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January 31, 2011, 10:37:27 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

KevinDDR and Masterman Vending present:
Perseverance And Dedication Mostly Indicate Stepping Success
An In The Groove 3 tournament hosted at Acme Bowl in Tukwila, WA.

Sunday, March 20th, 2011!

Time: 11am until late

Rules (Revision 2 modifications noted in red) (Revision 3 modifications noted in blue):

Both ITG Divisions
- Qualifying will start at a time to be announced, but will last no longer than 1.5 hours. Be punctual!
- Qualifiers will be announced the day of the tournament, decided by machine random from all ITG1/2 9s and 10s. If 60%+ of tournament entrants think a song is a bullshit qualifier, it probably is, and the machine random will be used again to pick a song of the same difficulty rating.
- The top 6 players from the seeding will be placed into the “expert” division, and everyone else will be placed in the “standard” division.

Expert Division (6 player cap)
Entry fee: $15
- Prizes will be 60% + 35% raffle pot / 30% + 20% raffle pot / 10% + 20% raffle pot for top 3
- Round Robin format.
- Every player will play every other play in a match following the match structure of standard division. Any chart of difficulty rating 9 or above may be selected at any time. The random song will be between 9 and 13 in difficulty.
- Higher seed gets choice of either first/second song OR preferred side.
- Songs can be selected from ITG, ITG2, ITG3, and ITG Rebirth. Players are allowed to pick a chart only once throughout the tournament (and we will track this.)
- Mods allowed: Speed (including accel/decel, excluding cMods when they disqualify from ranking), Perspective, Arrow skin, Hide Judgment, and Mini.
- If you pick a song, you have to pass it. If you fail your own pick, you will lose the song. If both players fail your pick, you will still lose the song. If you fail another player’s pick, you may still win the match due to a higher percent score or the other player failing.
- Pad-error recalculations will be made when necessary - pad errors will be counted as Excellent, Excellent, Fantastic. This count resets per song. Some exceptions will apply as to what is counted as an Excellent or Fantastic in special situations (Example: Player A gets 0 Excellents and 1 pad error. This will be counted as a Fantastic) This rule will be implemented at the discretion of the tournament directors. Further at the discretion of the tournament directors, songs may be replayed if deemed to be the most fair solution towards a dispute.

Standard Division (16 player cap)
 Entry fee $10
- If you end up not qualifying for this division or the expert division, you will be refunded your entry fee.
- Prizes will be 55% + 25% raffle pot /30%/15% for top 3.
- Double elimination, brackets will be NCAA style.
- Matches will be best 2 out of 3, each player picks one song. If necessary, tiebreaker will be selected via random.  Difficulty cap is still applicable (see below.)
- Higher seed gets choice of either first/second song OR preferred side.
- Songs can be selected from ITG, ITG2, ITG3, and ITG Rebirth. Players are allowed to pick a chart only once throughout the tournament (and we will track this.)
- Mods allowed: Speed (including accel/decel, excluding cMods when they disqualify from ranking), Perspective, Arrow skin, Hide Judgment, and Mini.
- If you pick a song, you have to pass it. If you fail your own pick, you will lose the song. If both players fail your pick, you will still lose the song. If you fail another player’s pick, you may still win the match due to a higher percent score or the other player failing.
- Pad-error recalculations will be made when necessary - pad errors will be counted as Excellent, Excellent, Fantastic. This count resets per song. Some exceptions will apply as to what is counted as an Excellent or Fantastic in special situations (Example: Player A gets 0 Excellents and 1 pad error. This will be counted as a Fantastic) This rule will be implemented at the discretion of the tournament directors. Further at the discretion of the tournament directors, songs may be replayed if deemed to be the most fair solution towards a dispute.

