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May 22, 2009, 12:43:19 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

In order to combat the divisiveness that seems to exist between the "hardcore ITG" crowd and the "PA" and "just for fun" DDR crowds, I bring the latter group a silly, fun tournament!

WHAT: Be In My Paradise (lol get it) DDR Extreme tournament

WHEN: Saturday, 6/27/09, at noon.

WHERE: / 12505 Pacific Avenue S., Tacoma, WA

ENTRY FEE: $5.00


16 player single elimination - Tennis style matches are longer than your standard matches, so it needs to be single elim if 16 players show up. If only eight or fewer players show up, we can revise this to be eight player double elim very easily.

Tennis style matches - The win condition for a tennis style match is that you need to play AT LEAST three songs against your opponent, and you must be at least two wins ahead of them. Best two out of three, then, is not a win YET, but best three out of four is. Same with best three out of five, six out of ten, etc etc. Due to the tennis style format, this tournament needs to be no more than sixteen players, or it will take all day! Low seed picks either the side they want or first song. The second song will be picked by the next player. At this point, each subsequent song will be chosen by the player who lost the immediately previous song until the match has ended. If a song is a tie, the player who selected longest ago gets next selection.

Failing your own song - If you pick it, you pass it. If you don't, you automatically lose the song regardless of your opponent.

Forfeiture: Players confronted with a particularly challenging song will be allowed to forfeit the song with no effect on the match (unless, by forfeiture, you're giving your opponent the final point they need to win the match.) Once a player forfeits, you HAVE to stick with your song choice and play that song. Because of this, I encourage all players to talk to each other to make any legitimate health concerns known. Nobody is an ass for picking HVAM if they didn't know the guy they're playing has a bad knee. "I'm allergic to bad music" is not a health concern, and will probably get you The Reflex or Crash. You are better off including your opponent in the song choice if you want to play a 10.

Asshat rule: There will be no difficulty caps in the traditional sense, HOWEVER I am enforcing a no asshole rule by capping LITERALLY - while all difficulties are permissible in this tournament, if you do something that is clearly mean spirited, like pick a 10 against a person you know to have physical limitations (athsma, GERD, has only been playing a week), or exploit factors that have nothing to do with playing ability (picking songs with all freezes when you suspect the other player's side is dropping them, taking note that an arrow might be sticking, and thus playing songs that are all stomps on that arrow), you will be forced to wear a comedically large hat ("the asshat") while you play the rest of the round, so that people know that you were an asshat. If the hat comes off, you lose the song. This is both in the spirit of fun and games, and to make sure that people aren't jerks.

Prizes: The prize pool will be split among the top four players as follows: 1st - 50% 2nd - 25% 3rd - 15% 4th- 10%. Additionally, there will be other fun prizes to be revealed day of!

New players/consolation prizes: Last place player will receive a "lightly used" copy of ITG home from my and my husband's "consolidated" collection to encourage new community members to participate.

Qualifiers: Each player who enters this tournament, as well as any and all spectators who wish to participate, should write a qualifier down on an index card which will be cut in half (the hot dog way) (will be provided) and toss it into the hat at the beginning of the tournament. When it is time to qualify, I will draw a suggestion out of the hat at random, and that will be the qualifier, unless the random choice was clearly a joke (5.1.1. light, MaxX Unlimited, etc etc.) Please refrain from suggesting "joke" songs unless they have some actual merit. If a player wishes, they can enter a song on left, right, or mirror, but please no other mods (sudden, flat, boost, etc etc). If the person whose chart is picked as the qualifier is playing in the tournament, they have to go first - so please write your name on the piece of index card.

Scoring: Perfects = 2, Greats = 1, nothing else = anything. Pad arbitration will take place on a case by case basis IF any pad errors would change the outcome of the match. If you get 2 pad misses and 30 greats, and the guy you played against AAA'd the song, no redo for you.  

Modification of rules rule: THESE ARE THE FINAL RULES unless something goes seriously wrong day of.

