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{Tournament} fACE Off: DDR A doubles at Round 1 Nov19th
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doin' work
August 02, 2016, 12:16:20 PM
There is also a Facebook event, where additional discussion has started.
This will be a DDR A doubles tourny, using both Round1 cabinets on Saturday Nov 19th
: No entry fee or charge for play during matches
: double elimination
SEEDING for the tournament will be based on your highest score for "Max 300" Doubles on Expert difficulty. Feel free to play it on an ITG cab if you have access to one, but only visibly clear arcade scores with Marvelous/Fantastic timing will count. Any failing score is fine.
Please PM or text me your score prior to the tournament day. If you opt to not send a seeding score, your score will assumed to be zero and you will be randomly seeded among other players having no score.
MATCHES will be determined by winning 2 out of 3 songs against an opponent.
A) Each player can choose any stepchart on any difficulty for their first song "except" for unlockable songs.
B) For the second song, each player will choose the same stepchart that their opponent selected for the previous song and be told their opponent's score before they begin.
C) If one player has the higher machine score for the 1st and 2nd song, they are the winner and both players may choose any 3rd song they'd like for practice. Alternatively, if the match is 1 and 1 so far, the tie-breaker will be a random Expert difficulty song.
Additional rules:
-As a bonus, playing a song no-bar at any point during the tournament will add an extra 1000 points to your result score. This may exceed the normal machine score cap of 1,000,000.
-Players do not have to pass the song of their own choice. Your grade and EX score will be ignored, and only the machine score will be recorded and compared with your opponent.
-If a player chooses an unlockable stepchart for their first song or they choose the wrong song for the second song, their score will be 0 for that song.
-After the winner of a match is determined, players will immediately fail out of Extra Stage if they unlock it. If players happen to tie on their 3rd song tie-breaker, they will start a new set with a different random Expert song and then fail out the remainder of the set.
-Players are encouraged to show up early for time to properly warm up. The DDR A cabs will not be on Freeplay, so you will be able to use E-Amusement cards at any point, but you will need to pay to warm up prior to matches. Finalists will be awarded a few humble prizes.
I had the chance to chat one-on-one with a few of you prior to finalizing the format, and most people appeared to not have a preference in regard to the match style. For those who are curious, I'm going with this format for simplicity's sake and out of concern for unnecessary delays.
Participants playing a different chart for song 1 is for the sake of guaranteeing that they can navigate to song 2 before the timer runs out. Giving the small point bonus to no-bar players will open up the possibility of forcing an opponent to play no-bar if you can FPC a chart. And using machine score instead of EX score will give a fighting chance to players who practice more obscure gimmick-filled songs and would otherwise have little chance of matching a player that has exceptional timing.
If you've attended my Pump tournaments in the past, you may know that I try to include some small incentive for new players taking part so things are hopefully less daunting and more inclusive.
Please contact me about any questions or comments.
Last Edit: September 29, 2016, 08:16:36 PM by Dr.Z
August 02, 2016, 04:04:02 PM
Throwing some comments out just to supply feedback....
I imagine Round One will want some sort of additional financial compensation besides just the credits being played, since this would take both of their machines out of service for general players for a while. Assuming they allow tournaments at all, which I have no idea about.
Is there going to be a rule to prevent someone from just playing the same first song in every match? I could understand allowing it, though that would be slightly less interesting.
No link to the Facebook discussion?
doin' work
August 02, 2016, 04:27:30 PM
Quote from: Nykkel on August 02, 2016, 04:04:02 PM
Throwing some comments out just to supply feedback....
I imagine Round One will want some sort of additional financial compensation besides just the credits being played, since this would take both of their machines out of service for general players for a while. Assuming they allow tournaments at all, which I have no idea about.
Is there going to be a rule to prevent someone from just playing the same first song in every match? I could understand allowing it, though that would be slightly less interesting.
No link to the Facebook discussion?
1) These details should be worked out after I reach out to the Round1, assuming we have enough interest in a tournament to begin with. One of the R1 floor managers is very active in the community, which is a perk.
2) I have several additional rules for the tournament already planned, but I didn't think it was a good idea to flood the post with too much info. The rules also aren't set in stone, but I was leaning toward only allowing players to choose a song once.
