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Gaming Accomplishments
Dance Games Accomplishments (DDR, ITG Scores)
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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM
Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.
Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!
Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS
February 14, 2007, 07:31:26 PM
I came up with two ideas for a challenge mode tournament in my sleep... surprisingly, I still remember them.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
February 14, 2007, 10:16:25 PM
Quote from: "manyminimoos"
That's a really hard only 9 to have cleared heh, nice
I know. xP
I cleared it at K-Con in September, and now I fail 7's and 8's. Dx
I need to get multiple pads again. xP
February 14, 2007, 10:52:33 PM
Within the last week or so:
3 greats, Cartoon Heroes
2 greats, HVAM
5 greats, EoTC
7 greats, I Feel...(Wtf, I hate this song)
Paranoia Brothers(The green one)
24 greats, World Tour
Up to Max 300 in Trick(Lol, stealth.)
I've been playing a lot of EX lately >.>
February 15, 2007, 09:32:27 AM
AAA on the jazz
slowly adding 10000000s to SN
February 15, 2007, 10:25:15 AM
i watched you AAA that hahaha... you were very casual about it
i raised my Determinator Expert score by 2%
February 15, 2007, 11:09:59 PM
Yuck. x3 Overhead is slow for something that fast.
February 15, 2007, 11:36:16 PM
lol i cant read high speeds
...has trouble with "slow songs"
February 16, 2007, 12:48:16 AM
i red @ 1200 bpm rofl
February 16, 2007, 02:35:47 AM
as far as ITG accomps goes, I've finally passed both GO *60* GO EX and Ver-Tex Expert. ALso, I played RobotiX for the first time today (on Pad, I've played it a couple times on keyboard), and almost FC'd it, missed some right at the end towards where the pauses are. legs were to tired to consistantly get a combo. I think it helped that i played (and failed misaerably) Summer SM EX right before, so RobotiX seemed very easy at that point.
also, these were all done on Stepmania, with my TX4000 and the ITG2 theme ^_^!.
DDR: passed FELM, SMMMO, CHAOSO, HDVO (nearly a FC), and PSM is a FC.
Also cale, i <3 ur signature ^_^! I love neing quoted in pplz sigs. ^_^!
February 16, 2007, 07:18:38 AM
So you finally passed Go 60 Go and VerTex
And yet you've passed songs like HDVO with nearly a FC.
And then you fail Summer.
How can anyone who can almost FC HDVO fail Summer?
February 16, 2007, 02:20:36 PM
UI was talking about Summer ~Speedy Mix~ from ITG2. HDVO (IMHO) is only like an 11 (even though DDR refuses to rate anything higher than 10). Summer ~Speedy Mix~ is a 13. It's the 1/16 stream towards the middle that kills me. i can get about 80% through that part, and if I did ever get throught that parts, it would be the 16th notes with doubles that come later that would kill me. HDVO is not that hard, and I'm used to the speed of it by now since I play almost every song i can with X2 on.
February 16, 2007, 07:20:12 PM
Here are some of my scores from the past few weeks -
Incognito - 99.77
Hip Hop Jam - 99.77
Mellow - 100
Driving Force Classical - 100
Hardcore Symphony - 100
Disconnected Hyper - 99.92
Delirium - 99.91
Incognito - 99.89
Monolith - 99.62
Do U Love me - 99.93
Renaissance - 99.94
February 17, 2007, 08:23:10 PM
HDVO is so a 13 by ITG standards. I played it on R21 once and had a FC until the end at which I almost failed.
16 Maxx Unlimited
11 Max300 2x (so fast! D=
14 LoM twice in a row
6 L100S
probably other stuff but I wasn't playing well yesterday.
February 17, 2007, 08:26:29 PM
Quote from: "manyminimoos"
HDVO is so a 13 by ITG standards.
Thanks, that was my point so I totally agree. The first half of the song is stupid easy, then it gets around to an 11/hard 11 range, but then it just gets stupid.
Like 13 type stupid.
February 17, 2007, 08:38:24 PM
By ITG scaling, I'd say the first half is an easy to solid 10, then before the runs it's already pushing solid 12, and the run is harder than pretty much anything in ITG, except the last 3 seconds of vertex^2.
where da white women @
February 18, 2007, 01:23:24 PM
Quote from: "Tyrgannus"
Lol, I'll just say what's on my mind. Anyone on these boards who says they suck at dancing games (and I'm guilty of this a lot) is either being emo, stupid, or fishing for compliments. ALL of us are better than 95% of people who have walked onto a DDR pad and tried a song, and most everybody would say we're good at the game. Sure, in COMPARISON to others who play we may suck, but honestly we're all at least good at dancing games.
Well, rhythm games in general.
Ok rant over.
lol elitism.
1) You obviously don't know what "good" really is.
2) No one else cares if we are good or not, dont delude yourself. You can't use figures like this when that 95% couldn't caer less. It's more like PNW players are better than perhaps 35% of ITG/DDR players out there.
3) Most of us are not consistent enough to be good. I am not a good player. I suck because I lack consistency.
4) You can't make a comparison between us and people who just walked on a pad.
5) People say we are good because they don't have a critical eye for what makes a good player.
