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{Tournament} S.P.E.R.G.I.N.3. - August 3rd, 2013
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a fellow by the name of Ben
March 10, 2013, 12:13:51 AM
Brought to you by Ben (sfxazure) and Laura (Laura)
With help from Scott (Suko)
3 August 2013, starts at noon o clock sharp!
Entry Fee: $5.00 if you preregister, $10.00 at the door.
The entire pack is available
S.P.E.R.G.I.N.3. is go!
For those of you new to the PNWBemani scene: over past few years, we've held two not-so-serious tournaments,
, where we ran traditional double-elimination tournaments with packs made entirely of charts submitted by entrants. They were both awesome, and we're super excited to do it again!
Browse the Songs!
EDIT THE 2ND: The submission deadline has been pushed to
June 30th
July 7th
to give people more time to preregister and submit charts.
Download the pack
We’ve had some issues with hosting recent tournaments at ACME, and Suko’s graciously offered to host again! In order to ensure he does not regret this decision, we will not post his address in this thread. If you do not know where he lives, please PM Suko or one of the organizers.
The Rules
Phase One: Pre-registration and Stepchart Submission
Due Date:
15 June 2013
30 June 2013
7 July 2013
Preregistration will begin immediately and will run until the end of Phase One. Attendees who preregister will pay a discounted rate ($5.00 instead of $10.00.) Preregistration will be handled by PMing me. I'll be accepting payment through Amazon Payments, PayPal, or in person. To keep things organized, please use the title “SPERGIN3 Preregistration” for your PM.
You will have from today until June 15 to submit up to four songs (one stepchart each) to be included in the tournament pack. Please use this submission form, and make sure to identify yourself by name/forum name somewhere in the file. We encourage you to create and submit new stepcharts, but any are fine as long as you had a hand in their creation. Submitted songs/stepcharts will be rejected if they do not conform to the following rules:
The chart must be to a song no longer than three minutes and thirty seconds (3:30) in length. There are many reasons for this, including but not limited to the fact that we have to keep the tournament moving and the fact that 3:30 is ACME's cutoff for a “long song.” We don’t want people to have to pay more to practice some charts than others.
Songs must be appropriate for play in public venues such as ACME Bowl. Please avoid profanity or find some way to work around it (clean versions, comedic censoring, etc.) Any content deemed inappropriate for a public venue will be rejected.
Songs must be ITG Arcade Ready. Details for preparing your songs can be found here. If your song is over 2 minutes, DO NOT .OGG PATCH IT. Also, it is recommended that you test your file on Acme’s ITG machine before submitting it, as different machines have different syncing.
Stepcharts must have at least 50 hittable arrows. While there may be ways to make an interesting chart with under 50 steps, it would increase the likelihood of ties and slow the tournament down.
The stepchart must be Expert difficulty. This is to ensure that we can use the ITG machine’s built-in Random selector to pick tie-breakers. Submitted songs can have any number of stepcharts, but only the Expert chart can be picked during the tournament.
Charts that have already been submitted to a previous S.P.E.R.G.I.N. tournament can not be submitted. We want original content! If you’re not sure what counts as “the same chart”, ask us!
We also reserve the right to reject a stepfile for unusual reasons, such as the file crashing StepMania/ITG.
Note: If a song is rejected for any reason, you may submit a replacement; cleaned-up versions of rejected submissions can be submitted, as well as completely different songs/charts. After a song has been accepted for the pack, it is finalized and can not be replaced or modified.
As soon as a stepchart is accepted into the pack, it will be made available for download at the bottom of this post. This is because Laura and I will be entering the tournament ourselves, and we don’t want to gain an unfair advantage by viewing songs before they are released publicly.
By submitting charts to the tournament pack, you agree to enter the tournament. While people who have not submitted stepcharts may enter, those of you who submit stepcharts must enter. Because of this, we will not begin to evaluate stepcharts from any given entrant before they have preregistered for the tournament; consider your entry fee a form of collateral.
Phase Two: Practice
During this period of time, the organizers will combine your charts into a pack. If the organizers feel that there are not enough new stepcharts on which to run a tournament, we will find some quick hack to fix this issue. This should take about a week. After this, the pack will be released and installed on the ACME machine, so that you may practice these charts at your leisure. This should take about a month.
Phase Three: TOURNAMENT!
3 August 2013
Please note: You will see the phrase “Because this is not intended to be a serious tournament...” many times. This is because this is not intended to be a serious tournament, and is supposed to be for fun! Please do not get too caught up in minor details.
This will be a double elimination event with room for up to 32 entrants. Only songs from the S.P.E.R.G.I.N.3. pack will be playable in this tournament.
Seeding: Because this is not intended to be a serious tournament, seeding will be random. If you complain about this, we will make fun of you on the internet.
Matches: High seed gets first choice of machine side or pick order. The other choice goes to low seed. Each player will then pick one song of their choice to play against the other player. Whoever gets the highest percentage (as calculated by the machine) on a given song wins that song. (You know how this works by now.) If both players are tied at the end of two songs, a third song will be chosen from the S.P.E.R.G.I.N.3. pack by way of the ITG machine’s “random” function. If both players are still tied, another random tiebreaker will be chosen until the tie is broken.
