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Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
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{Tournament} Don't Stop! 07/11/09 nonstop swiss; DDR Extreme
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...has trouble with "slow songs"
May 23, 2009, 01:03:21 AM
Please RSVP!
EDIT: If you don't want to/can't make an account and RSVP on Beatspace, feel free to send me a PM or email me:
Those registering after 12:30pm 07/11/09 will be charged an additional $5 to enter.
: Ground Kontrol Classic Arcade [ ] PORTLAND, OR
Feel free to pay ahead of time if you think you might have trouble showing up on time)
: 25 cents off drinks, free water, machine on free play for tournament, Tofu buys doughnuts (seriously, I'm going to take $17 out of the bank and set it on top of my TV, and it's going to sit there waiting to pay for two voodoo dozens)
: (pot calculated after fees to GK)
1st - 40%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 20%
4th - 10% + $5 Ground Kontrol gift card*
5th - $5 Ground Kontrol gift card*
3 rounds 11-16 players, 4 rounds 7-10 players, round robin 6 or less players.
*gift cards will only be given if at least 8 people sign up
THIS TOURNAMENT IS MARV ATTACK. Scoring will be calculated as follows:
Marv: 4
Perf: 3
Great: 1
Good: -1
Boo: -1
Miss: 0
OK: 0
So it's better to miss in this tournament than it is to get goods/boos, and greats are pretty worthless too. The focus here is to be ON BEAT! I recommend you turn off freezes, since they won't count towards score at all.
-If the total difficulty of all four songs adds up to 34 or higher, or a song rated 10 feet comes up, either player may call for an S-Mulligan. We'll check the difficulties on Standard, and if everything is at least a 4, the set will be played on standard.
-If two songs in the set have a difference in tempo greater than 50% of the faster one (ie one song is more than twice as fast as another), either player may call for an X-Mulligan.
-Each player gets one free F-Mulligan during the tournament to use when something like
The Reflex
comes up.
-If the speakers blow mid-song, either player can call an SFX-Mulligan and do all of the above. :O
(S, F, and X mulligans will be tracked and recorded to help improve my rulesets in the future)
Anyone who can beat me at Great Attack on MOBO*MOGA while either sporting an devious finger-mustache or having a real mustache as deviously french as mine gets to be the most French DDR player in Portland and can have my Cock and Balls to eat. (it's a doughnut from Voodoo) You don't have to be in the tournament to take this challenge!
Scoring Algorithm (values carry each round):
Overall score:
Qualifier score + gains
If your total score is lower than your oppenent's and you WIN:
+1.0 points if your score is <1.1 lower
+x points if difference is between 1.0 and 2.0
+2.0 points if your score is >1.9 lower
If you total score is greater than your opponent's and you WIN:
+0.5 points.
Each player earns 0.8 points in the case of a tie.
Additional (these STACK):
+0.1 points for AA
+0.1 points for <40 greats
+0.1 points for <10 greats
+0.2 points for 0 greats
+0.1 points for <20% perfects
+0.1 points for <10% perfects
+0.1 points for <5% perfects
+0.1 points for <2% perfects
+0.2 points for 0 perfects
+0.1 points for FC per song + set (up to +0.5 total)
+0.1 for 8
+0.2 for 9
+0.4 for 10
Total possible:
+2.8 (AAAA all 10's)
Last Edit: October 23, 2009, 04:47:37 PM by BLueSS
Happy Redneck
July 05, 2009, 03:28:23 PM
aite playa
July 05, 2009, 04:06:21 PM
Quote from: BlackWarGreymon on July 05, 2009, 03:28:23 PM
aite playa
sup playa
Happy Redneck
July 05, 2009, 08:21:32 PM
nm u
July 05, 2009, 08:46:19 PM
Quote from: BlackWarGreymon on July 05, 2009, 08:21:32 PM
nm u
July 05, 2009, 10:13:44 PM
drop and give me 20
...has trouble with "slow songs"
July 06, 2009, 12:43:09 AM
Quote from: Iori241 on July 05, 2009, 01:45:39 AM
I played there and the pads are fucking retarded. I had to stomp really really hard just to register anything on 1p. 2p is alright but I have to stomp hard to avoid random boos.
Hmm. This shouldn't be the case, even if you got there before the tech.
