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Regional Arcades and DDR Forums
Events, Tournaments, & Meetups
SNSN - The largest event of all time in the PNW. Money!
Location for the event?
(Voting closed: September 21, 2007, 11:22:44 AM)
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Fisher Pavillion
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waits the zealot...
September 18, 2007, 07:20:42 PM
OK, I have something to put here now.
Current topics for discussion:
What venues would you guys like to see this hosted at?
What songs sound like good qualifiers for DDR, Pump, IIDX?
What other events would you like to see happen other than Bemani tournaments?
What time in Winter '08 sounds good for you?
If you have any suggestions, comments, or offers of money (!), please contact:
Kevin Birrell: (kevinddr2000 AT gmail DOT com) (AIM:KevinDDR2000)
Ethan Cohn: (ethancohn AT gmail DOT com) (AIM:englodroheim)
September 22, 2007, 04:11:21 PM
Hey guys, who cares if your pads suck where you're at. This is the event thread, not the DDR vs ITG thread.
where da white women @
September 22, 2007, 08:43:58 PM
Quote from: "BLueSS"
Hey guys, who cares if your pads suck where you're at. This is the event thread, not the DDR vs ITG thread.
We tend to agree on certain things
...has trouble with "slow songs"
September 22, 2007, 10:49:07 PM
1. the screen is too squished so i have to read at alot lower speed then i would like to.
2. i dont like the stepcharts, some decent songs, but the good step charts are too few and far between.
3. there are no good ddr pads around, the closest to good we have are the ex at NT, but even those are aweful.
1. DDR machines have the same sized screens as DDR machines. Most ITG machines are upgradocabs anyway.
2. Irrelevant if we get a mem card machine, which we should try to do.
3. Irrelevant entirely. Best pad in Oregon is GK's P2 pad. Worst is probably GK's P1 pad.
all those slow songs, I swear
September 23, 2007, 03:01:51 AM
1. He's talking about the scroll rate, not the screen. DDR's is lame, I'll tell you.
2. Says NOTHING about officials, and I've played some pretty shitty edits from back in the day. Some really quality ones, too, but those are few and far between sadly.
3. 1P is NOT THAT BAD. I've FC'd just about everything I've played on double there for the last two months.
But yeah. Not this thread. Sorry for perpetuating it. I need sleep.
Topics of discussion at hand:
*what game
*what format
*why (would or wouldn't you go to this)
Talk amongst yourselves.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
September 23, 2007, 02:02:07 PM
I'd come for SN2, Pump Pro, Pump NX or ITG2. I'd consider for 4th+, 5th, 6th, 7th, or Extreme. Probably wouldn't go for anything else, including SuperNOVA, unless someone can provide me evidence that the syncing is kosher and the pads contain no traces of Satan.
I'll sign up for the tournament only if:
1) I'm pretty sure I'll qualify
2) Double-elimination
3) Good qualifier song
I don't care where, but if it's in Portland/Vancouver, I'll come regardless of all other factors. I'm not gonna spend over $150 on this though.
It would be nice if this was during December. March/April = Sakuracon, Early summer = darknote's event, Late summer = AnimeEvolution and Kumoricon, Autumn has nothing, neither does winter, other than birthdays and holidays.
I put this idea forward for Kumoricon, and I'm gonna put it forward here too: DVD of tourneys. Obviously, not every single match, but perhaps just take the close matches, the finals/semifinals, the fun moments, cool pictures, et cetera, and compile them on a DVD as a little extra that people can pay another $5 or something for if they want it, and tourney winners could get a copy free.
I also think this should be more than just a bemanifest if we want to get more people there. A lot of people would come if we had some good fighters there. I'd come for sure if there was a Joust tourney, even if we'd have to use MAME or multicabs to do it.
It would also be cool if we could have some live performances or something between tourneys. There are lots of great bands and musicians in da PNW who we could get to come in and play, and it would certainly improve our attendance.
My basic ideology is to make this an EVENT, not just a bunch of tournaments.
The Almighty Tallest
September 23, 2007, 02:31:40 PM
3) Good qualifier song
A "Good" qualifier song should be a song that is beatable by most players, yet is difficult to PA. This is so that a decent set of players brackets can be made based off the varying skill levels of the player. This is how a good tourny gets started. In fact, if the qualifier song was something everyone loved, you might have a handful of people AAA the song, that wouldn't be very good now would it?
edit: Dammit, why'd I even write this? I must've been freakin bored...
