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May 19, 2009, 12:33:52 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

     Being that there aren't nearly enough tournaments around here, I have taken the liberty of looking into the possibility of having one at Acme Bowl in Tukwila this summer. I spoke with Bill Masterman who owns the machines on Monday and he is in full support of an ITG2 tournament and has agreed to put the machine on event play at a date of our choosing. I have not yet spoken with an event coordinator at Acme, so this is by no means a for-sure thing, but I wanted to put out there that this is in the early works and I wanted to get an idea of the interest level of the community. I think I will gun for mid-late July for a date for the tournament. As to how the thing will be run, we will most likely not run a qualifier and just say that this would be an expert-level tournament encompassing the full scope of difficulties and that any who are interested would be welcome and encouraged to come play. So please if you have any input or just want to express interest, post below =) Should be a lot of fun

Read May 21, 2009, 06:51:37 PM #101

@Bill: Thanks for the post and for making sure this will run smoothly!  Smiley  Sounds like Gerrak needed to better understand to work through you instead of with Acme directly (which we all could have told him, and have posted about).

@DMN: Why the 23rd? That's a Sunday...  Pick the Saturday instead.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 06:55:19 PM by BLueSS »
Read May 21, 2009, 06:59:24 PM #102

@Bill: Thanks for the post and for making sure this will run smoothly!  Smiley  Sounds like Gerrak needed to better understand to work through you instead of with Acme directly (which we all could have told him, and have posted about).

@DMN: Why the 23rd? That's a Sunday...  Pick the Saturday instead.

it would help if I look ed at august and not May..... *sigh*

*goes to type up a different ruleset, this is going to be different*
Read May 21, 2009, 07:26:26 PM #103

Hey all; damn this post has gotten more serious than I'd thought so quickly... (btw iori don't be a jackass to me Tongue)
I wanted to say thanks for all the input, I am taking it seriously into account but as you may imagine I'm trying to work out scheduling before getting every rule figured out.
We are requesting that Amber be allowed to co-admin this tournament along with Gerrack
I would be happy and encouraging to have someone as experienced as Amber help me out with this.
Friday night, or possibly Sunday is acceptable to them.  Of course, we can always use Narrows as that is fairly wide open.
Acme would be preferable to Narrows in my opinion because the machines in slightly better condition in my experience, however should we be unable to get a weekend slot at Acme perhaps you're right that a Saturday at Narrows would be better. But we'll get to that.
One very important note, Amber will not be back until August, so the tournament would need to delay until then.  If Amber decides not to partake in this, then another known administrator could step in to help Gerrack
I have a friend and ddr-mentor who is moving to Texas in early august, so the timing was supposed to allow for him to participate is my only concern. I don't personally have a problem with it.

Can I just run one the 23rd of August at Narrows?
Let's get a little further into the planning process before we fill the room up with cynicism please.

Gerrak, I remember you posting that you go to ACME multiple times a week. I'm going to be there tonight around 7:30
Didn't see you there. For shame!

Sounds like Gerrak needed to better understand to work through you instead of with Acme directly (which we all could have told him, and have posted about)
Sorry Tongue I'm just trying to get things done and so far the best way I've noticed to get things done is to do it yourself.

Thanks again for all the input. In the next couple weeks we'll have it all figured out so don't stress out too hard. Bill, throw me a call when you get a chance and maybe have Amber do the same. Sorry for not going through you; I figured all parties not directly involved would want as little effort as possible. I appreciate your support on the matter!

I'll be at Acme Friday night at some point (maybe 8-10ish?) if people want to geek out for a while on ITG. Maybe get their asses kicked for a few rounds Wink
Read May 21, 2009, 07:35:45 PM #104

Gerrak, how long have you played dancing games? 
How long have you been part of a DDR community, and which ones?
How many tournaments have you been to?
What expertise in running an event do you have?


Sorry Tongue I'm just trying to get things done and so far the best way I've noticed to get things done is to do it yourself.
I'll be at Acme Friday night at some point (maybe 8-10ish?) if people want to geek out for a while on ITG. Maybe get their asses kicked for a few rounds Wink
The best way would have been to ask all of us who have been to and ran many of these in the past; NOT to just do it yourself.

Acme would be preferable to Narrows in my opinion because the machines in slightly better condition in my experience
The pads get thoroughly cleaned the day of/day before for our tournaments, so this isn't as big of an issue when compared to the day of the event.

Bill, throw me a call when you get a chance and maybe have Amber do the same. Sorry for not going through you; I figured all parties not directly involved would want as little effort as possible. I appreciate your support on the matter!
As little effort as possible for all parties involved would mean you contacting Bill, not having him call you. He said for you to call him when you got things worked out...?

