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March 28, 2011, 07:29:44 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Last update- July 1st, 2011... Total active participants: 4

Non-Stop and Challenge (Oni) Course Rankings:
-A Non-Stop or Oni Course will be selected for the month from either DDR Extreme or DDR SN2.
-Submit your scores with pictures to validate your place in the ranking.
-For those who show signs of inactivity will be removed from the list until you submit another score. This only applys to those who have never submitted scores and were interested in being apart of the course rankings.
-Player names will be your forum names.
-If there's any other ideas you'd like to throw in, please feel free to do so. You can join at anytime; submitting your scores will automatically enter you in the ranking.

Star Course Completion:
An Asterisk will be placed next to your name for every completed course played.

Achievement Badges brought to you by BLueSS!
1) For as long as the ladder stays alive, the top user will get a "DDR EX LADDER KING" badge (or something similar) for the next month. Each month will update with a new winner.

2) If you want to get the badge for a course, you must enter the course when it's live the first time. No late entries or "beating a score later".
Badges are:  

Rankings will be updated every Saturday or earlier if needed. I have attached an Excel file for all details on current and past Non-Stop and Oni courses.

Other Related Challenges
-Other related challenges are: anything thought up to give challengers another challenge, can be random miscellaneous challenges, and can be from other dance games (i.e ITG, PIU etc..)
-I will be the one to think up the challenges. You may suggest ideas as well.
Player List
Dr.Z:* * * *
NSX:* * * * *

House Difficult (Non-Stop)- Deadline TBA
Course Info
I Was The One (Standard)
Don't Stop (Standard)
Mr. T Take Me Higher (Heavy)
Feeling of Love (Heavy)
House Difficult Ranking Scores
World Tour Difficult (Oni-Course)- Deadline: TBA
Course Info
Living in America (Heavy)
La Bamba (Heavy)
La Copa de La Vida (Heavy)
Mobo Moga (Heavy)
Afronova (Heavy)
JaneJana (Heavy)
Gamelan de Couple (Heavy)
Orion .78 Ameuro Mix (Heavy)
Matsuri Japan (Heavy)
World Tour Difficult Ranking Scores

« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 05:24:02 PM by NSX »
* Course Ranking (8.25 KB - downloaded 1939 times.)
Read March 28, 2011, 07:34:52 PM #1

As long as this gets updated frequently, this sounds awesome. Smiley
Read March 28, 2011, 08:47:06 PM #2

Course of the month idea is cool. Although it makes me sad that there are no good Extreme machines in Portland  Sad
Read March 28, 2011, 09:22:02 PM #3

Sorry to hear that BBH >_<...

I'm currently thinking about prizes for the player that is #1 by the end of the month to make things interesting...

No worries, I'll make sure this gets updated even if only two people are participating.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 09:29:46 PM by NSX »
Read March 28, 2011, 10:13:35 PM #4

I want to participate, gives me reason to go to evergreen and/or tower and motivates me to get good at something before i go out to sea!
Read March 28, 2011, 10:24:43 PM #5

I want to participate too!
Read March 28, 2011, 10:28:44 PM #6

Forgot to say something about player names- state what your player names will be.

Edit: Will be picking out an Oni course to be played on soon for the month of April as well...

« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 11:24:21 PM by NSX »
Read March 28, 2011, 11:45:01 PM #7

Count me in. I'd like to challenge Nimm or CrazyIce :]
Read March 29, 2011, 10:02:49 AM #8

I'll throw myself into this as well. Though I haven't been to Evergreen in a while. However, having a reason to go will definitely give me some motivation to finish my 100 AAA challenge.
Read March 29, 2011, 02:07:30 PM #9

Guess im in by default since dr z wants to play me lol
Read March 30, 2011, 05:10:35 PM #10

Pop4 score submission =x

Prefer easy mode..
Read March 30, 2011, 06:40:57 PM #11

Very nice Dr.Z, you are in the lead as of now! And updated! Cheesy
Happy Redneck
Read March 31, 2011, 04:57:54 AM #12

count me in for pop 4 nigga
Read March 31, 2011, 02:18:29 PM #13

I took today off from work because I feel really sick and have been coughing all week. However, I met Crystal for lunch and after dropping her back off at work, I decided to drive the extra 5 minutes to Evergreen and play a set of Pop4.

