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Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
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{Tournament} DDR National Tournament - Gameworks, Seattle - Konami Sponsored
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The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
September 11, 2009, 09:32:55 AM
I'm not saying it's legit, but according to EvilDave and Bemanistyle:
An unofficial announcement of an official Konami lead tournament has been posted. Reasons for this unofficial announcement is due to the first regional tournaments starting very soon.
The Community Manager of Konami, Ryan Iyengar aka DukAmok is the main person behind this and has been in contact with EvilDave over some of the details of this upcoming event.
Here are some of the details:
* The main event and regional's are to be held on SuperNOVA 1 for its availablity. SN2 will be used at locations when no SN1 is available.
* "Satellite" regional tournaments will take place throughout the US at Gameworks locations.
* The 1st place winners from each regional will be awarded with an all expenses paid trip to the finals.
* Finals are to be held at the Gameworks Las Vegas, NV on the 5th of December.
* The main event will only be open for the 1st place regional winners.
Competitors must register to compete on an upcoming Konami website. Entrance is free of charge.
I remember last year following posts on on this subject. So I this just might actually be serious.
Should be fun if it turns out to be real.
Last Edit: October 23, 2009, 03:48:21 PM by BLueSS
September 26, 2009, 01:27:22 PM
so they are really that bad? thats a bummer, still the day should be an awesome event!
September 26, 2009, 03:12:17 PM
Quote from: AndyBurnsDDR on September 26, 2009, 01:27:22 PM
so they are really that bad? thats a bummer, still the day should be an awesome event!
last time I went there which was like a week ago.
I have hope though that the managers will get on the issue and fix them.
I can still AA stuff there, but its hard. Like you really have to hit those arrows to get them to respond.
September 26, 2009, 09:12:49 PM
let's d.d.r.
September 26, 2009, 09:24:39 PM
September 26, 2009, 10:27:43 PM
so i guess the first qualifier tournament went really well. The management fixed there pads before the tourney, and no one expected them there's hope i guess.
September 27, 2009, 11:19:16 AM
select a difficulty
September 27, 2009, 12:21:59 PM
Select Music!
...has trouble with "slow songs"
SE Portland
September 27, 2009, 11:22:24 PM
Are you ready to max?
Andy, there is a SN1 machine at the Clackamas Town Center (you can get there via the Max Green Line) for 40 cents per game which, last I checked, was in playable condition. Try practicing there. It's in the movie theater Starcade. If you tell the attendant(s) that you just want to go in and play the dancing game, they'll typically let you do so.
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
September 30, 2009, 11:47:02 AM
Wow, this is awesome. I just got this in my email:
This is to update you regarding the song selections for the DanceDanceRevolution US Qualifier as of September 30, 2009.
During your initial registration, you selected a song for Round One during registration. Please note, this song selection is no longer valid. The song selections have changed.
Song selections for each DanceDanceRevolution US Qualifier will change for each event. Songs will be posted the Monday before the event is to take place.
To review the song selections for this week's event go to:
And click on the Songs link.
Tournament Administration
So, do you think they'll have us re-register or re-submit? Or I wonder if they're just going to ask us which song we want to qualify under when we arrive and sign up.
The new songs are:
• Da Capo
• Honey Punch
• Tomorrow
• un deux trios
• D2R
• Cachaca
• DoLL
• Flowers
• Innocence of Silence
• Seduction
• AA
• Leading Cyber
• Xepher
• i feel…
Interesting that they have non-DDR SuperNova songs this time.
P.S. In case someone hasn't heard about how the Texas tournament went, you can read about it here:
As each tournament proceeds, we'll get a better idea as to how it'll be ran for us in the Seattle tournament.
Last Edit: September 30, 2009, 11:53:26 AM by Suko
September 30, 2009, 02:27:41 PM
Got email spam from Gameworks today about the tournament.
All registrants must be between the age of thirteen (13) and thirty-two (32) years of age as of April 1, 2009.
Not that I was planning on entering, but still. Are they afraid older people are going to have heart attacks and die on the platform? Or just figure that they have no chance of beating the young whippersnappers? (get off my lawn!)
I was older than 32 when I *started* playing! Back when it was DDR US 1.5 with 13 songs! Uphill both ways! Blah blah blah.
