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Poll: Do level caps affect your willingness to enter a tournament? If so, how?
Poll Results Do level caps affect your willingness to enter a tournament? If so, how?
I would not enter a tournament with level caps over 11 -  2 (11.1%)
I would not enter a tournament with level caps under 12 -  0 (0%)
I would enter either tournament, but prefer a cap of 11 or under -  7 (38.9%)
I would enter either tournament, but would prefer a cap of 12 or over -  4 (22.2%)
I would enter either tournament and level caps do not matter to me. -  5 (27.8%)
Total Voters: 17
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February 09, 2011, 01:15:58 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Instead of theoretical debates about level caps, Laura the future research scientist wants raw data.  If your opinion doesn't fall into one of the above categories (IE: you have an idea of how things should be done, but are not actually planning on entering either type of tournament), please do not respond, as the point of the poll is to figure out which type of tournament will be most inclusive of the community.

If you know people who would enter tournaments but do not post here, please encourage them to do so.  Their opinions matter, but we can only count them if they vote.
Read February 09, 2011, 01:23:16 PM #1

Voted.  Would enter either but would prefer a cap of 12+.
Read February 09, 2011, 01:57:16 PM #2

Will enter either, personally prefer to avoid 12's during tournament play.  Important to note, I don't like that such a cap prevents others from playing 12's, but I just would rather say no to all 12's than yes to all 12's if we're forced to treat it as a binary issue.
Read February 09, 2011, 01:59:10 PM #3

preg_replace('/(.{49})/u', '$1 ', '01010100011010000110000101110100001001110111001100100000011101000111001001110101011001010010110000100000011010010111010000100000011010010111001100100000011000010010000001100010011010010111010000100000011011110110011000100000011000010010000001100110011000010110110001110011011001010010000001100100011010010110110001100101011011010110110101100001001000000110011001100001011011000110110001100001011000110111100100101110')
Read February 09, 2011, 02:05:53 PM #4

preg_replace('/(.{49})/u', '$1 ', '01010100011010000110000101110100001001110111001100100000011101000111001001110101011001010010110000100000011010010111010000100000011010010111001100100000011000010010000001100010011010010111010000100000011011110110011000100000011000010010000001100110011000010110110001110011011001010010000001100100011010010110110001100101011011010110110101100001001000000110011001100001011011000110110001100001011000110111100100101110')

You take that back.

In all seriousness, it is a bit of a false dilemma that we've set up by insisting that the cap must be consistent across all players.  We've allowed it to change between rounds, but the issue is that certain players are worried about the occasional match between very heavily and distinctly specialized players, when most rounds probably wouldn't be affected all that heavily with either cap.

« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 02:10:06 PM by ancsik »
Read February 09, 2011, 02:49:41 PM #5

Voted.  Would enter either but would prefer a cap of 12+.
Wouldn't you be in the expert division anyway?
Read February 09, 2011, 03:11:21 PM #6

Wouldn't you be in the expert division anyway?

Just in general.  In the nature of this qualifier, being good at or having a preference for 12s has nothing to do with the division you'll end up in, being that it is between a 9 and 11.  Or in theory, I could have an off qualifier, some other really good players could show up, the local tech players train up for the announced qualifiers and do really well on them, and I could end up seeded like..8th, even though I could 99+ all of the 12s in ITG 1-rebirth.

Read February 10, 2011, 10:14:28 AM #7

I hope this voting helps : )
Read February 10, 2011, 10:47:42 AM #8

Yeah, me too.  Smiley  I want to wait a few days to try and get as many votes as possible before locking the poll.  I plan on being at ACME a LOT this week, as last week was midterms and therefore terribly stressful, so if I see anyone new I'll totally tell them to log on and register.
Read February 11, 2011, 11:44:58 AM #9

If you know people who would enter tournaments but do not post here, please encourage them to do so.  Their opinions matter, but we can only count them if they vote.
if I see anyone new I'll totally tell them to log on and register.
I've been working on telling people to get on and informing them about the tournament for a long time. What we probably need is a SET TOURNAMENT DATE AND RULES so the reality of the situation sets in and people will actually come to check out the rules and such and input their opinions Tongue So far I've been able to only tell people "Hey, you know there's a tournament coming up at some point in March. I think you (guys) would do really well in it," but without specifics, I can offer no concrete reason to check out these forums besides to socialize and listen to us argue... It seems like the ruleset is mostly done but we still need to get a set tournament date. And by the way, that's not just for the new registrants, but also to give Acme enough notice such that we can have said tournament in the first place!
Read February 12, 2011, 01:46:38 AM #10

without specifics, I can offer no concrete reason to check out these forums besides to socialize and listen to us argue... It seems like the ruleset is mostly done but we still need to get a set tournament date.
Kevin's thread has plenty of details for them to see whether or not they'd be interested in the tournament.

You made these people seem like they'd be highly interested; and if they really were interested, they would be posting by now.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2011, 01:56:46 AM by BLueSS »
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