Maybe get their asses kicked for a few rounds Wink
Are you running this tournament for the community, or for yourself?  Because it's starting to really look like the latter.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 07:50:22 PM by BLueSS »
Read May 21, 2009, 07:50:00 PM #105


I was being serious, it's been over two years since I ran a tourney, and reading this makes me want to run one. No offense was intended.
Read May 21, 2009, 07:53:13 PM #106

How is Bill not a party directly involved? He owns the machine, not Acme.
Read May 21, 2009, 07:59:54 PM #107

Hey all; damn this post has gotten more serious than I'd thought so quickly...
  Since you're so serious about this tournament, don't you think we'd resopnd the same?
I'll be at Acme Friday night at some point (maybe 8-10ish?) if people want to geek out for a while on ITG. Maybe get their asses kicked for a few rounds Wink
Is that a call out? Someone MM this fool. Do you have a groovestats or something?

tbh I'm starting to believe this is a troll topic... And it wasn't me this time
Read May 21, 2009, 08:14:00 PM #108

I'd be there to kick ass (hah yeah right, I can't fucking play this game anymore. I'm a washed up scrub veteran who can't even swallow fucking solid foods. V² is my limit lol) but I think I'm going to go with laura&co on saturday. You should come Gerrak!

« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 08:23:45 PM by KevinDDR »
Read May 21, 2009, 08:32:02 PM #109

I'll dominate anyone's ass on Cowgirl light without even standing up, take that bitches.
Read May 21, 2009, 08:39:48 PM #110

If I can get a ride up there I will MM Gerrak (DDR) to blind song selection S4R flat ft5 for $5. I think this kid doesn't really play at a competitive level. but just in case, it's only 5 dollars. This could either be a pleasure to play a master player, or a chore in beating a scrub. I haven't played in about a year and half so this should be free money for you if you are as good as you say.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 08:46:37 PM by Iori241 »
Read May 21, 2009, 09:14:45 PM #111

I'd be there to kick ass (hah yeah right, I can't fucking play this game anymore. I'm a washed up scrub veteran who can't even swallow fucking solid foods. V² is my limit lol) but I think I'm going to go with laura&co on saturday. You should come Gerrak!

What time are you guys going to be there on Saturday? I wouldn't mind coming down to hang out with you all.

Also, what does MM mean?
Read May 21, 2009, 09:28:18 PM #112

MM = money match, and I would pay money to see that. In fact, fuck that, I'd start a whole betting pool.

Tony and I are coming at 7:30 or so, don't know about the rest of everyone. Cheesy
Read May 21, 2009, 09:48:01 PM #113

Wow, just wow
Gerrak, how long have you played dancing games?
How long have you been part of a DDR community, and which ones?
How many tournaments have you been to?
What expertise in running an event do you have?
June will be my 6-year mark. This is my first real community, though I have played with competitive-level players for years. I have not personally competed in any, that is part of the motivation for me; you wouldn't be organizing a tournament if you didn't want to compete in it either. I have expertise in running events in general, though not an ITG2 tourney so give me a fucking break. I'm doing this because no one in the area will run anything. And I'm not doing it alone I'm getting help so dont get your balls in a fucking twist.
As little effort as possible for all parties involved would mean you contacting Bill, not having him call you. He said for you to call him when you got things worked out...
To me 'worked out' meant scheduled with Acme as well. Since he evidently meant otherwise it was just a miscommunication.
Are you running this tournament for the community, or for yourself?  Because it's starting to really look like the latter.
Wow that's quite an accusation... I'm running it purely for myself. And my friends. And the people I play with all the time. And the people I have yet to play with but hope to meet because it'll be fun. Wait, isn't that the community? I don't pretend to think I would win this thing, its not some e-peen competition for me, I just want to play the game with people who also enjoy it and have some motivation for me and others to play again.

but I think I'm going to go with laura&co on saturday. You should come Gerrak!
7:30? I'll see about heading up then too

Is that a call out? Someone MM this fool. Do you have a groovestats or something?
No groovestats sorry. But totally a call out.

If I can get a ride up there I will MM Gerrak (DDR) to blind song selection S4R flat ft5 for $5. I think this kid doesn't really play at a competitive level. but just in case, it's only 5 dollars. This could either be a pleasure to play a master player, or a chore in beating a scrub. I haven't played in about a year and half so this should be free money for you if you are as good as you say.
hehe I'll see your challenge! It'll either be the pleasure to play a master player or the chore of beating someone who's a year and a half out of practice. And I'm not really a 'kid' I'm graduated at this point from college and working as a teacher.

Let's try to stay the hostility for now guys we're all on the same team here. I'm not picking fights with anyone so please stop picking them with me. Thanks Smiley
Read May 21, 2009, 09:52:49 PM #114

I would not go to another tournament run by Amber.  If she wants to know why, she can pm me for my number.  It isn't a personal issue though.

