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January 27, 2007, 02:20:08 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

I think this one is necessary too.
Read April 27, 2007, 09:35:25 AM #276

pimpmachine got better really fast lately.  horrible english. i know.

AAA kamikaze [a]
AAA nasty! [a]
AA GoB ~ws~ (4th) [a]
Read April 28, 2007, 02:14:58 AM #277

i dont know what happened... i didnt play at all for almost 2 months and i started playing a lot again and im tearing it up.... im still not as good as you though.... maybe someday. and i rove the horrible engrish. Cheesy

put in some 9th style tonight did pretty good i think....

Jaeger Final Attack 7K AAA ( 7K AAA #500)
Photongenic 7K FC AAA
Let The Snow Paint Me Y&Co Remix [a] AAA
Karma [a] AAA
Maria ( I Believe) [a] AAA
Minimalian [a] AAA
Read April 28, 2007, 02:20:50 AM #278

2 EX points off my first AA.  First Day L7  EX score of 305; AA is 307...

EDIT: lol, you have 573 AAs PIMP
Read April 29, 2007, 01:14:17 AM #279

I got my first real AAA the other day.
I Was the One L7; I think I had 46g and a good, but I'll have to check that when I get home.
Read April 29, 2007, 09:40:18 AM #280

pimp> actually a lot of your accomps make me wow.  I think we're probably about even.  This post is my attempt to pull away




Only scorpion fire to go.
Read April 29, 2007, 11:26:38 AM #281

the mei [a] clear made me lol
Read April 29, 2007, 11:36:41 AM #282

What the fuck?

That's absolutely amazing. Does mirror really help on OML? I can pretty much FC everything until the stupid ending. I'm not even going to bother to ask about Mei since that's going to be out of my range for quite a while.
Read April 29, 2007, 01:46:13 PM #283

Quote from: "KevinDDR"
Does mirror really help on OML?

For me, yes.
Keep in mind though I can stay in the red on OML until the end no matter what random.

On mirror, the 4th measure from the end has a couple small 67 rolls, and the 3rd has a couple jacks on 7.  The 2nd (the hard one) has 8th note 12-13 chord "roll-ish thing", with other stuff going on on 4576 for first half, and 45 for second.
Everything I just described is easier for me than each part in "12 rolls, jacks on 1, 8th note chords on 56 and 57 with stuff on 4(and 123) going on" for non mirror.
My score was like -400, haha
The Wise Fool
Read April 29, 2007, 03:34:35 PM #284

What the hell did you do with Mei?
Read April 29, 2007, 05:18:27 PM #285

got a random for which I could do the 8th note chord rush.
That and really, really concentrate on any and all 16th notes near the end, ESPECIALLY the jacks.  

Or if you're referring to the lifebar, I started the song, went to my room to check the email, and started again when the slow part ended because no matter how hard I try, I'm going to come out of it with 2% anyway.  Including the one time I never dropped below 40 until the slowdown (but also never above 80... :p
Read April 30, 2007, 01:29:43 AM #286

no new AAAs today but i did get one good accomplishment

AA Clear Moon Child [a]!!!!!!     another 12 down but still lots to go.

and i raised a bunch of scores from 9th style.....

i think that officially pulled you away there james..... i cant pass either one of those or come close. and i cant AA OML either. so you win.   Cheesy

EDIT: played some 10th tonight and got a couple good things....

Satellite 020712 from "Coded Arms" 7K AAA ( FINALLY)
Baby Love [a] AAA
Feedback 7K AAA
One Or Eight [a] AA
Setsugekka [a] A Clear!!!  and another 12 for me.  Cheesy   and only 16 from the AA.

tried a few songs for AAA #1900 but just couldnt seem to get it. next time for sure.

and i raised my OML by another 125 james.  Cheesy and had 100% going into that end mash part.... and died.
Read May 01, 2007, 11:26:10 AM #287

I can't AA OML anymore, so you'll get me eventually, haha

played a little bit of RED
almost AAA lower world
almost AAA spiral galaxy
1300+ combo inori
208ex gambol
42% life scorpion fire
AA nemesis
+100 on genocide 7k (mid AA, was a really old score)
AAA lab

It's so cool because my timing is ASS (except gambol heh, it was +16), but I can hit hard stuff.
I play with ghost scores on, and for example, on Spiral Galaxy, I was plus or minus 10 of my old best the WHOLE time, until the end bit where you throw in bass and "hihat", and suddenly it just pulled away really fast.
Read May 05, 2007, 10:46:36 PM #288

entered all aaa's from red and happy sky into vjarmy. 204 total.
Read May 06, 2007, 12:03:02 AM #289

One day, when I get my compy back, I'll update my vjarmy and ddrecall. xP
Read May 06, 2007, 06:35:48 AM #290

AAA beyond the earth 7k
AAA no.13 7k
AAA photongenic [a]
AAA linus [a]
AAA karma [a]

AA no.13 [a]
Read May 11, 2007, 10:20:32 PM #291

popped in some 10th style tonight....

Drop On The Floor 7K AAA ( AAA #1900)
Back Into The Light [a] AAA
Donnatokimo [a] AAA
Exe [a] FC AAA
R2 [a] AAA
Rottel Da Sun [a] AAA

-8 from AAA on Setsugekka 7K..... so close. tried a few more times and came about 30 away. so maybe soon.
Read May 12, 2007, 07:43:41 PM #292

I got 90/9/0/0/0 on 5.1.1 N7 yesterday.

Read May 12, 2007, 09:32:07 PM #293

today is the day for 5.1.1 accomps

also lol @ getit
Read May 13, 2007, 12:48:41 AM #294

im definitely liking 10th right now.   Cheesy

Pandora [a] AAA
Rise n' Beauty [a] AAA
Scherzo [a] AAA
Score [a] AAA
Shooting Star [a] AAA
Under The Sky [a] AAA

Xenon [a] AA

-11 from AAA on A-Jax 7K.....
Read May 13, 2007, 03:00:43 AM #295

got the maximum score on bmIII. 305730.
Read May 13, 2007, 11:29:58 AM #296

Quote from: "Davyn"
got the maximum score on bmIII. 305730.

Cool beans. I think there were some screenshots I saw a while ago, some Japanese dude got the All JG+Border Bonus on some BM Mix, can't remember.
Read May 13, 2007, 12:35:45 PM #297

Care to explain how that's possible?
Read May 13, 2007, 01:59:23 PM #298

He picked the easiest song 3 times in a row, getting all JG+Excess Poors to get a border bonus.
Read May 13, 2007, 02:00:49 PM #299

I suppose if there's only enough notes in a song to end with 80% after getting all JG
I don't know how you'd do that on a song with more notes though... and are there even songs with that few notes?
Read May 14, 2007, 12:23:53 AM #300

only a couple new AAAs but got some other good stuff for me.

Regret [a] AAA
Key [a] AAA

AA [a] B Fail ( only Mei is left below a B)
Scorpion Fire [a] A Fail ( just glad i got the A)
Gigadelic [a] AA Fail 64%
Andromeda [a] AA CLEAR
Secret Of Love AA CLEAR ( -8 from AAA)
Guidecca [a] A CLEAR ( 76.5% ex)
Genocide 7K AA Hard Clear ( only CYO left to AA on 7K)

i only have blocks and inazuma left to pass for 11s. im nowhere close on blocks but inazuma i should get fairly soon.
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