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Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
Events, Tournaments, & Meetups
{Tournament} S.P.E.R.G.I.N. - June 11, 2011 / July 16, 2011
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April 30, 2011, 12:55:49 PM
S.P.E.R.G.I.N.: Stepcharts Produced by Enterprising Rhythm Gamers In the Northwest
Brought to you by Laura (Laura) and Ben (sfxazure)
With help from Jonathan (BlueSS)
4 June 2011/16 July 2011
Entry Fee: $5.00 if you preregister, $10.00 at the door.
Ben (sfxazure) recently moved to this area from the East Coast, and introduced me to several stepcharts from a tournament called D.O.W.N.S. (Dancing Over the Weekend to New Stepcharts) in which local players had a certain amount of time to create their own charts, which were then compiled into a tournament pack by the organizers. Information on D.O.W.N.S. can be found
Ben and I have decided that we absolutely need to give a tournament like this a go on the West Coast. I even managed to clear us a Saturday date this summer for the actual tournament - July 16th. But, in order to make this happen, we need YOU!
Phase One: Preregistration and Stepchart Submission
Due Date: 4 June, 2011
Preregistration will begin immediately and will run until the end of Phase One. Attendees who preregister will pay a discounted rate ($5.00 instead of $10.00.) Preregistration will be handled through PMs to Ben/sfxazure, who will accept payment through Amazon Payments, PayPal, or in person. To keep things organized, please use the title “SPERGIN Preregistration” for your PM.
You will have from today until June 4th to submit up to three songs (one stepchart each) to be included in the tournament pack. Please use
this submission form
, and make sure to identify yourself by name/forum name somewhere in the file. We encourage you to create and submit new stepcharts, but any are fine as long as you had a hand in their creation. Submitted songs/stepcharts will be rejected if they do not conform to the following rules:
1. The chart must be to a song no longer than three minutes and thirty seconds (3:30) in length. There are many reasons for this, including but not limited to the fact that we have to keep the tournament moving and the fact that 3:30 is ACME’s cutoff for a “long song.” We don’t want people to have to pay more to practice some charts than others.
2. Songs must be appropriate for play in public venues such as ACME Bowl. Please avoid profanity or find some way to work around it (clean versions, comedic censoring, etc.) Any content deemed inappropriate for a public venue will be rejected.
3. Songs must be ITG Arcade Ready. Details for preparing your songs can be found
. If your song is over 2 minutes, DO NOT .OGG PATCH IT. Also, it is recommended that you test your file on Acme’s ITG machine before submitting it, as different machines have different syncing.
4. Stepcharts must have at least 50 hittable arrows. We are all for exploring a wide range of difficulties, but please no “Beginner mode.” While there may be ways to make an interesting chart with under 50 steps, it would increase the likelihood of ties and slow the tournament down.
We also reserve the right to reject a stepfile for unusual reasons, such as the file crashing StepMania.
Note: If a song is rejected for any reason, you may submit a replacement; cleaned-up versions of rejected submissions can be submitted, as well as completely different songs/charts. After a song has been accepted for the pack, it is finalized and can not be replaced or modified.
As soon as a stepchart is accepted into the pack, it will be made available for download at the bottom of this post. This is because Ben and I will be entering the tournament ourselves, and we don’t want to gain an unfair advantage by viewing songs before they are released publicly.
By submitting charts to the tournament pack, you agree to enter the tournament. While people who have not submitted stepcharts may enter, those of you who submit stepcharts must enter. Because of this, we will not begin to evaluate stepcharts from any given entrant before they have preregistered for the tournament; consider your entry fee a form of collateral.
Phase Two: Practice
During this period of time, the organizers will combine your charts into a pack. If the organizers feel that there are not enough new stepcharts on which to run a tournament, we will find some quick hack to fix this issue. This should take about a week. After this, the pack will be released and installed on the ACME machine, so that you may practice these charts at your leisure. This should take about a month.
Phase Three: TOURNAMENT!