Lucky for me, someone had left 6 tokens in the dollar change machine, which I then used to play my one and only set of the day...with some pleasant results.

I got 1 great on each song, so I guess that means I black flagged the entire set in succession. Awesome.

I think this might be the highest score I've ever gotten on Pop4 Difficult.

So, in the words of the great Mr. Phoenix Wright, I say:
Read March 31, 2011, 02:46:23 PM #14

Nice Suko! That's going to be a tough one to beat... And so Suko takes the lead as of now!
Read March 31, 2011, 07:49:08 PM #15

I'll be adding a "prize" to each of the challenges as well: Achievement Badges!

1) For as long as the ladder stays alive, the top user will get a "DDR EX LADDER KING" badge (or something similar) for the next month. Each month will update with a new winner.

2) For the courses, for each course I'll make a banner. As long as we do each course just once, then the winner who gets the badge will be the person with the top score for that course.  If you want to get the badge for a course, you must enter the course when it's live the first time. No late entries or "beating a score later".
Read March 31, 2011, 09:32:29 PM #16

I'll be adding a "prize" to each of the challenges as well: Achievement Badges!

As long as we do each course just once, then the winner who gets the badge will be the person with the top score for that course.

I was just thinking about this too! And yes, I only intend on doing each course once. We'll be going through the whole entire list of Non-Stop/Oni Courses.   
Read April 01, 2011, 10:36:31 PM #17

ok, so me and Dr. z split 5 win 5 losses each, but there's 2 songs that we are unsure about, cause score wise he won, but stat wise i won, and we're not sure which way we're suppose to go , so here were the stats for each song since my phone is being dumb with the pics.

 but i do believe i won this one since i double A'ed it and he single A'ed it

lets groove

Dr. Z                                 Crazyice
195 perfect                      190 perfect
9 great                             17 great

3 misses.                          0 misses

score 57284550                 56639550

i believe that i won this if by stat, him by score, so which way we determining?

now this one on the other hand is alot closer

Over the rainbow

Dr. z                        Crazyice
perfects. 200              198
greats    27                 35
goods     6                  0

score  67264560          65578160

im not sure how the stats work exactly. but i do believe he won this one.. i jus dunno heh. and if i won the first and he won the second on here, it would make it 6-6

Read April 02, 2011, 12:45:19 AM #18

To make things simple, Perfects=3 points, Greats=2, and anything under will be counted as 0. Add up your points and you should have your winner. So in your case, you are correct and are the winner of the first song. Also, according to my system of calculating, you also won the second song.

I forgot the calculating system is for DDR Extreme... If perfects are 4p or 3...
But for now, I'm going to put down that you won both those songs.
Also please do correct me if I happened to make any mistakes updating your scores.

Edit:Forgot about dropped holds-O.K.=1 point

« Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 12:55:29 AM by NSX »
Read April 02, 2011, 02:26:22 AM #19

ok so it would end up me 7 wins and 5 losses and Dr z 5 wins and 7 losses. not 8-4 cause if we had split those 2, it wouild be 6-6 so ya lol
Read April 02, 2011, 02:48:36 PM #20

I'm in on pop3.  Give me a week
Read April 02, 2011, 03:02:37 PM #21

ok so it would end up me 7 wins and 5 losses and Dr z 5 wins and 7 losses. not 8-4 cause if we had split those 2, it wouild be 6-6 so ya lol

Oh yeah haha lol. All right, everything is updated.
Read April 02, 2011, 05:09:24 PM #22

Tiny bit better than my last try.

submission 2:
Read April 02, 2011, 07:53:08 PM #23

To make things simple, Perfects=3 points, Greats=2, and anything under will be counted as 0. Add up your points and you should have your winner. So in your case, you are correct and are the winner of the first song. Also, according to my system of calculating, you also won the second song.

I forgot the calculating system is for DDR Extreme... If perfects are 4p or 3...
But for now, I'm going to put down that you won both those songs.
Also please do correct me if I happened to make any mistakes updating your scores.

Edit:Forgot about dropped holds-O.K.=1 point
PGGBMOk = 2 1 0 -4 -8 6
freezes are worth a shit ton.
Read April 03, 2011, 01:41:24 PM #24

Another slight notch higher in Pop4-difficult.

(I'm on the Left. Tuan's on the Right.)
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