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Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
Eastern Washington & Idaho
DDR SuperNova Tournament [Aftermath]
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The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
April 05, 2007, 12:54:09 PM
Well the tournament has come and gone and it was a good time had by all. We had more than a fair share of close games and thank's to Null's camera, I've put some up on my website for anyone to checkout. I only put that matches that were really close, but those were the most interesting matches by far!
Thanks again for all those who came and participated, I'm glad it went so well.
VIDEOS (you'll need the most recent wmv codecs)
<---would've been a tie if not for a pad miss.
Here's the setup for the tournament:
-Singles Heavy/Expert mode competition.
-Double elimination.
(this means you're not out until you lose twice)
-You must register to be eligible to compete in the tournament. You can register at the Moscow Bumpers or by sending a PM to
through the forums. Registration ends at 10:45 AM on Saturday, May 12th.
(Note: Since this has just been approved by Bumpers, some employees might not know about the tournament just yet, especially those at the Bumpers not located in Moscow.)
-Registration Fee is $7 per player.
-There will be a qualifier song to determine players position in the tournament brackets.
-Competition songs will be chosen by pre-determined theme cards consisting of 5 songs. Each player will then choose a song to remove, leaving 3 songs. The players will then compete on these three songs and the player who gets the best 2/3 determines the winner.
(sorry if this explanation is a bit confusing, I'm trying to make it as simple as possible...)
Bumpers is willing to match each player's contribution and put that money towards the grand prize money pot. This means that for each player who registers, $2 goes to the arcade for reimbursing them for letting us use the machine, $5 will go into the money pot, and then an additional $5 from Bumpers will go into the money pot.
(This means that for each registered player, there will be $10 in the winners pot. That means that with 15 players, the winners pot will be $150 bucks! That's quite a lot of prize cash for a DDR Tournament!)
-Prizes will be in....CASH. That's right, pure cash.
1st - 50% of the winners pot
2nd - 33 % of the winners pot
3rd - 15% of the winners pot
4th - 5% of the winners pot
If I think of anything else relevant, it will be posted here. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I will respond to them as soon as I can.
Amendmants & Updates:
-I'm not worried because the tourny is still a month off, but registration at Bumpers is still up in the air at the moment. You can always register by PMing me here though.
-The prize pool accidentally added up to 110%, I re-adjusted it accordingly to equal 100%.
-We (the organizers) are going to try to get a PS2 with Guitar Hero 2 setup at the tournament for players to use when they're not playing in the competition. Heck, we might get an old Xbox and get Halo2 out as well, we'll have to see.
-Note that I was requested by Bumpers to change the entry fee from $5 to $7. Before anyone goes balistic, let me tell you that by doing this we will create a prize that is more rewarding. $10 per player will be put into the winners pot instead of the $8 we previously had. This means that the prizes, even if only 10 people show up, will be huge. You can do the math for yourself to find out.
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
May 08, 2007, 10:05:17 AM
I have a question for those who plan to attend the tournament. Which PS2 DDR would you prefer to have availible for those players who're "on deck"?
DDR SuperNova
DDR Max 1
DDR Max 2
I'm trying to find out what the players want. We could always change games, but to make things run smoothly and take less time, I'd like to just leave a game in there and let people take turns.
Can't go, got a Karate Tournament that day.
Sorry to hear that you won't be able to make it. If I remember to take picures I'll post links to them here...
May 08, 2007, 04:47:25 PM
I'd probably go with supernova, or MAX1
we should do SuperNOVA, since it is technically a DDR SuperNOVA tournament, even if there is a massive difference between CS andAC version ^^
Santa Clara, CA
May 08, 2007, 08:16:09 PM
It's true. As much as I love the songs from Max1, SN would be the better choice. It'll allow people to practice songs that they may be playing int the upcoming tourney rounds.
Myself, I know shit about SN songs, and I'm probably going to be sight-reading most everything(Unless it's one of the 10s...Which doesn't happen at tourneys.), but hey, that'll be half the fun I guess.
Also: No way in hell Tavis or Andrew would be at the tourney o.o They're in Texas and One of the Dakotas respectively...Maybe if this was Nationals or something, but for some random Pullman tourney? No way. I'm pretty sure I was referring to Joel at the time.
May 09, 2007, 02:26:29 PM
It'll be fun if I can go against you in the tourny Cale, I never really got to play against you yet. So how good are the pullman players who will probably show up?
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
May 10, 2007, 09:25:53 AM
Well, as you probably know already, I'm more for accuracy playing over stamina playing. That being said, I might be considered the best accuracy player here. However, there're two others, Beat and Rainault who're close to my level. They've got one-up on me though, they can usually out-score me on the extreme 9 step songs and the 10+ songs. Us three are currently on the top of the hill as far as players go. Beat and Rain play a lot of ITG over DDR though, so their capabilities in this tournament are unknown to me.
Btw, I do plan on having some 10 steps thrown into the mix of songs too. So this is literally anyones tournament if luck is (or isn't) with a player.
P.S. I'll probably have SuperNova CS runnig at the tournament. We can always change it if no one likes it, but I don't think that'll be a problem.
May 10, 2007, 02:17:25 PM
I don't get why people complain about any DDR mixes (with teh exception of USA ZC) though. They all have good songs and stuff in them. Even extreme (that's right, I said it!) just confuses me alot.
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
May 10, 2007, 10:00:37 PM
Are you talking about the arcades or the consoles? Because I feel that Extreme AC is the best game made to date. My only complaint would be that it would've been cool to include Marvelous timing into the regular game, and I think they should have put more old school 3rd, 4th, 5th mix songs in there.