16 July, 2011, start time TBA
Please note: You will see the phrase “Because this is not intended to be a serious tournament...” many times. This is because this is not intended to be a serious tournament, and is supposed to be for fun! Please, then, do not get too caught up in minor details.
This will be a double elimination event with room for up to 32 entrants. Only songs from the S.P.E.R.G.I.N. pack will be playable in this tournament.
Seeding: Because this is not intended to be a serious tournament, seeding will be random. If you complain about this, we will make fun of you on the internet.
Matches: High seed gets first choice of machine side or pick order. The other choice goes to low seed. Each player will then pick one song of their choice to play against the other player. Whoever gets the highest percentage (as calculated by the machine) on a given song wins that song. (You know how this works by now.) If both players are tied at the end of two songs, a third song will be chosen from the S.P.E.R.G.I.N. pack by way of the ITG machine’s “random” function. If both players are still tied, another random tiebreaker will be chosen until the tie is broken.
Song Selection: Each player may only use a song as their “pick” once over the course of the tournament. Because this is not intended to be a serious tournament, either player may fail any song throughout all tournament rounds with no additional penalty - once you fail, your percentage is “locked” as your score.
Level Caps: Because this is not intended to be a serious tournament, there will be no level caps. Any chart may be picked at any time in the tournament, regardless of difficulty (or opponent, since seeing is random.)
Prizes: Once preregistration ends and we have a better idea of how many entrants we will have, we will determine a prize structure based on 90% of the entry fees. The remaining 10% of the cumulative entry fees will be donated to the
Seattle Asperger Support Network
Please note that although the “IN” in “S.P.E.R.G.I.N.” does stand for “In the Northwest,” out of state players are still more than welcome to participate and submit stepcharts. It is our formal policy to welcome out of state players with open arms.
Be assured that we have thought these rules through very carefully and have consulted competitors from D.O.W.N.S. to see what went right/wrong. If you have any complaints regarding our rule-set, please refer to our FAQ infographic
EDIT: Files are now available for download
as they are submitted!
Due to June 4th coinciding with the end of finals week (among other things,) we are giving everybody an extra week to submit charts;
charts are now due by Midnight on Saturday, June 11th
. Additionally, each participant may now submit up to
Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 09:14:42 PM by BLueSS
The Almighty Tallest
June 09, 2011, 09:50:21 PM
Btw, if people won't be pissed about a late entry, I might be able to write up a stepchart to Country Roads in the next few days. (Edit: I'm already in the process of writing it. The variable BPM speed ups are a BITCH to sync, though, and have taken me a while to get right.
I know I won't make the deadline on the 10th, but I might make it in by the 15th. So, yeah. Let me know what you guys think about this.
Hermes House Band - Country Roads Remix
Last Edit: June 10, 2011, 03:28:15 PM by Suko
June 09, 2011, 10:47:32 PM
Hey guys I noticed some songs have bpm changes and that makes it so it won't say the constant bpm on the song select screen
ex. (Blah blah blah song is 70~180bpm)
to change this open up the .sm file in notepad or whatever and in between where it says
#BPMS: (whatever the bpm/bpms is here for the song);
create a new line that says
#DISPLAYBPM:(whatever you want);
for example a song has a bas BPM of 150.000, but changes to 135.000 and 230.000 therefore making it say 135~230 on the song select wheel
You would write the line
Your welcome
You know what I'll just write a simfile guide in the articles later this week.
Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 10:49:16 PM by Keby
a fellow by the name of Ben
June 09, 2011, 11:00:09 PM
Quote from: Keby on June 09, 2011, 10:47:32 PM
Hey guys I noticed some songs have bpm changes and that makes it so it won't say the constant bpm on the song select screen
ex. (Blah blah blah song is 70~180bpm)
to change this open up the .sm file in notepad or whatever and in between where it says
#BPMS: (whatever the bpm/bpms is here for the song);
create a new line that says
#DISPLAYBPM:(whatever you want);
for example a song has a bas BPM of 150.000, but changes to 135.000 and 230.000 therefore making it say 135~230 on the song select wheel
You would write the line
Your welcome
You know what I'll just write a simfile guide in the articles later this week.
