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October 29, 2010, 08:11:37 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

For those in the Northwest, I wanted to let you know Big Al's Beaverton is having a Pump Pro 2 tournament starting on SATURDAY, November 20th. Registration is $10 a person and prizes are listed below. There are only 4 people signed up so far and we need at least 15 to have the tournament so please sign up!

Big Al's Beaverton
14950 SW Barrows Rd
Beaverton OR, 97007

Registration $10 a person
Initial round starts Tuesday, 11/20 at 2:00pm (you must sign up before this date)

1st: Trophy & $150 Big Al's Fun Card (To play games, buy food, etc) OR iPod Nano
2nd: $75 Fun Card
3rd&4th: $35 Fun Card

If you have any questions stop by or ask me here!

« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 10:35:07 PM by BLueSS »
Read October 30, 2010, 02:46:12 PM #1

Nooooo! I so want to do this, but my parents will be in town on the 9th and I can't ditch them for a didder tournament. T_T

Damn, they always seem to visit when there's a big DDR tournament.
Read October 30, 2010, 03:47:23 PM #2

invite them along. be like, "COME WATCH ME PWN"
Read October 30, 2010, 08:21:00 PM #3

I signed up   :|   certainly not expecting to win, just wanna show some support (and maybe I can squeeze out 4th)
Read October 31, 2010, 12:42:26 PM #4

I know we've got a few PiU players in the Seattle area, but having the tournament on Tuesday limits most of them from making it down there. If this gets rescheduled for a weekend, I'm sure you could expect a bit larger of a turn out.
Read October 31, 2010, 08:34:37 PM #5

What Suko said. Tony and I could definitely get behind driving 3 hours to play dance games on a Saturday or Sunday, but we have school and work and traffic to contend with on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. If you guys have a weekend tournament, definitely let us know!
Read October 31, 2010, 09:12:44 PM #6

The reason we didn't do it on the weekends is because we are way too busy and trying to have a tournament with the arcade being packed is a bit difficult. The weekdays are much slower which is better for this reason. If we get a good enough turnout for this tournament I will look into having another on the weekend if possible so if you can make it, please sign up!
Read November 03, 2010, 10:46:31 AM #7

The reason we didn't do it on the weekends is because we are way too busy and trying to have a tournament with the arcade being packed is a bit difficult. The weekdays are much slower which is better for this reason. If we get a good enough turnout for this tournament I will look into having another on the weekend if possible so if you can make it, please sign up!
Makes sense. Perhaps you should try this again in the summer, when school kids from Seattle could make it if they want...though I think 70% of the people on this forum have some kind of job, if you count their significant others.
Read November 03, 2010, 11:56:42 AM #8

That and school. I reallllly want to make it down for this, but on a tuesday it's just not gonna happen with my class schedule.
Read November 03, 2010, 01:48:12 PM #9

That and school. I reallllly want to make it down for this, but on a tuesday it's just not gonna happen with my class schedule.

I didn't think about school but since most people are off during winter or spring break,  that might also be a good time to have one. Is anyone planning on stopping by tonight for free play?
Read November 03, 2010, 08:02:15 PM #10

Even though I'm not that great (can only do some 10's currently) I'd definitely be down to enter.  Unfortunately I work 8-5 and have evening class midterms dotting the next two weeks and (midterms>PIU). 

If there were another when school was out, or during the weekend I'm sure I could make time for it. Smiley
Read November 04, 2010, 05:39:22 PM #11

Good news for everyone that couldn't make it on a weekday, we have moved the tournament to a Saturday! New details are above.
Read November 04, 2010, 06:13:46 PM #12

Initial round starts Tuesday, 11/20 at 7:00pm
How does that now work with the Saturday time?
Read November 04, 2010, 06:35:31 PM #13

His original post now says:
Initial round starts Tuesday, 11/20 at 7:00pm (you must sign up before this date)

I assume the whole tournament takes place on Nov 20th.

Heh, 20, November and it's a PiU tournament...that's silly.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2010, 06:40:25 PM by Suko »
Read November 04, 2010, 07:06:37 PM #14

Heh, 20, November and it's a PiU tournament...that's silly.

Haha I just laughed out loud really hgard for some reason. I'm at school and now people are looking at me.

Hahaha dance game jokes.
Read November 04, 2010, 07:49:40 PM #15

Sweet! I'll definitely be able to enter then.  I'll sign up next time I'm in (probably this weekend)
Read November 04, 2010, 10:05:24 PM #16

changed to the 20th eh?
Hmmm....I'm interested now.
I just might be able to make it!
Read November 06, 2010, 08:33:52 PM #17

If it's on the 20th, count me in. I'm not that great, but it'll still be fun!

