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Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
Eastern Washington & Idaho
DDR SuperNova Tournament [Aftermath]
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The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
April 05, 2007, 12:54:09 PM
Well the tournament has come and gone and it was a good time had by all. We had more than a fair share of close games and thank's to Null's camera, I've put some up on my website for anyone to checkout. I only put that matches that were really close, but those were the most interesting matches by far!
Thanks again for all those who came and participated, I'm glad it went so well.
VIDEOS (you'll need the most recent wmv codecs)
<---would've been a tie if not for a pad miss.
Here's the setup for the tournament:
-Singles Heavy/Expert mode competition.
-Double elimination.
(this means you're not out until you lose twice)
-You must register to be eligible to compete in the tournament. You can register at the Moscow Bumpers or by sending a PM to
through the forums. Registration ends at 10:45 AM on Saturday, May 12th.
(Note: Since this has just been approved by Bumpers, some employees might not know about the tournament just yet, especially those at the Bumpers not located in Moscow.)
-Registration Fee is $7 per player.
-There will be a qualifier song to determine players position in the tournament brackets.
-Competition songs will be chosen by pre-determined theme cards consisting of 5 songs. Each player will then choose a song to remove, leaving 3 songs. The players will then compete on these three songs and the player who gets the best 2/3 determines the winner.
(sorry if this explanation is a bit confusing, I'm trying to make it as simple as possible...)
Bumpers is willing to match each player's contribution and put that money towards the grand prize money pot. This means that for each player who registers, $2 goes to the arcade for reimbursing them for letting us use the machine, $5 will go into the money pot, and then an additional $5 from Bumpers will go into the money pot.
(This means that for each registered player, there will be $10 in the winners pot. That means that with 15 players, the winners pot will be $150 bucks! That's quite a lot of prize cash for a DDR Tournament!)
-Prizes will be in....CASH. That's right, pure cash.
1st - 50% of the winners pot
2nd - 33 % of the winners pot
3rd - 15% of the winners pot
4th - 5% of the winners pot
If I think of anything else relevant, it will be posted here. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I will respond to them as soon as I can.
Amendmants & Updates:
-I'm not worried because the tourny is still a month off, but registration at Bumpers is still up in the air at the moment. You can always register by PMing me here though.
-The prize pool accidentally added up to 110%, I re-adjusted it accordingly to equal 100%.
-We (the organizers) are going to try to get a PS2 with Guitar Hero 2 setup at the tournament for players to use when they're not playing in the competition. Heck, we might get an old Xbox and get Halo2 out as well, we'll have to see.
-Note that I was requested by Bumpers to change the entry fee from $5 to $7. Before anyone goes balistic, let me tell you that by doing this we will create a prize that is more rewarding. $10 per player will be put into the winners pot instead of the $8 we previously had. This means that the prizes, even if only 10 people show up, will be huge. You can do the math for yourself to find out.
April 06, 2007, 12:01:53 PM
oooh hells yea! I'm there!
I'm marking it on meh calendar right now.
BTW with the best 2/3 thing, is this by score or by perfectattack, or what? Lettergrade?
Fairchild AFB
April 06, 2007, 02:14:31 PM
I miss the days when people gave a damn about freestyle.
Le sigh.
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
April 06, 2007, 08:24:49 PM
I miss the days when people gave a damn about freestyle.
Hey man, read my siggy. I am anti-arrow spamming. I love watching a good freestyle routine and I try to incorporate 360s and stuff in my songs when I can. I would definitly hold a freestyle tourny
there'd be enough people to participate. But I know for a FACT that here in Pullman, there's me and....well, ME. So, it wouldn't attract too many people. If you can find a handful of others who are interested in a FS tourny, we can make it happen.
BTW with the best 2/3 thing, is this by score or by perfectattack, or what? Lettergrade?
I haven't officially decided yet, but more than likely it will be determined from the points. Since SN grades on a standard, balanced system, it'll make it easier and less complicated just to look at each player's score and see who has the higher points. And the person who wins 2/3 rounds that way, wins the set.
P.S. How did they run the tourny you just had up there? I heard you won, congratulations, and I want to know what tournament setup they used.
April 06, 2007, 09:46:41 PM
I'll look into going to this. BTW though, freestyle is cool and all, but it's just no fun for me and tends to look retarded.
To make it not look retarded would take vast amounts of time that I don't have.
EDIT: ALso, Lynx. . . Fairchild AFB? Are there many people there that play? Is there even a machine?
Fairchild AFB
April 07, 2007, 12:16:28 PM
Heck no there isn't, I drive my happy ass into town. I'm sure there's at least one other person here that plays it, law of averages being what it is, but chances are they've never stepped foot in an arcade.
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
April 07, 2007, 09:36:16 PM
I'm currently in the process of making this tournament official with the Bumpers here in Moscow. I won't know until Monday at the earliest, so stay tuned until then.
April 07, 2007, 09:37:12 PM
Sounds good with me. It looks like it'll be fun and I'm prett sure my parents are okay with me going so you can pretty much count me in!
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
April 07, 2007, 09:41:37 PM
Hey, you never told me how the last tournament in Spokane went, care to fill me in on the details?
Santa Clara, CA
April 08, 2007, 09:52:13 AM
As far as I know, Joel won the Spokane tourney.
