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Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
Eastern Washington & Idaho
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March 31, 2010, 12:27:37 AM
No new posts in this board since January?
Well it would seem the dance game community is dead in my neck of the woods (and just about everywhere else.) I can honestly say I haven't set foot on an ITG machine in probably about a year.
Does anyone still play? I'm actually quite interested in playing again. It'd be cool if there were some people wanting to get together at WL sometime. I might just go up myself anyway but if there's anyone out there still playing then let me know.
The Almighty Tallest
March 31, 2010, 10:18:27 AM
I miss being one of the East side players. Sorry to hear that the scene is dying over there. The same thing happened at Pullman (WSU) around 2005. I was the only one I saw playing DDR above standard mode for almost an entire year. To stay interested, I worked on my accuracy (since I had no one else to compete against) and focused on doing more fun things like lame freestyle attempts and learning doubles. I understand that the social aspect is what keeps many players going, but I guess I just loved the game enough that I stayed interested even without a community to enjoy it with.
I might be heading over to Pullman in a month or two. I'll probably post on here to announce it. I know it's a long way to go for a few rounds of DDR, but I'd be happy to meet up with you for a bit to play on the Bumpers III DDR Extreme machine in the Palouse Mall.
P.S. You could always try hanging out with the emo kids over at the SuperNova in Bumpers at the Northtown Mall. I think I nearly blew their minds when I passed Max 300 on extra stage. It made me lawl.
March 31, 2010, 01:52:05 PM
Well I did go to north town not too terrible long ago but the machines there are just terrible. I want to head up to WL sometime this week and see if the ITG2 machine is still as good as it used to be. But I'll probably make trips to north town and the valley mall.
I miss doin' tourneys and stuff though. I wonder if there's any good players still playing around here. If you're ever in Spokane though, hit me up. We'll go play some ITG.
April 03, 2010, 12:40:19 PM
Quote from: Suko on March 31, 2010, 10:18:27 AM
I miss being one of the East side players. Sorry to hear that the scene is
over there. The same thing happened at Pullman (WSU) around 2005. I was the only one I saw playing DDR above standard mode for almost an entire year. To stay interested, I worked on my accuracy (since I had no one else to compete against) and focused on doing more fun things like lame freestyle attempts and learning doubles. I understand that the social aspect is what keeps many players going, but I guess I just loved the game enough that I stayed interested even without a community to enjoy it with.
I might be heading over to Pullman in a month or two. I'll probably post on here to announce it. I know it's a long way to go for a few rounds of DDR, but I'd be happy to meet up with you for a bit to play on the Bumpers III DDR Extreme machine in the Palouse Mall.
P.S. You could always try hanging out with the emo kids over at the SuperNova in Bumpers at the Northtown Mall. I think I nearly blew their minds when I passed Max 300 on extra stage. It made me lawl.
Dying? :lol: Watch your verbs! The emo kids at the mall are funny. They think an accomplishment is doing an 8 footer on x2.
Some of them aren't bad though. I don't think they could beat my stepcharts though.
April 03, 2010, 01:35:10 PM
well I can remember a time when
thought that was an accomplishment
Who knows, maybe a few of them will actually turn into serious players.
Are you still in Spokane smoke?
July 24, 2010, 06:27:31 PM
I go EWU for school in case I didn't tell you.
You're probably driving now hopefully, the last time I saw you?
We need another meet up or something.
I went to Tukwila and played some ITG3 also.. badass..
August 04, 2010, 12:13:54 AM
Well me and a friend of mine decided it was time to get back into dance games.
Went to WL a few weeks ago and after one round the machine died.
Went again last week and it was fine the whole day.
It's kinda... showing it's age though. Last I checked P1 side was no good (though it could have been fixed by now). There's a bit of lag between finishing a game, and it letting you put money into the machine (which is annoying to say the least) but on singles on the P2 side it works like it always has. I've been getting scores in the 90s (which is good for me, my FA is terrible
) So I don't notice any problems gameplay-wise.
Also, both times I was there, there were people playing 9's and 10's (one kid had to be like 12) so there's still decent players around. Not sure if any are a part of our little community here, but it's not completely dead, and that's good news.
But yeah, I'm driving now. If you're ever in the area and want to play, send me a text (509)991-7632 and I'll see if I can meet ya.
I'll have to check out tukwila too. Where's the machine at?
The Almighty Tallest
August 04, 2010, 08:50:12 AM
The place in Tukwila is called Acme Bowl. You can read all about it here:
Diggit, I suggest you talk to the people @ WL and see if they'd let you do some personal maintenance on the pad. Try and make them understand how much of a passion you have for this "sport" and that their once great machine is in terrible condition. If they're unwilling to let you tinker with it, then I suggest asking them when the tech will be there and try and watch over his shoulder. This will allow you to offer "suggestions" on how to make the game more playable without mucking inside the machine yourself.
This is how the DDR/ITG machines in Pullman kept playable for so long. I hate to brag, but if it weren't for me repairing the damn things thru McGuyver-like methods, they would've become completely unplayable years ago.
If you need suggestions on what to look for when repairing one of these machines, I'd be more than happy to help tell you what I know about vigilante DDR arcade repair.
August 04, 2010, 10:18:16 PM
And I can second his methods cause he also helped out evergreen's machine out a bit too to make it better.
August 08, 2010, 01:34:26 PM
Ah Acme Bowl, I've been there. Excellent arcade.
Went to Wonderland a week ago and both P1 and P2 sides were in perfect working order, so they've fixed that already. Played some doubles too, didn't think I could still beat 10s
. The only real problem is the lag between ending a set, and being able to money in for another one :/
The framerate also slows sometimes during gameplay but not enough to mess me up.
It's in fine working order afaik. Not that I actually know enough about machines to be able to do any sort of maintenance
August 16, 2010, 03:51:47 PM
Machine's still holding up. I've been getting pretty good scores (90s and stuff, my FA has never been that great
) on both sides and on doubles. The only thing I've noticed is that the USB on the 2P side isn't working (or maybe my USB is just retarded) but 1P USB worked fine.
Ran into Xexy there too, so he still plays. I'm not sure who else frequents wonderland but I'm up there at least every other week. usually Thursdays or whatever I have off.
The Almighty Tallest
August 16, 2010, 04:04:41 PM
Glad to hear it's working reasonably well for you. As long as your content with what you've got there, then everything is A-OK in the universe.
September 10, 2010, 12:32:06 PM
LOL Sedare sighting.
October 07, 2011, 05:00:07 PM
Is anyone in the mood for some itg this weekend? I want to try and make this thread seem irrevelant thus making the Spokane scence not dead. So....any takers?
October 14, 2011, 01:44:08 PM
I'm trying to make this zombie area come back to life....can I at least get a point for trying lol. Anyways..... is anyone up for some steppin this weekend?
The Almighty Tallest
October 14, 2011, 04:17:56 PM
It makes me wish I still lived in Pullman. I would seriously drive up for the day (before the roads turn to ice rinks) for some arrow stompin'. Alas, I graduated college and now live across the state.
Does Cale still play at all? I remember he was quite the beast back in the day.
October 14, 2011, 07:17:16 PM
I have no idea if he still plays, I just got here about a month ago
October 22, 2011, 04:25:22 PM
It's that time again. Is anyone up for a session or 2 of some itg or ddr supernova? I'll be in Spokane shopping around this evening and wouldnt mind going to Wonderland IFF someone is going to be there. Hit up the thread. And maybe I'll get you pizza lol
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