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
September 30, 2009, 02:38:23 PM
It does seem like an odd rule to me too. If they had age divisions then it'd make more sense. But if this is a national tournament with only one category, it should be open to anyone.
Bellevue, WA
September 30, 2009, 04:48:29 PM
I think a restriction against actual, legitimate senior citizens would be valid in this case, due to potential lawsuits if DDR proves to be injurious to them. But that would be either 55+ (AARP membership age) or 66+ (Age at which one can begin collecting social security at present) or something similar. Many great players are over the age of 32.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
SE Portland
October 01, 2009, 03:44:28 AM
This tournament just gets more idiotic every day.
First of all,
can AAA un deux trois, flowers, and AA if I try hard enough (my records are 2, 3, and 12, respectively, but since I hardly ever play SuperNOVA those are nowhere near how I could do given a serious effort), and I'm nowhere near top-tier. What are their standards to make it through the qualifiers? AAA all of three songs and you can continue on in the tournament? 'cause I know MTJ, ZDR, Amber, Andy, Cale, Hooby, Cynic, and at least a few others could do so.
And the age limits are totally bullshit. Wasn't Kevin (KDDR) 11 or 12 when he got his first AAA?
October 01, 2009, 10:45:52 AM
Quote from: DancingTofu on October 01, 2009, 03:44:28 AM
This tournament just gets more idiotic every day.
First of all,
can AAA un deux trois, flowers, and AA if I try hard enough (my records are 2, 3, and 12, respectively, but since I hardly ever play SuperNOVA those are nowhere near how I could do given a serious effort), and I'm nowhere near top-tier. What are their standards to make it through the qualifiers? AAA all of three songs and you can continue on in the tournament? 'cause I know MTJ, ZDR, Amber, Andy, Cale, Hooby, Cynic, and at least a few others could do so.
And the age limits are totally bullshit. Wasn't Kevin (KDDR) 11 or 12 when he got his first AAA?
Yes. If you look at Ohio's bracket it's completely populated by players who can nearly AAA Extreme. TBH the game really doesn't have enough of a challenge to facilitate today's top players.
And yeah, age rule is very odd. You'd think they'd allow kids under age 13 to enter with parental supervision and consent. Over 32 is just random. 60 I could see as legitimate, but I can't see a rational purpose behind 32 and over. If you started playing in college on 1st mix you most likely aren't eligible, and high school is even pushing it. Way to go.
Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 10:47:20 AM by Iori241
Bellevue, WA
October 01, 2009, 12:46:53 PM
I actually fully understand not allowing anybody under age thirteen to enter - even with parental consent, there are too many liabilities attached. What if an eleven year old forges his mother's signature, or gets a parent who doesn't have primary custody involved, or something along those lines and then goes off on a fully paid trip to nationals? I'm not saying that such things are likely, but the liability is there.
I just don't see any liability in letting a 35 year old enter. Maybe they just realize that lots of people HAVE been playing since first mix, and are afraid that anyone over 32 is too *good*? Then again, as has been previously stated, enough people can AAA the game that it doesn't really matter.
October 01, 2009, 05:12:12 PM
Quote from: Laura on October 01, 2009, 12:46:53 PM
I actually fully understand not allowing anybody under age thirteen to enter - even with parental consent, there are too many liabilities attached. What if an eleven year old forges his mother's signature, or gets a parent who doesn't have primary custody involved, or something along those lines and then goes off on a fully paid trip to nationals? I'm not saying that such things are likely, but the liability is there.
I just don't see any liability in letting a 35 year old enter. Maybe they just realize that lots of people HAVE been playing since first mix, and are afraid that anyone over 32 is too *good*? Then again, as has been previously stated, enough people can AAA the game that it doesn't really matter.
This is true, but with a parent or guardian PRESENT matters would be simplified in this respect. If they weren't they would forfeit prizes to the next person. I'm just trying to explore a ruleset that'd draw the biggest talent pool possible..
If anything they should ban the 15-25 demographic if too good is their concern. I think the rule is just blind ageism, but maybe that's just me.
