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Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
Events, Tournaments, & Meetups
{Tournament} 5.1.6. or "ART@Ground Kontrol" - MAY 16th
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...has trouble with "slow songs"
February 27, 2009, 11:10:43 PM
WHAT: 5.1.6. or ART@GKIM (lolol acronym is coincidence) [Another Random Tournament at Ground Kontrol in May]
WHEN: May 16th, 2009
WHERE: Ground Kontrol; 511 NW Couch St., Portland, OR
MIX: DDR Extreme, single
$10 entry fee (plus 50 cents for qualifier)
Qualifier must be played at Ground Kontrol before May 16th*
The Qualifier will be
Gradiusic Cyber (AMD G5 Mix)
The machine will be on EVENT MODE.
Registration cap at 16
25 cents off drinks for people in the tournament.
Water jug set up for the tournament.
1st - 40% ($64 if cap is reached)
2nd - 25% ($40 if cap is reached)
3rd - 15% ($24 if cap is reached)
4th - 5% + GK gift card
5th - GK gift card
EX scoring. P=2, Gr/OK = 1, everything else is 0
A. Bracketing and qualifier
-16-person, double-elimination
-no rematches before quarterfinal
-qualifiers will be reported using an honors system; multiple attempts are fine
-*If you can't get to Ground Kontrol prior to the tournament, that's fine. Use you most recent score on another DDR Extreme machine, plus 50% greats or 4 greats if SDG/AAA. We aren't going to worry about being too rigorous about the qualifier since it's double elim, as long as EVERYONE doesn't sandbag, it should be fine.
B. Song selection
-A player may select any particular song only once during the tournament.
-Any song rated 7, 8, or 9 feet may be selected during the tournament at any time
-Prior to the final round, each player may only select one song rated 10 or flashing 10. 10's may be selected freely during the final round.
-Matches will be 2 of 3.
-The high seed player will pick which player plays on which side first.
-The player on the left side will pick the song.
-Players will switch sides for the second song.
-Third song, if necessary, will be picked using RANDOM; players may then select modifiers accordingly. Low seed will pick which side to play on for the third song.
-During the matches for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, the higher seed player will pick the first song, and the lower seed player will select the speed, turn, and note modifiers for that song. The losing player will then select the next song, and the other will pick the mods. This will continue in the fashion of Tennis until one player has won on at least 3 songs, and has at least 2 more victories than his or her opponent. If each player wins 6 songs, the next player to win a song will win the match.
C. Time restraints
-If the tournament is still running at 4:40pm, we will relocate to Tilt! and finish up the last few matches.
-Assuming cap is reached, there will be 33 matches 2 of 3, and 3 matches Tennis. 36 matches total.
-2 of 3 matches should last no more than 6 minutes. 33 x 6 = 198 minutes = 3 hours, 18 minutes.
-Tennis matches should last between 5 and 25 minutes. 3 x 25 = 75 minutes = 3 hours, 15 minutes.
-The tournament should last from 12:00pm to 4:33pm.
-Delay of more than 60 seconds between matches will result in loss of match and/or disqualification.
-Delay of more than 40 seconds between songs will result in loss of match and/or disqualification.
-Because time is limited, and we're paying for it, please arrive with a list--whether physically, digitally, or mentally stored--of 15 to 25 songs you intend to play, so that you can quickly locate and choose those songs when you are selecting.
D. Etiquette
-Foul play will result in disqualification. This includes striking, distracting, or otherwise interfering with other players, lying to the tournament organizer and supervisors, et cetera.
-Do not otherwise harass anyone.
-Please do not sing, shadow, et cetera during matches.
-Keep food, beverages, and personal belongings off of the machine during the tournament.
-Feel free to wait between matches in the downstairs area where there is more space and ample seating. (you will be retrieved by a tournament supervisor when your match is next)
-Please do not play other games unless you are willing to part with them immediately when your match is next or if you are disqualified.
-Respect the host establishment, Ground Kontrol, and its staff.
-Please do not bring outside drinks other than water; beverages will be available at a discounted rate for participants.