There will be a selectable difficulty range in each round of the standard division tournament. Any difficulty level may be selected as long as the chart’s rating falls into the difficulty range.
First round: 7-10
Second round (first loser’s bracket): 8-11
Third round (second loser’s bracket): 8-11
Fourth round (third loser’s bracket): 9-12
Fifth round (Finals): 9-12

Marvelous Division (no player cap)
Entry Fee: $10
- This division will be played on Dance Dance Revolution Supernova 2
- Players will qualify based on their "Kevin point" score.
- The "Kevin point" scoring system works as such:
Marvelous = 3 points
Perfect = 2 points
Great = 1 point
OK = 1 point
Add up these values and you get the "Kevin point" score.
- Matches will be best 2 out of 3 using the "Kevin point" scoring system; each player picks one song. If necessary, tiebreaker will be selected via random.
- This tournament will be single elimination.
- Higher seed gets choice of either first/second song OR preferred side.
- Speed mods, noteskins, note colors, and turn options are all allowed. All other modifiers are disallowed.
- Pad arbitration will be at the tournament organizer's discretion. The pads at Acme Bowl are excellent, and will be inspected before the tournament. If you get a miss on these pads, you're probably doing it wrong.

Raffle Division:
There will be a raffle for various Bemani related prizes provided by Masterman Vending. Some of them could potentially be worth a lot more than the cost of a raffle ticket. Who knows? Anyway, the ticket price will be determined once I get a list of the prizes. Enter the raffle! I promise it'll be fun!

Thanks for reading! Rules are subject to change until March 1st, at which point in time they will be locked in place for the tournament.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 04:02:11 PM by KevinDDR »
Read February 07, 2011, 10:27:02 PM #76

If we could get at least five girls together to do this, I would so enter.  Only if it's HARD X CORE though... 1x NO BRA.

I think the "no bra" mod would suck the most for you. =p

I'm all about a girl tournament, and I demand mandatory tutus.
Read February 07, 2011, 11:22:43 PM #77

And you must play totally girly songs. And prancing...there MUST be prancing.
Read February 07, 2011, 11:29:40 PM #78

The upper and lower cap are both "all songs that aren't Cowgirl"
Read February 07, 2011, 11:48:05 PM #79

I dunno, Witch Doctor standard imo is the best chart ever made for such....stipulations.
Read February 08, 2011, 12:05:58 AM #80

I dunno, Witch Doctor standard imo is the best chart ever made for such....stipulations.

What about Do You Remember Me?
Read February 08, 2011, 12:40:21 AM #81

What about Do You Remember Me?

LOOOL at the ending of this video, especially knowing you.

Okay, after a certain cup size, everything is a great no bra song.  As a matter of fact, I want in on this match.  
NekoSempai Riders Unite pretzel mod

This is my try out video.
Read February 08, 2011, 01:10:39 AM #82

Wow this thread has gone some many which ways I don't even know what happened. We went from debate to tits in 5 pages.

High five everybody Cheesy
Also Neko I can't wait to meet up. You're gonna fit in here well xD

On a serious note. Hey Kevin would like for me to make a tournament poster for this once everything is set and finalized? I'd be more than willing too. Cheesy

« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 01:17:56 AM by Keby »
Read February 08, 2011, 10:45:48 AM #83 response to the previous tangent, half of me wants to point out that I'm a "decent girl" too, but the other half wants to hide.
Read February 08, 2011, 11:38:01 AM #84

Don't worry, Hollie, nobody forgot about you.  You can enter our sexy DDR competition too. Wink

In all seriousness, though, it looks like we're all getting along now so... tournament discussion!
Read February 08, 2011, 11:47:08 AM #85

The world unites through boobs  Kiss

Ontopic:  Looking forward to more potential divisions.  Come onnn iron man lol.
Read February 08, 2011, 07:15:58 PM #86

On a serious note. Hey Kevin would like for me to make a tournament poster for this once everything is set and finalized? I'd be more than willing too. Cheesy
I already took care of this.

Read February 08, 2011, 08:24:14 PM #87

that is an amazing poster XD especially that last one that cartoon looks in absolute torment!!!!!

Read February 08, 2011, 08:57:39 PM #88

that or someone should make a " every time you miss a step god kills a kitten" poster...
Read February 13, 2011, 05:06:59 PM #89

Any updates on the date of PADMISS KevinDDR?

I also had a question if a player wanted to pick a song, but that song happened to be the qualifying song, would that be allowed or no? Either way i'm cool with it, just a curiosity.

