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July 03, 2009, 12:38:55 AM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey everyone, sorry this has taken me a while to get up, but here it is! I hope I've included a decent amount of information here. Please feel to fire away with any questions you have!

When: August 14th-16th
Where: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Costs: $35 for the conference (If you pre-register, $45 if you don't), ~$35-$50 for shared hotel accomodation. ($35 if you go 6 people per room, $50 if you go 4 - the price includes both nights.) Weekly discount rates are available for the hotel if you are making an extended visit. Please PM me if you are interested in pre-registration.

What is the conference? I founded this event in the summer of 2003 as the Western Canada DDR Conference, at the time it was an effort to foster competition and community in Western Canada. Over time, the event has evolved, including a changeover from DDR to ITG as the main focus. This year, for the first time, we are making an active effort to invite you, the American players, to our event! At a basic level, the conference is just as much about meeting new people, as it is about competing with them. We believe in creating a very competitive atmosphere, but at the same time, we aim to make the conference a fun thing to go to, and give people some time and opportunity to get to know each other and hang out.

What is the schedule like? During the days, we run the main tournament events at CHQ, and in the evenings we rent out a conference hall for random gaming, mini-tournaments and general hanging out. (We also have pizza, etc.) There are a lot of fun side events that go on. A more detailed schedule will be up fairly soon.

What kinds of events will the conference have? There will be two ITG tournaments - the main tournament will be a standard format ITG 1/2 tournament which will likely include ITG Rebirth, and possibly a few key songs from ITG 3. It will be a combination of Swiss, with double elimination for the top 8. (We're currently open to feedback on this format) The secondary ITG tournament will be a super special surprise tournament. (This is a fun tournament, details will be released at the last second possible!) Several other possible tournaments include a DDR Extreme tournament, and a IIDX tournament. We are open to suggestions for minor events. (The first ITG tournament is the primary event.)

What does the conference fee include? The conference fee includes a discount on tournaments, conference hall rental, pizza/snacks/drinks for the community centre nights, bottled water for tournament days, a T-shirt, and more!

How much are my US dollars worth in Canada? At the time of posting this, a US dollar is worth about $1.15 Canadian, so that's good news for you guys. Typically currency exchange places charge a few %, so you end up with a bit less, but it's still favourable. I would recommend changing out some money before you come. Places in Canada will accept the US dollar at par or sometimes at an inferior exchange rate, but you're better off to change your money before coming.

The logo contest is over, thanks to those who gave their vote towards the winning logo, Happy Sun! There will be T-shirts with this logo on it available, for anyone coming to the conference it is included in the registration, and we will also have extra shirts available for those who aren't able to make it, or, for those who would like extras, or a hoodie, etc. I'll be calling around for prices soon!

Logo #4

« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 12:11:20 AM by ddrcrono »
Read July 03, 2009, 12:52:52 AM #1

Carpool for this = hella necessary.

I also need to get a passport before this happens.  Hopefully I can swing this financially.
Read July 03, 2009, 01:54:12 AM #2

Carpool is almost always the most cost-efficient method, though, coming from Seattle I suspect that bussing might not be that expensive. I don't know what your options are like in the US, but I know in Canada, if you book a Greyhound bus ride 14 days or more in advance you get a very significant discount. And yes, passport-getting!
Read July 03, 2009, 01:58:28 AM #3

Biking there would be cheaper ;P

I'm coming from Portland, so that's about 220 miles further than Seattle.  Greyhound to/from Seattle costs about $20 each way, so I doubt it's really a viable option.  I can't afford to spend more than $100 total on this.  Maybe $120. (not including passport)

EDIT: It just occurred to me that I don't happen to have 80 or 90 canadian dollars on hand.  Will banks convert currencies?  Also, will that incur additional expenses on my part?

« Last Edit: July 03, 2009, 02:10:11 AM by DancingTofu »
Read July 03, 2009, 02:14:40 AM #4

Tofu - good question - Your bank may well convert US dollars to Canadian dollars, and there are also currency exchange places that you can go to do it at. At the current exchange rate, a US dollar is worth about $1.15 Canadian. Typically a currency exchange place will give you a little less than the going rate, so you'd probably get $1.10 or better. So, that's good news for you! I would suggest googling a currency exchange place locally, though. It's easier to do ahead of time, and that way you know what you're getting as well.
Read July 03, 2009, 02:56:13 AM #5

I think Amber, Kevin, Kevin, and Kevin will be attending.
Read July 03, 2009, 03:35:02 PM #6