-If we reach the cap and I'm not completely broke at the time, I will go to Voodoo Doughnuts and buy two dozen doughnuts to share with everyone who:
a. respects these rules
b. stays for the whole tournament
c. wants them,
including people who didn't qualify/didn't enter.
E. Pad Arbitration, et cetera
-If you feel that a sensor is not responding under ample pressure, a panel is sticking, or a panel is triggering when it is not being pressed, inform a tournament supervisor and we will investigate. "Pad greats" and the like will not be considered. We will not recalculate such arbitration if you are being an asshole, or if the match is not particularly close.
-If you tend to drop holds, ask someone to watch while you play songs with numerous holds, so they can vouch for you if you do drop a hold. We will not recalculate dropped holds if you switch feet during a hold, try to hit other panels with a foot that is holding, or the match is not particularly close.
-Pad arbitration will be recalculated to 1.5 points if you have 10-24 greats, 1 point if you have 25 or more greats, and 2 points if you have 9 or less greats.
-If it is determined that alleged pad arbitration would change the result of a match, that song will be considered a draw.
Last Edit: October 23, 2009, 04:47:46 PM by BLueSS
...has trouble with "slow songs"
May 06, 2009, 11:29:54 PM
I don't know the management at Tilt and my experience with their environment, their maintenance, and their staff has been very far from satisfactory. I know, for a fact, that Ground Kontrol's maintenance guy comes in and does repairs every Sunday, I like the environment, and it's a small business. I also don't want to throw half the pot into the machine. That's why I'm not running ITG2 at Tilt! and probably never will. Now, if someone with an ITG2 machine wants to invite me to run a tournament on it, that's something I'd certainly consider, even if it means doing a little travel.
I really don't understand why you're so intent on destroying any vague degree of a reputation I might have by trying to argue with virtually anything I post here, but it's really getting obnoxious. You've been attracting lots of negative attention to everything I've posted here for the last year or so, with no clear motives or stakes. You relentlessly criticize me for changing my position on things, then you wholeheartedly agree with me when we're talking and I point out the necessity in a debate to be able to recognize that you're wrong and change your stance. I'm fairly sure my motives here are clear: I don't want people to make a joke of this event. The earlier posts you cited were far less serious, and really don't represent my current position on the issue at all. Do you really think I was serious at all about MGPO+ or Lemmings? The third thing I listed isn't even a game; it's just an acronym I made up; I can't even remember what it stood for. Point is, you're "arguing for the sake of arguing." If you do feel passionately about that which you've clearly made a point of belittling me over, then you've flat-out lied about your motives. If you are just doing this for your own personal entertainment, then what does that make me? I'd rather not just be some toy of yours.
As for the money match, you're full of shit. You have less than $100 available to you, and I've already told you my balances, which are nowhere near $350 combined (perhaps you meant to type $3.50?). As for rules? Great attack, shuffle, dark. If you can beat me to 10 songs, I pick every one, using those rules, I'll give you $350 as soon as I have $350 to give.
May 07, 2009, 12:28:05 AM
Quote from: DancingTofu on May 06, 2009, 11:29:54 PM
As for the money match, you're full of shit. You have less than $100 available to you, and I've already told you my balances, which are nowhere near $350 combined (perhaps you meant to type $3.50?). As for rules? Great attack, shuffle, dark. If you can beat me to 10 songs, I pick every one, using those rules, I'll give you $350 as soon as I have $350 to give.
Also Tilt maintains their ITG2 pads pretty well, better than GK does with their DDR machine. And the people that work there are cool too.
May 07, 2009, 09:31:00 AM
Quote from: BBH on May 07, 2009, 12:28:05 AM
Also Tilt maintains their ITG2 pads pretty well, better than GK does with their DDR machine. And the people that work there are cool too.
This is the most truth that's been posted in this thread so far ;P
May 10, 2009, 05:12:35 PM
I don't think I'll be able to make it to this. Damn.
May 10, 2009, 06:04:10 PM
I just noticed this thread, and even though I've been to Portland a grand total of once ever and know very few members of the local community, driving 3 hours to enter an Extreme tournament seems oddly appealing. Tony and I may go!!
