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April 20, 2008, 06:10:14 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

So I skimmed a few threads and I haven't seen mention of this yet, but we do have a decent PiU machine here. It's a PiU: Exceed machine and it's in the Laser Quest downtown Spokane. The bars wobble, and the pads don't look very good (not to mention the rest of the machine) but I didn't notice any pad misses or arrows sticking. It was fairly accurate and pretty fun to play. and only $0.25 per game.
Read May 03, 2008, 11:49:33 AM #1

hmm must be somewhat recent i was there not all that long ago and didnt see it, im going to go try it today
Read May 04, 2008, 03:25:48 PM #2

Guess who doesn't have to knife fight dusthead midgets now?
Read May 06, 2008, 07:09:51 AM #3

Guess who doesn't have to knife fight dusthead midgets now?
Oh really? I was under the impression you already did this. hm... so how did we get the machine then?
Read May 06, 2008, 07:50:57 AM #4

Oh really? I was under the impression you already did this. hm... so how did we get the machine then?

Hell if I know, I've been busy getting ready to deploy. Maybe the midgets saw what they were up against and forfeited.
Read May 18, 2008, 11:38:23 PM #5

Alright, I checked out the machine today. Christ what a disappointment. The price is now 50c a game (still great), pad misses everywhere unless you stomped the shit out of it, little kids everywhere making the pads dirty meant everything was slippery as hell, and the volume was so low I literally could not hear half of what I played.

But hey, laser tag was fun so at least it wasn't a total bust. I guess if you're going to play Pump there, don't go during the day on weekends since there's likely to be a ton of kids' birthday parties.
Read May 19, 2008, 09:32:15 AM #6

Haven't posted here in a while.
Read June 03, 2008, 07:43:52 PM #7

Read August 02, 2008, 05:02:41 PM #8

Alright, I checked out the machine today. Christ what a disappointment. The price is now 50c a game (still great), pad misses everywhere unless you stomped the shit out of it, little kids everywhere making the pads dirty meant everything was slippery as hell, and the volume was so low I literally could not hear half of what I played.

But hey, laser tag was fun so at least it wasn't a total bust. I guess if you're going to play Pump there, don't go during the day on weekends since there's likely to be a ton of kids' birthday parties.
but it's better than nothing. Maybe we should petition WL to get a PiU Pro dedicab. Hell the ITG2 machine is doing well enough.
Read August 18, 2008, 11:22:47 AM #9

Eh, that's actually a possibility, considering WLs probably already gotten their first machine paid off by now...It's at least worth a shot to ask.  I definitely will if I ever get to spocompton again.
Read January 08, 2011, 04:18:35 PM #10

There's a PiU Exceed machine in Cheney!
Read January 09, 2011, 12:56:06 AM #11

So you have any more details?
Read January 18, 2011, 06:01:39 PM #12

Not really, it looks really nice, and I it's been about 3 years since I last played Piu. :/

If you want me to, I'll try to get decently good and play on it and post it on here.
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