Btw, is this going to be on Hard or Crazy difficulty?
Read November 07, 2010, 03:47:23 PM #18

Just an FYI for everyone, the tournament flyer next to the machine says this is an "Iron Man" Tournament.  There was about a page of solid text on the flyer which I didn't read (because it was a page of solid text), but googling the term yielded the following link:

An excerpt from the description:
Skills Tested
1. Single no bar
2. Single bar
3. Double no bar
4. Double bar
5. half double no bar
6. mods
7. Progressive courses
8. Understanding your own accuracy
9. Poor volume (ie visual play)
10. Timing adjustment
11. Alternate song speeds

So it looks to be a gauntlet of sorts, testing multiple skills....which means I'd better get on the ball and practice my doubles  Grin
Read November 07, 2010, 09:42:10 PM #19

What is with this community and it's terrible A.D.D? Seriously, it would've probably taken less time just to read the thing, rather than skip it, google it later, take that information and then SPECULATE on what the tournament is. Sheesh people. If you're going to post news, please don't post speculations if there are facts out there to be had.
Read November 07, 2010, 10:07:48 PM #20

What is with this community and it's terrible A.D.D? Seriously, it would've probably taken less time just to read the thing, rather than skip it, google it later, take that information and then SPECULATE on what the tournament is. Sheesh people. If you're going to post news, please don't post speculations if there are facts out there to be had.

I actually posted it hoping that brotato would volunteer some more information and elaborate on the tournament design.  I would have taken a picture of the detail flyer tonight and posted the picture here, but alas my phone's camera doesn't take high enough resolution photos.

/nudges brotato
Drangus Kupcake
Read November 08, 2010, 09:22:42 AM #21

Looks pretty interesting, I might go to Beaverton and sign/practice up today.

I'm a bit nervous though as I usually never play with the bar, let alone on doubles.

If you see a fat guy with curly hair, glasses, and poor social skills that's most likely me. :V
Read November 08, 2010, 12:51:50 PM #22

So, after emailing with the arcade manager I have some more *official* details:

“Iron Man” Style General Rules

1. Players are limited to picking speed mods (c-mods only when applicable), skins, perspectives, or hold the bar as they like in most cases.  The times when they can not are indicated in the round rules.

2. Each round players will earn points based on performance relative to everyone.  If you miss a step or make a major mistake during a round, DO NOT GIVE UP!   Remember that you are playing against ALL other players every round!   Try to get as many points as possible in every round!

3. 1st place is always worth 32 points; last place is always worth 1 point (except where noted in the rules below dealing with a tie or when more than 32 people are in a round).  Placements between first and last are worth a different amount of points.

4. The points accumulate for the entire tournament. A perfect event would award a player 480 points during 15 rounds of play.

5. All participants will be allowed to play in the first 3 rounds.  After round 3, the lowest ranked players will be eliminated as the rounds advance.  

6. In the event of a tie for last place of a round, both players will advance to the next round.

7. If there are more players than the specified point chart accounts for, players placing below the last place on the point chart (which always receives 1 point) will receive zero points.

8. In the event you fail a song (or course) the % before you fail will be used for ranking in that round unless otherwise specified.

9. If you are disqualified during a round, you will receive zero points for that round.

10. Many rounds will have songs and/or ratings for you to choose from.  Some rounds allow players to select ANY song.  Players can NOT select the same song again for the duration of the event.  This only applies to the rounds where players have the option to select ANY song.  If the same song IS chosen twice by a player, then the player will receive a zero point penalty for that round (even if the error is not discovered until several rounds later).

11. A machine technical error must be reproducible for an official for a redo to take place.  This must be done immediately after the song ends for the player.  KEEP playing the song even if you believe there has been a technical error.  If the error can not be reproduced by the player, no redo will be allowed.

EDIT: In addition I got the below in an email:
I’ve also attached an example of the different rounds we’ve done in past tournaments showing different difficulties can be played allowing people to play who think “they aren’t good enough” for a tournament.

I've uploaded the .doc file they gave me to this location:

« Last Edit: November 08, 2010, 12:56:02 PM by marx! »
Read November 08, 2010, 09:42:05 PM #23

Man, those are some pretty solid and legit sounding rules there. I'm interested to see how it'll work out.

Btw, anyone know who is admining this thing? I'd assume it's brotato, if so, does he play dancing games a lot? These rules seem like they were written by someone who knows bemani players.
Read November 09, 2010, 12:46:40 PM #24

Rules were actually written up by ...

Hi Guys -

The rules were actually constructed by Chris Foy and myself (Kyle Ward).  We've ran several tournaments in the past with the Big Al's staff and they requested we prepare this event @ the Beaverton location as well.  In addition to the preparation, we were able to have the event rescheduled for the 20th so that more of you could make it.

Just a reminder, the event is on Saturday Nov 20th, starting at 2pm.  (Already stated in this thread)
Foy and I have pioneered + ran several "Ironman" based events all over; with multiple dance games.  You can be assured the tournament system will be efficient, social and fun for all.  Be prepared to be tested on a variety of skills!

We look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday!

« Last Edit: November 09, 2010, 01:00:37 PM by KeeL »
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