...has trouble with "slow songs"
May 11, 2009, 01:25:59 AM
That's cool to hear...I've been really worried lately that only a few people would show up and wind up being really disappointed with the event overall, which would ultimately hurt the tournament scene rather than help it. I do want to make sure everyone who's traveling for this knows that there is a possibility that the tournament won't happen if we get less than 6 or 7 people, so if you are investing into this, make sure you're coming to meet people and have fun rather than coming for the prize money.
If the tournament does wind up getting canceled, I'll still treat everyone to voodoo doughnuts, and hopefully the best doughnuts in the world can make your trip worthwhile if the good company doesn't. ;]
May 11, 2009, 12:56:24 PM
To be totally honest, Tony and I would never go somewhere solely to try to win prize money because we're just not that good at the game anymore. He's got tons of stamina (or, did) but was never the BEST at PA; I've never gotten a AAA on a Heavy song before despite playing for 8 years and am generally kinda sickly, making stamina busters difficult. That's the appeal of an Extreme tournament to us, though - we can be at least reasonably competitive there, versus, say, an ITG tournament, where I can't pass most of the songs.
The main purpose of our attendance would be to chill with some cool locals and have an excuse for a Portland vacation; I'd be a little disappointed if I didn't at least get to play some sweet matches though. I've also never been to Ground Kontrol and hear it's completely awesome.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
May 12, 2009, 12:58:06 AM
I figured that was the case. I don't expect as many upper-tier players as there were at Sakuracon though, so players around my level and Tony's level (I don't know where you are at, but perhaps yours too) will be fairly competitive in the tournament overall, comparing to Sakuracon where I was competing just to get into the top 8.
(btw, Tada and I need to play again some time. We seem pretty closely matched...he just shouldn't have picked Orion.98 Civ mix, since that's one of my better charts.
EDIT: If we don't wind up doing the tournament, we can still do round-robin match-ups just for fun, and if people want to lay down $5-$15 money matches for the close match-ups I won't stop them.
Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 12:59:52 AM by DancingTofu
May 12, 2009, 04:15:15 PM
That actually sounds like a lot of fun - I've done Air Hockey tournaments round robin style.
As far as my playing goes - I'm not nearly as good as Tony in the capacity that his stamina far exceeds mine, but on lower level songs I can take him on PA, occasionally. I also read a lot slower than, well, all of the higher level players, which both impedes and helps I think.
Thank you for running this, though... I only enter Extreme or lower mix tournaments because, to be completely honest, I haven't improved at this game in the last five years.
May 13, 2009, 12:17:16 AM
My toe's broken. And it's Extreme. And it's GK pads.
Good luck with this. Just my input, I'd go to a Tilt tourney if it was possible. We have a pristine R21 dedi down in Eugene too...tempting for a tourney?
But who plays dancing games anymore unless they're ***ing Uber Rave? Amirite?
The Almighty Tallest
May 13, 2009, 10:32:13 AM
Quote from: SoDeepPolaris on May 13, 2009, 12:17:16 AM
But who plays dancing games anymore unless they're ***ing Uber Rave? Amirite?
May 13, 2009, 01:29:38 PM
Quote from: Suko on May 13, 2009, 10:32:13 AM
So go *** uber rave.
May 14, 2009, 10:01:18 AM
It appears that there will be three of us coming! Sara/Tricksy, hailing all the way from Rhode Island, is going to make her first PnW tournament appearance. Hopefully we end up playing after all... that's a big first after moving all the way across the country.
As a side note - you folks know the area better than I do. Can someone suggest a cheap-ish (not EconoLodge, but like a Marriott or Holiday Inn) hotel within walking distance?
May 14, 2009, 01:25:07 PM
Quote from: Laura on May 14, 2009, 10:01:18 AM
that's a big first after moving all the way across the country.
My big first after moving to Oregon was going to PAX.
..though I came from PA
May 14, 2009, 01:38:40 PM
SWEET! We need more East Coast transplants in the PnW. I'm a New Yorker (in spirit, anyway; I moved here when I was 11 so I really should be acclimated by now) and it has been an uphill battle to not let the pansy drivers and excessive politeness get to me.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
May 16, 2009, 01:42:50 AM
There are about a zillion hotels in the lloyd district, which is nearby, but they all cost around 120 to 160 a night iirc. I cant think of many others nearby. Red Lions seem to be all over the place and not all that expensive though.