*adds FB link to original post*
The Almighty Tallest
August 02, 2016, 09:59:30 PM
So no barring doubles will give you the equivalent of 1 extra great? Not to sound ungrateful, but why even bother. People are either going to bar or no bar based on how they always play. A 1 great difference in a doubles game is completely negligible.
doin' work
August 03, 2016, 10:02:10 AM
Quote from: Suko on August 02, 2016, 09:59:30 PM
So no barring doubles will give you the equivalent of 1 extra great? Not to sound ungrateful, but why even bother. People are either going to bar or no bar based on how they always play. A 1 great difference in a doubles game is completely negligible.
I also expect most people to bar or no-bar based on how they normally play..
That being said, for whatever reason I've noticed much higher community-scoring on DDRA since our days playing Supernova2. It's been a while, even for me, to not get at least 1 new no-bar FPC per visit to Round1. So I would definitely anticipate some bar-only players to switch to no-bar for 9s through 11s chosen against them on the new difficulty scale.
August 08, 2016, 10:01:26 PM
Consider me interested. All I've really been playing lately is DDR and Pump doubles, so it's far more interesting than most recent tournaments have been.
doin' work
September 08, 2016, 05:51:17 PM
As an update to the tournament, things are a go as of now and it will be happening!
There's currently a poll on the FB event page regarding which date works for the most people.
If for whatever reason you cannot vote on the poll, feel free to post here which of the date options is most preferential...
One of the following Saturdays:
Oct 22, Nov 19, Dec 3
One of the following Sundays:
Oct 23, Nov 20, Dec 4
September 11, 2016, 08:32:14 PM
I'd probably come by to watch and hang out, but I sure as hell wouldn't be competing (I can only pass 12s right now, and usually only manage As at best on the harder stuff I can do).
doin' work
September 12, 2016, 11:58:56 AM
Quote from: Thunderbird on September 11, 2016, 08:32:14 PM
I'd probably come by to watch and hang out, but I sure as hell wouldn't be competing (I can only pass 12s right now, and usually only manage As at best on the harder stuff I can do).
More people to hang out with is cool too.
The Almighty Tallest
September 12, 2016, 08:56:49 PM
I want to go, but it all depends on dates and how smoothly my trip to Japan goes.
doin' work
September 29, 2016, 08:13:55 PM
New update~
The tournament qualifier song has been chosen, and it's Max300 expert doubles >. >
October 02, 2016, 10:02:22 PM
Quote from: Dr.Z on September 29, 2016, 08:13:55 PM
New update~
The tournament qualifier song has been chosen, and it's Max300 expert doubles >. >
If you've attended my Pump tournaments in the past, you may know that I try to include some small incentive for new players taking part so things are hopefully less daunting and more inclusive.
I think you will successfully scare off anyone who would be considered a "new player" by choosing a 15 for the qualifying song.
doin' work
October 02, 2016, 10:38:33 PM
Quote from: Nykkel on October 02, 2016, 10:02:22 PM
I think you will successfully scare off anyone who would be considered a "new player" by choosing a 15 for the qualifying song.
That is what I've heard from a couple other people as well.. And that's a fair point.
I don't expect all people to be able to pass that song, and that's why it's optional to even attempt Max300 doubles for the opportunity to seed higher in the brackets.. mainly so we don't have the 2 best players facing off in the 1st round.
I do hope that in the next 7 weeks that people who are newer to doubles will make some effort to become more familiar with it before the day of. Unlike with my previous Pump tournaments, there is no difficulty-level cap regarding what players can choose against each other, so there is the possibility someone could choose a 19-footer against someone who cannot pass 11s.
October 03, 2016, 10:12:41 PM
Ah, so you don't necessarily intend every participant to give Expert MAX300 a shot. I just assumed that if there was a song being played for seeding purposes, it'd be something you'd expect everyone in the tournament to be able to pass.
You said it was OK for people to play it on an ITG machine. I suspect ITG machines don't use the same scoring method as DDR Ace, so are you planning to use EX score for that instead of machine score?
What you described in the last sentence will likely happen to some degree, but since it's a tournament, picking something that the opponent will do poorly at is just good strategy.
How are you going to go about randomly selecting a song if the players go 1-1? I don't think DDR Ace has a built-in random select, does it?
