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Poll: Remember me when you look to the. . .
(Voting closed: August 03, 2007, 02:48:09 AM)
Poll Results Remember me when you look to the. . .
Bisexual Wimminz -  7 (100%)
Ground Kontrol -  0 (0%)
Total Voters: 6
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July 30, 2007, 11:15:06 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Those in favour of Bigals on Wednesday, the twenty-second day of the month of August in the year 2007, say so.
Those who feel otherwise, say so.

Timeframe if we go to Bi Gals:
3:00 think of arriving.
5:00 let's all b dar
6:00 go eat something
7:00 enjoy stuff
8:00-close disperse

What to bring:
Gameboys (all gens), GB links, boy games (liek pokemanz), money, and whatever else feels right.

If we're lucky, they'll have wifi, but don't plan on it.  

Organise carpools, bus transits, bike routes, et cetera.  I'm going to be riding trimet and then biking from the northernmost 6 stop to Bi Gals if anyone wants to join me, and I'll be leaving by 8:30 unless I can get a ride.


btw, the title is a 300 reference.
Read August 01, 2007, 11:20:43 PM #1

Well, I definitely do, but the next uhm... well the next month is pretty much hell for me.

First two weeks: concerts, shows, gigs, venues. Also lots of people visiting from out of town.
Last two weeks: most of family leaves for camping trip, house party ensues.

I guess the best time (for me at least) to have a get-together would be from August 11-23 with the exception of the 15th and 16th.
Read August 01, 2007, 11:44:46 PM #2

Quote from: "discovolante"
Well, I definitely do, but the next uhm... well the next month is pretty much hell for me.

First two weeks: concerts, shows, gigs, venues. Also lots of people visiting from out of town.
Last two weeks: most of family leaves for camping trip, house party ensues.

I guess the best time (for me at least) to have a get-together would be from August 11-23 with the exception of the 15th and 16th.
I'll be in portland for a bit sometime around the 20th.
Read August 01, 2007, 11:52:28 PM #3

Like I said, dude. Everyone is visiting this month. If you're coming up on the 20th maybe we should have a get together then. More people should meet Mason, he's pretty sweet.
Read August 02, 2007, 01:45:32 AM #4

My dad's birthday's on the 18th, so that's definitely out for me.

So, the 20th?  What day of the week is that, a Wednesday?  Sounds like Bi Gals if so.
Read August 03, 2007, 01:08:31 AM #5

Quote from: "discovolante"
Like I said, dude. Everyone is visiting this month. If you're coming up on the 20th maybe we should have a get together then. More people should meet Mason, he's pretty sweet.
Lol what can i say? I guess i'm just a sweet guy all around. Specially since I housed Ethan and Wesley for the night at D2SSR.

So I think we get there the 21st and leave the 25th. The 21st is a Tuesday, and the 25th is a Friday.

So the 22nd would be a Wednesday, and I have yet to PIU: Pro. So that'd be bad ass.
Read August 03, 2007, 02:37:10 AM #6

Let's get some confirmation on that.  I'm totally down for a serious Bi Gals get together on the 22nd.
Read August 03, 2007, 12:30:10 PM #7

brb prereg
Read August 03, 2007, 12:45:16 PM #8

I'm down as long as my rents drive me out there. I think this'll work, but I don't have any gameboys, so I'll probably just wanna play PIU the whole time.
Read August 03, 2007, 02:37:22 PM #9

I'm not in favor of the 23rd, since that's the day I'm leaving for school.  A day or two before then would be good though.
Read August 03, 2007, 05:29:47 PM #10

Wes, we're doing the 22nd.

Charles, maybe we should move it later, since the place does close at like 11. I like staying late.
Read August 03, 2007, 11:25:27 PM #11

That's why I said "8:00-close", and people won't be expected to be there until 5ish.  I can't stay late unless I can get rides because my mom freaks out if I'm doing anything 11, including getting home.

I'll need to be back in the state by 10 and back in Milwaukie by 11; people are free to stay and go however long they please though.  The 5-8 timeframe isn't binding at all.
Read August 04, 2007, 01:52:57 AM #12

Quote from: "DancingTofu"
The 5-8 timeframe isn't binding at all.
Lol. I can just imagine me trying to leave at 7:30 and you being like BITCH YOU HAVE TO STAY ITS NOT EIGHT YEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTT!!!!! Cool
Read August 04, 2007, 10:08:36 PM #13

Quote from: "krispykreme"
Quote from: "DancingTofu"
The 5-8 timeframe isn't binding at all.
Lol. I can just imagine me trying to leave at 7:30 and you being like BITCH YOU HAVE TO STAY ITS NOT EIGHT YEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTT!!!!! Cool
I'll smack you down right proper! :wink:
Read August 04, 2007, 10:22:03 PM #14

I wouldn't want to make it start any earlier. Keep in mind that this place is 3 hours away from my house.
Read August 04, 2007, 10:31:24 PM #15

If you show up, you deserve a trophy, man.  That's a long drive.

I was trying to consider you Seattle folks there too.  I figure most of you wouldn't want to be getting home at 1 or 2 AM, so I made it earlier, but not too early, 'cause I didn't expect you'd want to get up at 9 or 10 and leave almost immediately either.  If I time it right, it's only about an hour and a half for me, but primarily biking.  (catch 29 to Milwaukie TC at 1:12 pm, catch 33 to portland at 1:37 pm, catch 6 to vancouver around 2:00 pm, then ride from the transit center tha the 6 ends at for about 15 to 20 minutes to Bigals.)
Read August 04, 2007, 10:36:42 PM #16

Heh, I'm pretty much going because I was literally within 50 feet of Ethan last weekend (gg uwajimaya), and ended up failing to meet him. That, and Pump Pro might be fun to try out again.

Also SPOILERS it's my dad that deserves the trophy, he's like the most hardcore awesome person ever.
Read August 04, 2007, 11:38:01 PM #17

Actually, I could probably make him a plaque.
But it would be wood.
With words burnt into it using a soldering iron.

Cool dads are cool.  Fathers' Day needs an extra stage.
Read August 05, 2007, 06:24:46 AM #18

Concerning Kevin's most recent post in this thread: IT'S ALL TRUE. ALL OF IT.

It was stupid. I was waiting outside Uwajimaya while Elisa and Phylicia purchased their stuff, thinking Kevin would show up and we'd chat for like... thirty seconds. This never happened and I was dragged back to the car. (our time had almost expired and we'd have had to pay a lot more)

And Kevin's dad is really cool. And hardcore Scottish.
Read August 05, 2007, 04:58:55 PM #19

If you can have this before the 22nd that would be nice.
Read August 05, 2007, 07:35:13 PM #20

the 22nd is fine with me. Definitely can't make it next week.
Read August 05, 2007, 09:21:58 PM #21

I guess this boils down to: do we want to exclude BBH or Wes?

No, but seriously, just take a vote of convenience. I'd prefer the 22nd since the 15th is my one month anniversary. (yay)

Also, I voted for Bigals.
Read August 05, 2007, 11:04:32 PM #22

Read August 05, 2007, 11:12:46 PM #23

I've already cleared the 22nd with my folks, so I'm sticking with that. (although I'd be happy to meet you at Tilt! or GK some time over the next week or two if I have any free time, Wes; we've just got the hallway and living room to do as far as flooring goes, and those should take another week at most.)
Read August 06, 2007, 05:08:24 AM #24

I might be able to make it on the 22nd, I'll just leave early the next day.
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