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January 27, 2007, 02:20:08 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

I think this one is necessary too.
Read February 25, 2007, 05:04:20 PM #101

I AA'd 5.1.1. 7k, is that an accomplishment?
if you can AA it on l7, you can do it on 7k. they're both ones. thats what confused me though.
Beginner: 1
Normal: 1
Hyper: 1
another: 9!?
Konami is very meh, when it comes to making any sense as to why they make the decisions they do. Exceptions being the creatiion of IIDX and DDR. Those were good decisions. loading the songlists of all the US versons with shit, that was very meh.
The Wise Fool
Read February 25, 2007, 05:10:53 PM #102

Quote from: "Diggit_6"
I AA'd 5.1.1. 7k, is that an accomplishment?
if you can AA it on l7, you can do it on 7k. they're both ones. thats what confused me though.
Beginner: 1
Normal: 1
Hyper: 1
another: 9!?
Konami is very meh, when it comes to making any sense as to why they make the decisions they do. Exceptions being the creatiion of IIDX and DDR. Those were good decisions. loading the songlists of all the US versons with shit, that was very meh.

What the heck are you talking about? 5.1.1. [h] is like a 7.
Read February 25, 2007, 05:28:20 PM #103

not on BMUS it isn't. It's rated a one for beginner hyper and normal. it's a nine on another tough.
Read February 25, 2007, 05:41:50 PM #104

Quote from: "Diggit_6"
anybody else have trouble passing Voltage L7 w/out hs1+ on? I can't do it without speed mods.

I have trouble playing that without HS4+Towel on.

After playing for so long with rediculously high speeds, it's hard to adjust back to normal.
Read February 25, 2007, 08:51:22 PM #105

It's true.  BMUS is like the little retard cousin of the Beatmania series.
Read February 25, 2007, 11:22:35 PM #106

Quote from: "Peaches"
It's true.  BMUS is like the little retard cousin of the Beatmania series.

hahaha! SIG'D
Read February 25, 2007, 11:34:02 PM #107

I love how Outer Limits' ratings are:


When it's more like
tough 4

I haven't unlocked another mode on BMUS yet; am I a n00bm3i573r yet?
Read February 26, 2007, 03:13:08 AM #108

Quote from: "The Wise Fool"
What the heck are you talking about? 5.1.1. [h] is like a 7.

5.1.1 hyper (7keys) used to have a different chart before RED or Happy Sky or so, and it was what the normal chart is now.  The old normal (Light 7) chart was the same except the first 16th roll was an 8th roll.

1 combo break destiny another
78% A [a] in the arcade Sad
Read February 26, 2007, 05:41:03 PM #109

B'd 10th style's Rise course 7k (Carry on Night, Daisuke, Setsugekka, rainbow rainbow, and No. 13). Ended with 4% rofl.

Quote from: "DancingTofu"
Stuff about Outer Limits
I haven't unlocked another mode on BMUS yet; am I a n00bm3i573r yet?
It doesn't have an Another anyway. Although if L.E.D. continues his current trend of remixing his old songs and turning them into Another charts like he did with Erasermotor Maximum and Love is Dreaminess, it might get one if it's revived in DD CS. Shocked
Read February 26, 2007, 11:55:32 PM #110

I can easily imagine an Another chart for that song being a 12.  Maybe higher with a remix.

But it would be rated a 7. ;P
Read February 27, 2007, 04:45:24 PM #111

love is dreaminess [L7] makes me want to kill myself :emo: . Any tips on passing it?
Read February 27, 2007, 05:33:23 PM #112


As stupid as it seems, eventually you'll learn that there's a lot of truth in that answer. There is a "training/practice" mode, you know. It's very robust.
Read February 27, 2007, 06:55:30 PM #113

Love is Dreaminess is mostly just going back and forth on the controller.
Read February 27, 2007, 08:17:39 PM #114

plasma n (PC)
plasma h (FC)
plasma a
reflection into the eden n (FC)
reflection into the eden h
sayonara heaven n (PC)
sayonara heaven h (PC)
sayonara heaven a
spark! n (FC)
spark! h (FC)
spark! a