Is Round 1 actually letting you do this for free, like it sounds, or are they charging you some amount that you're quietly paying behind the scenes?
doin' work
October 04, 2016, 07:59:13 PM
Quote from: Nykkel on October 03, 2016, 10:12:41 PM
You said it was OK for people to play it on an ITG machine. I suspect ITG machines don't use the same scoring method as DDR Ace, so are you planning to use EX score for that instead of machine score?
How are you going to go about randomly selecting a song if the players go 1-1? I don't think DDR Ace has a built-in random select, does it?
Is Round 1 actually letting you do this for free, like it sounds, or are they charging you some amount that you're quietly paying behind the scenes?
EX score will probably be the simplest way fairly calculate submissions for seeding if people submit screenshots from ITG or Supernova2. If all the scores I get are from Ace though, I'll just use machine score.
I haven't seen a random option either. I'll have to double-check, next time I visit. It shouldn't be too difficult for me to paste all the default-unlocked songs into a spreadsheet and run a program to select a random number.. as a backup.
Round 1 isn't doing this for free, but we will be able to hog both machines for the duration of the tourny. I'll just use my card for the matches.
October 04, 2016, 08:51:27 PM
Aren't the timing windows different between ITG and DDR? Plus, with MAX300 not standard on ITG, there may be inconsistencies (intentional or otherwise) with the charts played on that.
doin' work
October 07, 2016, 02:53:11 AM
Quote from: Thunderbird on October 04, 2016, 08:51:27 PM
Aren't the timing windows different between ITG and DDR? Plus, with MAX300 not standard on ITG, there may be inconsistencies (intentional or otherwise) with the charts played on that.
There will be timing window differences, sure, but I'd rather increase the availability of options to people.
It would be a particularly heavy burden for people as far away as Portland to need to visit Round1 before the tourny day, just to avoid lower-half seeding.
The Almighty Tallest
October 26, 2016, 01:28:35 PM
Perhaps I missed it. When do you need to Max300 score submitted by?
doin' work
October 28, 2016, 12:05:01 AM
Quote from: Suko on October 26, 2016, 01:28:35 PM
Perhaps I missed it. When do you need to Max300 score submitted by?
Any day between now and Nov 18th.
You can also submit your current best attempt and send an updated score later, if you happen to beat your record before the 19th.
November 07, 2016, 03:41:18 PM
any list on current seed standings?
doin' work
November 11, 2016, 06:37:26 PM
Quote from: AndyBurnsDDR on November 07, 2016, 03:41:18 PM
any list on current seed standings?
I've only received a few early qualifier attempts from people so far on FB.
I won't mention all of the rankings until the tournament day.. but you're currently 2nd, Andy.
Just as a heads up, interested participants just have a week left to submit an attempt or update their qualifier score.
November 17, 2016, 04:07:11 AM
Hello, fellow Bemani members. Glad to be back on here after about 2 or more years now. In regards to the tournament I am going. Cool that this is a doubles tournament. I mainly have been a singles type player since 2005 but I have been playing doubles since about the end of last year? Can not recall now. At least 1 year practicing doubles and I have come a long ways since then. I have uploaded my scores to the event page on Facebook as well as to the event hoster, Zach Owens himself. Just would like to know when to expect a response as to if I am in the tournament. Clearly looks like I will know Saturday morning as the final qualifying scores for those who attempted or passed this song will be uploaded then on the Facebook event page. Since I have heard no response from the hoster I am concerned about where I stand. Any chance someone can give me some insights? This will be my first tournament ever. Nervous but also excited. Thank you in advance for anyone who can help me with my concerns. God bless!
November 17, 2016, 10:14:59 AM
Hey Nick, I'm not Zach (Dr.Z is) but everyone who wants to participate is in. There's no criteria to hit to be entered into the live tournament.
Show up on Saturday! The uploaded score is for seeding purposes (who you'll match up against).
The Almighty Tallest
November 17, 2016, 03:51:25 PM
I just found out that I have to go down to Portland this weekend. Looks like I won't be able to participate in the tournament. I'm really bummed since this is the first doubles tournament I've known about in forever.
doin' work
November 17, 2016, 05:03:53 PM
BlueSS said exactly what I would've said ~
Looking forward to seeing you at the tourny, Nick.
And sorry to hear you won't be able to join, Suko
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{Tournament} fACE Off: DDR A doubles at Round 1 Nov19th
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