September 23, 2007, 02:34:04 PM
I agree with getting non-Bemani stuff like fighting game groups and bands/dj's to come in.
all those slow songs, I swear
September 23, 2007, 04:54:48 PM
I agree with almost everything Tofu said, and I'm glad to see that there are people who still feel the same way I do about this personally.
Kevin and I spoke with Kyle Ward today and he outlined some very interesting and incredibly helpful business and marketing techniques that I think will help us out a lot in both short and long runs.
What I want everyone who is interested to do right now is to find ways to generate interest at your local arcade.
Right now I would appreciate it if you just asked local players what they would think about going to such an event. Ask them questions like:
*How far would you be willing to travel?
*How much would you be willing to spend?
*How much time would you be willing to spend there?
*What is your skill level at DDR? (there are better ways to phrase this but I'm tired)
After gauging the response to those questions, tell them about the event. If you want to be very sly, make them feel like you're letting them in on a secret. It's not really a lie either, not too many people know about this right now. It just seems like kind of a facetious technique to me, but what do I care.
We can get into advertisements later. If people wanted to come up with just general designs now that would be wonderful.
Stuff about the event itself addressed in Tofu's post:
Recording videos- If bacon shows up he'll have us covered in terms of filming matches. (if you guys don't know about bacon, he's this amazing dance game videographer who goes to just about every major tournament and records matches and new info on games at AMOA and other like-minded fairs) As for making a DVD, I'm not sure. It would be pretty cool, and Kevin and I would have a lot to say at that point retroactively about our experience getting the tournament up and running. Interviews with casual players and hardcore guys alike would also be excellent. I'll talk to bacon about all this soon.
Non dance games- AWESOME. I want more suggestions on what games would be good to rent.
Live performances-
I'm wondering if local musicians like Kyrandian and Zeta Aspect would be interested in djing. I think Kyle would be a little busy but he would be fun to book. If we could book like, The Advantage I would be TOTALLY stoked, but I don't know how we'd go about getting a band like that to play. More suggestions here too would be great, as well as offers to play. A good mix would be that of djs and a nerd-rock band like The Mini-bosses or The Advantage, but again, the more ideas the better. I can talk to The Stereo Future about maybe gigging; they're kind of big, but my friend and I are cool with them vis-a-vis getting the pillows to gig here Summer 06.
Keep it coming, folks... again, hit me up on AIM when I'm on there, because I want to know more of what people are thinking.
September 23, 2007, 08:03:07 PM
Assuming your AIM is "discovolante" ?
waits the zealot...
September 23, 2007, 08:26:44 PM
It's actually "englodroheim".
...has trouble with "slow songs"
September 23, 2007, 11:01:17 PM
Quote from: "Suko"
3) Good qualifier song
A "Good" qualifier song should be a song that is beatable by most players, yet is difficult to PA. This is so that a decent set of players brackets can be made based off the varying skill levels of the player. This is how a good tourny gets started. In fact, if the qualifier song was something everyone loved, you might have a handful of people AAA the song, that wouldn't be very good now would it?
edit: Dammit, why'd I even write this? I must've been freakin bored...
That's actually precisely what I meant when I said good qualifier song.
For the little tourney I did in May, I had the qualifier be L'amour et Liberte, which hardly anyone can AAA consistently, but almost everyone was able to pass it. I think Ethan and whatshisface both got 9 on it though.
I think that it should be a hard-to-time, easy-to-clear 9 for this event. We will certainly have enough people there to have a 32-person tourney of nothing but 9-footer playas and up.
We should also look into a lower-seed tournament with a lower cost and lower prize if there's enough interest, 'cause there are a lot of us who are pretty good, but would be crushed in a serious tournament. For instance, I've only beat Ethan on one or two songs ever, and BBH on 4 or 5, and Steven or Noah would be utterly destroyed.
Here are some games I'd like to see there:
-SCIII/IV if it's out
-Joust, Galaga, Crystal Castles, Tetris,
, and lots of other fun classics. (I saw Joust at GK on Saturday for the NES; I might get it)
It would be really cool if we could get Art or Bill in on this event, or both. GK and Narrows/Acme are made of win, and it would be great for both us and them to get a partnership.
