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Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
Events, Tournaments, & Meetups
SNSN - The largest event of all time in the PNW. Money!
Location for the event?
(Voting closed: September 21, 2007, 11:22:44 AM)
Poll Results
Location for the event?
Fisher Pavillion
1 (100%)
Seattle Center (other)
0 (0%)
Other (explain)
0 (0%)
Total Voters: 1
0 Members and 18 Guests are viewing this topic.
waits the zealot...
September 18, 2007, 07:20:42 PM
OK, I have something to put here now.
Current topics for discussion:
What venues would you guys like to see this hosted at?
What songs sound like good qualifiers for DDR, Pump, IIDX?
What other events would you like to see happen other than Bemani tournaments?
What time in Winter '08 sounds good for you?
If you have any suggestions, comments, or offers of money (!), please contact:
Kevin Birrell: (kevinddr2000 AT gmail DOT com) (AIM:KevinDDR2000)
Ethan Cohn: (ethancohn AT gmail DOT com) (AIM:englodroheim)
Happy Redneck
September 21, 2007, 01:26:20 AM
I read through this thread really fast and I can tell that you guys are trippin balls and smoke too much weed trying to make $7000 just to run a Bemani event. I agree with Davyn, Zeppy, Skor, etc. about trying less expensive alterntives
all those slow songs, I swear
September 21, 2007, 03:07:14 AM
Quote from: "DancingTofu"
I'd suggest we'd have a $10 pre-registration and a back-up venue. Then, if we don't get enough people on board to go to the needle, we can go to our back-up venue and kick it there with the same machines and stuff, but a less epic venue. Then, if we do have enough people pre-registered, we can go to the space needle, and then anyone who pre-registered can pay another $5 to just hang out or $20 to join the tournament, then we can keep the 20/40 at the door registration rates. (this comes out to 15/30 pre-reg, 20/40 at the door)
You're on board, that's one of the best ideas I've heard in days. Hit me on AIM tomorrow if you can.
Another big concern is the prize. Would it be winner-take-all? 1st gets %40, 2nd 30%, and 3rd/4th both get %20? Would the funds come directly out of the $20 extra people pay for the tourney?
We need a treasurer.
Kevin is handling most of the money right now. Talk to him about it.
waits the zealot...
September 21, 2007, 06:51:05 AM
Yeah the prizes would likely come from sponsorships, with some of the prize money being used to supplement that.
September 21, 2007, 09:06:32 AM
the potential issue with the whole pre-reg and backup thing as it regards the space needle would be how far in advance the space needle would want a non-refundable deposit.
With 50 people, the tourney would have to be two days, therefore would not be able to held at the space needle as cost would then move up to $14k.
Ten years from now, the ability to say, "i played DDR on the sapce needle!" will probably have little importance in compariosn to the things that actually Matter. i already have good dancing game stories in my arsenal. I don't really need any more.
Don't get me wrong, i think that the idea of having a tourney in the space needle is a wonderful idea, but the difficulty of the logistics will make it more effort than it's actually worth. If i ever do get married, i'm not going to be one of those people who wants to spend $2000 on the Perfect Salad Fork for each guest. This feels kind of like that - throwing a lot of effort and logsitics into something that in the end is just a single day that by itself will not revive the pnw bemani community any more than a more typical tourney would.
and if you think that stability is a problem on a building like the space needle, you don't want to know about *my* dream of having a ddr tournament
{on this}
all those slow songs, I swear
September 21, 2007, 10:06:58 AM
So maybe we should make another poll for potential locations. I'm sad to have to leave the Sneedle behind, but I guess if I come to Seattle for a trip we can all just make a mecca... and enjoy what never was
Here's what I've seen suggested so far-
a) Fisher Pavilion
b) Seattle Center
and I personally can't think of any others. Pike Place MAYBE. So let's see some suggestions and we'll open a poll.
waits the zealot...
