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Sakuracon 2008 Pop'n Music 14 FEVER CS tournament...
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February 16, 2008, 02:24:03 PM
Well, I've decided to finally post the info about this. It'll pretty much be like last year. I'm not sure what the prizes will be this year, most likely whatever the con provides. When I get a definite time, I'll post it here too. I'll try and get the prelim songs up too.
Saturday March 29
To Be Decided... Looking to start at noon or 1p
Sakuracon Arcade/Music Gaming Room
For more convention information please visit
Main Tournament Body:
During the main tournament each round will consist of a themed/difficulty card of 4 songs.
For song selection, I plan on just throwing a bunch of songs in a bowl and having the last place person pick one. The winner of each round will be determined by the total combined score between one songs they each play. Their place will determine the amount of points they get per round.
As far as mods go, the only one I’m allowing is speed mods. There will be no be no other mods allowed.
Round 1 through 5:
The number of rounds I’ll hold depends on how many people sign up. The rounds will consist of a point value being assigned for all players thus eliminating sand-bagging as the main objective will be to do as well as you can throughout the tournament. In round 1, assuming there are 16 players, the point values will be assigned as such:
1st - 16 points
1st - 15 points
16th - 1 point
If there are 16 people in the tournament, the top 12 players will advance to the next round.
Round 2 (12 players remain):
Top 10 players advance
Round 3 (10 players remain):
Top 8 players advance
Round 4 (8 players remain):
Top 6 players advance, points are re-assigned 16 for first, 14 for second ~ 2 for last
Round 5: (6 players remain):
Top four players advance, bottom two will not receive any points.
Final Four:
Once we reach the final four, each player will choose two songs they would like to play in the final round. These songs cannot be a song they have /played/ in any of the previous rounds. Once they have chosen their songs, each player, starting with first place, will remove a song from the pool. The final four will then play each of those remaining songs in individual rounds. The point values here increase dramatically and add to their previous scores.
1st – 16 points
2nd – 12 points
3rd – 8 points
4th – 4 points
At the end of each song, points will be assigned until all four have been played.
I’m limiting this tournament to Pop’n Music 14 FEVER CS. I’m also going to limit it to difficulties between 20-30 for the starting rounds. Later rounds will have harder difficulties. The preliminary songs will be posted at a date closer to the convention.
The tournament will be played on my ASC, which is a controllica ASC. I'm going to try and clean it a bit before I go and fix my cord (its coming loose at the input base). I believe a Dirtybeatz ASC might also be contributed by pantsu, which if he comes through, we'll be using that one instead. If anyone wants to contribute a Konami ASC instead, be my guest. The tournament will be played exclusively with Pop'n Music 14 CS, This is because a.) it will save time not having to switch between styles and b.) has a songlist people enjoy, both the players and people in the audience.
In later rounds, 2 songs will be drawn from a hat. Contestants will be able to agree on one of the songs drawn. The other will be discarded.
If you are interested in preregistering for this tournament, please email me (in profile) or aim me at GoshaDole, or just PM me here. I’ll have a sign up sheet at Sakuracon for those who wish to sign up in person… the cap for this tournament is 16 players though.
Hopefully enough people are interested in this to make it happen. Hopefully you guys will enjoy this!
Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 04:10:59 PM by Gosha
February 18, 2008, 11:41:39 PM
I dun have a DASC... mine was homebuilt by Dirtybeatz :/
its a little noisy but i will definitely bring it with me.
February 20, 2008, 04:11:18 PM
Cool, updated. I have about 4-5 people preregged for this so far.
where da white women @
February 23, 2008, 04:27:43 AM
hell yeah 8 man bracket tourney for a non zero sum game can't wait sign me up
...has trouble with "slow songs"
February 23, 2008, 09:06:37 PM
I'll sign up if I can have 30 minutes beforehand to learn how to play lolololol.
No really, I'd totally want to sign up if I had ever played before; I need to start playin' this shit. :<
March 26, 2008, 09:07:42 PM
Heres the rounds and the songs set in each round. I mixed both the Moonspeak with the songnames, I'm sure you can figure out the songs though...
Pop'n Music 14 CS Tournament Rounds
1st Round
23 Des-Rock Normal
23 HipHop Normal
24 Anime Heroine Hyper
25 E-Rap Hyper
26 RONDO Hyper
26 Kenka Drums Normal
27 break down! Hyper
27 High Speed Love Song Hyper
2nd Round
27 Cosmo Pop Hyper
29 Girls Punk Hyper
29 Panic Pop Hyper
30 Neo Classical Heavy Metal Hyper
32 Punk Hyper
33 Swing Kayo Hyper
3rd Round
33 Be Lovin Hyper
34 Ultra Lovelin Euro Hyper
34 Tri-Euro Hyper
32 Mixtural EX
33 Trance (Colors) Hyper
33 Guitar Punk Hyper
4th Round
34 Broken-Bang Beat EX
35 Psychedelic Trance Hyper
35 Chocolate Philosophy EX
35 Tribal EX
35 Pop Desco Hyper
36 Cyber Flamenco Hyper
37 Progressive Baroque Hyper
Hopefully its varied enough.
Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 09:56:16 PM by Gosha
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Sakuracon 2008 Pop'n Music 14 FEVER CS tournament...
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