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May 23, 2009, 01:03:21 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

Please RSVP!
EDIT: If you don't want to/can't make an account and RSVP on Beatspace, feel free to send me a PM or email me:

Those registering after 12:30pm 07/11/09 will be charged an additional $5 to enter.

WHERE: Ground Kontrol Classic Arcade [ ] PORTLAND, OR
 Feel free to pay ahead of time if you think you might have trouble showing up on time)
COOL STUFF: 25 cents off drinks, free water, machine on free play for tournament, Tofu buys doughnuts (seriously, I'm going to take $17 out of the bank and set it on top of my TV, and it's going to sit there waiting to pay for two voodoo dozens)
PRIZES: (pot calculated after fees to GK)
1st - 40%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 20%
4th - 10% + $5 Ground Kontrol gift card*
5th - $5 Ground Kontrol gift card*

3 rounds 11-16 players, 4 rounds 7-10 players, round robin 6 or less players.

*gift cards will only be given if at least 8 people sign up

THIS TOURNAMENT IS MARV ATTACK.  Scoring will be calculated as follows:
Marv: 4
Perf: 3
Great: 1
Good: -1
Boo: -1
Miss: 0
OK: 0
So it's better to miss in this tournament than it is to get goods/boos, and greats are pretty worthless too.  The focus here is to be ON BEAT!  I recommend you turn off freezes, since they won't count towards score at all.

-If the total difficulty of all four songs adds up to 34 or higher, or a song rated 10 feet comes up, either player may call for an S-Mulligan.  We'll check the difficulties on Standard, and if everything is at least a 4, the set will be played on standard.
-If two songs in the set have a difference in tempo greater than 50% of the faster one (ie one song is more than twice as fast as another), either player may call for an X-Mulligan.
-Each player gets one free F-Mulligan during the tournament to use when something like The Reflex comes up.
-If the speakers blow mid-song, either player can call an SFX-Mulligan and do all of the above. :O
(S, F, and X mulligans will be tracked and recorded to help improve my rulesets in the future)

Anyone who can beat me at Great Attack on MOBO*MOGA while either sporting an devious finger-mustache or having a real mustache as deviously french as mine gets to be the most French DDR player in Portland and can have my Cock and Balls to eat. (it's a doughnut from Voodoo)  You don't have to be in the tournament to take this challenge!

Scoring Algorithm (values carry each round):
Overall score:
Qualifier score + gains

If your total score is lower than your oppenent's and you WIN:
+1.0 points if your score is <1.1 lower
+x points if difference is between 1.0 and 2.0
+2.0 points if your score is >1.9 lower

If you total score is greater than your opponent's and you WIN:
+0.5 points.

Each player earns 0.8 points in the case of a tie.

Additional (these STACK):
+0.1 points for AA
+0.1 points for <40 greats
+0.1 points for <10 greats
+0.2 points for 0 greats
+0.1 points for <20% perfects
+0.1 points for <10% perfects
+0.1 points for <5% perfects
+0.1 points for <2% perfects
+0.2 points for 0 perfects
+0.1 points for FC per song + set (up to +0.5 total)
+0.1 for 8
+0.2 for 9
+0.4 for 10
Total possible:
+2.8 (AAAA all 10's)

« Last Edit: October 23, 2009, 04:47:37 PM by BLueSS »
Read May 23, 2009, 09:47:49 PM #1

Wow, you guys are going tournament crazy. Swiss is a very fun format, what type of tournament were you thinking of, other than that?
Read May 24, 2009, 12:06:15 AM #2

We'll go if it really is 7/13, or anytime in July, really. Aug. is sketchy for us though.
Read May 25, 2009, 04:37:36 PM #3

I just emailed the Manager with a proposal for the date (for some reason Gmail stopped working on my PSP again. :/) and will hopefully have confirmation on it within a few days. :]

EDIT: Haven't heard back from him yet, so I sent him a follow-up.  Keep your fingers crossed for confirmation!

« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 05:42:38 PM by DancingTofu »
Read June 11, 2009, 10:15:26 PM #4

Hey all! Even though I doubt any of you have ever seen me before, I'll probably be able to show up. I'm not very good though. =(
Read June 12, 2009, 12:00:28 AM #5

Cool!  It'll be neat to meet someone new!  Hopefully the experience is good for you and you'll be inclined to keep coming back. :]

Anyway, bear in mind that the nature of this tournament (The presence of marvellous timing) makes it so that a lot of players who aren't that good by standard qualifications (AKA can't play super hard songs) have a chance to come out on top, or at least present a greater challenge than they otherwise would be able to.
Read June 12, 2009, 01:02:18 PM #6

I will definitely come to this. Looking forward to it!
Read June 12, 2009, 01:08:55 PM #7

Oh crap you're way more French than me :[
Read June 12, 2009, 09:47:00 PM #8

marvs should count at least 5 pts.

and wtf at 10 dollar entry. if you reg late here it will cost more than going to both d2ssr's combined. 5 dollars tops, esp for a tourney this size.

i think chef and sketch are coming btw shit's gonna be hype

« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 12:58:56 AM by Iori241 »
Read June 13, 2009, 01:14:36 AM #9

The late fee is to discourage people from putting me in a position where I'll have to interrupt the process of getting the tournament going.  People who show up late, as well as unexpectedly, cost us time, which costs us money.

If someone calls me up at 10am the day of and says "hey I'll be there but I might not make it until 12:20; I can pay when I get there" I'm not going to say, "okay, late fee iz go."  I'm not going to be a dick about stuff like that.  However, if someone shows up at 12:30, and doesn't bother to RSVP, let alone contact me directly, I'm not going to say, "o hay bro don't worry it's just money lolol".  If they're serious about the tournament, they stand to gain more than they'd lose by not entering because of $5.

Anyway, it's staying at $10.

Also, stop getting your statistics from my sources.  DSR^2 cost $10 if you RSVP'd and $15 if you didn't.  On top of that, going to this doesn't cost a damned thing.  Entering does, and I don't expect people to pay money to enter if there's no chance in hell they can possibly reap a benefit.  I know one or two people might (hell, I do all the time), but basically, if people are entering this, they should at least be aiming for 3rd or 4th.  Marv Attack is a LOT easier to cultivate than stamina, so a month should be enough time for anyone who's interested in trying to earn some pocket change to hone their skills.  It also brings up some competitive twists.  For instance, Randrord can beat me consistently at PA, from what I've seen, but I was able to defeat him with MA at Kumoricon nonetheless.  People shouldn't be that hesitant to throw $10 around.  If everyone gets 3 doughnuts and 4 rounds of DDR, that's an $8 value by itself.  Even last place should be able to rationalize the experience to be worth the additional $2.

Also, I doubt a $5 difference is going to be all that significant in the long run.  People coming from outside of Portland for this will be spending the significant portion of their expenses on transportation, food, and possibly lodging.  A higher entry fee increases the pot at a greater proportion.  Check out the curve:

First value is at $10, second is at $5.

5 people; 15 matches; 3 hours - $35/$10
6 people; 21 matches; 4 hours - $40/$10
7 people; 16 matches; 3 hours - $55/$20
8 people; 16 matches; 3 hours - $65/$25
9 people; 20 matches; 4 hours - $70/$25
10 people; 20 matches; 4 hours - $80/$30
11 people; 18 matches; 3 hours - $95/$40
12 people; 18 matches; 3 hours - $105/$45
13 people; 21 matches; 4 hours - $110/$45
14 people; 21 matches; 4 hours - $120/$50
15 people; 24 matches; 4 hours - $130/$55
16 people; 24 matches; 4 hours - $140/$60

« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 04:43:31 PM by DancingTofu »
Read June 18, 2009, 08:00:33 PM #10

wow haven't been on this site for a long time. Can most likely come to this Smiley
Read June 19, 2009, 03:20:36 AM #11

Sweet!  I think that tentatively makes 5?  (assuming Iori's trollin' and Kyrandian isn't)
Read June 23, 2009, 02:22:46 PM #12