September 21, 2007, 11:20:05 AM
So now I need an admin to edit my post's poll. It should read like so:
What location out of the following would you be interested in having an event at?
a) Fisher Pavillion
b) Seattle Center (other)
c) Other (explain)
all those slow songs, I swear
September 21, 2007, 11:29:36 AM
I put my vote in for Fisher Pavilion just because it sounds more flexible and cheap, and it's right next to all that stuff anyway. We can probably have a huge dinner somewhere after too.
where da white women @
September 21, 2007, 12:46:40 PM
Quote from: "Klickity Klack"
The Almighty Tallest
September 21, 2007, 02:17:46 PM
My biggest concern is still WHEN it might be held. I love a good tournament, especially a DDR one, and will definitely go if it doesn't interfere with my schedule.
all those slow songs, I swear
September 21, 2007, 04:16:00 PM
Again, we're thinking December 2008. Hopefully you get winter break around the same time we do? (Dec 9-Jan 9 for me)
September 21, 2007, 04:24:02 PM
December 08? that's quite a ways away. will it really take THAT much planning, or am I just stupid?
September 21, 2007, 04:48:56 PM
you'd be surprised.
September 21, 2007, 05:07:55 PM
What's wrong with summer 08?
September 21, 2007, 05:28:37 PM
it would clash with me.
Happy Redneck
September 21, 2007, 07:06:00 PM
I know a good place for this event. Aberdeen, WA
September 21, 2007, 07:27:58 PM
uhm oneproblem for winter '08, the pass.
not that its aweful or antyhing but it can cause problems.
also, no itg? T_T
September 21, 2007, 07:45:14 PM
i can try to spark some interest in some people from idaho and utah also. i know of at least 5 that would come with me for sure. and then i would have to work to get some more. but i could probably get me and 5 more for sure. cuz this sounds pretty awesome. not that im much into the DDR or ITG scene anymore but im always up for some IIDX action. and meeting new people is always great.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
September 22, 2007, 12:05:48 AM
We should talk to Kyle Ward about getting a Pump Pro machine there. That would bring in a ton of people.
all those slow songs, I swear
September 22, 2007, 12:32:10 AM
Quote from: "DancingTofu"
We should talk to Kyle Ward about getting a Pump Pro machine there. That would bring in a ton of people.
That would also save a butt-ton of money, more than you might think. I'm thinking if we can get DDR cheap and Pro free (unlikely but possible) we would draw a huge crowd. Also a well-run Pump tournament would be amazing.
September 22, 2007, 12:41:14 AM
Quote from: "discovolante"
Quote from: "DancingTofu"
We should talk to Kyle Ward about getting a Pump Pro machine there. That would bring in a ton of people.
That would also save a butt-ton of money, more than you might think. I'm thinking if we can get DDR cheap and Pro free (unlikely but possible) we would draw a huge crowd. Also a well-run Pump tournament would be amazing.
i still wouldnt play ddr at all, XD but if there was a pump pro there, i would love to go, even though id never played pump im sure i could get used to it, withouht much problem, just little different reading and foot movement, but i would still much prefer an itg, or maybe even apc with two decent metal pads XD, i just love itg, and ddr has to calls to me.
pump would be great though, id love to try it out
...has trouble with "slow songs"
September 22, 2007, 01:01:03 AM
I don't suppose SN2 is planning on coming out before this happens, is it?
all those slow songs, I swear
September 22, 2007, 06:49:48 AM
Quote from: "xexy"
i still wouldnt play ddr at all
OH I SEE, I didn't catch that the first eight times. Sorry, but I think DDR is going to have a bigger sweep among casual players, plain and simple. Not to mention there's no chance of there being a new ITG at the time, whereas (and this will answer your question, Tofu) SuperNova2 should be out in America way before 12/08.
and ddr has to calls to me.
I can understand most of what you say but like every now and then there's a sentence like this... what?
