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May 22, 2009, 12:43:19 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

In order to combat the divisiveness that seems to exist between the "hardcore ITG" crowd and the "PA" and "just for fun" DDR crowds, I bring the latter group a silly, fun tournament!

WHAT: Be In My Paradise (lol get it) DDR Extreme tournament

WHEN: Saturday, 6/27/09, at noon.

WHERE: / 12505 Pacific Avenue S., Tacoma, WA

ENTRY FEE: $5.00


16 player single elimination - Tennis style matches are longer than your standard matches, so it needs to be single elim if 16 players show up. If only eight or fewer players show up, we can revise this to be eight player double elim very easily.

Tennis style matches - The win condition for a tennis style match is that you need to play AT LEAST three songs against your opponent, and you must be at least two wins ahead of them. Best two out of three, then, is not a win YET, but best three out of four is. Same with best three out of five, six out of ten, etc etc. Due to the tennis style format, this tournament needs to be no more than sixteen players, or it will take all day! Low seed picks either the side they want or first song. The second song will be picked by the next player. At this point, each subsequent song will be chosen by the player who lost the immediately previous song until the match has ended. If a song is a tie, the player who selected longest ago gets next selection.

Failing your own song - If you pick it, you pass it. If you don't, you automatically lose the song regardless of your opponent.

Forfeiture: Players confronted with a particularly challenging song will be allowed to forfeit the song with no effect on the match (unless, by forfeiture, you're giving your opponent the final point they need to win the match.) Once a player forfeits, you HAVE to stick with your song choice and play that song. Because of this, I encourage all players to talk to each other to make any legitimate health concerns known. Nobody is an ass for picking HVAM if they didn't know the guy they're playing has a bad knee. "I'm allergic to bad music" is not a health concern, and will probably get you The Reflex or Crash. You are better off including your opponent in the song choice if you want to play a 10.

Asshat rule: There will be no difficulty caps in the traditional sense, HOWEVER I am enforcing a no asshole rule by capping LITERALLY - while all difficulties are permissible in this tournament, if you do something that is clearly mean spirited, like pick a 10 against a person you know to have physical limitations (athsma, GERD, has only been playing a week), or exploit factors that have nothing to do with playing ability (picking songs with all freezes when you suspect the other player's side is dropping them, taking note that an arrow might be sticking, and thus playing songs that are all stomps on that arrow), you will be forced to wear a comedically large hat ("the asshat") while you play the rest of the round, so that people know that you were an asshat. If the hat comes off, you lose the song. This is both in the spirit of fun and games, and to make sure that people aren't jerks.

Prizes: The prize pool will be split among the top four players as follows: 1st - 50% 2nd - 25% 3rd - 15% 4th- 10%. Additionally, there will be other fun prizes to be revealed day of!

New players/consolation prizes: Last place player will receive a "lightly used" copy of ITG home from my and my husband's "consolidated" collection to encourage new community members to participate.

Qualifiers: Each player who enters this tournament, as well as any and all spectators who wish to participate, should write a qualifier down on an index card which will be cut in half (the hot dog way) (will be provided) and toss it into the hat at the beginning of the tournament. When it is time to qualify, I will draw a suggestion out of the hat at random, and that will be the qualifier, unless the random choice was clearly a joke (5.1.1. light, MaxX Unlimited, etc etc.) Please refrain from suggesting "joke" songs unless they have some actual merit. If a player wishes, they can enter a song on left, right, or mirror, but please no other mods (sudden, flat, boost, etc etc). If the person whose chart is picked as the qualifier is playing in the tournament, they have to go first - so please write your name on the piece of index card.

Scoring: Perfects = 2, Greats = 1, nothing else = anything. Pad arbitration will take place on a case by case basis IF any pad errors would change the outcome of the match. If you get 2 pad misses and 30 greats, and the guy you played against AAA'd the song, no redo for you.  