DMN, would you mind corunning a tournament with me and preferably one other reliable, experienced person, pref. Suko?  You have more experience than me, but i have run 8 various tournaments in the last year or so, meaning i could probably help oil out kinks of outdatedness.  Having an organizer from another major area would also likely yield much higher attendance.
Read May 21, 2009, 10:03:50 PM #115

Sorry for double post, psp has limitations lol.  Anyway, we should leave aug. to the canadians.  july is fine.

gerrak, iori is a jackass to everyone, especially newbies.  Just learn to read around it, because his insight is some of the best. 

Don't run the first tournament you've ever been to.  period.  I don't care if you're the chillest guy ever and a genious, tournaments are like art.  You can't paint a masterpiece if you've never seen one.
Read May 21, 2009, 10:46:49 PM #116

Wow this thread escalated quickly. In fact I think this is the most active I've ever seen this forum.
Anyways. I'm really just lookin for any kind of tourny to be run at this point. And being hostile to each other isn't going to get us anywhere.
I wish I could come to acme right now, but alas! I am in colorado.
And Tofu has a point. You can do what you want, its not like im gonna stop you. But it is better to participate in a couple of tournies before you hold one of your own
Read May 22, 2009, 12:39:02 AM #117

Read May 22, 2009, 12:46:11 AM #118


thread just got undiculously good
Read May 22, 2009, 12:59:53 AM #119

So....are we any closer to any kind of agreement about the ruleset here?
Read May 22, 2009, 08:33:31 AM #120

Don't run the first tournament you've ever been to.  period
I don't intend to run it by myself. I intend to organize it and get knowledgable experienced people to help run it. And its not the first tourney I've seen just the first I'll have competed in.

I'm stuck at work doing nothing all day but troll these forums now...
Read May 22, 2009, 09:31:39 AM #121


1. I think you're going to be amused on Saturday because all of these Seattle people who are trolling you are going to be super saccharine sweet polite; that's what we do here. Probably approach the community on Saturday with that in mind.

2. I'm saying this NOT to be a dick, but you REALLY don't want to run a tournament you're entering. Not only is it typically considered bad form (most admins who enter their own tournaments do it because turnout is too low to have enough people for whatever they were trying to do, and it's as an afterthought), but tournaments take a lot of work and effort to run, even if people are helping. If you are focused on your playing/your opponents, you're not going to run a successful tournament.

...PLUS, with all of the flak you're getting about your ruleset being not-what-people-want, entering would look "unfair," and people would probably accuse you of running a tournament that's biased towards you winning.
Read May 22, 2009, 09:47:38 AM #122

NEXT TIME, SUKO... I'll get you next time...
Read May 22, 2009, 10:44:55 AM #123

I think you're going to be amused on Saturday because all of these Seattle people who are trolling you are going to be super saccharine sweet polite; that's what we do here. Probably approach the community on Saturday with that in mind
Good. That's the way I am too. Online-speak tends to make people out to be a little different than they are irl; I'm pretty sure most people here are pretty cool, and I look forward to meeting some more of you Smiley

I'm saying this NOT to be a dick, but you REALLY don't want to run a tournament you're entering. Not only is it typically considered bad form (most admins who enter their own tournaments do it because turnout is too low to have enough people for whatever they were trying to do, and it's as an afterthought), but tournaments take a lot of work and effort to run, even if people are helping. If you are focused on your playing/your opponents, you're not going to run a successful tournament
Half the reason I'm organizing it myself is because I don't ever see other tournaments played. Especially not for full difficulty ITG2. Since I do intend to enter, and the general sentiment (and common sense) is that running and playing at the same time would be bad form and a pain in the ass for me and everyone else, it will be a likelyhood that my actual involvement will be mostly limited to organizing and publicizing, and I will leave the running of it to the experienced pros. All I want is to play, really. And to make sure everyone has a good time and doesn't leave feeling gipped. Hope that's satisfactory
Read May 22, 2009, 11:04:21 AM #124

Yeah, that's satisfactory for sure! We just wanted to make sure you're not taking on too much. Smiley

As a sidenote to everyone else: I just got preliminary approval from Bill to run a slightly modified Extreme tournament at Paradise earlier (very late June, early July) this summer, so the lower level players don't have to feel left out! I'm still flushing out details but I'll post a ruleset soon.  Hopefully this will take some of the pressure off the hardcore ITG crowd to cater to those players. (Also, I know that Paradise is far, so if anyone wants a ride, I'll be happy to oblige).
Read May 22, 2009, 11:04:55 AM #125

Wait, hold on a second.

You realize most of the work from organizing a tournament is doing the work AT THE GODDAMN tournament? You're an idiot.

Anybody on these forums can help publicize a tournament. Every one of the countless amount of events not at SakuraCon that I've run have worn me out the day after (The ones I ran at SakuraCon, I was dead tired for DAYS after...). It's a ton of work. If you're not going to bother doing the leg work the whole way, don't bother doing the work.

And if you ever talk to me in person, I will not be sweet to you. I will be honest. Ask anybody here.
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