By the way, I have the tournament date off from work(Via request), so expect me ^^
April 08, 2007, 02:41:24 PM
Yep ^_^! Why did't you show up Cale? It would've been cool for you to show up to something for once ;P.
Santa Clara, CA
April 11, 2007, 10:54:24 PM
I've decided that attending events just isn't my style...Or rather, before now, I didn't have money =p
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
April 11, 2007, 11:05:36 PM
I must admit Cale, I'm interested to see your PA skillz. I know you've got good game on ITG2, but it's been a while since a serious DDR tournament. I sure hope this thing is going to be as awesome as I think it will be. Btw, do you use the bar on all songs? I'll admit, I'm an advocate of no-bar (with the exception of 10+ footers), but I will not deny a victory to someone who uses the bar and can best me in accuracy...More power to them is my mentality.
P.S. > I tried callin the person in charge of the local Bumpers Monday. Apperantly she is eager to have a tournament, or so I heard second-hand thru a friend who spoke with her directly. I was told to call her on Monday and when I did she said she was going to Seattle and to call back Wednesday. So when I called back Wednesday, she said it was a 'bad time' and that
would call me back. I assume that since it is now officially THURSDAY, what she said is not true. However, I will call her later on Thursday and try to reach some agreement as to allowing me (us) the opportunity to host a tournament and to iron out the details. I'm hoping to make this one a tournament worth attending that will be balanced, yet a challenge for all participants.
EDIT: Ok, I talked with the woman who owns our Bumpers here in Moscow and
was she enthusiastic about this! All is good and I have updated the first post with more solid info about the tournament.
Pullman, WA
April 13, 2007, 11:25:50 PM
I wish I could come to this, but I'm going to be going home for the summer before this happens. Have fun guys.
Santa Clara, CA
April 14, 2007, 01:27:48 AM
Lawl, it all really depends on how I like playing the song. Most songs I'll probably play no-bar, but there's some, like Witch Doctor, or Irresistablement, that I just 3x bar on. As far as ITG goes, yeah, I bar everything. For me at least, it improves my accuracy and endurance, which is what I play the game for.
April 14, 2007, 07:23:06 AM
Moscow is so far away, screw that.
Actually I'm posting to call out an important point; that your prize totals to 110%
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
April 14, 2007, 12:07:30 PM
Quote from: "manyminimoos"
Moscow is so far away, screw that.
Actually I'm posting to call out an important point; that your prize totals to 110%
Some players are eager for a good tournament and would travel from the westside to have a good time. I know of two people that're already planning to come over here from Seattle. I know I would probably go to Seattle to compete in a similar event, especially if it were during summer, where school won't be a factor for a lot of people, like this one is.
Also, thanks for pointing out that misscalculation. I'll adjust that when I get the chance.
April 14, 2007, 04:45:15 PM
i was kidding, i've gone to a tourney in spokane before
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
April 22, 2007, 10:58:31 PM
Some more people from my area have said they're gonna be at this thing. There're a few who still aren't certain if they'll be in town or not, but think they will be able to make it. I've been really busy with classes the last few weeks, so I haven't had the chance to talk to a lot of the players in person. Probably next week I'll be able to get back into playing since all my classes will be done with.
Santa Clara, CA
April 27, 2007, 02:22:28 PM
I'll be bringing myself and two other people with me from up here for sure. Also I know at least one person from Spokane is heading down there.
April 28, 2007, 09:39:43 PM
This is gonna be great. I can't wait >.<!
just a couple more weeks.
I'm actually planning the rest of my immediate LIFE around this day. no joke.
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
April 29, 2007, 03:32:51 PM
Ha ha ha, thats good to hear it. So far our pads here are in Good/Fair shape.
Right side is flawless (seriously) and the the left side is really good except the up arrow is tweaking. I've opened it up and messed with it, but it's not sticking and the sensors are fine, I think its somthing with the wiring. However, after drowning it in WD40 and giving it a good hard stomp or two, it seems to work fine. Hopefully it'll behave for the tournament, and I'm pretty optimistic that it will.
P.S. If I haven't mentioned it already, we'll have a TV with DDR Max 2 or SuperNova on the PS2 with two Cobalt fluxes for the players to use before their tournament rounds. That way you won't be starting off a set without being warmed up.
Santa Clara, CA
April 29, 2007, 03:50:33 PM
Quote from: "Suko"
P.S. If I haven't mentioned it already, we'll have a TV with DDR Max 2 or SuperNova on the PS2 with two Cobalt fluxes for the players to use before their tournament rounds. That way you won't be starting off a set without being warmed up.
That's actually a really fucking good idea. I wouldn't recommend anybody play too much on it and get used to it though, considering the difference in timing between arcade and home versions.
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
April 29, 2007, 03:55:26 PM
Agreed, I see it like the bullpin for a pitcher at a baseball game. It's mostly there just for warmups.
Btw, if my tally is correct, we've already got about 12, maybe more, coming to the tournament. That is only from people I've talked with. It doesn't include people who only have read the flyers and don't post online. Wow, we this might end up being a pretty large tournament for this area!
Cheney, WA
May 05, 2007, 09:27:40 PM
Can't go, got a Karate Tournament that day.
Send me a picture or 2. :lol:
Cale: Do you mean Sedare or Tavis would show up?
Heh, Sedare made some point on DDRfreak.
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DDR SuperNova Tournament [Aftermath]
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