Feel free to suggest additions/alternatives to the rules. However, if the suggestions lead to drama, they will be respectfully disregarded. I'm all ears otherwise, though! Cheesy

EDIT: Forgot to address ties in the rules. Whoops. Tongue
EDIT 2: Grammar. I'm not telling you WHAT grammar because, as a former English major, I'm embarrassed.
EDIT 3: I NEED PLAYER INPUT. Would you prefer a 10 dollar entry fee and a much larger prize pool, or a 5 dollar entry fee, so you have less to lose?
EDIT 4: Changed the rules in regards to song forfeiture.
EDIT 5: Added Paradise's physical address to the thread.
EDIT 6: Added modification of rules rule.
EDIT 7: Modified qualifiers rule. PLEASE READ!
EDIT 8: Added official "entry fee."
EDIT 9: Modified modification of rules, modified qualifier rules, added scoring. HAVE FUN GUYS! Cheesy

« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 11:46:46 AM by BLueSS »
Read May 22, 2009, 03:21:04 PM #26

It's up on I hope it catches some attention. I'll do the same for the ITG tournament once things are finalized.
Read May 22, 2009, 03:26:41 PM #27

Anyone from Portland or south of here available to carpool for this?  I can start talking to people with cars if I can find 2 or 3 other folks who could split the expense with me.

Also, would people feel that 7/13/09 would be too soon to run another PNW tournament after this?  Ground Kontrol's interested in hosting another tournament sometime in the next couple months.

It's a trick!  Tony killed me on Max 300 last weekend! ;P
Actually, we should look into getting some 1st Aid certified people at tournaments.  Enough of the people from the old scene have problems now that it would make sense.  Hell, even I have an asthma attack now and then and I'm a pretty active guy (I bike 20-60 miles on a typical day), and who hasn't twisted an ankle doing crossovers or sprained a wrist doing hands? (I actually haven't done this personally, but I have cut my leg open sightreading a friend's Saint chart no bar when I missed the pad on one of the jumps.)
Read May 22, 2009, 03:31:16 PM #28

Actually, we should look into getting some 1st Aid certified people at tournaments.

I know this is kind of a long shot, but the infamous Chris Foy has EMT/Firefighter training, which would make him extremely qualified for this... but he's also a Bemani player, so he'd actually enjoy being there! I'll call him tonight and see if it's possible that he could come with some of his "gear" as a personal favor.

Also, Tofu, I don't know exact details but there is a train station in Tacoma. I've heard that taking the train from Portland to Tacoma is cake... it just might be too expensive. Either way, if you guys can get to the train station I'd be happy to drive the rest of the way.
Read May 22, 2009, 03:40:28 PM #29

I don't think I can afford multiple train trips to Seattle/Tacoma this summer, and I'd like to make it to this, the Summer DDR Conference in Canadaland, and any other tournaments that pop up, meaning I'll be operating on $50 or so for each event. Tongue (maybe $100 for the Canada thing; I can see if my dad would be willing to pay for the passport since that's a more general thing to have in life)  That said, if Ethan and one or two other people from Portland would be interested, it would cost about $20 each round trip. (140 miles each way; that's 14 gallons at 20 mpg R.T., which at current gas prices would be $49 or so; leftover money could be given to the driver for getting us there and back.)
Read May 22, 2009, 03:51:10 PM #30

Holy crap? If they truly have the F-Zero AX cabinet there, I know what I'll be doing in-between sets! Too bad they don't have any SHMUPS.
Read May 22, 2009, 03:54:49 PM #31

don't have any SHMUPS.
lameness. :[  This is definitely my second favourite genre of Video Games after Rhythm Games. :/
Read May 22, 2009, 04:16:47 PM #32

Tofu, I'd love to see you and Ethan there. Smiley
Read May 22, 2009, 04:45:03 PM #33

Paradise's game list is out of date, I don't know where Bill has put AX, but it wasn't there a week ago.