Also, my guitarist is back from Japan, so I have a band again. Tofu Delivery Service would certainly play there cheap or free. (zeppy can vouch for my keyboard skillz)
I've been talking to a friend of mine who's considering joining as a Eurobeat cover vocalist. If she does join, you can expect the best Moonlight Shadow cover in the history of win.
all those slow songs, I swear
September 23, 2007, 11:35:06 PM
Quote from: "KevinDDR"
It's actually "englodroheim".
I think it came from something where Ethan named a character "Englodroheim von Tiddlywinks" or something.
no but that's impressive that you remember that, also take it down because it's a secret
Quote from: "DancingTofu"
I think that it should be a hard-to-time, easy-to-clear 9 for this event. We will certainly have enough people there to have a 32-person tourney of nothing but 9-footer playas and up.
This actually isn't what I was thinking for a qualifier, at least not on SN. I would pick something that's easy to clear and IMPOSSIBLY hard to time. Like Brazilian Anthem. Also I'm all for keeping the song a secret until the day of the tournament, this is probably because I think it's fun to be a dick with qualifiers. On Pro, I would probably just pick Go CZ because I don't know what song I'd want to listen to over and over again besides that one. Funky Tonight maybe.
One of my favorite qualifiers ever was when zeppy picked Dreams of Passion at the "regional" we (never really) had. Lots of spread there: Sumner came out of nowhere and got like 3, everyone else was in the low-99, high-98 area, and then there were people who just sucked ass at it, like me. (I still probably haven't 99'd that song)
Some other qualifiers I remember liking-
D2SSR: Hillbilly Bubble Bobble, of course this was for a sightread tournament, but it was still a great combo of easy steps that were hard to time, and had just enough surprises thrown in. Also I got to see AWH sandbag like an asshole, which was funny since we played it together, and I did better than him. He went on to get 3rd.
That one tournament in Tukwila last summer: Nijiiro, this was perfect because the sync was a little off for the most part, so it weeded people out by how quickly they could adjust to offsyncness. It was also horribly unfair because unpatched SN has the auto-sync problem that forces the song to be at all different kinds of offset from play to play. I could see it working well on patched SN. (it's a little late now, right?)
And I liked L'amour for that little tourney we had. Then again that tourney also had Nahte, which was truly special. And yeah Jason and I both got 9 in the same run, but he dropped a hold.
We should also look into a lower-seed tournament with a lower cost and lower prize if there's enough interest, 'cause there are a lot of us who are pretty good, but would be crushed in a serious tournament. For instance, I've only beat Ethan on one or two songs ever, and BBH on 4 or 5, and Steven or Noah would be utterly destroyed.
This was something else we discussed with Kyle. He thought of perhaps splitting into three or even four divisions, but I think two would be fine. People can enter however they want, too, but they can switch from one tournament to another based on how well they seed. (We'd use the same song probably) We're still going to want even numbers. Also I'm going to want to designate someone to run the tournament if Kevin and I are not up to it. (I for one am not, I want to compete to some degree and I'm very unorganized when it comes to running competition)
And for the record the only song you've beat me on that I can remember is A oni, but keep in mind I suck horrible ass at that song. And you are pretty good at it.
Cool about your band. I'd bring one of mine but I don't think they would gel so well there, as most of the members think DDR is stupid... also sludge metal is not exactly tournament music. Or rather it is, but I'm thinking more ROMAN tournament than DDR tournament, dig?
September 24, 2007, 10:52:33 AM
I realize I'm a little late to this discussion, and the Space Needle isn't being seriously considered as a venue anymore. But, just to get a more precise cost figure, I called the Space Needle and spoke to their director of sales and marketing.
According to him, renting space from the Skyline Restaurant is based on reservation only. The only associated cost is a $50 minimum purchase in food and beverage per person. It is preferred that the usual dress code (business casual) apply regardless of the event.
The observation deck is available a per-diem basis for $10,000, space only. It does not appear that you can easily rent only portions of the deck, it's all or nothing. The price does not seem to vary by season, only by availability.
all those slow songs, I swear
September 24, 2007, 12:06:55 PM
Yep, Space Needle is a definite no. Sorry guys, and many, many thanks to ckjy for checking that out.
I'm gonna be pretty busy this week, but the more ideas I read here later the better...
waits the zealot...
September 24, 2007, 01:50:50 PM
The first post will be edited accordingly.
