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September 12, 2012, 10:49:41 AM - ORIGINAL POST -


Friends! Colleagues! Soldiers of the Wastelands! The time has come again for the fires of competition!

Hear, ye! In the names of and Masterman Vending, I, GRAND POOBAH GERRAK, declare the following challenge and offering of bounty:

A prize shall be issued to the first man, woman, or child to hold at least 25 first-place scores in the “Gerrak's Recommended” pack on the ITG machine at Acme Bowl for 1 consecutive week. Upon declaration of the winner, the people holding the second and third-most number of scores will receive prizes as well.

To be declared the winner you must:

1)   Obtain at least 25 scores and hold them for 1 consecutive week! It should be noted these do not have to be the same scores held for the entire week, so you can, say, take 28 scores, lose 3, take another 2, lose a different 2, and still have been considered as maintaining a high-enough total for the week. However if at any time during the week your total drops below 25, you must raise your total back, and start the week over.

2)   Post on the forums that you claim to have 25 scores. After 1 week, if no one claims to have re-taken enough scores to reduce your total below 25, I will go to Acme to verify your claim and declare you the winner. You must post on the forums to ensure other players know you are claiming to have almost won, and your week does not start until the day you post. You do not have to list the titles of the songs you hold, nor the actual total number of records you hold, you need only state that you hold 25 scores as of that day. If two people claim on the same day, their submission will be considered simultaneous and be subject to tiebreaker-rules (below), regardless of the actual time of their forum post. For these purposes, consider a “day” to start (and thus end) when Acme opens, rather than midnight (i.e. posts made ‘Saturday’ at 3am count as being made on that Friday.)

If someone claims to have 25 scores, there is a one-week challenging period where other players may try to take-back those scores. If you take back enough scores to reduce that player to below 25, you should post on the forums that you have done so, and ideally what song(s) you took back. I will verify that the player has been reduced to below 25 (and I will probably check every day I go if someone claims to have enough to win anyway), and if so, they must start their week over after re-upping their total. If you are going to make this claim, you should make sure you have actually reduced their total below 25 (by counting!), since they may have held more than 25 when you retook the song!

Some general rules/comments (Some extra details/notes in fine-print). The few slight revisions to rules (or other emphasized text I suppose) in bold:

1)   No one can be declared the winner before Mon, Oct 8. This is to ensure ample time for players to learn the songs, and establish scores. This means no one can issue a claim of holding 25 until Mon, Oct 1. Beginning Mon, Oct 22nd, the total required to win will reduce by 2.5 each week, rounded up. This is a sort of “sudden death” to ensure the tournament/event wraps up by around the end of Oct or beginning of Nov. I've extended this slightly to accommodate the longer-term nature of the event than originally anticipated. In the rather unlikely event of a tie, tiebreaker goes to the person who holds the most number of scores, then to the person who holds a higher sum of difficulties in their scores, then to whoever holds a score on the highest difficulty, then to the holder of the most number of scores at this difficulty, then to the higher of the average percent of this difficulty across their scores if there's still a tie somehow (complicated I know, but decisive…). I also reserve the right to make resyncs to the pack at any time, though at this point most have been tested and/or corrected; let me know if you think a song is way off-timing. Sadly pad-errors cannot fairly be taken into account for this event, if you suspect pad errors, you should report it to Masterman Vending (their number is on the machine, for those who don’t know). The machine has a built-in tiebreaker for exact ties in scores on any given song.

2)   Remember, there are prizes for the top three score-holders, and many (even most) of the charts will require playing a couple times to nail-down. There is also no entry fee for this event! So if nothing else, just try to take as many as possible! If you can’t take a score, move on to another song, keep practicing it, or give it another try the next time you go. If someone starts taking a lot of scores, practice up some of those songs and take them back!

3)   You must use the same name for all your scores across the pack, to within extremely obvious similarity (i.e, NSXX/NSX/NSXX! Are all fine, ALLAN/GRAK would not be acceptable). It must be very obvious to who’s total each score adds to.