@Tofu: I haven't tried MU, LoM, or PSM (H/O) recently, Max300 was kind of a last ditch thing in the hope that it'd wear you out so we'd break the tie and it was actually a huge risk on my part - the Wednesday before (first time playing since S-con), I played it, finished it, and keeled over in exhausted.  I knew I could take you on it, but I legitimately did not know if I'd be able to keep playing after.  My timing hasn't dwindled (it's actually gotten better) since I stopped playing seriously, but my endurance is not what it used to be, and I wouldn't make it halfway through the tournament if there was a 10 or two every round.  11's and 12's take my knee down without fail now.  Oddly my asthma's almost never been an issue at any level, unless I'm sick.

I'm willing to accept the agree-on-10's rule, since 10's take the form of extremely niche tech charts (bag/sakura) or extremely stamina draining charts (everything else), and in either case, the only real practice you can have is playing the 10's.

Something to pull up from Jerrad's tournaments as a discussion piece: forcing consistent chart changing mods (left, right, mirror, maybe even little or no freeze) for both players to add to the number of charts per song choice options.  Jerrad allowed it during carded tournaments and even forced some for quals and it could be implemented as either an addition to your choice or a way for your opponent to "counter" your song choice (some charts become very different with a rotation), in either case it could be freely available, limited to once per round, or limited to x over the course of the day.  I'm kind of neutral towards the idea and just want to see what people think about it.  I think Jerrad and/or DMN have included at various points the rule "anything is valid if the players agree and it doesn't take extra time."
Read May 22, 2009, 04:50:35 PM #34

No comments from me about the tournament, except to say that I'm looking forward to it and will definitely be there!
Read May 22, 2009, 04:58:04 PM #35

I've spoken to Laura about this personally, and she suggested that I post it here for discussion.

I am more in favor of random qualifier OR having Laura pick a qualifier with absolutely zero player input.  The only reason is that some people live relatively closely to machines, while others don't, so I feel like giving up this knowledge beforehand allows people to whore out the song.  So if the qualifier was something like Hyper (Earlybeat) Eurobeat, someone who can't sub 10 Freckles could practice a lot and get used to that timing and sub 5 it, whereas a player who is much more skilled might screw it up after not playing it for awhile.  That would make the seeds off-balance and make for a more boring tournament.

So for the sake of balanced seeding, I would suggest making the players unaware of the qualifier until the day of.  (Also, if the qualifier was random and turned up as a 10 footer or something retarded like The Reflex, the tournament director will have the option of selecting a different random song.  This is a fun tournament, not someone crying because Duran Duran is a painfully tortured soul with uneven BPM.)

Anyone else have thoughts on that?

EDIT:  I think it might be nice if upon arriving to the tourney, everyone wrote their own personal suggestion for a qualifier on a piece of paper (within reason), and Laura would put all suggestions into the asshat and pulled a choice at random right before the tournament starts.  Any issues with this?

« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 05:02:18 PM by Tricksy »
Read May 22, 2009, 05:08:35 PM #36

I'm definitely a fan of player input on the qual, but I can agree that advanced knowledge might be detrimental given the rarity of good Extremes these days.  We used to give the song (or a set from which it would be picked, randomly or not, day of) in advance, but it used to be easy for anyone to hop on an extreme when there were decent machines everywhere and really good machines at a few fairly convenient locations.

I would agree with each player putting a choice into the asshat as they register, then one is chosen when quals start (late registrations won't be allowed to suggest something, obviously).  Pursuant to other rules, things like 10's being suggested can be screened as necessary if drawn from the hat.  My hope is that players will suggest things they see a good measures of skill, rather than some niche chart that gives them the upper hand, but that's what Laura's pre-screen was supposed to cover.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 05:20:21 PM by ancsik »
Read May 22, 2009, 06:20:59 PM #37

I'd say pick random for the qualifier as well. That way there's no potential for biases or picking a song someone will be good at.
Would the qualifiers be the day of, or done in advance?

I'd rather have $5 entry fee, with less risk.
I agree with "no 10s unless both agree".