October 01, 2009, 05:16:16 PM
Quote from: Iori241 on October 01, 2009, 05:12:12 PM
This is true, but with a parent or guardian PRESENT matters would be simplified in this respect. If they weren't they would forfeit prizes to the next person. I'm just trying to explore a ruleset that'd draw the biggest talent pool possible..
If anything they should ban the 15-25 demographic if too good is their concern. I think the rule is just blind ageism, but maybe that's just me.
Or maybe they think that people over 32 can't play anymore?
Which we all know is bullshit, but still I'm very curious as to why they put an age limit in this tournament.
Bellevue, WA
October 01, 2009, 07:20:28 PM
I think that a ruleset wherein the guardian had to be present would probably work in those cases - I stand corrected. As long as people could actually control their children... but I don't think a twelve year old is any more obnoxious than a fourteen year old.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
SE Portland
October 02, 2009, 05:10:26 AM
I had some hope for this when I saw that DukAmok and EvilDave (some players that seem to merit some respect in the community and know what they're talking about) were involved, but this seems to just be another shoddy PA tournament with no clear benefit for anyone. It would be nice if large corporations could at least put as much thought and energy into a tournament as a couple guys in Eugene doing a tournament just for the sake of running a tournament (D2SSR and DSR^2) :/
For instance, I'd be hella hype for this if Konami released a tournament patch for SuperNOVA that added MA, and maybe had consistent syncing or something like you'd expect from a $15k machine.
Both 13 and 32 seem like random figures to me. Now, if they made it 13 to 37, or 5 to 73, I'd LOL and appreciate it a little.
The Almighty Tallest
Mukilteo, WA
October 02, 2009, 07:56:05 AM
Quote from: DancingTofu on October 02, 2009, 05:10:26 AM
For instance, I'd be hella hype for this if Konami released a tournament patch for SuperNOVA that added MA, and maybe had consistent syncing or something like you'd expect from a $15k machine.
You mean like the fictional Konami corporation in the 10k Commotion webcomic? Yeah, that'd be pretty rad.
Quote from: DancingTofu on October 02, 2009, 05:10:26 AM
Both 13 and 32 seem like random figures to me. Now, if they made it 13 to 37, or 5 to 73, I'd LOL and appreciate it a little.
13 - 37 would've been pretty funny.
October 02, 2009, 11:56:03 PM
I got a call today about referring a friend and I'll be entered to win a free iPod nano......
that's cool, but what I'm more curious about is if the person leaving the message was actually an automated message dukamok, because the guy sounded so nervous in parts.
I really really really hope I'm right.
Bellevue, WA
October 03, 2009, 02:41:15 AM
Funny story about that - I got the call too, but I missed it. When I went to do lookup on the phone number, I found out that the area code was for Morristown, NJ. I was born in Morristown, NJ. I haven't been there since, and don't know anybody there. I really thought somebody from the hospital was calling to tell me that there was a mixup with my medical records, or that I was switched at birth with some sane couple's kid or something.
...Instead it was an automated message about DDR and iPods. It just goes to show you: Horses, not zebras.
waits the zealot...
Fall City, WA
October 04, 2009, 04:40:06 PM
Good news for me: I might be able to come to the tournament.
Bad news for all of you: I might be able to come to the tournament.
October 04, 2009, 09:23:08 PM
Quote from: KevinDDR on October 04, 2009, 04:40:06 PM
Good news for me: I might be able to come to the tournament.
Bad news for all of you: I might be able to come to the tournament.
Oh I almost beat you last time at tacoma. Don't get your hopes up too much
besides, more competition = more fun!
San Diego, CA
October 04, 2009, 10:00:52 PM
Quote from: Laura on October 03, 2009, 02:41:15 AM
Funny story about that - I got the call too, but I missed it. When I went to do lookup on the phone number, I found out that the area code was for Morristown, NJ. I was born in Morristown, NJ. I haven't been there since, and don't know anybody there. I really thought somebody from the hospital was calling to tell me that there was a mixup with my medical records, or that I was switched at birth with some sane couple's kid or something.
...Instead it was an automated message about DDR and iPods. It just goes to show you: Horses, not zebras.
Oh shit, go Team New Jersey! o/ \o
I saw the area code and thought my dad was trying to harass me again. ;\
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{Tournament} DDR National Tournament - Gameworks, Seattle - Konami Sponsored
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