The Almighty Tallest
September 24, 2007, 05:30:09 PM
best qualifier ever for SN: Cachaca or Centaur
Why? Play them and you'll see. They suck ass, so nobody plays them, yet anyone could beat it without a problem, but just try to PA it.
Do it!
I dare ya!
It iz... impozeble!!!
September 24, 2007, 07:14:32 PM
Quote from: "KevinDDR"
The first post will be edited accordingly.
Even though you edited your post, Ethan has to edit his quote of your post. :lol:
And I like Cachaca....on Guitarfreaks/Drummania. I admit that it, Tierra Buena, and Centaur were very strange choices for DDR though.
September 24, 2007, 09:38:50 PM
You guys should rent a Marvel vs Cap 2 cab, noobs love it, pros love it. It's fun to watch. Also, Air Hockey.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
September 24, 2007, 10:08:20 PM
I still have a better score than you on A Heavy too, last I checked.
And Sexy Planet (heavy).
Which doesn't really count as beating, I guess, but I still have better records. ;P
And I've only played Sexy Planet twice so nyeah.
And nice HVAM score btw. I figured my 15 might give you a run for your money. Guess not. :<
If we play SN2, Marvs will be on.
Meaning nobody will tie on the qualifier unless gawd intervenes.
September 25, 2007, 12:07:11 AM
Quote from: "Peaches"
Also, Air Hockey.
all those slow songs, I swear
September 25, 2007, 12:32:39 AM
My HVAM was so bad because I refused to play it for a long time. It just looked horribly uncomfortable for me, and the one time I played it with Steve, I quit halfway through because I hated doublesteps so much back then. After playing it recently I've found that it's actually a fairly intelligently-made chart, and it's not like some of the retarded doublestepping they have elsewhere. So yeah. I should play it again because I hear it's not that hard. >;3 Fuck Sexy Planet heavy hardcore. And A Oni. Ok enough about this.
Suko: I LIKE THE WAY YOU THINK. I just thought of an even better qualifier for Pro: Go Back CZ (a 7) on whatever form of shuffle (or even left/right) there is on Pro. For reference, Go Back CZ uses only the upper two and middle panels. It's a cute chart, but on shuffle it's probably pretty unfair for most players. Moreso if we decide to make it no-bar. (we probably won't)
Again, more SN qualifiers along the lines of Centaur would be rad. I personally found Cachaca to be really easy, I got 4 sightread on it, and I liked the chart. (assuming this is that Mokky De Yah Yahs song everyone's talking about) Hyper Eurobeat would be pretty funny for seasoned Extreme players, since it's so onsync on SN. :lol: I'm not opposed to having more than one qualifier like at that Summer tournament in Tukwila last year. (you pick one or two I think and see how you seed on both) That way there's more of a chance for people to show off the breadth of their skills.
AGAIN, I'm not running the tournament, so these are just suggestions. Keep in mind that you're all probably going to be competing (hopefully anyway) so don't shoot too far away from your skill level. We want to keep everyone's (relative) comfort in check here. Not too easy not too hard.
So if people are planning general advertisement ideas (like posters and whatnot) come to me about it. Send me emails at ethancohn at gmail dot com or find me on aim at englodroheim
. Not post-haste. Take your time. I'm guessing Kevin will add all of this to the first post later. I hope I'm not overworking the kid.
all those slow songs, I swear
September 25, 2007, 02:07:07 AM
One last thing: I'm going to the tournament in Myrtle Beach, SC this Winter (probably, not 100% sure about that) to see how well they're run. That and I was wondering if anyone wants to be my travel buddy. (Kevin, Charlie? Wes, Matt(s)?)
where da white women @
September 25, 2007, 01:40:26 PM
I'll come with.
all those slow songs, I swear
September 25, 2007, 04:30:42 PM
Ok. But change of pace. It's in Minnesota. And it's November 3rd, which is a Saturday. I'm planning to leave Friday night and coming back Sunday night.
Also Matt if we're flying together I don't want you angering any terrorists. >:| No but we'll chillax lol
any others? plz? large group of PoOR/and/or/Sea-tac kids would be awesome, and of course other people would be neato too! they know we meen buziness rofl
anyway, the link to the post about that:
DDR and ITG nugs, and we might rent a hotel...
September 26, 2007, 02:24:16 AM
Quote from: "discovolante"
DDR and ITG nugs, and we might rent a hotel...
why do i have anything to do with this
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SNSN - The largest event of all time in the PNW. Money!
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