I'll stop by there on Tuesday and check it out.
btw, I want to ask everyone NOT to go play DDR at GK on Sundays. That's when their head tech guy is in, and he'll just go do other stuff if the DDR machine's being used. If the machine's having problems, leave it alone. He's not willing to kick people in off in order to fix problems. He usually won't even be willing to open it up when people are around unless I'm really persistent.
July 06, 2009, 10:48:40 AM
Quote from: DancingTofu
btw, I want to ask everyone NOT to go play DDR at GK on Sundays. That's when their head tech guy is in, and he'll just go do other stuff if the DDR machine's being used. If the machine's having problems, leave it alone. He's not willing to kick people in off in order to fix problems. He usually won't even be willing to open it up when people are around unless I'm really persistent.
That's pretty ridiculous to ask people not to do something to a machine that you can't even claim ownership to. Sunday is after the tournament so I don't even see why it matters to anyone. And that's a good business practice to not open up a machine while people are around. When a machine is being worked on it's not making money. Any potential player is important to an arcade, and to limit a customer's options is to limit your potential income as an arcade operator. And again, you forget that the hardcore players are not GK's primary audience. They can get by with imperfect pads because the average person doesn't care. They could be spending the same time working on a game that is in less working order than DDR.
Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 11:01:18 AM by Iori241
...has trouble with "slow songs"
July 06, 2009, 11:41:55 PM
I'm just passing forward the request that Art has made to me. I am not forgetting anything; you're being narrow-minded and flamebaiting, and trying, for the fourth or fifth time in a row now, to generate drama revolving a tournament I'm organizing.
July 06, 2009, 11:46:13 PM
Quote from: DancingTofu on July 06, 2009, 11:41:55 PM
I'm just passing forward the request that Art has made to me. I am not forgetting anything; you're being narrow-minded and flamebaiting, and trying, for the fourth or fifth time in a row now, to generate drama revolving a tournament I'm organizing.
I'd like to hear from the top management at Ground Kontrol that they don't want us playing their games. How am I being narrow-minded? I'm being incredibly rational for the grillionth time in the row. And besides, who actually even plays DDR in Portland, let alone at GK? It sounds more like an empty request to control the situation on your part than a reasonable request from Art.
Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 11:56:49 PM by Iori241
July 07, 2009, 09:32:09 AM
Just a quick update that I will be running an imaginary Battlezone side tournament on the 11th
GK's Battlezone machine that has been out of order for over half a year and nobody is making an attempt to fix it
machine set to 3 imaginary lives
imaginary missiles at 10k points
imaginary extra lives at 15k & 100k
highest imaginary score at the end of the day takes home the imaginary prize
...has trouble with "slow songs"
July 07, 2009, 05:12:46 PM
I imagine that will be quite exhilarating!
Just so people are ready for it, the qualifier will be a fairly easy non-stop course.
Full rules are up
July 07, 2009, 09:58:35 PM
Aight playa
July 08, 2009, 03:38:03 AM
Quote from: Schlagwerk on July 07, 2009, 09:32:09 AM
Just a quick update that I will be running an imaginary Battlezone side tournament on the 11th
GK's Battlezone machine that has been out of order for over half a year and nobody is making an attempt to fix it
machine set to 3 imaginary lives
imaginary missiles at 10k points
imaginary extra lives at 15k & 100k
highest imaginary score at the end of the day takes home the imaginary prize
lemme in on dis axxxtion
all those slow songs, I swear
July 08, 2009, 11:51:12 PM
Tried the pads today and they sucked. Left side was okay, gave misses on the left and up every now and then and I honestly felt like the up arrow was so unsensitive that it gave pad greats. The right side gave misses on the up arrow so much that I failed.
So. Um. I hope these get worked on before the tournament.
July 08, 2009, 11:58:04 PM
This sounds fun, I'll be there n stuff =p
...has trouble with "slow songs"
July 09, 2009, 01:26:41 AM
I guess I'll be going over to Ground Kontrol for some troubleshooting tomorrow. :/
July 09, 2009, 03:16:04 AM
Quote from: DancingTofu on July 06, 2009, 12:43:09 AM
Hmm. This shouldn't be the case, even if you got there before the tech.
Tell me I was trying to bait for an argument now that we have at least 4 opinions that say the same thing. After the set I just played I can safely say the that the pads don't feel like they were worked on.
Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 03:17:55 AM by Iori241
July 09, 2009, 08:17:19 AM
Are the pads gonna be kept pressed up against the screen for this tournament?
I haven't bothered playing DDR at GK since they moved the machine. I hate it when the pads are right against the cabinet
all those slow songs, I swear
July 09, 2009, 09:59:43 AM
Quote from: Schlagwerk on July 09, 2009, 08:17:19 AM
Are the pads gonna be kept pressed up against the screen for this tournament?
I haven't bothered playing DDR at GK since they moved the machine. I hate it when the pads are right against the cabinet
Me too, but considering how little space there is in that alcove, I think we're probably going to be playing that close. :/
July 09, 2009, 02:37:33 PM
Quote from: discovolante on July 09, 2009, 09:59:43 AM
Me too, but considering how little space there is in that alcove, I think we're probably going to be playing that close. :/
Man, the machine was perfect where it used to be
July 09, 2009, 07:04:27 PM
as far as places for a DDR machine goes, I think Avalon had a really great spot on that "shelf" area. Kids wouldn't steal your nickels there, you could put all your stuff to the right of the machine and not have sketch people eying it, and the other machines would never overpower EX's volume.The fact that you could scoot the machine or the pads around to your heart's content was just icing on the cake. GK is unfortunately too small... but I think the machine's placement is great for that place. It isn't at ground level by a widow where crackheads outside are fiending for your shit, and it isn't by games which people frequent, so there is less foot traffic, which in turn means less talk / idiots.
Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 07:10:16 PM by Iori241
all those slow songs, I swear
July 09, 2009, 10:10:28 PM
Quote from: Schlagwerk on July 09, 2009, 02:37:33 PM
Man, the machine was perfect where it used to be
Real talk, I really don't know why they moved it.
Iori: It's almost perfect in that room except that it's close to the Haunted House pinball game which is easily the most annoying pinball game ever made.
July 09, 2009, 10:17:41 PM
Quote from: discovolante on July 09, 2009, 10:10:28 PM
Real talk, I really don't know why they moved it.
Iori: It's almost perfect in that room except that it's close to the Haunted House pinball game which is easily the most annoying pinball game ever made.
hmm.... This is absolutely pure fantasy but if they would move that machine and maybe put another machine (preferably one that doesn't work, which there might be a couple of) there. I dunno, it's just a small arcade
too bad they couldn't keep their old location, but that property was a little too big (and that equates to too expensive).
Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 11:36:01 PM by Iori241
...has trouble with "slow songs"
July 09, 2009, 11:35:35 PM
I do agree that the new machine location is suboptimal. It's not awful, however; you still get about 8 inches between the pads and cab if you just scoot the cabinet back (it's often further away from the wall than it needs to be)
HOWEVER, the pads were in awful shape. After hearing the same thing from 4 different people, I did go and check out the machine. Fortunately both Mark and Art were there today so I talked to both of them. Mark was aware of the problems and, when I talked to him, said he'd be opening up the panels and seeing what he could do. The P2 up arrow will hopefully at least go from hopelessly stuck (failed Graduation on light wtf) to very rarely somewhat stuck and entirely mendable. The P1 up arrow just has a weak inner sensor, so I told Mark to just swap the left and down sensors in there and it should work fine. As for the P1 left arrow, that's the arrow that's been giving us hell for two years now. Sometimes it's too sensitive, sometimes it's not sensitive enough. I tested all of the sensors individually with my toes and they all seemed to do fine, and the problems didn't seem like sticking (I couldn't get it to stick outside of gameplay), so I'm somewhat baffled. I just hope the I/O board isn't fucked up.
In the case that we get there Saturday, Mark does his final check-up, and it's still not working right, does anyone else have any ideas? I'd say just go over to Avalon and play there, but...well, you know. :/
Tilt!'s machine is too expensive to just do an impromptu tournament there. Would their staff potentially let us put the machine on Event for a couple hours if we just gave them $20 and told them we were running a tournament?
I'm going to see if I can stop by there tomorrow to check the machine again. If it's still in the same horrendous condition tomorrow, should we just scrap the tournament, or wait to see where it's at on Saturday?
July 11, 2009, 01:20:52 AM
so what's going on tomorrow?? is the tournament happening?
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{Tournament} Don't Stop! 07/11/09 nonstop swiss; DDR Extreme
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