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March 20, 2008, 11:14:58 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Location: Ground Kontrol (Avalon if you ask nicely)
Timeframe: 2-5, but feel free to stay late or come early too.
Focus Games: DDR (we can do a quick no-stakes-no-prize tourney if there's a desire for one), MHF2, KOF '98 (I'd like to get into this game, so any beginners who want to practice with me are welcome)

We'll probably take a walk to a nearby location that serves food after playin' games.  It's a loose deal.  Try to bring friends and tell people who don't visit this site very frequently about it.

If someone wants to pay $8 to get a dozen doughnuts from Voodoo, do it.  I did it last time and it made it 1256141 times better.

EDIT: On 4/12, I'll be at the Avalon around mid-afternoon.  Meet me at It's a Beautiful Pizza (across the street and down a block) before I finish a slice of pizza (I'll get there around noon and eat slow lol), I'll use my coupon to get as many people in free as possible, but the $5 in Nickels is mine. Tongue

« Last Edit: March 31, 2008, 05:09:54 PM by DancingTofu »
Read March 22, 2008, 03:33:18 AM #1

I can't go anywhere until may 20th or so Sad
Read March 25, 2008, 02:56:34 AM #2

1) GK is probably gonna lose 98 because it is like the lowest earning game.
2) I'm quitting MHF2

I'll show up anyway
Read March 25, 2008, 12:38:54 PM #3

1) GK is probably gonna lose 98 because it is like the lowest earning game.
2) I'm quitting MHF2

I'll show up anyway
1. That's unfortunate.  I've been wanting to get into it 'cause you guys have a lot of fun with it.
2. Why? Sad
Read March 28, 2008, 03:12:05 AM #4

1) GK is probably gonna lose 98 because it is like the lowest earning game.

98 isn't THE lowest earning game, I'd wager the games in the other Neo-Geo cabinet are actually earning less...
Read March 28, 2008, 05:37:40 PM #5

I'll try to come to this.
Read March 28, 2008, 08:33:50 PM #6

98 isn't THE lowest earning game, I'd wager the games in the other Neo-Geo cabinet are actually earning less...

It doesn't help that the 2P coin slot is always busted
Read March 29, 2008, 06:38:21 AM #7

Real bout 2 earns less than 98, true.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 06:44:17 AM by zeppy_gorrila »
Read March 29, 2008, 06:46:00 AM #8

1. That's unfortunate.  I've been wanting to get into it 'cause you guys have a lot of fun with it.
2. Why? Sad
2. i didn't lol
Read March 31, 2008, 05:05:58 PM #9

My analog stick is magically working after dragging my PSP to Seattle and back at the bottom of a duffle bag. Cheesy

This coming Sat?  I'll be there for sure.

So, by getting rid of it, would they be losing the whole cabinet, or just the ROM? (I can't remember if it's a 4-slot Neo-Geo or something else at this point)
Read April 01, 2008, 06:52:30 PM #10

My analog stick is magically working after dragging my PSP to Seattle and back at the bottom of a duffle bag. Cheesy

This coming Sat?  I'll be there for sure.

So, by getting rid of it, would they be losing the whole cabinet, or just the ROM? (I can't remember if it's a 4-slot Neo-Geo or something else at this point)
bring mhf2 and money and charger cord we play both.
In all seriousness, you're getting quite good at MHF2. I look forward to playing again.
Read April 01, 2008, 09:35:22 PM #11

Real bout 2 earns less than 98, true.

it's Fatal Fury Special, not Real Bout 2. lol

So, by getting rid of it, would they be losing the whole cabinet, or just the ROM? (I can't remember if it's a 4-slot Neo-Geo or something else at this point)

Yes it's a 4-slot, so 4 cartridges can be plugged in and taken out accordingly. From the sounds of things they'll probably be keeping that cabinet, leaving Shock Troopers and Blazing Star in, and taking out KOF 98 and Neo Bomberman, replacing them with Metal Slug 3 and something else. That's just what I heard though, no idea if it's true.
Read April 03, 2008, 08:09:10 PM #12

Yes it's a 4-slot, so 4 cartridges can be plugged in and taken out accordingly. From the sounds of things they'll probably be keeping that cabinet, leaving Shock Troopers and Blazing Star in, and taking out KOF 98 and Neo Bomberman, replacing them with Metal Slug 3 and something else. That's just what I heard though, no idea if it's true.
Masturbating double in the name of Bubble Bobble (let me know ASAP if they do get Bubble Bobble; you can get my cell number from zeppy.)

bring mhf2 and money and charger cord we play both.
In all seriousness, you're getting quite good at MHF2. I look forward to playing again.
It's broken again, but if you can keep my ass covered when I need to heal, I can still wail with the bow and LS and I'm getting decent with the GS now. (I killed a Basarios with my Queen Blastah and broken anal log's dick)

If only it had an ANALOG CONTROLLER 3 port.  Then we could both kill Lao-Shan Lung 5 min. naked easy.

