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Bemani/Music Game Discussion
Speed mods: like 'em or hate 'em
Speed Mods
(Voting closed: April 27, 2007, 08:21:08 AM)
Poll Results
Speed Mods
Love them
13 (76.5%)
Hate them
4 (23.5%)
Total Voters: 13
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April 27, 2007, 08:21:08 AM
Maybe I'm a plain vanilla DDR player but I never tried a speed mod until I finally saw someone use one last week. The song looked light in steps so I went home and checked. I didn't know using a speed mod reduced the overall steps in a song. It makes sense after knowing but I didn't think it would. Isn't that kind of like cheating?
I was playing at Sunset Bowling last night and some kids only played heavy's with speed mods and I couldn't help but think that was really weak.
Discuss :shock:
April 27, 2007, 11:00:36 AM
Quote from: "Pepsikat"
I didn't know using a speed mod reduced the overall steps in a song.
hahaha, speed mods don't change the steps at all.
They only increase the speed that the notes travel up the screen. Play a song you know well on heavy and then play it again with a speed mod. You won't find any difference in the steps at all. :wink:
April 27, 2007, 11:13:54 AM
Really? I could swear it did! Oh well. Look at the n00b
April 27, 2007, 11:14:52 AM
It's still cheating :!:
custom title
Hilo, Hawaii
April 27, 2007, 11:52:23 AM
i 3x up to 190bpm on supernova. everyone uses speed mods these days. it is definitely not considered cheating, but rather a personal preference.
waits the zealot...
Fall City, WA
April 27, 2007, 11:57:39 AM
Speed mods aren't cheating! Get over it!
I'm not saying this is necessarily you, but I find that a lot of people who say speed mods are cheating tend to not find a difference in their score when they play with speed mods. They usually get mad that speed mods help others, and so insist that it's cheating.
I use hella speed mods on IIDX (HS5 for 160 and under, HS3 for 200-180, HS4 for 180-160), and usually use mods that result in a scroll speed of ~500bpm on ITG and DDR.
April 27, 2007, 12:04:55 PM
When I say "cheating" I mean it changes (IMHO) the skill level needed to pass a song. The arrows may be going faster but they're also spaced out more. I wouldn't say "everyone" because I don't, but I agree it's a personal pref.
Um, I'm not obsessing over it so there's nothing I need to get over. I'm posting a related topic in a forum. You get over someone posting something you don't like :roll:
I don't play for score I play for fun and yes that's a nice inference to me even though you've never seen me play. Once I tried speed moding, yes it did help my score but it just didn't feel the same. There is a difference between not being capable and simply choosing not to.
It's a typical response that someone must not understand or be able to use something properly if they don't like it because if they could use it correctly then they'd obviously like it, right?
custom title
Hilo, Hawaii
April 27, 2007, 12:20:11 PM
relax dude! we were just giving replies to your topic. you don't have to get so defensive.
once you get good, speed mods have no effect on passing ability in ddr.
April 27, 2007, 12:36:13 PM
IM @$#%@$# RELAXED!!!! :evil:
Seriously, I'm coo' and I wanted responses I just didn't expect for someone to mildly infer that I somehow wasn't good enough to appreciate speed mods or I didn't know how to use them.
Good is subjective but I'm "good enough" to pass anything on a machine and a few keyboard files in SM. I just don't like using modifiers. I'd to hear everyone's opinion without any "well if you were good blah blah blah", if that's possible. If it isn't possible then I guess It's my bad for assuming it was and I'll adjust my posting or lack there of accordingly.
where da white women @
April 27, 2007, 12:49:41 PM
oooh boy one of these topics. Speed mods actually hurt my pa on doubles. Maybe I'll "cheat" and get crappier scores? I dunno I thought cheating guarantees you better scores?
April 27, 2007, 03:56:49 PM
I play for fun too. To me though, speed mods make it not as fun. Sure I can play Something on 1x, but it's more enjoyable AND I get better scores on 2x or 3x. Maybe on like MAX songs I'll play 1x or 1.5x
But then you have something like Bag, on Heavy. It's around 70 BPM, which is funny because typically they take the native BPM of a song and double it or more to get a more playable and readable stepchart. Have you ever heard a song that actually plays at 200 BPM? It sounds awful, just a bunch of garbled quick beats. Typical DDR songs (Brilliant 2 U for instance) are not going to be around 130-160 BPM.
If they didn't double the BPM then the only stuff people would want to play on is SPeedcore because nothing would be going up to 150 BPM. And a lot of people like to read at 300-500 BPM. I personally prefer stuff to be playing at about 350-400; unless it's a harder song thats more crowded, then I might go with around 500 BPM.
SO, speed mods help make Dance games good. I personally can't stand it when a game has no speed mods.
Um, I'm not obsessing over it so there's nothing I need to get over. I'm posting a related topic in a forum. You get over someone posting something you don't like :Rolling Eyes:
lol BTW, if you really didn't know; this topic is like 7 years old. It's been done to death. Same with Bar usage.
all those slow songs, I swear
Portland, OR
April 27, 2007, 05:14:36 PM
ITG: comfortable on x5 up to like 133, passed Oasis on x6.
DDR: Passed something at like 130 on x5 barely, comfortable at x3 up to 200 on SN, 190 on Extreme and lower.
April 27, 2007, 06:02:43 PM
Quote from: "Pepsikat"
I don't play for score I play for fun and yes that's a nice inference to me even though you've never seen me play. Once I tried speed moding, yes it did help my score but it just didn't feel the same. There is a difference between not being capable and simply choosing not to.
