two columns... it's not very effective at telling what you're looking at though.  Lines and shading were used in the past for a reason.

It's sad to hear that a the older licenses have run out, since Andamiro did a consistently good job with licenses.  I haven't taken the time to check out all the new music, but it's been hit and miss so far.

I do have to say that Gosha's art style fits right in with pump and makes content from two series not so dissonant like they were in the first Pro.
Read April 06, 2010, 08:35:57 PM #9

I agree that all the songs which have Gosha's art just seem to rock with this game for me. I guess I have to admit that his art style is probably what makes me like these songs so much. =D
Read April 07, 2010, 01:09:08 AM #10

I'm glad you guys like the videos! I think the cuts came out pretty good for the game.  I really hope they have give the game a more widespread appeal.  I can't wait to see videos for the other songs (the ones that are not mine).

So far I think the songlist as a whole is pretty strong and I really like what I've seen of routine mode.
Read May 16, 2010, 11:29:59 PM #11

Game froze up mid song a couple times today when James and I were playing.
Minor issue, but just thought I'd mention it.
Read May 17, 2010, 08:26:18 AM #12

I meant to ask this before, but is USB card support disabled at the moment? None of my cards work.

Also, some of the graphics used at the bottom of the screen (like "Press [green button] to continue" or whatever) have lines at the top.
Read May 27, 2010, 11:19:10 AM #13

It needs more speed mods.  The highest that it goes is 4x.  I often times play on 4.5x when the bpm is lower than 130.  Also, the speed mods are only every .5  when it would be really nice if they were every .25.  There is a big difference between 2.5x and 3x (as well as the other speed mods), and it would be nice to have something in between.  C600 would be nice as well. 
Read May 30, 2010, 06:02:23 PM #14

Okay this game is pretty awesome. I'd like to see a real CZ (non-joke) chart for Wham Bam Boogie, though.
Read May 30, 2010, 07:15:17 PM #15

There was a machine update today, USB cards are enabled now.
Read May 30, 2010, 07:42:50 PM #16

One thought that a few players and I had was to add pad inputs for changing difficulty.  Currently, the left selection arrow on the 1P side of the machine is broken, so if you go down in difficulty, there is no way to go back up.  I think these kinds of buttons break fairly easily, so it might be nice to have an alternative way to go back up in difficulty.
Read May 30, 2010, 10:29:54 PM #17

One thought that a few players and I had was to add pad inputs for changing difficulty.  Currently, the left selection arrow on the 1P side of the machine is broken, so if you go down in difficulty, there is no way to go back up.  I think these kinds of buttons break fairly easily, so it might be nice to have an alternative way to go back up in difficulty.

Chris is going to fix it so the selection will wrap around to the first one after enough presses. While inconvenient, it will solve this problem when buttons break.

Also, a couple new songs have been added. Go check them out.


*drum roll*

my favorite new add is the pink fuzzy bunnies routine chart.

It's a legit 20 footer. It takes 4 people to to play it. It was so fun, but so hard hahaha
Read May 30, 2010, 10:48:08 PM #18

What were the new songs?
Read May 30, 2010, 11:12:30 PM #19

I can't remember all of them. It wasn't a huge update. I know Tribe Attacker by Canblaster was added. That's sadly the only one I can remember right now.\

Cowgirl has a different chart now I believe...or at least they told it was going to get a whole new chart eventually.

Oh they didn't erase any of the scores this time, so all of them are still there.
Read May 31, 2010, 01:08:07 AM #20

Tribe Attacker was definitely there before.
Read May 31, 2010, 01:51:47 AM #21

Tribe Attacker was definitely there before.

I guess the routine chart is new then?

it's hard to tell what was added and what was old, since there wasn't much added.

Oh! that one song we played called GO
that was an old license right?
Read May 31, 2010, 09:12:55 AM #22

I guess the routine chart is new then?

it's hard to tell what was added and what was old, since there wasn't much added.

Oh! that one song we played called GO
that was an old license right?
Yeah, Chris said that probably wasn't supposed to be there though. XD Some other licenses snuck on too, like Funky Tonight.
Read June 30, 2010, 11:41:43 PM #23

Game is fucking Godlike, keep it up pros.
Read July 07, 2010, 07:53:53 AM #24

Awesome game so far, but I had to share a quick note before it gets lost in the ether: The sound effects that play when you navigate the modifier select menus make my ears bleed. They're really loud and piercing, I will often literally plug my ears when navigating those menus. It would be awesome if we could have those turned down... A lot.

Also, the left and right menu buttons still stick badly when both players are present, but not at all if only 2P. Is present It seems like some sort of state issue.

Thank you very much and keep up the great work!

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