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February 02, 2007, 12:57:29 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

Wtf there are sooo many people introduced in the video, and it's very recent. Sad

I thought "Why isn't it like that here?" And quickly realized it's because they have sweet sweet games -_-

A Vancouver trip is in order.

Edit: Sorry, Gosha posted the same video in Srs Business forum, but he's discussing a different topic, so I'm hoping no one minds.
Read February 11, 2007, 03:15:06 AM #51

I think it's still more of a learned interest from their culture and communities than it is a genetic or natural interest.
Read February 11, 2007, 09:42:20 AM #52

Quote from: "checkrox"
Usually when my family goes we don't stay anywhere close to downtown.. somewhere a bit farther away.. federal way comes to my mind.  If prices aren't reasonable I might always just drive back, who knows.

Go to acme, at least our IIDX machine doesn't require you to scissor kick the coin slot to get it to register coins.

Also yeah, I'm a 2gen immigrant, and thusly purely Scottish/English. Interesting how over there, there's an assload of DDR type machines (not in great condition, but hey, we don't have an arcade with 8 DDR machines and 1 ITG or an arcade with 15 bemani games).
Read February 11, 2007, 10:55:44 AM #53

Quote from: "phylicia"
It's just different in our states, I guess. Also, historically WA and OR have tried to keep minorities out of their states. That's what I've learned in a couple history classes, but correct me if I got my facts wrong.

Maybe I've missed something, but there's the
1) HIGH population of Asians at the UW
2) Seattle's International District?

There seems to be a pretty large amount of Asian population around here, everywhere I go...
Read February 11, 2007, 11:17:46 AM #54

Im not sure.. but from the idea I get your guys arcades aren't really "asian" oriented arcades.. and yeah.  The reason we have so much traffic here is because for example, Richmond alone, has well over 100,000 asians.. and is a relatively small area, so its really easy for these kids to bus, even walk to the arcades (not that their parents didn't buy them a beamer or mercedes first).  And they just go there to hang out with friends, and end up playing bemani in the process.
Read February 11, 2007, 11:19:52 AM #55

The difference may be in how long the asian populations have been in the area, thus more first-and-second generations than third-and fourth.  I really don't know too much about that, but I'm pretty certain a large amount of Vancouver's Chinese population is from the 1990s, when BC opened its doors to Hong Kong immigrants under the guise of encroaching return to Chinese from British rule.
Read February 11, 2007, 11:37:27 AM #56

actually, i always see quite a few asians at acme playing ddr and stuff. they're always in huge groups too
Read February 11, 2007, 11:39:41 AM #57

Yeah, but we don't have rows of candy cabs and Wangan Midnight machines (until ID4 that is).
Read February 11, 2007, 01:18:40 PM #58

I don't think anyone plays wangan midnight.  A long time ago, it was Initial D3.  Until recently, it was Max Tune 2.. huge crowds.  Now, it's all about the Battle Gear4.. these guys go crazy for it.  As for the candy cabs.. they don't really have a huge draw.. except for KOF.  Most of the traffic is from the racing and Bemani machines.  Fighting games are more popular at CHQ.. nonstop fighting there.
Read February 12, 2007, 02:01:53 AM #59

While we're on the topic of reviving our community, I met a guy at Wunderland last night from the "old scene" and referred him to here. =)

He's better than me, but not as good as most of ya'll.
Plays at Big Al's most of the time and occasionally at Ultrazone; hopefully we'll see him here soon. =)
Read February 12, 2007, 02:06:45 AM #60

Kyle Ward?

I can't remember his skill level, though.
Read February 12, 2007, 02:25:39 AM #61

Quote from: "phylicia"
Kyle Ward?

I can't remember his skill level, though.
Nope.  He said he hadn't been on Didderfrick in, like, 2 years, and I saw Kyle Ward there a couple months ago.
Also, I think his name was something that definately wasn't Kyle Ward.

Read March 23, 2007, 07:57:40 PM #62

we'll have to wait and see what happens in the near future...things could change pretty fast.. it could and couldnt. ^.^"
Read March 23, 2007, 10:33:07 PM #63

Bumping old posts is a great thing to do.
Read March 23, 2007, 11:36:57 PM #64

So, I found a DMX machine on ebay in Richmond, BC.  Checkrox, do you know anything about it?  I'd get it if I had the money.
Read March 24, 2007, 12:36:27 AM #65

Quote from: "KevinDDR"
Bumping old posts is a great thing to do.

Kusanagi has been doing that left and right.
Read March 24, 2007, 01:14:24 AM #66

Tofu.. I wouldn't trust it.  I've played the machine a few times, the sensors aren't the greatest.  It's for sale by the same company that's selling the crappy Extreme and the shitty 11th/10th GF/DM combo... I'd stay away from it myself.
Read March 24, 2007, 01:20:37 AM #67

Okay.  I don't have the money for it now anyway. xP

I almost bought a solo 4th mix + a while back for $600, but didn't have the money at the time. =(
That would have been sweeet.
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