Thanks for writing that up! I'm usually good about DISPLAYBPM; not sure why I forgot to use it for Cleaner.
June 10, 2011, 12:18:56 AM
Hey guys just lettin you know my songs
Still Gettin it (feat. Skriilex)
The Naughty Song
are up for download! Both are 9's. Enjoy
First one has LOTS of stutter gimmicks lol dubstep
The Almighty Tallest
June 10, 2011, 03:25:03 PM
Hey everyone. I made some very minor syncing changes to all songs, I upped the volume on Yakety Sax and altered a handful of patterns, too. Please consider these the most up-to-date files that (should) be used in the tournament.
Laura or SFX, if you wouldn't mind, could you replace my old files with these new ones? Also, please make sure to get the MP3's and the SM files, since they have both been modified slightly.
Updated 6-10-11
a fellow by the name of Ben
June 10, 2011, 05:31:35 PM
Quote from: Suko on June 10, 2011, 03:25:03 PM
Hey everyone. I made some very minor syncing changes to all songs, I upped the volume on Yakety Sax and altered a handful of patterns, too. Please consider these the most up-to-date files that (should) be used in the tournament.
Laura or SFX, if you wouldn't mind, could you replace my old files with these new ones? Also, please make sure to get the MP3's and the SM files, since they have both been modified slightly.
Updated 6-10-11
doin' work
June 10, 2011, 08:24:23 PM
The upload link wasn't working for me
Here's my silly little chart though; very colorful arrows~
Zelda music ftw
..Feel free to tweak it as desired, Ben.
a fellow by the name of Ben
June 10, 2011, 09:19:35 PM
Quote from: Dr.Z on June 10, 2011, 08:24:23 PM
..Feel free to tweak it as desired, Ben.
Uploaded as is because why not.
June 11, 2011, 01:06:20 PM
Now you can enjoy some Pump It Up crossovers (GET IT? CROSSOVERS? BECAUSE THERE ARE A LOT OF THEM?)
Eric aka Scrambles
Has the funk
June 11, 2011, 08:13:25 PM
woah, that's a full rainbow
The Almighty Tallest
June 11, 2011, 10:25:20 PM
Yo peeps, did you want me to put in my Stamp on the Ground chart? If so, I suggest using the one on the machine (I assume it's the up-to-date version). I'm out until Sun night, so Monday I'll post the most recent version of the file here so that it can be uploaded to the appropriate page.
Sound good to everyone?
June 11, 2011, 10:37:10 PM
Hey guys I have this Dj Party chart, and it seems VERY determined to get into s.p.e.r.g.i.n.
a fellow by the name of Ben
June 11, 2011, 11:34:17 PM
So yeah, I'm running into issues with a bunch of people not making it by the midnight deadline. In the interest of having a fuller pack, I'll extend Phase I by 24 hours. To be clear, this means that at
midnight tomorrow night (June 12)
, the SPERGIN song pack will be frozen, and preregistration will end. Happy stepping!
Quote from: Keby on June 11, 2011, 10:37:10 PM
Hey guys I have this Dj Party chart, and it seems VERY determined to get into s.p.e.r.g.i.n.
Uploading shortly; stay tuned.
June 12, 2011, 11:33:01 AM
Okay, here are my final submissions:
They're all in one zip.
June 13, 2011, 12:04:33 AM
My files
June 13, 2011, 12:55:29 AM
Cool guys!! Pack is closed, other than Stamp On The Ground which Suko has submitted that we just have to rip from another part of the ACME machine tomorrow.
Ben will make a compiled pack tomorrow!
The Almighty Tallest
June 14, 2011, 12:01:21 PM
In case anyone wants to practice Stamp on the Ground outside of Acme, here is (what I think) is the same version on the Acme machine. Enjoy!