I'll be entering if it doesn't interfere with running the air hockey tournament.

And how much for the air hockey tournament? $3?

PS: I'm working on fixing the PMs.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 06:25:57 PM by BLueSS »
Read May 22, 2009, 10:27:24 PM #38

I'll be happy to put up to $10 into each tournament as long as I can get that carpool going and I can participate in both.  Hell, maybe I'll actually win a tournament with a prize again. ;P
Read May 22, 2009, 10:41:53 PM #39

I'll be in England. At least y'all won't have to put up with the worst tournament organizer in existence!
Read May 22, 2009, 11:03:16 PM #40


Anyway, that's too bad you won't be here.
Read May 22, 2009, 11:21:16 PM #41

Ok, since there's no dissent, I'm going to change the rules to reflect the qualifier being random out of the hat of suggestions day of. Obviously everyone can practice the crap out the one thing they put in the hat, so someone will have a slight advantage, but it'll be a random one and therefore slightly more fair. Smiley

I also like five dollars to enter, especially with DMN padding the pot...
Read May 22, 2009, 11:29:03 PM #42

Suko - Haha, yeah, I suppose I did have the benefit of a "hidden power level" in our last meeting, eh? We'll see if I can make it to this one. Wink (I have to get a passport though, since you can't use a birth certificate anymore as of June)
Read May 23, 2009, 12:53:32 AM #43

I should be in Seattle on this day and if I'm not busy I could go. Might need a ride though.
Read May 23, 2009, 01:39:56 AM #44

That probably won't be hard to get, as I could give you a ride if needed (depending on where you'd want to be picked up/dropped off).

You should definitely come!
Read May 24, 2009, 02:05:08 PM #45

After talking to people and finding out how much interest there is, exactly, I'm starting to think we need to find a way to create contingency for a 32 person tournament; I'm almost positive that at least 16 people I've already spoken to are planning on entering this event, and this is only two days after it was announced. So, I propose the following modification to the rules:

If more than 16 people show up, the first round will be a 32 bracket, only a standard best two out of three single elim, so as to move quickly to the tennis style rounds. This ensures that as many people as possible get to enter. Smiley Does anyone have another idea that might be better?
Read May 24, 2009, 02:47:05 PM #46

Rock, paper, scissors for the top 32 round.
Read May 24, 2009, 03:42:24 PM #47

So I'll have been playing DDR for 10 years around the time of this tournament.

Yes, this is me playing when I was 8. I full combo'd some nonstop.

Read May 24, 2009, 05:06:51 PM #48

I don't think I can afford multiple train trips to Seattle/Tacoma this summer, and I'd like to make it to this, the Summer DDR Conference in Canadaland, and any other tournaments that pop up, meaning I'll be operating on $50 or so for each event. Tongue (maybe $100 for the Canada thing; I can see if my dad would be willing to pay for the passport since that's a more general thing to have in life)  That said, if Ethan and one or two other people from Portland would be interested, it would cost about $20 each round trip. (140 miles each way; that's 14 gallons at 20 mpg R.T., which at current gas prices would be $49 or so; leftover money could be given to the driver for getting us there and back.)

Hmm, when is this Canada thing? I don't think I'll have enough time to go to anything more than this tournament, since I plan to start working on July 1st, but you never know.

I'm loving the casual nature of these rules... it seems like the perfect choice for a PNW tournament right now. I look forward to wearing the asshat a lot.

Also Kevin that picture is adorable/hilarious.
Read May 24, 2009, 09:07:07 PM #49

So I'll have been playing DDR for 10 years around the time of this tournament.

Yes, this is me playing when I was 8. I full combo'd some nonstop.

lol, jk. Awesome picture Cheesy
Read May 24, 2009, 09:45:08 PM #50

Isn't that a little young to lose your FC virginity? Cheesy


Something ontopic: Umm... Laura, the proposed changes if there are more people sounds ok, although if you lose the first round, that's 5 bucks for 3 (maybe 2) songs... and you probably won't feel too good about it. Tongue
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