I went to Bumpers Thurday night. The UP arrow was giving me crap so I hit it a few times (yes, thats how we fix things around here) and it worked perfectly the rest of the evening. I pray it will stay this way until Saturday.
Don't forget to get to Bumpers (in Moscow) by 11 AM tomorrow
! We'll be starting the qualifiers as soon as possible so you guys aren't stuck at the arcade until 9 PM at night. Also,
don't forget your registration money
! I'm hoping this tournament will be a blast, we've got (i think) 13 or 14 people that said they'll be coming, should be awesome.
Santa Clara, CA
May 11, 2007, 09:26:08 PM
Minus me.
Joel should be used to this by now =p
Apologies but a friend of mine is short one DJ at a party they're throwing, and I've been asked to fill in. Sorry, but honestly, I like spinning music more than DDR...Though that might not've been true a year ago. Sorry kids =(
May 12, 2007, 07:40:26 AM
ooh! You DJ? What kinda of music?
and now if KOG isn't there (forget if he was planning to go in the first place anyways) then I might actually have a chance
too bad though.
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
May 12, 2007, 08:06:22 AM
Soooo, if you aren't going, does that mean your two guests won't be there either?
May 12, 2007, 04:37:49 PM
well, tournys over.
I'll leave it to suko to post the results since I don't really know anybody's name
May 13, 2007, 08:56:51 PM
well it was fun, even tho i finished last BYFAR XXD, well now i know where i need to be before i try again, the metal pad im getting soon will help...
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
May 13, 2007, 10:34:29 PM
Sorry I haven't posted any post-tournament info. I've been real busy this weekend (both before, during and after thte tournament) and I intend to post images/videos/and some general info about how it went, but unfortunately that will have to wait for tomorrow. I'm tired and I have work, so I'm going to get to bed.
I want to thank Diggit 6 and XeXy for coming as far as they did for our tournament. Having you two there to compete really made things a lot of fun. Your attendance was much appreciated. Diggit, your games were very close, at the next tournament, I wouldn't be surprised to see you beat out a few of the other players you competed against. And Xexy, for only playing for 4 months you did damn well. Be proud of yourself and keep practicing. Btw, you weren't the only player to loose two matches in a row, so don't think that you were "last BYFAR". Just keep playing and if I do another tournament in a few months, we'll look forward to seeing you there again!
I figured that I could at least post the winners. Btw, the difference between these four was
slim, nearly all the semi-final and final rounds came down to a matter of a handful of greats determining the winner. These were certainly no landslide victories.
Tom "Null" - 1st Place
Scott "Sukotto" - 2nd Place
Jason "Beat" - 3rd Place
Joel "Diggit 6" - 4th Place
May 14, 2007, 07:59:50 AM
I know, that one match between me and jason, he got me by like, 1 great (then slaughtered me in the second song
and then when I tied your score exactly. see that's what's really fun about tournaments, is when it's close like that. Didn't you get just one great less, but you had a good, or something like that against null? anyways, that was fun, and well worth the... $2.50 it cost me ^^
May 14, 2007, 08:31:36 AM
it wasnt too bad, though the life difficulty sure threw me off
well i will defineatly be practicing more (people always told me i needed a hobby)
now since i have beat 2 12's on itg i think im going to start working on my accuracy...
May 14, 2007, 02:45:32 PM
That's exactly what I did. Once I beat go *60* Go and Vertex, I started going for stars. I guess I was already tryign to get AAA's previously, but I wasn't too serious until I had those two songs beaten. What 12s did you do first?
May 14, 2007, 06:32:10 PM
delerium and bang (!)
Santa Clara, CA
May 15, 2007, 02:07:49 PM
Does anyone by chance have songlists/scores for the final rounds? I'd like to know where I would've stood in that bunch.
And Joel: I was standing in for a friend, so I kinda had to play all of his epic trance stuff, but personally I spin breaks, DnB, and hardhouse.
Cheney, WA
May 15, 2007, 02:23:29 PM
May 15, 2007, 03:56:57 PM
I'm interested in DJing, and I'm sure I'd mostly spin Trance stuff, but I suppose I could do other stuff. what kinda equippement do you use?
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
May 16, 2007, 10:50:43 PM
Ok, I've updated the first page with some images and videos. I have a lot of videos, but I only put up the matches that were REALLY close, which there were more than I would've expected for a tournament of this size. I didn't keepa list of what songs were played at what points int he tournament, if I can remember anything useful, I'll post it here.
EDIT: Basically, here's the images and video. Tell me if any aren't linked properly.
VIDEOS (you'll need the most recent wmv codecs)
<---would've been a tie if not for a pad miss.
Santa Clara, CA
May 20, 2007, 02:40:09 PM
Alright, but um...Do you mind telling which videos are semifinals, finals, etc?
Also, Joel: Damn, that was a fucking nice match against Beat!
May 20, 2007, 02:55:03 PM
Did you see the one between me and suko on love love shine? perfect tie (cause he tried that spin) that was insane.
I tell ya, that was a really fun tournament. You should've been there Cake.
EDIT: wow, I totally just noticed that typo. but I'm leaving it cause it's hella funny. I just might have to start calling you Cake now. ^^
Santa Clara, CA
May 20, 2007, 10:21:48 PM
Remind me to kill you >.<
Lawl, but yeah, I saw it. It kinda reminded me fo the time Nick and Jeff got the exact same score Disconnected Hyper. Crazy when that stuff happens.
Cheney, WA
May 21, 2007, 02:24:48 PM
Joel, you look so little compared to Suko.
I'll try to make the next one.
Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
Eastern Washington & Idaho
DDR SuperNova Tournament [Aftermath]
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