4)   We are on the honor-system here, please exhibit good sportsmanship! This means you may not have, for instance, two different people using the same name to try to make a combined effort at getting a total of 25. Analogously, you may never put the name of another player for a score you made. You should also never make a false claim of holding enough scores, or for reducing someone’s total to below the needed total. No one should be cheating here, but if you suspect/witness it, please report it to me and I will investigate the allegation, to the possible end of disqualification. You should also always treat other players with politeness, respect and encouragement. This is a friendly competition and community after all!

5)   The scores held must be out of the “Gerrak’s Recommended” pack, NOT “Gerrak’s Pumpin Kicks”. The latter pack will be deleted after the event, and remains on the machine only temporarily for players to practice out of (if desired) and for me to play the songs in that pack without potentially disrupting any scores (and hence unfairly disrupting anyone’s total). No songs in GPK can count toward your total, even if you hold a higher score on a song in GPK than the score in GR.

6)   Only Expert-level charts count toward the total, or Hard charts where no Expert is available. Long/Marathon songs only count as 1 toward your total (but do count!).

7)   There are four charts in pack that will be considered ~~BOSS SONGS~~ (wooooOOOoo). These are the three 15s (Trisection, Over Drive, and Flames of the Sky), and the one 16 in the pack (Beyond the Universe). If you hold a score on any of these songs, it counts as two toward your total. The three 15s are of completely different chart-types celebrating (what I consider to be anyway) the 3 main attributes of difficulty in any song: Speed, Stamina, and Technicality (corresponding respectively above). The 16 is just really, really hard. This is to add some fun to the hard-end and to present a very tough challenge to aspire to, but of course there are ample songs in the pack to win without holding (or passing even) any of these, and I strongly suspect not all 4 of them will even be passed by anyone by the end of the event!

The "Gerrak's Recommended" pack is available for download in two separate links for your convenience in learning the songs! They can be found here: (part 1) (part 2)

Best of luck friends! And I hope you enjoy the event! Exact prizes will be revealed later and will be cooler than just boring cash. Special thanks to Bill Masterman for his significant contribution to the prize pool!

« Last Edit: October 26, 2012, 12:13:05 PM by Gerrak »
Read October 28, 2012, 10:26:42 PM #51

Chris, you're going to need to step it up Smiley just got back and did pretty decent for only a few sets.
Read October 28, 2012, 10:52:02 PM #52

Chris, you're going to need to step it up Smiley just got back and did pretty decent for only a few sets.

*Waves White Flag*

Yeah, my Plasma Bomber Stage record...

*Sharpens Knives*

I'll kill you next time I see you.

Read October 28, 2012, 11:15:47 PM #53

I was also worried about my scores being taken so I worked on bringing some of mine up a little.
Read October 29, 2012, 08:23:49 AM #54

It should be noted currently MYKL and APHR both submitted that they had over the threshold on the 24th, uncontested thusfar, and so as it stands, whichever one holds the most scores at the end of  Cool  Embarrassed HALLOWEEN NIGHT  Embarrassed  Cool would be the winner. That is, unless NSX is able to reattain the most scores until his week finishes again!

And you totally have to wear a costume if you play on Halloween.  Roll Eyes

« Last Edit: October 29, 2012, 08:27:03 AM by Gerrak »
Read October 29, 2012, 08:50:50 PM #55

Last time I counted, I was at 24, but I could've missed 1 or 7... I will double check tomorrow.

I'm actually pretty surprised that Tuan didn't go banana's this weekend, I thought he would've taken quite a few.

Read October 29, 2012, 09:17:25 PM #56

Chris, I believe you are at 24 and Hollie took me down to 26 D:
Read October 29, 2012, 10:32:03 PM #57

It's true, I took two scores tonight ; )
Read October 29, 2012, 11:17:59 PM #58

Last time I counted, I was at 24, but I could've missed 1 or 7... I will double check tomorrow.

I'm actually pretty surprised that Tuan didn't go banana's this weekend, I thought he would've taken quite a few.

I got lazy...maybe this is the end for me D:
Read October 29, 2012, 11:36:12 PM #59

I changed my mind, I'm at 29 now Cheesy
Read October 30, 2012, 12:05:27 AM #60

I changed my mind, I'm at 29 now Cheesy

I'm lazy too...