Also, I met some dudes at Sakuracon who play MHF2 hardcore (one dude w/ 480 hours, another with 800+).  I'll work on getting in touch with them tomorrow.  They didn't have their PSP's with them or I wouldn't have played DDR the whole time.
Read April 03, 2008, 10:20:37 PM #13

Masturbating double in the name of Bubble Bobble (let me know ASAP if they do get Bubble Bobble; you can get my cell number from zeppy.)

Umm, Bubble Bobble isn't a Neo-Geo game, so that's a little difficult.
Read April 04, 2008, 08:50:28 PM #14

Umm, Bubble Bobble isn't a Neo-Geo game, so that's a little difficult.
Fuck, you're right, it's Taito.

I don't know why I always make that error.  I've done it before.  Blame zeppy; I'm just dumb.
Read April 05, 2008, 09:54:15 AM #15

hey gize i'm heading out there around 12:00 lol
Read April 06, 2008, 02:06:40 AM #16

Just wanted to remind people that I'll be at the avalon next weekend.  Read the first post for details on that; it'll be a warm-up event.
Read April 20, 2008, 07:21:46 PM #17

Way to not show up, dudes. :<

I guess only BBH and zeppy check the forums any more, and they would have been their anyway. (they were both there, but as far as I know, nobody decent got near the DDR machine the whole time.
Read April 21, 2008, 07:49:33 AM #18

It was Passover, man. I had to go to a Seder. Sad

I did play DDR yesterday, though, and I think we should reschedule for a trip sometime soon! My weekends will be more free as of May 10th, so...
Read April 21, 2008, 10:45:29 AM #19

I guess only BBH and zeppy check the forums any more, and they would have been their anyway. (they were both there, but as far as I know, nobody decent got near the DDR machine the whole time.

Harsh.  I played some DDR on Sat.  Not like I saw you playing KoF '98 at all, either.
Read April 22, 2008, 05:09:49 AM #20

Harsh.  I played some DDR on Sat.  Not like I saw you playing KoF '98 at all, either.
lol i thought after the pads no one took his word for anything... besides you two don't get along so it's probably best if one doesn't play
Read April 22, 2008, 10:17:37 PM #21

Harsh.  I played some DDR on Sat.  Not like I saw you playing KoF '98 at all, either.
I wasn't targetting you with that.  I didn't know you had a chance to play at all.  I tried to get a couple games in, but a bunch of gangxztahz were on it every time I went to play.  I'm not trying to bash on you or anything.  I consider anyone who does or has played the game with any degree of seriousness decent, even if they're not ZOMGAAAPSMOROFL good.  I was just saying that the people I observed there the whole time were all playing on light, terrible, and really just there to beat the crap out of the machine.

As for KoF, yeah, guilty as charged.  I was hanging out with mah boifrendz huntin' monstahz the whole time.  I want to get into it, I'm just really addicted to Monster Hunter right now.
Read April 22, 2008, 10:19:08 PM #22

It was Passover, man. I had to go to a Seder. Sad

I did play DDR yesterday, though, and I think we should reschedule for a trip sometime soon! My weekends will be more free as of May 10th, so...
You know, a Jewish girl at outdoor school mentioned that and I total forgot to remember that it would mean no Ethan.

Read April 22, 2008, 11:25:51 PM #23

I wasn't targetting you with that.  I didn't know you had a chance to play at all.  I tried to get a couple games in, but a bunch of gangxztahz were on it every time I went to play.  I'm not trying to bash on you or anything.  I consider anyone who does or has played the game with any degree of seriousness decent, even if they're not ZOMGAAAPSMOROFL good.  I was just saying that the people I observed there the whole time were all playing on light, terrible, and really just there to beat the crap out of the machine.

D00d. I wasn't saying that like I thought you were bashing me. I was joking about it
Read April 23, 2008, 08:42:51 PM #24

Oh, okay.  I wasn't sure. Tongue

I suck at social interaction. D:
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