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May 22, 2009, 12:43:19 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

In order to combat the divisiveness that seems to exist between the "hardcore ITG" crowd and the "PA" and "just for fun" DDR crowds, I bring the latter group a silly, fun tournament!

WHAT: Be In My Paradise (lol get it) DDR Extreme tournament

WHEN: Saturday, 6/27/09, at noon.

WHERE: / 12505 Pacific Avenue S., Tacoma, WA

ENTRY FEE: $5.00


16 player single elimination - Tennis style matches are longer than your standard matches, so it needs to be single elim if 16 players show up. If only eight or fewer players show up, we can revise this to be eight player double elim very easily.

Tennis style matches - The win condition for a tennis style match is that you need to play AT LEAST three songs against your opponent, and you must be at least two wins ahead of them. Best two out of three, then, is not a win YET, but best three out of four is. Same with best three out of five, six out of ten, etc etc. Due to the tennis style format, this tournament needs to be no more than sixteen players, or it will take all day! Low seed picks either the side they want or first song. The second song will be picked by the next player. At this point, each subsequent song will be chosen by the player who lost the immediately previous song until the match has ended. If a song is a tie, the player who selected longest ago gets next selection.

Failing your own song - If you pick it, you pass it. If you don't, you automatically lose the song regardless of your opponent.

Forfeiture: Players confronted with a particularly challenging song will be allowed to forfeit the song with no effect on the match (unless, by forfeiture, you're giving your opponent the final point they need to win the match.) Once a player forfeits, you HAVE to stick with your song choice and play that song. Because of this, I encourage all players to talk to each other to make any legitimate health concerns known. Nobody is an ass for picking HVAM if they didn't know the guy they're playing has a bad knee. "I'm allergic to bad music" is not a health concern, and will probably get you The Reflex or Crash. You are better off including your opponent in the song choice if you want to play a 10.

Asshat rule: There will be no difficulty caps in the traditional sense, HOWEVER I am enforcing a no asshole rule by capping LITERALLY - while all difficulties are permissible in this tournament, if you do something that is clearly mean spirited, like pick a 10 against a person you know to have physical limitations (athsma, GERD, has only been playing a week), or exploit factors that have nothing to do with playing ability (picking songs with all freezes when you suspect the other player's side is dropping them, taking note that an arrow might be sticking, and thus playing songs that are all stomps on that arrow), you will be forced to wear a comedically large hat ("the asshat") while you play the rest of the round, so that people know that you were an asshat. If the hat comes off, you lose the song. This is both in the spirit of fun and games, and to make sure that people aren't jerks.

Prizes: The prize pool will be split among the top four players as follows: 1st - 50% 2nd - 25% 3rd - 15% 4th- 10%. Additionally, there will be other fun prizes to be revealed day of!

New players/consolation prizes: Last place player will receive a "lightly used" copy of ITG home from my and my husband's "consolidated" collection to encourage new community members to participate.

Qualifiers: Each player who enters this tournament, as well as any and all spectators who wish to participate, should write a qualifier down on an index card which will be cut in half (the hot dog way) (will be provided) and toss it into the hat at the beginning of the tournament. When it is time to qualify, I will draw a suggestion out of the hat at random, and that will be the qualifier, unless the random choice was clearly a joke (5.1.1. light, MaxX Unlimited, etc etc.) Please refrain from suggesting "joke" songs unless they have some actual merit. If a player wishes, they can enter a song on left, right, or mirror, but please no other mods (sudden, flat, boost, etc etc). If the person whose chart is picked as the qualifier is playing in the tournament, they have to go first - so please write your name on the piece of index card.

Scoring: Perfects = 2, Greats = 1, nothing else = anything. Pad arbitration will take place on a case by case basis IF any pad errors would change the outcome of the match. If you get 2 pad misses and 30 greats, and the guy you played against AAA'd the song, no redo for you.  

Modification of rules rule: THESE ARE THE FINAL RULES unless something goes seriously wrong day of.