Read February 13, 2011, 06:41:00 PM #90

Up to Kevin in the end, but picking the qualifier is normally not allowed, since everyone has to play it day of with the scores are made public and ranked.  There's obviously variation between attempts, but it's kind of awkward that there's a list with every players' last score on that chart sitting there for you to decide whether it's a good choice or not.
Read February 13, 2011, 07:21:43 PM #91

Up to Kevin in the end, but picking the qualifier is normally not allowed, since everyone has to play it day of with the scores are made public and ranked.  There's obviously variation between attempts, but it's kind of awkward that there's a list with every players' last score on that chart sitting there for you to decide whether it's a good choice or not.

Step 1 - pseudo sandbag qualifier.
Step 2 - someone picks it on you assuming you're bad at it.
Step 3 - Miraculously become amazing at it.
Step 4 - PROFIT!!
Read February 14, 2011, 10:13:25 AM #92

Step 1 - pseudo sandbag qualifier.
Step 2 - someone picks it on you assuming you're bad at it.
Step 3 - Miraculously become amazing at it.
Step 4 - PROFIT!!

Or that.  We're generally pretty unforgiving towards sandbagging, so, when it's clear someone sandbagged the qualifier, they get called on it.  Happens infrequently enough that there's no set step after calling them on it, though.

It doesn't matter as much during a double elimination tournament, but having some from a background where sandbagging mattered (bowling - tournament divisions and handicap were determined by your league average - some parents encouraged their kids to intentionally throw just enough to win during league as to not disadvantage themselves when tournaments were put together).  Trust me, it's not cool to land in the 150-175 division with your 173 average only to find out that everyone else not only gets the 20 pin handicap advantage that comes with a 150 average, but that they actually average 190, so you will have to average around 210 to even have a chance at winning.

I digress.  Sandbagging is definitely not something we tolerate around here.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 11:33:49 AM by ancsik »
Read February 14, 2011, 11:06:12 AM #93

some parents encouraged their kids to intentionally through

Is  "through" some kind of bowling jargon I don't know? :O

Also, regarding sandbagging... yeah, the only trouble we've had with this has been with players not from around here (who didn't read the rules, I might add; one of them failed their own pick and then went on to 99 everything else of equivalent difficulty.)
Read February 14, 2011, 11:57:58 AM #94

Is  "through" some kind of bowling jargon I don't know? :O

I have no idea what you are talking about.   Undecided

That's not the only issue we've ever had, but Zalf hasn't been in a tournament in years.  I don't think we ever figured out his logic, but he never wanted to seed as high as he could, for some reason.  He would be there early to warm up and consistent outperform his qualifier score during his warmup sets and every tournament round, pretty much regardless of difficulty, just because seeding 5th or 6th was somehow advantageous in his mind.

It was weird, but I suppose it didn't throw things off too much, since it was double elim. and he never pushed himself into a position that paired him with the top seeds until a few rounds in (which would have been the case anyway).

But yeah, less of an issue than the aforementioned incident.  Said incident also beings me back to an important point:

The final revision of the rules better be printed out and brought to the tournament.  I can think of at least three incidents where a player and the organizer disagreed about what the rules were (in one, the player was right, no less) and there was no copy conveniently sitting the the tournament desk.

In another case, back when very few players had started using mini, the rules for a given tournament banned it - the organizer unaware of the recent development - and a mini player who had not read the rules (but had posted in the thread - it was his own fault for not looking), and therefore had not complained about the specific rule beforehand, was pointed right to the list of acceptable mods, in print, by the organizer.  While it really sucked for that player, things were resolved quickly and decisively and we all moved on.

Seriously, I will assume that whatever the organizer brings is the rule set.  If that means there is a double elim. bracket and no printed rules, then it is explicitly a double elim. event, but I reserve the right to play as if there are no level caps, since there is nothing on the tournament desk to be referenced regarding them (also, it means entry fees and prize distributions are not specified, so I'll enter without paying).  It's going to take less than two pieces of paper, there's no reason for it to not be done.  

« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 12:00:43 PM by ancsik »
Read February 14, 2011, 12:28:12 PM #95

I've seen plenty of sandbagging on qualifiers on purpose, that generally played into some strategy the player had.

