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January 27, 2007, 02:20:08 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

I think this one is necessary too.
Read August 30, 2007, 04:51:05 PM #426

davyn is in japland

PC 5th place moon race hyper
FC 9th place moon race another
AAA love is eternity another

Read August 31, 2007, 05:33:07 PM #427

A clear Erasermotor Phantom [a].
B clear Due Tomorrow [a].
Read August 31, 2007, 10:05:07 PM #428

passed rugged ash a14 first try.

frickin' fun chart.
Read September 02, 2007, 12:25:10 AM #429

moar liek RUGGED ASS lol

only cool accomp is my Ay Carumba [a] HC
AAA'd Wax & Wand N, Zero N, and Zenius N
Hard Cleared All of the Cardinal Gate ES on Hyper
Really close to passing CONTRACT [a] :U
Read September 03, 2007, 11:55:40 PM #430

well.... got AAA #2000 today... it was Quell 7K...  then i just started filling in scores. lots of 97% and 98% scores on L7. usually right behind Schalas 100% scores.... and everything so far is a PC as well.
Read September 04, 2007, 07:25:23 AM #431

D: you are way too good.... how long have you been playing
Read September 04, 2007, 09:29:59 AM #432

played more DD 14key this past weekend, was able to sight-read pass a few 10s.

by contrast, i also tried playing 7key for a little while too and boy can i just... not do it.  on 14key i can comfortably pass almost everything up to 9s, maybe 50-60% of the 10s and the occasional 11 (mei, sasorbi), but on 7key i'll be lucky to pass any 10 and half of the 9s on the 1p side and any 9s on the 2p side.

i frickin' hate 7key.
Read September 04, 2007, 09:44:23 PM #433

Quote from: "pantsu"
D: you are way too good.... how long have you been playing

i think ive been playing for 4 years now... but i took a long break in there too.... james is a lot better than i am though. but im working on that one.   Cheesy

anyway, cleared Go Beyond [a] and The Dirty of Loudness [a]. still cant get Ganymede [a] or Waxing and Wanding [a] though. i really suck at Ganymede and ive almost AAAd W&W but its those stupid chords at the end.
Read September 04, 2007, 10:04:18 PM #434

hoolyc rap you cleared Go Beyond [a]?!

i get sick just looking at the chart :/
Read September 04, 2007, 10:07:48 PM #435

normal clear Go Beyond [a] (this is not hard to get a normal clear on) and concertino [a]
hard clear all 11s, tripping contact [a], due tomorrow [a], drunk monky [a], kagonotori [a]
AAA nageki hyper, go beyond hyper, dirty of loudness hyper...

not doing very well with scoring today so maybe more next weekish
Read September 05, 2007, 02:29:29 AM #436

full combo sync hyper again
aaa 1 miss thunder hyper
aaa -2 i think waxing and wanding hyper
still cant aaa blind justice despite full combo'ing it ;-;

saw a guy get aaa -53 on mei another u_u
Read September 05, 2007, 09:35:04 PM #437

AAA on that moonspeak song by Good-Cool Hyper (first try too Smiley )
Read September 06, 2007, 12:02:38 PM #438

Quote from: "Davyn"
still cant aaa blind justice despite full combo'ing it ;-;

*laugh and points to my FC count versus AAA count*

i've always been better at comprehension and hitting all the notes more than dead on balls accuracy.  that's true in almost everything i do.
Read September 06, 2007, 09:57:22 PM #439

Currently 1st place on the DD IR Beatmania L7 course.

That's about it.
Read September 07, 2007, 08:14:17 PM #440

Haha oh man I just sightread the beatmania L7 course

numbers is how much away from 100%.

lol caldera is gay
i was going to try to catch Kevin and after light motion it seemed like I just needed a decent caldera run... in fact, -70 or so on caldera would have worked.  But then I didn't even AAA it.
Read September 07, 2007, 09:11:57 PM #441

just a couple things from DD today...

Contract 7K FC AAA
Bleeding Luv -Immorality Act- [a] AAA
Read September 07, 2007, 09:17:48 PM #442


See, I totally flubbed the first 4 songs, except for I think 6g on Attack The Music and 97.5ish% on 321 Stars. However, I totally figured out how to do the slow part of Caldera. When there are those scratches and white keys, I always scratch up. There's enough time inbetween scratches for it to work, and I find that doing so improves my score by probably 20 or so EX.

Either way, looks like the Japanese players have collectively kicked our asses again. Tongue
Read September 08, 2007, 02:30:54 PM #443

I tried one more time and I got 5th place currently Cool (haven't entered but that's where it'd be)
4-(16/0/0/1)-(18/1)-18-(75/3/0/1) on srandom

clear collab[a] without easy
AAA cardinal hyper
Read September 09, 2007, 08:57:28 PM #444

finished filling in L7 on DD today finally... everything is a FC/PC AAA and mostly in the 95% and above range. probably wont play these again for a while except for a few i need to go back and PC still. now for 7K and [a].
Read September 10, 2007, 10:36:49 PM #445

started filling in some 7K scores and did pretty good i thought...

Alfarshear 7K FC AAA
Apocalypse 7K AAA ( just 1 bad, maybe an FC soon)
Attack The Music 7K PC AAA
Ay Carumba 7K AAA
Back Into The Light 7K FC AAA
Ballad The Feathers 7K FC AAA
Blue Moon 7K AAA

and some #1 scores since CHKN and HOOD and those guys havent played them yet but i still thought they were good scores.    (Bleeding Luv)    (Bloody Tears)    (Boom Boom Disco Night)    (Vanishing Point)    (Contract)    (Nijiiro)
Read September 11, 2007, 08:30:48 AM #446

4 more AAA's
Why did you go away N PC
Tashikanamono(?) N
Sphere N
So Fabulous N w/ 1000 EX lol
Read September 12, 2007, 01:05:52 AM #447

12*s on distorted
no clear: mei, quell, nageki
clear: go beyond!
everything else hard cleared

AAA all cardinal gates on normal and hyper
AAA waxing and wanding and kachoufuusetsu on another
PC attack the music [a]
1st place scores on a couple songs including kachoufuusetsu 7k (haven't entered since rank doesn't mean too much without US-toprankers entering/public-ing their scores)
Read September 12, 2007, 06:56:02 PM #448

Sakura [a] A Clear.
PDG [a] Clear.
Somehow still 1st place on Attack the Music 7k.

I'll probably get more new scores tonight.
Read September 12, 2007, 09:19:06 PM #449

this is me playing a 4, 5, 6, and 7 on 14key with independently scrolling window-hold on S-Random.

(as in, you hold the start button down and each side changes its scroll independent of each other.)

fun fun.
Read September 12, 2007, 10:46:42 PM #450

filled in some more 7K scores.... got a lot of good scores in the 94 and 95% range. probably hardest ones i AAAd today were the Tripping Contact songs... the 9* one was #2100 for me also.... im probably proudest of this one though... just cuz of the PC really.
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