Feel free to suggest additions/alternatives to the rules. However, if the suggestions lead to drama, they will be respectfully disregarded. I'm all ears otherwise, though! Cheesy

EDIT: Forgot to address ties in the rules. Whoops. Tongue
EDIT 2: Grammar. I'm not telling you WHAT grammar because, as a former English major, I'm embarrassed.
EDIT 3: I NEED PLAYER INPUT. Would you prefer a 10 dollar entry fee and a much larger prize pool, or a 5 dollar entry fee, so you have less to lose?
EDIT 4: Changed the rules in regards to song forfeiture.
EDIT 5: Added Paradise's physical address to the thread.
EDIT 6: Added modification of rules rule.
EDIT 7: Modified qualifiers rule. PLEASE READ!
EDIT 8: Added official "entry fee."
EDIT 9: Modified modification of rules, modified qualifier rules, added scoring. HAVE FUN GUYS! Cheesy

« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 11:46:46 AM by BLueSS »
Read June 22, 2009, 04:44:54 PM #101

The right side's up arrow has what APPEARS to be a weak sensor on the down side, but the sensor was brand new. I think it's because some of the arrows are worn down; you just have to press it extra hard to get the sensor to even make the proper contact. This is only a disadvantage to certain players; heavy stompers will have NO problem.

Then there's the left side, right arrow... we can't get it to demonstrate any problems with any of the sensors in testing, but when we (me, Tony, Gerrak) played, we averaged one pad miss every 200 steps or so.
Read June 22, 2009, 05:50:57 PM #102

The 1:200 miss problem is likely a sticky bracket. I strongly advise you to put some WD40 on the screws attaching the brackets that push down on the sensor. I have done this on my ITG2 machine and it seemed to help.

On the "weak" sensor, try doing the business card trick to it. It might just need time to "break in", but in the mean time the card will help. If it is too sensitive because of the card, discard half of the card, or remove it completely.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 05:52:18 PM by Suko »
Read June 22, 2009, 06:17:15 PM #103

IIRC, Bill already did the business card trick to the sensors he installed that day. I'll certainly follow your advice re: sticky bracket, though. Also, if you care, I'm arriving an hour early for the tournament - if you want to come help troubleshoot the morning of, that would be welcomed! Cheesy
Read June 22, 2009, 07:59:51 PM #104

Would it be alright if people just came with their qualifier suggestion written on a small scrap of paper?  I hate trying to find places to write stuff down at arcades and such, and would much rather write my selection down on a desk.
Read June 22, 2009, 11:46:36 PM #105

Yeah, that should be fine. I was just going to cut them out to all be the same size, etc, to cut down on selection bias. But it shouldn't need to be that precise, as it's a DDR tournament, not rocket science. Wink
Read June 23, 2009, 02:39:05 AM #106

If you give me dimensions I can cut it to a specific size.  I might have trouble matching your scraps for mass and texture, but again, not Rocket Science.  I also don't see you reaching into the asshat thinking, "Oh man, I better grab that piece of laminated lined college rule paper with a small nick in the corner because I think the person who threw it in there wrote 'zurrdurrhurr' on it and I really love hearing people play 'zurrdurrhurr' 10 times in a row!"  ;P  I just wanted to check with you before doing so.
Read June 23, 2009, 08:30:34 AM #107

Seriously Laura, drop a couple bucks and buy some post it notes. Problem solved. =P
Read June 23, 2009, 08:57:33 AM #108

Printer paper FTW
Read June 23, 2009, 10:37:36 AM #109

We're going to have a table for all the administrative stuff, I don't think it will be that hard to find a place to write (finding a pen could be a problem, we'll try to make sure a handful of them show up though).  We have a bunch of index cards somewhere, IIRC; cutting them in half should give plenty of writing surface without choking up the hat.  But ultimately, whatever's easiest is easiest.

Also, something I just thought up: how do people feel about making the person who wrote down the selected qualifier being made to qual first?  I would assume that people are making suggestions which ultimately benefit themselves in some way (even if it's something you feel is perfect as a qualifier, it's obviously something you've had a chance to practice recently), so to balance it out, everyone else will at least get a chance to see it once before being made to play it.  Especially helpful in the case of an obscure song with a weird gimmick (imagine sightreading So Fabulous So Fierce on a Max2 as the first person to qual that day; the stops would earn you at least -10, which is usually enough to drop a top seed to the middle or lower).
Read June 23, 2009, 11:49:48 AM #110

I like Tony's idea. Cut a standard sized index card in half. Cheesy!
Read June 23, 2009, 12:57:47 PM #111

I like the "you play it first" qualifier rule.
Read June 23, 2009, 01:00:20 PM #112

I agree - so when you write the qualifier down, make sure to write your name under it.
Read June 23, 2009, 03:20:11 PM #113

Sounds good.
Read June 25, 2009, 08:05:58 AM #114

I really want to attend. If anyone from Portland or who will be passing through Portland on the way to the tournament is willing to give me a ride I'd really appreciate it and happily help pay for gas.
Read June 25, 2009, 12:12:51 PM #115

Fuck it. I'm going. I need a ride.