7 misses moon_child 7k (3 combo breaks)... I've been trying really hard to FC this, I played it for at least an hour straight:(
Actually I had a run where I probably had only 1 combo break, at 976, but that really pissed me off and I mashed the rest.
Made two videos of my hands on moon_child 7k from different angles, will post links later

edit (x-posted in video thread):
Two videos of my hands

from in front:

from behind:

you can see the left hand better in the front vid and right hand in back.  i should have done it non random so that it'll be the same chart for both vids

oh, both are moon_child 7k random AAA (you can hardly hear the music, sorry)
Read February 27, 2007, 09:49:57 PM #115

Quote from: "metroid23"

As stupid as it seems, eventually you'll learn that there's a lot of truth in that answer. There is a "training/practice" mode, you know. It's very robust.

Thought someone would say that... oh well. tahts how i got good at DDR right? dont suppose theres some sort of magical potion for being good at IIDX. Didn't think there'd be an easier way. oh well.
*checks ebay for magical potion for being good at IIDX*

Quote from: "Peaches"
Love is Dreaminess is mostly just going back and forth on the controller.

And let me guess.. you can pass it?
Read February 27, 2007, 10:05:55 PM #116

Quote from: "Diggit_6"
Quote from: "metroid23"

As stupid as it seems, eventually you'll learn that there's a lot of truth in that answer. There is a "training/practice" mode, you know. It's very robust.

Thought someone would say that...

Haha, let me put it to you this way. I've been playing DDR/Beatmania since you were six. Yes, I think practice has something to do with it. :) You don't know how many nights I spent trying to pass 1 star songs on five key. Seven was nearly unthinkable. All it takes is dedication.

James: How many times do you think you played Moon_Child 7k before you AAA'd it?
Read February 27, 2007, 10:24:39 PM #117

Quote from: "metroid23"
Quote from: "Diggit_6"
Quote from: "metroid23"

As stupid as it seems, eventually you'll learn that there's a lot of truth in that answer. There is a "training/practice" mode, you know. It's very robust.

Thought someone would say that...

Haha, let me put it to you this way. I've been playing DDR/IIDX since you were six.

So have I! Cheesy
Read February 27, 2007, 11:31:16 PM #118

Hey guys nice scores.

Almost AA era nostalmix Another
AAA+FC+Bold Score era nostalmix 7
Read February 28, 2007, 03:52:47 AM #119

Quote from: "metroid23"
James: How many times do you think you played Moon_Child 7k before you AAA'd it?

Depends what exactly you're asking.
If you mean the first time I AAAed it, I think it was probably 50 or 60 on 9th style.  
If you mean for the videos, I can AAA it consistently if I choose my random in the first 5 seconds, probably 1 in 3 times or so.  One of the videos I fail out once after a couple seconds.
It's by far my most played IIDX song through all styles.
Read February 28, 2007, 10:57:21 PM #120

Decided to play through the Dan courses in HS tonight. Made it through 8Dan, but whomever thought that starting out with Aurora[a] for 9 can die in a fire Sad
Read February 28, 2007, 11:23:58 PM #121

rofl owned
you play on an ASC, if I remember, right?

AAA Calcutta 7 with better score
AAA Leading Cyber 7
Read March 01, 2007, 01:06:32 AM #122

Finally cleared 7-dan Happy Sky with 6% on aurora lol

aurora is the only hard song in 7dan
Read March 01, 2007, 12:00:13 PM #123

davyn and i played double autoscratch together in the arcade for fun (AS because I can't right scratch)
FC blame [a14] 188k no AAA

I FINALLY passed A [a] at acme.  I got a really easy random where I could hit the double scratches at the end without breaking combo (which is what makes or breaks a pass on that song for me)
Read March 01, 2007, 12:10:51 PM #124

not really an accomplishment but i failed Scream Squad [a] with around 34%... probably the easiest 12
Read March 01, 2007, 02:11:52 PM #125

Quote from: "CSBrokaw"
rofl owned
you play on an ASC, if I remember, right?

Yeah, I sometimes wonder how much better I would do with a modded KOC...
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