Modification of rules rule: THESE ARE THE FINAL RULES unless something goes seriously wrong day of.

Feel free to suggest additions/alternatives to the rules. However, if the suggestions lead to drama, they will be respectfully disregarded. I'm all ears otherwise, though! Cheesy

EDIT: Forgot to address ties in the rules. Whoops. Tongue
EDIT 2: Grammar. I'm not telling you WHAT grammar because, as a former English major, I'm embarrassed.
EDIT 3: I NEED PLAYER INPUT. Would you prefer a 10 dollar entry fee and a much larger prize pool, or a 5 dollar entry fee, so you have less to lose?
EDIT 4: Changed the rules in regards to song forfeiture.
EDIT 5: Added Paradise's physical address to the thread.
EDIT 6: Added modification of rules rule.
EDIT 7: Modified qualifiers rule. PLEASE READ!
EDIT 8: Added official "entry fee."
EDIT 9: Modified modification of rules, modified qualifier rules, added scoring. HAVE FUN GUYS! Cheesy

« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 11:46:46 AM by BLueSS »
Read June 06, 2009, 11:36:53 PM #76

I was just asking whether we could select speed mods to use when we play, since you only specified that a couple of turn mods and boost were allowed in the rules.

EDIT: No boost?  Why?  The old DDR crowd from Beaverton used to all rely on Boost.  :/

« Last Edit: June 06, 2009, 11:38:38 PM by DancingTofu »
Read June 07, 2009, 01:23:14 AM #77

Everyone should be forced to play 1x, dark, flat. Tongue
Read June 07, 2009, 05:57:07 AM #78

That sounds a little tricky.
Read June 07, 2009, 11:59:24 AM #79

It's really fun though ;p
Read June 07, 2009, 08:36:51 PM #80

In the rules I specified, I was referring to what you're allowed to specify as a QUALIFIER - so for example, you could require a qualifier to be Cowgirl Heavy Shuffle. You can't require a qualifier to be Cowgirl Heavy 2x Boost because that messes with people who don't play on Boost or 2x, whereas all shuffle does is change the chart so it's a different one.

As for mods you can select to make play (presumably) easier for yourself, anyone can select whatever speed mod they want (including boost), solo is fine to turn on if both players agree, etc etc. So if the qualifier is Cowgirl Heavy Shuffle, and you think 5x boost will help you time it better, play on 5x boost, or 1x flat, or whatever. Just no little or anything that actually makes the chart easier.
Read June 07, 2009, 10:47:25 PM #81

Okay that explains a lot.  Thanks!
Read June 08, 2009, 10:17:31 AM #82

Scoring is calculated as the sum of each step grade, so why ban little?  If a player chooses to take out 100+ steps from a chart, it's their own problem when a AAA is 200 points lower than their opponent's AA.  Same goes for no freeze.  I mean, no one would be dumb enough to do this, I hope, but it doesn't actually need consideration in the rules at all.

Also, I don't know if anyone would do it (I wouldn't), but I'd think no freeze would be a valid forced mod for the qualifier.  Jerrad's done it before for a qualifier - and on the right chart (he used Ecstasy Oni), it makes everything feel completely different.

Also, the scoring method hasn't actually been posted.  I'd assume something relatively normal, but that should probably be posted.
Read June 08, 2009, 10:55:48 AM #83

I mean, yes, Little takes 100+ steps out of the chart, but because of that, it's also fucking stupid. Why would anyone play it? What's the point of allowing it? Seems like a way to sandbag if you ask me.