I dunno if I can make the after party though.
Read June 25, 2009, 01:08:40 PM #116

Could you get to Bellevue?
Read June 25, 2009, 11:50:10 PM #117

I really want to attend. If anyone from Portland or who will be passing through Portland on the way to the tournament is willing to give me a ride I'd really appreciate it and happily help pay for gas.
I'm getting a ride with a friend (Will) who's going up Saturday and coming back Monday.  If you have a place you can stay over that period of time he might be able to give you a ride as well.  Let me know if you want me to ask him on your behalf.

I was going to go with Steven, but apparently his car battery doesn't work any more. Tongue
Read June 26, 2009, 12:49:58 AM #118

Anyone up for giving me a ride? Short notice I know, sorry. I want to stay overnight for the afterparty thing but I don't really want to take one of the cars for that long if I can help it.

If you type "south delridge" into google maps that's pretty much exactly where I am.

Help me out dudes.
Read June 26, 2009, 08:50:22 AM #119

Something else to throw to the crowd: Tennis style matches can run very long and while the worst case (a 32 man bracket) only gives 5 rounds, it still has the potential to really eat through your preferred songs by the end - it's not unlikely that the finalists will be picking 20 (and playing 20 others) or more songs by the end of the day.  This was the point in the first place, to make sure you know a wide range of songs, but for the sake of not ruining too many trump cards by having one or two excessively long rounds, I mentioned to Laura that a rule along the lines of "Repeating your songs from previous rounds is allowed once your match gets to its 8th song (or your 5th and later choices can be repeats, which has about the same effect)."  No in-round repeats, obviously, and it might be worth banning stuff from one round earlier as well to enforce more variety - including the previous round easily blocks out 15+ songs if the rounds are generally close and doesn't come up if they're not; it's just that we haven't had to pick this many songs over the course of a tournament before since you pick 1 per round in a 2 out of 3 match.  Furthermore, this acts as a balancer in case finalist A has been having long matches all day (he could easily have 20-30 blocked choices) and finalist B has been sweeping his rounds all day (if you sweep, you pick 1 song, so he'd only have the 4 prior rounds).

Any opinions on this?  Running a little close to the day of for rule changes, but I think this is necessary to smooth things out and keep the later rounds from devolving into people picking songs they don't actually know very well.
Read June 26, 2009, 09:08:17 AM #120

Something that always pops up at these things is Solo mode. I personally don't need it, and I'd rather usually leave it off, but if my competitor asks me if we can use it, I usually allow it. If there is a disagreement, should it be resolved via coin toss, or via high/low seed?
Read June 26, 2009, 10:50:41 AM #121

A couple of things:

1. Solo - the way it is resolved is as follows... if either player can't play with it on/doesn't want to play with it on, neither player can use it. It's not fair to FORCE solo on somebody, so both players have to agree, or else the dissenting player gets their way.

2. I agree with Tony about song choice. You can pick the same song more than once (against different people) if your match is going on obnoxiously long and you're running out of ideas. I'd say that to recycle a song it has to be at least your fifth pick.

3. It was brought to my attention last night that freezes were not addressed. They count as 2, same as a Perfect. The reason for this is that otherwise, what's to stop you from playing with freezes off, and thus changing the chart/making a song easier than your opponent intended?

As a sidenote, my car has two seats open, as long as anyone who needs a ride can get to Bellevue Transit Center by 10 AM.
Read June 26, 2009, 12:00:40 PM #122

Solo on agreement has been the standard around here for a long time and I can't think of any times where it hasn't worked out.
Read June 26, 2009, 12:50:03 PM #123

Davyn, get on aim
Read June 26, 2009, 12:56:39 PM #124

Scratch that, I just got word I have to work tomorrow. =(

« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 02:03:52 PM by DMN »
Read June 26, 2009, 02:38:01 PM #125

Laura/Tony: Would it work if Davyn and I met you at Acme and shared the ride down?
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