Great. If you don't have fun using speed mods, nobody's forcing you to use them. But by the same token, there are people who do enjoy using speed mods, so of course they're going to use them.
Use speed mods, don't use speed mods, use the bar, don't use the bar, play however the fuck you want to play. Why get upset that someone's not playing the exact same way you are? It's their money, they can do whatever they want. Other people aren't playing to try to impress YOU, they're playing for themselves.
P.S. Extra Stage is locked on x1.5 Reverse, and One More Extra Stage on Extreme is x3 Reverse. OMG CHEATING
April 27, 2007, 07:01:58 PM
BBH: I'm not upset that someone likes to play in a diffirent manor then I do I just wanted to see what others thought about it. My mistake.
Peaches: 7 years old? I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I haven't been playing for 7 years. I'm sorry I don't read every post on every forum. I'm sorry that I can't ask something someone else has asked.
Most of all I'm fucking sorry I posted anything on this board.
It won't happen again.
April 27, 2007, 07:19:59 PM
Quote from: "Pepsikat"
BBH: I'm not upset that someone likes to play in a diffirent manor then I do I just wanted to see what others thought about it. My mistake.
Quote from: "Pepsikat"
I was playing at Sunset Bowling last night and some kids only played heavy's with speed mods and I couldn't help but think that was really weak.
it seemed to have upset you enough to make this thread here because you thought they were cheating?
April 27, 2007, 07:50:10 PM
Quote from: "Pepsikat"
Most of all I'm fucking sorry I posted anything on this board.
It won't happen again.
Erm, k. I'm sorry I replied to anything you posted?
where da white women @
April 27, 2007, 09:44:08 PM
Pepsikat: just think through opinions before posting
...has trouble with "slow songs"
SE Portland
April 29, 2007, 12:36:57 AM
Yo pepsikat
I really don't think anyone's attacking you right now.
You posted a perfectly legit topic, people posted perfectly legit replies.
I don't see what's causing the problem here.
April 29, 2007, 09:06:03 AM
nor do I...
x2 is my favorite speed mod. use it on every song below 225 BPM, and just x1 the faster stuff. I'm a x1, x2, or x4 type of guy, can't stand x3 or x1.5, cuz the arrows get spaced weird. BUt speed mods can both make a song easier (try bag on x3. now try it how it was MEANT to be played on x1. see?) but it can also make songs harded (Max 300 on x5 plz!)
oh that's another point I want to make. THe only time when using speed mds is cheating, is WHEN YOU ARE PLAYING BAG ON HEAVY! Totally defeats the purpose of the songs, and turns it into a 9 footer IMO.
all those slow songs, I swear
Portland, OR
April 29, 2007, 09:29:25 AM
I x8 bag. I x8 be in my paradise and I'll Make Love To You as well.
April 29, 2007, 02:06:44 PM
Real men 1x bag.
The Wise Fool
April 29, 2007, 02:27:57 PM
Excuse me?
men play nothing but 2000+ step keyboard charts on x0.25 on hacked ITG2 machines. And quadstar every single one.
all those slow songs, I swear
Portland, OR
April 29, 2007, 05:21:20 PM
With their eyelashes.
Bothell, WA
April 29, 2007, 06:08:02 PM
Quote from: "discovolante"
I x8 bag. I x8 be in my paradise and I'll Make Love To You as well.
whoa there, buddy
April 30, 2007, 08:00:21 AM
Quote from: "Peaches"
Have you ever heard a song that actually plays at 200 BPM? It sounds awful, just a bunch of garbled quick beats. Typical DDR songs (Brilliant 2 U for instance) are not going to be around 130-160 BPM.
If they didn't double the BPM then the only stuff people would want to play on is SPeedcore because nothing would be going up to 150 BPM.
Listen to a 50-70 bpm song (a real one, like the few ballads between DDR and IIDX and not bag, which Konami changed to 130 for IIDX) and then to something rated in the 120-130 range (a lot of DDR/ITG stuff), you may notice that the sounds occur twice as fast in the song rated twice as fast. Be in my Paradise has 16th note runs if you claim it to be 63 BPM, halving that value so that a song twice as fast (the 120-130 range) fits with what you just said would make those into 32nd note runs, which are extremely uncommon in music from the sheet music I've seen. Beats per minute follows the quarter notes and most songs in DDR reflect this on heavy; the charts are based around 8th notes with few rests exceeding one beat and only occasional 16th note work (normally.... So Deep and Grad Cyber are obvious exceptions). There's music up in the higher range that isn't speedcore, though it is a little less common than DDR would have you believe.
As for speedmods being cheating or not... it really is a just tradeoff between spacing and time on the screen for the arrows. Yeah, it ruins bag (most people still learn to 1x it at some point), but that's Konami's fault for rating songs independently of speed mods after they'd been implemented. Having the arrow speed proportional to BPM was a terrible move, since it actually makes the faster 9's (the 170-200 range) easier to time than those slow songs that ended up as 6's and 7's on 1x for a lot of people... I really prefer GFDM's style of having the speed be consistant and making the player figure out the timing on his own. Also, anyone who claims that speed mods are unnecessary or cheating hasn't played much IIDX (where it's even encouraged by having the option menu appear as soon as you put money in and giving it a useful spread of multipliers [jumping from 2x to 3x doesn't give a huge dead zone, but the jump from 3x to 5x makes the 110-130 range terrible for me and I'm sure others have their own ranges like that], rather than the hidden option menu [and arrow codes, pre-Max] in DDR).
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Speed mods: like 'em or hate 'em
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