The Almighty Tallest
June 14, 2011, 03:50:56 PM
Also, a request. By the end of the week, could we have all the files put into one ZIP and uploaded to
. It would be nice to just dload them all in one go and put them onto my machine/PC/whatever for practice.
a fellow by the name of Ben
June 14, 2011, 07:04:27 PM
Quote from: Suko on June 14, 2011, 12:01:21 PM
In case anyone wants to practice Stamp on the Ground outside of Acme, here is (what I think) is the same version on the Acme machine. Enjoy!
Accepting this since Laura said you sent it to her before the deadline.
Also, submissions are limited to one chart per song. I assume you wanted to submit the expert?
Quote from: Suko on June 14, 2011, 03:50:56 PM
Also, a request. By the end of the week, could we have all the files put into one ZIP and uploaded to
. It would be nice to just dload them all in one go and put them onto my machine/PC/whatever for practice.
Good point! I'm already working on it, and I'm planning to have it done tonight. If that doesn't happen for some reason, ETA would be Thursday.
The Almighty Tallest
June 14, 2011, 09:54:20 PM
Yes, I assumed people would know it was the expert chart. So,'s the expert chart.
Puttin' that rage on the stage...
June 14, 2011, 11:06:49 PM
I just couldn't let this go...
But I really don't mean to offend anyone...
DJ Party "Determinator Version" or whatever is a hard 11, not a 13. Come on I expect Mr. Dragonforce Master to know the difference by now....
The Cupcakes chart is a 12 not a 13. 162 runs that don't twist at all = 12s, such as in The Final Hour or Through the Gates, which both are 12s with waaay longer runs. Or Raver Raver Raver which is 175 twisty runs.
Cleaner is also a 13, not a 14. 203 BPM doesn't mean it's a 14; the runs aren't that long and not at all complicated and there's tons of rest time. I'd say Pandemonium is comparably difficult, if not harder, due to its consistent twisty 165 runs with jumps all over.
And CosmicPope, your Disciples of Babylon chart is a hard 14, not a 15. Oh wait he's not here... But I figured I'd include it too...
Come on now, let's try to rate things correctly... No point trying to make people feel like they're playing something harder than it actually is, and no point in wrongfully intimidating people from playing these charts.
Ho boy here comes the -rep for pointless trolling... ehehehe
June 14, 2011, 11:32:43 PM
Quote from: Gerrak on June 14, 2011, 11:06:49 PM
DJ Party "Determinator Version" or whatever is a hard 11, not a 13. Come on I expect Mr. Dragonforce Master to know the difference by now....
Oh you're not trolling, you're just being honest. But I disagree and will meet you in the middle. It's a 12.
The Dj party edit was made way back in the day in 2006. My friend marq and I rated it a 13 because back then nothing above a 13 had really been explored so we had no idea really. haha
I was gonna re-rate it, but I wanted to keep it as it was, so I just left it as a 13.
on the subject of some of these file, a couple drift pretty badly. Which I'm working on fixing atm ^_^ I'm not changing any step patterns, just sync issues.
Last Edit: June 14, 2011, 11:48:04 PM by Keby
a fellow by the name of Ben
June 15, 2011, 08:29:36 AM
Quote from: Gerrak on June 14, 2011, 11:06:49 PM
Come on now, let's try to rate things correctly... No point trying to make people feel like they're playing something harder than it actually is, and no point in wrongfully intimidating people from playing these charts.
Oh man, you're so right. If only I had compared my ratings to the ones for the charts you submitted.
Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 08:32:23 AM by sfxazure
June 15, 2011, 09:20:47 AM
Pack is on the machine.
Regarding ratings: A bunch of things in the packs we'd added before this tournament are misrated. It happens. Maybe we'll go ahead and fix the ratings after the tournament is over, maybe we won't. It's not that important.
June 15, 2011, 12:00:07 PM
Hearts of Ice Extreme is totally a 6. Flash In The Night is totally an 11.
If anything, I'm surprised nobody's picking on my troll charts with their troll ratings.
Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
Events, Tournaments, & Meetups
{Tournament} S.P.E.R.G.I.N. - June 11, 2011 / July 16, 2011
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