I guess you could suggest a "Freezes off" qualifier, but like you said, you wouldn't, neither would I, and I don't really know anyone who would. Tongue

Good point, I'll post scoring later!
Read June 09, 2009, 12:35:27 AM #84

I think Little actually takes a full 8-measure section out of Love Love Magic.  Pretty lulz shit :O

I actually can't pass MaxX Unlimited without the freezes. :O
Read June 11, 2009, 12:58:37 PM #85

Laura and I played a little yesterday.  The sensors feel fine, but the panels with curved arrows (which have now been spread out with 2 on each side) are giving misses and sticking pretty significantly, and the mix on curved/flat arrows on each side makes it very hard to time properly.  I've sent Bill a more detailed description of what happened and what needs to be looked at, so we should see these all resolved before the day of the tournament.
Read June 12, 2009, 10:56:03 AM #86

The sensors feel fine, but the panels with curved arrows (which have now been spread out with 2 on each side) are giving misses and sticking pretty significantly, and the mix on curved/flat arrows on each side makes it very hard to time properly.  I've sent Bill a more detailed description of what happened and what needs to be looked at, so we should see these all resolved before the day of the tournament

Tell Bill to jank Daffodil Bowl's pad if this one has any problems at all that can't be fixed by basic maintenance. Daffodil in Puyallup has nearly perfect pads, just played on them yesterday. Which by the way is where I'll be "training up" (playing casually) at until this shit goes down so some of you should drop in sometime.
Read June 12, 2009, 11:51:11 AM #87

I've never heard of this place but if they have near perfect extreme I may end up making a road trip this weekend. Maybe we can have an official BIMP training meetup.
Read June 12, 2009, 01:11:30 PM #88

I'd be there in spirit. ;]
Read June 12, 2009, 05:28:54 PM #89

Daffodil, glad to hear the pads are great.  That one is up for maintenance here in the next month, as is Acme.
Read June 15, 2009, 12:05:28 PM #90

So when we pick a song to play can we require no speed mods? I can understand not requiring flat or dark or anything like that to go with it...
As for mods you can select to make play (presumably) easier for yourself, anyone can select whatever speed mod they want (including boost), solo is fine to turn on if both players agree, etc etc. So if the qualifier is Cowgirl Heavy Shuffle, and you think 5x boost will help you time it better, play on 5x boost, or 1x flat, or whatever. Just no little or anything that actually makes the chart easier.
...Because I'd kind of like to use Bag and My Summer Love on 1x, among maybe some others; these are 10 and 9 respectively because of their BPM, so speeding it up really does make the charts trivial and just another 7/8 PA. Plus players should know how to read slow stuff on DDRExtreme, seeing as like challenge courses you have to play on 1x. Just a thought. And yeah daffodils pads are basically perfect; I'll be down there a couple times a week if others want to drop by sometime
Read June 15, 2009, 01:43:55 PM #91

I agree with the sentiment there.  I usually won't play any song under 100 bpm with speed mods because I like to challenge myself to read slowly.  However, if someone picks Secret Rendezvous against me, I'm going to play it on 3x and SDG it rather than 1x and barely AA it.  Unless there's a rule otherwise.  My issue with a rule like that is that it favours memorisation.  I think that if 1x can be forced when choosing a song, shuffle should accompany it.  There aren't a lot of slow songs that have retardly difficult crossovers on shuffle, so it's not like playing HVAM on shuffle where there's a significant chance the song will be nonstop turns and double steps.
Read June 15, 2009, 01:45:36 PM #92

I agree with you in theory, Gerrak. I personally LOVE 5th mix tournaments and the like because I *can* 1x slow stuff better than many people; I've beaten Tony in tournaments even though he's an overall much more skilled player than me that way.

The problem with allowing forced mods is that it sets a bad precedent  for the way forced mods can be used. If somebody told me I had to 1x Sana Mollette, I'd say that fair is fair; when the chart was written, there weren't even speed mods available. If someone told me I had to 5x Healing Vision Angelic, that's just stupid and makes no sense. I feel like in order for this to be as fair as possible, I can't force anyone to play 1x.

