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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read February 12, 2009, 10:34:12 AM #1226

and who the hell is URZA? he came and pwnd our machcine Sad

Aha ha ha ahha hah a!

URZA is a UI student in Moscow, ID. He's the one I left in charge of the UI Bemani Club when I left.

Yeah, he's pretty good. He's got incredible fact, he did a 10:12's challenge, where he passed all the 12 foot songs in a row without more than a minute break in-between songs.

I'm sure that a few of us would've stolen more of your guy's scores if we had a reason to venture up north more. But since 6 months ago when our ITG machine was removed, the Wonderland one is as close the Pullman/Moscow people can get.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2009, 10:37:12 AM by Suko »
Read February 15, 2009, 12:15:10 AM #1227


just when i was starting to take some #1 scores too Sad

he took a few of my scores... by...alot >_>

i could probably run 10 12's in a row, cept for the 2 i cant pass >_>
Read February 18, 2009, 10:45:38 AM #1228

Epic first pass; yay me!! Grin
Read February 18, 2009, 11:15:57 AM #1229

Epic first pass; yay me!! Grin

VERY NICE! Congratz!
Read February 18, 2009, 02:19:20 PM #1230

Dude you even got a double combo. Good job.
Read February 18, 2009, 11:07:49 PM #1231

AAA holic heavy, first AAA, 12 pad greats though
Read February 19, 2009, 02:09:42 AM #1232

AAA holic heavy, first AAA, 12 pad greats though
lol Cheesy

Holic's actually got a really solid, AAAable chart.  My best is 8 greats, but that's from, like, 2 years ago.
Read February 19, 2009, 07:50:56 AM #1233

Id agree.

Holic is the only didder song I really play for accuracy. Cept maybe sexy planet

Maybe if we had some nice pads. Other then that ill stick to itg

They were pad greats btho. All of em I swearsss

Oh and quad star pa theme only 30 pad ex's
And a wayoff haha

Was trying to tristar and take the #1 score back. Was blue almost halfway through then out pof nowhere I started getting crazy excellents. I cried abit
Read February 19, 2009, 09:50:12 AM #1234

Oh and quad star pa theme only 30 pad ex's
And a wayoff haha

Was trying to tristar and take the #1 score back. Was blue almost halfway through then out pof nowhere I started getting crazy excellents. I cried abit

Don't make me come up there and dash your high scores upon the sharp, jagged rocks of reality.

Actually, I don't mean to be such a dick. But next time I visit Spokane, I'll be looking for any/all Hard scores below 99% to take.
Read February 19, 2009, 10:08:48 AM #1235

Ah ha well you'll be spending a lot of money then becuase off the top of my head I think there are only 2 - 3 tri stars on any anything on our machine.

A good number of hard scores are mine with 97+ dpending on the song. I was slowly working on taking thme all =p (which as it stands now is a pretty reasonable goal.)

Also suko

H8 you <3 lol
Read February 19, 2009, 06:28:39 PM #1236

Lol sn2 scoring system is stupid.

On sexy planet from nonstop
Only 4 greats lol

Legit AAA coming soon? I think so
Read February 19, 2009, 11:25:15 PM #1237

hah heres the SS for that, stupid didder. still happy though 4 greats is pretty kickass for me Smiley

raised delerium up to 70% was pretty kickass
space crazy girl ex 95% i was happy Smiley took my #1 score back
dont promise me 97.5x ** coming soon..
drifting away 94.50 on ex, not bad for me


nailed the end run, i pretty much heel toed most of hte beggining (cept the streams) just to make sure i nailed the end (though i dont think saving my stamina was nessicary)
bout time i got it, now i wanna up it to at least 70 asap

determinator will come soon, i dropped the hold at the end of the death run and it killed me
Read February 20, 2009, 01:33:39 AM #1238

God damn man I've failed Summer with higher percents ._.

I'll pass it some day, good job
Read February 20, 2009, 02:06:45 AM #1239

Good job dude!
I need to raise my determinator........I'm tired of getting below 90 on it.
Read February 20, 2009, 02:46:11 AM #1240

God damn man I've failed Summer with higher percents ._.

I'll pass it some day, good job

yeah i wasnt really trying to sore at all, bracket raped alot of it just incase, but i had alot more stamina left then i thought.

my first pass are usually LOWWW

like when i passed heaven it was aa 69%, next pass, 80%

im fairly confident i can get it to 70 at least.

and psh 90 on determinator XDD

well uber rave and determinator are next on my pass list, determ will be easy i just need to quit being stupid.

and uber rave i just need to quit being a girl and ill pass it.
Read February 21, 2009, 11:53:33 PM #1241

Played today with sedare.

My legs WOULD NOT  warm up... I don't understand why but eh =/

The only thing I really did was SIGHTREAD drifting away hard 97.95 FEC sad I didn't get the ** but that's still epic for me.

Took the score on expert my life is so crazy. 93.8 I belive
Read February 25, 2009, 09:53:18 AM #1242

1st stage and 2nd pass; accuracy is pretty sloppy though Tongue
Read February 26, 2009, 08:46:56 PM #1243

Played SN2 at Sunset Lanes today. Good left side.

Trust- AAA (#96)
Moon- AAA (#97)
Across the Nightmare Heavy- 3g (all in the purple notes...)

And my favorite score of the day-
Paranoia Survivor- 7g

x2 felt soooo crisp at 270-320.
Read February 26, 2009, 10:37:07 PM #1244

Damn, nice jobs Ethan and Matt!

I wish I could get 7g on Paranoia Survivor...
Read February 27, 2009, 11:15:43 PM #1245

Shit boi!  Now he knows what to play against you at tournaments! :O
Read February 28, 2009, 02:35:00 AM #1246

Shit boi!  Now he knows what to play against you at tournaments! :O

Haha, I was just thinking that. What's more I would never pick a 10 on Kevbir normally... Tongue
Read February 28, 2009, 02:33:21 PM #1247

what tournaments
Read March 01, 2009, 12:13:40 AM #1248

The ones those Oregon people still host every once in a while...
Read March 01, 2009, 12:24:15 AM #1249

The ones those Oregon people still host every once in a while...

It'd be nice if those "tournys" could migrate to seattle.......
Read March 01, 2009, 12:39:56 AM #1250

Oh and at acme today I finally got my USB to work, I falcon punched it into submission. Take that sandisk cruzer.

I got a  93.90 on hardcore of the north. I finally break 90 on that song. It's actually not as bad as always thought it was. but yeah, I'm happier I got my usb working.
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