May 17, 2009, 12:31:49 AM
How did the tournament go? I'm rather curious.
I wished I could have gone, but I had some stuff to do so I couldn't make it, nor would I have been able to go to GK (which would have been my first time there anyways) to get a score for a song.
all those slow songs, I swear
May 17, 2009, 03:43:16 PM
Only four people came: Charlie, Laura, Tony, and I. We played round robin, I won. We didn't pay for entry or give prizes, but it was fun. I was glad to meet Laura and Tony again, and to play on the renovated pads. And Matt and Matt showed up!
May 17, 2009, 10:16:51 PM
This was honestly one of the coolest tournaments I've been to because the small number of people and the way we ended up doing Round Robin (tennis rules, so you have to be at least two songs ahead of the other player to win) allowed for some really close and/or interesting matches, and some personal bests among other things:
Tony's second AAA ever, on E-Motion
Tony's black flag on Let The Beat Hit 'Em (I picked it against him because my pad had weak sensors and I wanted to see if it'd be easier for me to combo a song that didn't have very many notes. Bad choice.)
My first ever SDG on a sight read - 7 on Mr. T (Take Me Higher)
Any personal bests for Charlie or Ethan?
all those slow songs, I swear
May 18, 2009, 01:39:42 AM
Laura, that Mr. T was so good. My only new score was the flag on Hyper Eurobeat after the tournament... and I guess Ska a Go Go Standard, too.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
May 18, 2009, 08:34:01 PM
Lots of new scores. I think 2 on 321 Stars was the best I've done off of Nonstop mode. 15 on Trip Machine ~Luv Mix~ was a new best by 2 greats, and 14 on Colors was way better than the 33 I had before. I also improved my score on the From Pop'n Music course by about 40mil. I'll probably be going to GK a lot more now that I'm living at my dad's.
Art's interested in getting another tournament together! When would be a good time for people? Also, I've got a rough design for a Nonstop tournament if people would be interested in doing that. Each course would be played once. Check it out:
Round 1: 8 matches
Round 2: 4 matches
Semifinal: 2 matches
Final: 1 match
8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 15 = # of non-stops on Extreme. We could use normals if we want to go double elim. This would essentially make it a MA tournament for 6's-9's rather than the typical PA tournaments for 8's-10's that Extreme typically generates.
Last Edit: May 18, 2009, 08:40:35 PM by DancingTofu
May 19, 2009, 12:38:50 AM
I'd need to improve my stamina before I'd be good for a nonstop tournament.
The rules look fine though. As far as coming and stuff though, pretty much just name any weekend that isn't Aug. 14-16 (we're going to be out of the area) and we'll be fine to drive down.
May 19, 2009, 12:22:34 PM
Quote from: DancingTofu on May 18, 2009, 08:34:01 PM
Lots of new scores. I think 2 on 321 Stars was the best I've done off of Nonstop mode. 15 on Trip Machine ~Luv Mix~ was a new best by 2 greats, and 14 on Colors was way better than the 33 I had before. I also improved my score on the From Pop'n Music course by about 40mil. I'll probably be going to GK a lot more now that I'm living at my dad's.
Art's interested in getting another tournament together! When would be a good time for people? Also, I've got a rough design for a Nonstop tournament if people would be interested in doing that. Each course would be played once. Check it out:
Round 1: 8 matches
Round 2: 4 matches
Semifinal: 2 matches
Final: 1 match
8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 15 = # of non-stops on Extreme. We could use normals if we want to go double elim. This would essentially make it a MA tournament for 6's-9's rather than the typical PA tournaments for 8's-10's that Extreme typically generates.
Make it Oni with good pads and require Legend Road and I'm there.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
May 21, 2009, 12:05:04 AM
After talking to zeppy about it, I am almost definitely going to run a nonstop tournament. I will not run an oni tournament on tapeswitches ever, and legend road defeats the purpose of a MA tourny, so it's not gonna happen. AAA some 10's and i'll consider it.
Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
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{Tournament} 5.1.6. or "ART@Ground Kontrol" - MAY 16th
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