Maybe I can allow for side pots/challenges? "I'll bet you five dollars you can't beat me on 1x" type stuff?
Read June 15, 2009, 01:48:15 PM #93

I'll bring up a Cock 'n' Balls Doughnut and my France France Revolution challenge if you do. ;P

EDIT: btw, I'm 99% certain I have a ride now. :3
Read June 15, 2009, 02:31:44 PM #94

I would have to say no to forcing any speed mods, 1x or otherwise.  Obviously, Konami seems to have gone multiple directions with this by adding them and then continuing to rate slow songs for their 1x difficulty (and forcing 1x or lower on Oni mode), but just like debates over the bar, most players have settled on playing the way that makes them most comfortable.  I feel 1x to be unfair to certain playstyles (heavily visual players lose precision, but aural players are much less affected) and in conjunction with odd syncing (especially songs with inconsistent syncing, like Stoic and Little Bitch, or Electro Tuned which has an unstated 9 bpm change for a few measures [which isn't even in the original version from IIDX]) it would be a cheap shot at anyone who hadn't memorized exactly what was different about the song.  Playing to someone's weaknesses in terms of song choice is obviously the point, but then taking someone entirely out of their comfort zone on top of it doesn't seem all that fair.

I would also put forth that DDR is the only one of Konami's still-running games that expert players normally even consider to be playable on 1x at the current generation's top difficulty levels (most beginning IIDX players go straight to speed mods and, later, when the highest still isn't enough for the slower songs, players block off part of the screen so it feels yet faster; pop'n and GFDM aren't too much better in that respect).

I would definitely cite the idea of precedent, allowing you to force 1x this time means next time, I should be allowed to force 2x or even 8x, regardless of BPM
Read June 15, 2009, 03:43:32 PM #95

It's cool that this thing is only a little over a week out. Unfortunately I haven't had much game time on DDR cabs lately. I hope I get a chance to "practice" a bit before the tourny. Either way, it should be a hoot.
Read June 15, 2009, 04:32:27 PM #96

I have two spats of bad news.

1) I will be unable to donate that extra cash, I've hit some personal unexpected finances that prevent me from dropping $100 on a tourney. I'm incredibly sorry.

2) I also will not be attending this, as I may have to work that day, and the fact that I'll be having to prepare for a trip to LA.

I hope you guys have a lot of fun, and I'll be sure to have one of you guys call into USL.
Read June 15, 2009, 04:47:28 PM #97

#1 is no big deal, it was INSANE and way too generous of you to make that offer...

...but you will be sorely missed at this event. If there's any way at all you have some unexpected change day of, let me know and I'll drive out to Ballard/Greenwood myself and grab you. Cheesy <3 Otherwise, life gets in the way sometimes; just know that you will be expected at BIMP2: Electro Tuned Boogaloo.
Read June 16, 2009, 01:59:07 AM #98

It's cool that this thing is only a little over a week out. Unfortunately I haven't had much game time on DDR cabs lately. I hope I get a chance to "practice" a bit before the tourny. Either way, it should be a hoot.
I'm hoping we get to play a match at some point.  I don't think I had the pleasure at Sakuracon.  :[
Read June 22, 2009, 12:12:57 PM #99

Bump for nearness of event:

1. Everybody, start really thinking about your qualifier suggestion. I'll provide paper, a pen, and a hat. All songs need to be suggested by about five after noon so qualifying can happen by ten after.

2. Scoring... due to the fact that even after troubleshooting, it seems that there are one or two arrows that are going to be hard to diagnose, I'm going to make scoring easy and say that it's a straight PA tournament, where perfect =  2 points, great = 1 point, everything else = nothing. This is not only because I believe straight PA to be relatively fair as a measure of skill, but because it makes pad arbitration less necessary since a better player who happened to get 1-2 pad misses is still going to kick a worse player's ass in terms of number of perfects.

Pad arbitration will take place only if a player would have won or tied a match if not for the pad issues in question.

What do you guys think?
Read June 22, 2009, 04:32:42 PM #100

Do whatever you have to do.

What are some of the pad's "symptoms"?
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