I'm out...


Congrats Michael, we hate you.
Read October 30, 2012, 12:15:37 AM #61

I'm lazy too...

I'm out...


Congrats Michael, we hate you.
I'll take that as another accomplishment Smiley
Although you still have tomorrow and Wednesday. So I'm pretty sure you're going to take some by then.

In which universe does it mean when you say "I'm out" that you're gonna take even more scores :p

I really give up though. I just got off work and I don't want to take a 45 minute drive to play for less than an hour. Tomorrow I work 12:30 pm to 9 :/ so I don't have enough time to make it down there either... So I'm really out of this. Now it's just one on one, Chris vs Tuan hahaha

*Edit 2
Chris you suck

« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 09:56:13 PM by uhhh »
Read October 30, 2012, 10:31:11 PM #62

Tuan made me do it! He said he'll stop giving me high fives if I didn't play!  Shocked

In all 100% honesty, I was just playing and Tuan showed up and started playing some songs in the pack together and we both kind of got into it.

I'm sitting at 27 songs as far as I know. I only took 1 from you Michael and passed Trisection, giving me 3 more points.

You posted some really good scores Michael, was really tough. Only song I took from you is Terminal.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 10:34:13 PM by APHR »
Read October 30, 2012, 10:38:13 PM #63

Haha no worries, it was great competition. I mean it was pretty intense all three of us taking the #1 spot and all. As for terminal, I had 4 excellents and a great Angry
Read October 31, 2012, 12:52:08 AM #64

Sorry Michael, I had to take you out...

I currently have 30 songs now I think. I took michael out tonight, so you're next Chris!

Oh and Chris got 3 ex on terminal x;

« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 12:54:14 AM by NSX »
Read October 31, 2012, 01:08:13 AM #65

Sorry Michael, I had to take you out...

I currently have 30 songs now I think. I took michael out tonight, so you're next Chris!

Oh and Chris got 3 ex on terminal x;

NSX vs APHR epic showdown? Or just lazy shenanigans?
Read October 31, 2012, 02:22:14 AM #66

Or just lazy shenanigans?
Read October 31, 2012, 08:20:00 PM #67

As it stands, I have 29 songs as does Tuan. So, unless Tuan takes me down to 22 or brings himself up to 30+ I will win by tonight.

Read October 31, 2012, 11:14:52 PM #68


Did I win yet?

Read November 01, 2012, 12:14:17 AM #69


Read November 01, 2012, 12:17:22 AM #70

Chris, I'm posting for Tuan. He took one of your scores and another. He's now at 31 and you're at 28.
Read November 01, 2012, 12:19:03 AM #71

Boo, okay. Well time to take 3 more!  Roll Eyes

I hate you guys both!  Cheesy
Read November 01, 2012, 03:51:38 AM #72

You pretty much have this in the bag. I wont be able to come down till saturday, so if you successfully over take me in songs by today or friday, then you win.

I'd just like to say that it was an honor to compete against everyone. It was one hell of a competition. Lookin forward to the next one!
Read November 01, 2012, 04:15:09 AM #73

I'd just like to say that it was an honor to compete against everyone. It was one hell of a competition. Lookin forward to the next one!

I believe that this competition brought the fighter, the grinder, and the competitor out of me and out of all of us.

I hope we all can enjoy the next tournament together as an ITG community!

Read November 01, 2012, 05:54:29 PM #74

It is finally over! Tuan I brought you down to 29 buddy, and I'm up at 30. This tournament was amazing yet grueling, truly was a test of will and determination. Thank you everyone for playing and giving me the opportunity to compete against the best!
Read November 01, 2012, 06:40:30 PM #75

Congrats Chris! Everyone here definitely brought back my competitive side of me again. Not only have I gotten better as a player, my passion for dance games have been rekindled. I'm glad I was able to give everyone here a challenge. Especially you Chris, you're one hell of a competitor, and of course along with those who also particapated.

This is only the beginning.  Until next time!

I need a vacation before that happens.  Roll Eyes
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