Song Selection: Each player may only use a song as their “pick” once over the course of the tournament. Because this is not intended to be a serious tournament, either player may fail any song throughout all tournament rounds with no additional penalty - once you fail, your percentage is “locked” as your score.
Level Caps: Because this is not intended to be a serious tournament, there will be no level caps. Any chart may be picked at any time in the tournament, regardless of difficulty (or opponent, since seeing is random.)
Prizes: Once preregistration ends and we have a better idea of how many entrants we will have, we will determine a prize structure based on 100% of the entry fees.
Please note that although the “IN” in “S.P.E.R.G.I.N.3.” does stand for “In the Northwest,” out of state players are still more than welcome to participate and submit stepcharts.
Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 10:36:11 PM by sfxazure
a fellow by the name of Ben
July 06, 2013, 11:50:29 AM
Thanks, Andy! Uploaded!
Ke$ha Swag
July 06, 2013, 04:55:08 PM
I might make some charts and pay you and then not show up.
That is all.
doin' work
July 07, 2013, 01:12:00 AM
Made a commitment to at least one song.. I always have trouble with OpenITG and/or Stepmania at least once while working on new things.
Xeus NM
download link
Also, a
link to the video
, which will automatically load, if inside the folder. It's a big 68mb file though.. Anyone know how to convert videos so that they have no-sound and thus become smaller in size?
Edit: Modified video; reloaded and linked in newer post
Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 07:51:10 PM by Dr.Z
a fellow by the name of Ben
July 07, 2013, 10:41:16 AM
Thanks, uploaded!
July 07, 2013, 02:44:59 PM
Cool beans kids
Days Go By - 42 (Easy 9 stepwise, but very gimmicky. Meaning of life.)
Don't Be Afraid - 10
Mona Lisa Overdrive - 14 (Extremely technical, hard to rate)
Toxic - 9
Last Edit: July 07, 2013, 05:55:10 PM by Tyrgannus.
a fellow by the name of Ben
July 07, 2013, 09:13:30 PM
Quote from: Tyrgannus. on July 07, 2013, 02:44:59 PM
Cool beans kids
Days Go By - 42 (Easy 9 stepwise, but very gimmicky. Meaning of life.)
Don't Be Afraid - 10
Mona Lisa Overdrive - 14 (Extremely technical, hard to rate)
Toxic - 9
Awesome, thanks! All uploaded!
a fellow by the name of Ben
July 08, 2013, 12:33:28 AM
Ok, got two last-minute submissions from vyhd and Tony that I've just uploaded. Tony submitted
The Shoop a Loop (Demo)
, and vyhd submitted
That brings the total to 29. I said I'd "come up with a solution no one will like" if we end up with less than 30 charts, but I'm willing to let 29 go because of an interesting property of the FFF chart that makes it kinda sorta multiple stepcharts in one. I'll let vyhd explain.
With that,
song submissions are now closed
! I'll assemble and upload the final S.P.E.R.G.I.N.3. pack for download and will get it onto the ACME ITG machine ASAP. I'm not making any promises on timing because of a multi-day event my company is running that will eat up most of my week, but I'm hoping to have that done by thursday. In the meantime, you can test out the songs by downloading them individually.
July 08, 2013, 12:43:01 AM
Quote from: sfxazure on July 08, 2013, 12:33:28 AM
I'll let vyhd explain.
Hello! For those of you not in the know, FFF is featured in Pump It Up Fiesta 2, and one of its more difficult charts randomly gets replaced by a chart that starts out the same and has a much harder ending. So, I wrote four charts with wildly different endings (one easy, one hard, two mid-level) and added some Lua magic to pick one for you (the Lua works on 3.95/oITG, but the stepchart should work on anything 3.95+). Enjoy
(P.S: if you want to disable it for practice purposes, just delete the 'fg' folder in the song directory. Watch out for those Fs!)
Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 12:46:35 AM by vyhd
July 09, 2013, 12:05:16 AM
This pack is full of some really hard charts, legitimate or gimmick wise. I'm pretending a lot of failed stages during the tourney
The Almighty Tallest
July 09, 2013, 05:12:46 AM
Quote from: Dr.Z on July 07, 2013, 01:12:00 AM
Made a commitment to at least one song.. I always have trouble with OpenITG and/or Stepmania at least once while working on new things.
Xeus NM
download link
Also, a
link to the video
, which will automatically load, if inside the folder. It's a big 68mb file though.. Anyone know how to convert videos so that they have no-sound and thus become smaller in size?
[registration fee sent]
That will need to be down converted or it will lag out during gameplay.
@vyhd, that sounds crazy and awesome. Does it select the same chart for players 1 and 2? If not,cthat might lead to a bit of frustration for some matches. Also, I will upload this onto my machine to make sure it works fine. My machine should meet the requirements you listed, but I will make sure and tell you all ASAP.
@tyr, I agree. But I wasn't planning on winning this thing anyways, so no biggie.
Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 05:19:07 AM by Suko
July 09, 2013, 11:57:01 AM
Quote from: Suko on July 09, 2013, 05:12:46 AM
@vyhd, that sounds crazy and awesome. Does it select the same chart for players 1 and 2?
Yep! I made sure that the same chart is set for all active players. You can check out the Lua yourself if you like; it's pretty straightforward stuff.
July 10, 2013, 01:21:27 AM
Hopefully this is can be an exception, but I updated my sim The City. Didn't feel spergin enough
doin' work
July 10, 2013, 07:54:09 PM
Quote from: Suko on July 09, 2013, 05:12:46 AM
That will need to be down converted or it will lag out during gameplay.
I was eventually able to find a seemingly decent video converter via google.. The
Xeus Video (LINK)
for my song is now 18mbs after dropping the sound and resolution slightly.
Do you think that would be small enough for it not to lag, or should I downsize resolution to the minimal?
July 10, 2013, 10:02:31 PM
Quote from: Dr.Z on July 10, 2013, 07:54:09 PM
I was eventually able to find a seemingly decent video converter via google.. The
Xeus Video (LINK)
for my song is now 18mbs after dropping the sound and resolution slightly.
Do you think that would be small enough for it not to lag, or should I downsize resolution to the minimal?
background videos are 640x480 in ITG.
18mb should be good.
hell since oITG can have no mb limit I've made sims with oggs that are 12-16mb just for quality and they were fine
doin' work
July 10, 2013, 10:18:55 PM
Quote from: Keby on July 10, 2013, 10:02:31 PM
background videos are 640x480 in ITG.
18mb should be good.
hell since oITG can have no mb limit I've made sims with oggs that are 12-16mb just for quality and they were fine
Okay, cool. The linked video is in 640x480 from formally being 848x480.
a fellow by the name of Ben
July 10, 2013, 10:23:22 PM
Quote from: Keby on July 10, 2013, 01:21:27 AM
Hopefully this is can be an exception, but I updated my sim The City. Didn't feel spergin enough
Sorry, I gave two extensions already and don't feel comfortable changing charts this close to the deadline. You can ask nicely that people play the chart on flat, I guess? :/
July 11, 2013, 09:19:42 AM
Quote from: sfxazure on July 10, 2013, 10:23:22 PM
Sorry, I gave two extensions already and don't feel comfortable changing charts this close to the deadline. You can ask nicely that people play the chart on flat, I guess? :/
Nah I just cut and pasted the chart two 192nd notes offset and syned it to that.
Joke was it isalways on flat.
a fellow by the name of Ben
July 12, 2013, 12:25:16 AM
A few updates:
Now you can
download the whole pack in a single thing
(without Xeus's background since I didn't get to it. maybe I'll upload it later if it was made smaller?)
Also, I tried to upload the pack onto the ITG machine today, but the keyboard I brought with me didn't work. Tony will try to upload the pack on Saturday.
a fellow by the name of Ben
July 13, 2013, 06:22:49 PM
Good news, everyone!
SPERGIN3 is on the ACME machine! Go play it!
The Almighty Tallest
July 15, 2013, 10:13:44 AM
Quote from: Dr.Z on July 10, 2013, 07:54:09 PM
I was eventually able to find a seemingly decent video converter via google.. The
Xeus Video (LINK)
for my song is now 18mbs after dropping the sound and resolution slightly.
Do you think that would be small enough for it not to lag, or should I downsize resolution to the minimal?
Because the specs on my cabinet are stock, I will take the liberty of downsizing the video more if it needs to be for smooth gameplay. Hopefully it'll be fine. I'll try uploading the pack to my cabinet sometime this week and check out some charts. I just got back from my honeymoon, so things are still a bit crazy for me!
The Almighty Tallest
July 17, 2013, 10:40:07 AM
I'm going through some of the charts now. A really like Tyrs charts. They're just perfect for this event.
Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 10:50:00 AM by Suko
July 17, 2013, 02:40:52 PM
Compliments appreciated!
July 17, 2013, 04:15:38 PM
No love for the 16 and 15, scott?
The Almighty Tallest
July 17, 2013, 04:25:21 PM
Quote from: Keby on July 17, 2013, 04:15:38 PM
No love for the 16 and 15, scott?
Yeah....There's a lot of the hard stuff this year. I've checked out the charts and there's a few I'll have to forfeit if I come up against them.
I wish there was a way I could force you people to play some of the trickier 9's without the bar. Then you'd be stuck playing on my terms. =D
doin' work
July 17, 2013, 08:22:00 PM
It's somewhat frustrating to play my song at Acme have it instantly become obvious that the sync is completely off... as has been the case with previous Spergins. This was part of my motivation to make a simple song without any gimmicks, so things would be easy to evaluate.
I'm convinced that my OpenITG and Stepmania5 have a farther-off default global offset than anyone else, because on my laptop the tick assist sounds fine. And I've played them with Autoplay on and off.
Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
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{Tournament} S.P.E.R.G.I.N.3. - August 3rd, 2013
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