One of the Kevins recently told me he may be unable to make it due to being broke, I think. (I find that very sad...I wanted Kevin^3)
Read July 03, 2009, 04:29:50 PM #7

I don't understand why logo #4 simply doesn't beat the other logos into submission =/
Read July 03, 2009, 08:24:10 PM #8

I don't understand why logo #4 simply doesn't beat the other logos into submission =/

Though technically the voting results are a secret process...I'll just hint that what you're saying isn't too far from the truth currently. Happy sun ftw, I guess? (Anyone remember which DDR Extreme song it was from?)
Read July 04, 2009, 02:53:27 PM #9

Heh...logo #4 ftw. Cheesy

I think my dad said he could help me out with getting a passport when I last talked to him about this.  If so, I can almost definitely go.  I'd just need to find a carpool. Tongue
Read July 05, 2009, 12:06:33 AM #10

If you can get to Seattle there's a chance I can take you.
Read July 12, 2009, 01:29:50 AM #11

Here's the logo that was chosen:

As I've mentioned in the first post, we'll have T-shirts with this logo included in the conference registration fee, and there will be an option to get extra shirts. (Also for those who can't make it, if they'd like one I could work something out)
Read July 12, 2009, 10:54:19 AM #12

I would love a t-shirt just to support the event even though I can't make it Adam.
I just wish I could magically make money Sad
Read July 21, 2009, 06:56:53 AM #13

Registration forms are now up! If you want to save money, get the colour/size shirt you want, and get a good hotel room, you'd best register ASAP! This is also somewhat relevant even if you just want a T-shirt, since I will need money to make sure it's added into the order. (Shipping will be extra unless I can send the shirt back with someone you know)

Download the registration form here, it's in the first post!
Read July 21, 2009, 11:42:41 PM #14

I will not be able to make it because I will be (most likely) playing a show on the 16th.  I would still like to purchase a T-shirt.  Also, if any serious Portland dance game player can make it to this, I will contribute $15 to make that happen.
Read July 27, 2009, 10:07:57 AM #15

My schedule is still sketchy at the moment, but I'm interested. I've lived in WA for 6 years now and have never been to Canada. This would give me a reason and it's about time I go. I'll tell me homies about it and we'll see what happens.

Any idea about how many people you're expecting at this thing?
Read July 28, 2009, 12:56:03 AM #16

My schedule is still sketchy at the moment, but I'm interested. I've lived in WA for 6 years now and have never been to Canada. This would give me a reason and it's about time I go. I'll tell me homies about it and we'll see what happens.

Any idea about how many people you're expecting at this thing?

We're expecting around 40 people at this event, give or take some. There should be a good quality level of player here including Amber, Kevbo, Pickles and a few less known but rather good Canadian players.

The registration deadline for the conference $10 off thing is August 7th, though if you want to be guaranteed a T-shirt that you want (We have to make the order soon) I would say no later than the 2nd or 3rd of August. Did I properly link you to a registration form yet? There's an entire forum on rgcanada about the conference if you'd like to check it out.

Hope to see you there/let me know what comes up!
Read August 05, 2009, 02:13:22 PM #17

Just a note that we're nearing the early registration deadline - August 7th. Our attendance is looking good right now, 33 registered and paid for already, expecting quite a few more. (Including disorganized people who won't have their money together until the last minute)
Read August 10, 2009, 08:35:36 PM #18

Crono, I'm pretty sure my GF and I will be able to make it to at least one or two days of the event. Null probably will come with us too. I was wondering, since it's after the 7th, do we need to send that form in still, or do we just pay when we get there?

P.S. We might not get there till Saturday.
Read August 16, 2009, 11:19:05 PM #19

I had a great time up there. It was awesome to meet Pickles and MMX and watch them both impress the hell out of me. I hope I get the chance to see their awesome skills again at some point. I know Null and I took a ton of videos of everything and once he gets them off his camera, I'm sure we'll put'em up on YouTube and I might host some of them for a short while in a high-rez format (but no promises).
Read August 30, 2009, 04:49:07 PM #20

Hey, sorry it took me a while to get back to replying here - it was nice to see you again and I loved watching that easy showdown you and Pickles had, it was pretty epic considering they were easy songs. XD

Hopefully in the future we'll get to see you guys for the full part of an event! I'll make sure to keep everyone here posted...and...I will have to stop procrastinating on getting my passport so I can come down there again as well! (The rules changed in June or July, so I can't come across with my birth certificate anymore)

For the record, placings went as follows:

1st Kevbo
2nd BoxX
3rd Flaire
4th Escad

« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 04:50:31 PM by ddrcrono »
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