Pump is awesome, I'm pretty sure there's at least one machine kind of close to you, so you could get to play a few times before giving Pro, the "Americanized" version a shot. If you like ITG you'll probably like Pro, what with it having basically the same step team...
September 22, 2007, 12:53:57 PM
Quote from: "discovolante"
Quote from: "xexy"
i still wouldnt play ddr at all
OH I SEE, I didn't catch that the first eight times. Sorry, but I think DDR is going to have a bigger sweep among casual players, plain and simple. Not to mention there's no chance of there being a new ITG at the time, whereas (and this will answer your question, Tofu) SuperNova2 should be out in America way before 12/08.
heh, sorry for saying that so much, i just wanted it to be mentioned, ddr is a horrible game
, and maybe pushing a little bit for at least a tiny bit of itg
and ddr has to calls to me.
I can understand most of what you say but like every now and then there's a sentence like this... what?
eh sorry, what i ment to say was, "ddr has no calls to me" i was a bit tired when i wrote the post, and as for my posts being un-understandable, sorry, i will put a little bit more effort into my posts for better calrification.
Pump is awesome, I'm pretty sure there's at least one machine kind of close to you, so you could get to play a few times before giving Pro, the "Americanized" version a shot. If you like ITG you'll probably like Pro, what with it having basically the same step team...
as for pump being around... hmm west side of the state..... 6 hour drive... somewhere in oregon.... another good few hour drive..... or southern idaho... 9 hour drive.....
pump is kinda not anywhere close
again, sorry for my posts being so lazy, ill put a bit more effort into them hence-forth (thts a cool term
all those slow songs, I swear
September 22, 2007, 03:38:26 PM
Well, this was a huge step up quality-wise so props to you.
On DDR being a horrible game, I disagree massively and I urge you to give it another chance, mostly because I was EXACTLY like you when I started playing dancing games seriously. (Better grammar but you know what I mean) It's not as difficult as ITG, sure, and it certainly doesn't have as many options as far as edits are concerned, and well, the steps aren't even close to as polished, but there's an endearing quality in the game that I think Roxor didn't try even try to nail with ITG.* I can't speak for SN or SN2 though, the only DDR mix I have extensive knowledge and experience with is Extreme.
*I've noticed that an endearing sort of style crept into Pump Pro for whatever reason, and the more I discover all the easter eggs they have hidden, the more I'm warming up to it. Which also makes me laugh when I think that hardcore Pump players are dissing it for not "retaining the Pump feel," because if you dig a little deeper you'll find that the game itself has a fair share of loving cheesiness to it. This wasn't much of a footnote. Sorry :[
September 22, 2007, 04:02:17 PM
part of my reasons for not playing ddr are
1. the screen is too squished so i have to read at alot lower speed then i would like to.
2. i dont like the stepcharts, some decent songs, but the good step charts are too few and far between.
3. there are no good ddr pads around, the closest to good we have are the ex at NT, but even those are aweful.
i could give more examples as to why i dont like ddr, but ill leave it at that, those are the bigger reasons anyways.
more on topic, how feasable is an allnight\two night event? i would probably chip out more money for something like that, and have alot more fun, what does everyone else think about this?
again, if we could get a pump there, i would love it
(and then steal it when nobody was looking //ninja) IIDX would be nice, i take interest in that, what if we also had an option to have a good ol lan party there for people who wanted? i would probably bring my laptop ANYWAYS, but theres jtus an idea.
on that note, what if instead of having juts bemani stuff going on we could also add other things of ineterest, maybe attract more people, and introduce them to bemani. that way we would all be having fun, we would alll meet new people, and we would be attempting to revive the PNW community.
and sorry for my aweful grammer, its been awhile since ive had to write anything with proper grammer and punctuation, but ill make an effort so i dont look like a total idiot (well elss of one then i do now)
Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
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SNSN - The largest event of all time in the PNW. Money!
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