Like, in a 16 man format, if the tourney had harder songs available in later rounds, and your top seed was likely someone that could maul you on the difficult songs, people would purposely aim for 8/9th or 4/5th seed so they could get a crack at that player early rather than later, before their disadvantage became higher.

...Me, I like 1st seed  Smiley.  Don't expect any form of sandbagging here lol.
Read February 14, 2011, 03:04:53 PM #96

Like, in a 16 man format, if the tourney had harder songs available in later rounds, and your top seed was likely someone that could maul you on the difficult songs, people would purposely aim for 8/9th or 4/5th seed so they could get a crack at that player early rather than later, before their disadvantage became higher.

In the cases mentioned, the caps were not heavily progressive (or they were entirely fixed).  Actually, Zalf was most active when Jerrad was running tournaments based around pre-made set lists (draw a card with 5 charts on it, each player eliminates one and then each player gets to assign a number, 1 to 3, to one of the songs, then you have two songs plus tiebreaker ready to go), since it was one of the only ways to properly handle the logistics of running DDR/ITG hybrid tournaments (yes, with players switching machines within rounds).  The cards tended to get harder in later rounds, but it was a slow climb from 8's to 9's with the occasional 10 and the selections were essentially random to the player.  If I remember correctly, the case Laura mentioned was one of fixed difficulty caps (it might have been no 13's until the semifinals or something, I don't remember perfectly).  The decisive gains in either case were pretty minimal.

However, such strategy is why I stated desire for relatively stationary caps.  There were some solid arguments for doing something like capping at 12 overall, but capping at 11 for a round or two, and I see no problem with allowing a small change like that.  Unfortunately, though, having the upper and lower caps slide noticeably after every round or two only serves to encourage this kind of sandbagging strategy rather than letting rounds happen on relatively fair footing regardless of seeding order.

In our current case, the standard division gives tech players a massive advantage over stamina players in the opening rounds by allowing selections down to 7 while restricting anything above a 10; the best strategy for anyone is to try and line up with stamina players (a bit of an art that depends on the qualifier) and knock them out early (tech players already have the advantage, but a stamina player just needs to rehearse a few easier selections - it's not too heavy of an investment).  If the early rounds knock out the majority of stamina players, the tech players are not disadvantaged as severely when the caps slide up and the few stamina players remaining are hugely advantaged, since the remaining players are more likely to be tech players.

It could encourage proper distribution of skill, since there are all kinds of pits to fall into, but I think it will do a better job encouraging a narrow strategy based on rehearsing a very narrow set of picks for the parts of the tournament where specialists are respectively disadvantaged.  It's going to make things very scary for the most over-specialized of stamina players (including, but not necessarily limited to, the players Gerrak is trying to get interested), since they effectively have no chance of staying in the winner's bracket after the first round unless they face another equally over-specialized stamina player.

Definitely screams a need for the "if both players agree" rule, if not a more formalized cap-breaking arrangement if we won't just drop the sliding caps altogether, since it's going to make the tournament very unenjoyable for the players being disadvantaged by these rules.  On the other hand, the rules as they sit now mean I can waltz my way into the semifinals before breaking a sweat, unless I get an unexpectedly early match with another tech player (or place into the expert division), so maybe we should leave them as is.  Undecided

« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 03:13:46 PM by ancsik »
Read February 14, 2011, 07:45:37 PM #97

Hey guys, no update on the rules front yet but I am now just waiting on Acme confirming a tentative date I've proposed to Bill. Should be good to go hopefully by tomorrow.
Read February 15, 2011, 10:30:49 AM #98

Good man Kevin, keep us posted!

And anyone who sandbags is an asshole. Bad sportsmanship doesn't make you good, just makes you a prick.
Read February 16, 2011, 03:47:57 PM #99

Welp, we're 5 days past Feb. 11th, and the rules are locked, so I guess this tournament is forever dateless! Wink

Nah, in all seriousness, looking forward to finding out what ACME approves. Smiley
Read February 16, 2011, 07:14:42 PM #100

I am still awaiting a reply from Acme for the confirmation.  Hopefully wrapped up by tomorrow.
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