February 18, 2007, 10:56:26 PM
I wasn't really being elite. If you look closely, I said that I'm guilty of saying that I suck a lot. I am one of the worst forum-using players in the PNW and I know that from tournaments and score comparisons.
1) There are different levels of good. Just because we may not hold the same opinion doesn't mean I DON'T know what good is. If good is being consistent on your Summer score between 20 and 18 Excellents, I would tend to say you're better than just "good". In fact, adjectives such as "great" or "masterful" would probably not be out of the question. Why is FC'ing LoM NOT good anymore? Many of us can or have done it on these boards. Is that not good? I know that good is a somewhat relative adjective, and to some extent I addressed that, but saying I don't know what "good" really is isn't completely fair.
2) I never said people truly cared how good we were believe it or not. All of my friends hate it when I talk anything about DDR or make sure to avoid arcades at all costs when they're around me because they think DDR is the stupidest thing ever and couldn't care less that I can play it at the level I do. That being said, all of my friends consider my "good" or "crazy" at DDR. Thus, it is less of a delusion than realizing that others may recognize a skill set we have. Everyone I have ever talked to that has played DDR (Probably over 100 people) think it's completely awesome I "play Heavy OMG". Thus, that 95% I was talking about might actually care more than you think. Note none of my friends play, so they don't care, other random people at school and regulars at my arcades do. Also, I don't know how we rank with other players out there, but I tend to believe skill is a pyramid where most people suck and a few people are masterful. Thus, 35% isn't completely accurate again because we shouldn't only include the vocal minority of forum browsers that show off there scores and make us look bad. Sure, then we'd probably be 35%, if not lower, but most ITG/DDR players, even people who play it fairly often, get stuck around the 9/10 range.
3) Again, I think the whole "good" issue is relative. Can you sightread a 10? Many people would consider that good. Consistency is probably one of the best qualities in an ITG/DDR player, I agree. However, while you may not consistantly get 99%, youmay consistantly get above 9X.XX%. You yourself may not consider it good, but cheerleaders often think they're fat. It doesn't mean they are, heck, they rarely are, but since there are thinner cheerleaders than them somewhere else, they think consider themselves fat since they see it as relative. Same thing applies to ITG. The cheerleaders aren't fat, and you aren't bad.
4) Ok, I'll try not to make a comparison again, but the point of my comparison was to show that many people walk onto a pad and are totally utterly lost. Many of us I assume (and I know assumptions are terrible) walked onto a pad and at least understood some rhythmic concept. No, it's not completely fair to make a comparison, but I was just trying to be inclusive about all people who have played dancing games and show the extremes of both sides.
5) What they see is a player vastly better than them, and thus they consider that player to be good. It is NOT a wrong judgement for them to make. Again, it's a matter of the word "good" being relative.
Essentially, I don't see any error in the post you tried to rip apart. Am I being elite? You can think that all you want, whatever. I'm worse than basically everyone here on the forum, it doesn't mean I'm not better than most people who play. You can take that as elitism or a compliment to you, your choice.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
February 18, 2007, 11:13:03 PM
I drag us down with my failing of Maxx Unlimited amirite?
btw, on Gaia (flame me, whatever, I just go there for kicks), I'm in a DDR guild and there are only about 5 members out of many thousand who can compare to the majority of people here.
The only real way to determine a demographic of who's good is to take the majority opinion. By the majority opinion, I'm a DDR god. In the opinions of most people here though, I'm a n00b.
February 18, 2007, 11:14:21 PM
Quote from: "DancingTofu"
By the majority opinion, I'm a DDR god. In the opinions of most people here though, I'm a n00b.
That is what I'm saying in a nutshell.
February 19, 2007, 05:28:07 PM
I got a 97 on Birdie, lol.
PS, I can't read Overhead.
custom title
February 19, 2007, 08:51:24 PM
8 greats S try to BPM hard
3 misses Phantom crazy. o_O
beat hong kong and beijing missions, unlocked the pop house remix. taipei is hard though.
waits the zealot...
February 19, 2007, 09:13:51 PM
Quote from: "Tyrgannus"
I got a 97 on Birdie, lol.
PS, I can't read Overhead.
About a year ago, I could hardly get 90 on that.
Don't say that you're really bad.
February 19, 2007, 09:19:31 PM
Thanks, and TECHNICALLY I didn't ridicule my skill in that post. One of the few =)
February 19, 2007, 09:56:40 PM
Quote from: "Tyrgannus"
Quote from: "manyminimoos"
HDVO is so a 13 by ITG standards.
Thanks, that was my point so I totally agree. The first half of the song is stupid easy, then it gets around to an 11/hard 11 range, but then it just gets stupid.
Like 13 type stupid.
there is no way HDVO is a 13. I can't pass 13s. I can barely pass two 12s. I passed HDVO no problem (yep even the fast part) no problem my first or second try. there is absolutely NO WAY you can call that a 13 (though you obviously already have). I suppose we are all entitled to our pwn opinions.
February 19, 2007, 10:01:07 PM
well the ending of HDVO is definitely worthy of a 13 :\
but as for rating the entire song, i'd call it a 12 (itg standards)
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