Does that tentative 5 include Laura and Tony? Because we would like to come to this.
Read June 23, 2009, 03:17:40 PM #13

Yes.  I was including both of you in that count.
Read June 23, 2009, 10:45:46 PM #14

See you nigras there.
Read June 23, 2009, 11:36:16 PM #15

Yes!  I love nigras! Cheesy
Read June 25, 2009, 01:33:17 PM #16

I'm new to this forum and new to this city, but not new to DDR.  I'll definitely be there!
Read June 25, 2009, 03:04:58 PM #17

Sweet!  Looks like we'll have lots of new faces!  Always a good thing! :]
Read June 29, 2009, 07:05:50 PM #18

Man I hope the pads are in good shape for the tournament. I played at Ground Kontrol today and the 1p left arrow was non-functional, the 2p up would get stuck and refuse to get un-stuck, and the rest the arrows weren't particularly sensitive.
Read June 29, 2009, 10:57:13 PM #19

Man I hope the pads are in good shape for the tournament. I played at Ground Kontrol today and the 1p left arrow was non-functional, the 2p up would get stuck and refuse to get un-stuck, and the rest the arrows weren't particularly sensitive.
Even if DDR doesn't work it's gonna be HYPE
Read July 01, 2009, 03:15:54 PM #20

Kyrandian, I forwarded your comment to Art.  I'll also be going over there this weekend to check out the machine and leave some notes for their maintenance crew.  I'll also leave a note asking them not to overtighten the screws this time so that we can do on-site maintenance in case something goes wacky.

btw, if people would like to run events on the side for spectators to enjoy, please email me before you announce them ( this time.  If you plan on running them at Ground Kontrol using GK's power or machines, make sure you also email Art first to make sure it's chill with him.  I've talked to Iori in private and he's made a solid case for running side-events so that folks who want to chill but aren't necessarily still into DDR have some incentive to be there.
Read July 01, 2009, 10:25:02 PM #21

Kyrandian, I forwarded your comment to Art.  I'll also be going over there this weekend to check out the machine and leave some notes for their maintenance crew.  I'll also leave a note asking them not to overtighten the screws this time so that we can do on-site maintenance in case something goes wacky.

btw, if people would like to run events on the side for spectators to enjoy, please email me before you announce them ( this time.  If you plan on running them at Ground Kontrol using GK's power or machines, make sure you also email Art first to make sure it's chill with him.  I've talked to Iori in private and he's made a solid case for running side-events so that folks who want to chill but aren't necessarily still into DDR have some incentive to be there.
no don't have them fix the pads. let's miss attack without failing instead.
Read July 04, 2009, 03:40:45 PM #22

Yeah, I just went down to GK with $5. Only ended up getting about 15 songs. =(

1P left registered hits about half of the time. It seems to work better if you hit it really hard slightly left of center. 2P up is indeed hopelessly stuck. I got at least one dropped freeze on each arrow, too.

I couldn't do better than a C on Look To The Sky. It was that bad. o_o
Read July 04, 2009, 03:57:03 PM #23

I didn't have a problem with 2P up either than lack of recess.  I've asked Art to switch the panel with 2P down, which should hopefully fix problems with both.  1P left was sticking for me, so I've asked them to switch around some sensors, which should happen tomorrow.  I went there yesterday with $2 and played 16 songs.  The left sensor on 1P left is the weakest; I can get the arrow to register with a very gentle tap on the other 3.  I'm having them switch 1PL's top with 1PL's left, and 1PL's bottom with 1PU's top.  I've also asked them to switch 1PR's top with 1PR's right.  Assuming they do everything I've requested them to do, I can't see someone having trouble with these pads unless they weigh less than 80 pounds or they stomp the fuck out of them.

Holds will be off for the tournament.
Read July 05, 2009, 01:45:39 AM #24

I played there and the pads are fucking retarded. I had to stomp really really hard just to register anything on 1p. 2p is alright but I have to stomp hard to avoid random boos.

« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 02:47:51 AM by Iori241 »
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