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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read January 31, 2010, 05:12:57 PM #1551

Don't be ridiculous Charlie, that's almost always one of the last 9's people have to AAA on Extreme, along with Burning Heat. I found out yesterday I can SDG it consistently enough but mostly I just hate playing it.
Read February 02, 2010, 08:00:24 AM #1552







re-flagged On the Bounce.
Read February 02, 2010, 10:15:19 AM #1553

If you think Xenon and Gradiusic Cyber are among the hardest 9's to PA on Extreme you haven't played enough songs.
disco, no need to insult me. You don't know it, but I've played almost every song in the DDR AC library and have been playing DDR long before most of the players on this site. I might not be the best out there, but don't assume I know nothing because I struggle on a few songs you consider easy.

Out of all the songs you listed after my post, all but HIA57 and BH I can easily SDG and usually get <5g on. And I play on relatively crappy Extreme machines too. Also, I can consistently get better PA on BH than on Xenon.

This is what I was saying though, everyone's perception is different. Those songs you struggle with are cake to me, but apparently it's an entirely different story to you. Graduisic and Xenon just f*ck with me 'cause of their beats. They're on-sync, but to this day I still don't hear the music that the steps are trying to match.

Freakin' awesome job on HVAM. You've beaten my best. I've gotten 2g on it, twice with no-bar. I'd still love to see a local player AAA that no-bar.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 10:39:02 AM by Suko »
Read February 02, 2010, 10:40:00 AM #1554

You... need to listen to those songs more. At least Xenon. It follows the music as well as it can without charting every note. Grad Cyber takes some liberties.

Also I was pretty much joking*, I know you've probably been playing longer than I have, so there's really no need to take offense to such a stupid comment. Although the basic sentiment still stands, because there are WAY harder 9's than both of those which, not according to either of our opinions but based on the general spread of scores, are much, much harder to PA.

*As I was in the opening sentence here. Tongue I'm sure you've heard these songs dozens of times.
Read February 02, 2010, 03:48:34 PM #1555

Graduisic and Xenon just f*ck with me 'cause of their beats. They're on-sync, but to this day I still don't hear the music that the steps are trying to match.

grad cyber is the opposite of on sync god dammit
Read February 02, 2010, 04:05:39 PM #1556

grad cyber is the opposite of on sync god dammit
Not like I would know, I suck at that song.

Do you still live in Marysville? If so, where's a good place to play in the Everett area? I go to Evergreen lanes 'cause it's cheap, and that's about the only decent place I know about.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 04:09:39 PM by Suko »
Read February 02, 2010, 08:11:13 PM #1557

I'm originally from Marysville, and that was the only one, Suko.
Read February 02, 2010, 09:44:46 PM #1558

Also I don't still live in Marysville, haha
Read February 03, 2010, 10:10:54 AM #1559

Why is it that the areas south of Seattle have more crime, more cops getting shot, and seem more ghetto, yet they have all the cool shit like SouthCenter Mall, Acme, and an International Airport while all we've got is Alderwood Mall and a lighthouse?

« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 10:17:12 AM by Suko »
Read February 03, 2010, 11:42:05 AM #1560

A lighthouse? That's really cool actually. I'm originally from Tacoma so I know what you're talking about with all that bad stuff...there isn't anything particularly cool there though.
Read February 03, 2010, 12:37:13 PM #1561

I maintain i can stomp the hell out of a lot of DDR songs and get greats when I'm hitting it perfectly on beat so f DDR and having to learn the specific off-syncs of dumb songs like gradius cyber.

Why is it that the areas south of Seattle have more crime, more cops getting shot, and seem more ghetto, yet they have all the cool shit like SouthCenter Mall, Acme, and an International Airport while all we've got is Alderwood Mall and a lighthouse?

Tacoma to Seattle is a slur of Urban areas and remember. Urban = ghetto = "cool" = good places to play DDR like Acme and airports and such Smiley

You should get a DDR machine put at the top of that lighthouse though for sure. Thatd be pimp
Read February 03, 2010, 12:55:15 PM #1562

You should get a DDR machine put at the top of that lighthouse though for sure. Thatd be pimp
Damn, that would be rad.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 03:18:14 PM by Suko »
Read February 03, 2010, 09:38:23 PM #1563

Hell if I'm letting Ethan catch up to me

uh yeah fuck that.  i think it was the 3rd step.  Maybe 2nd.

first try

third try

first three tries

fifth try and i am totally counting that fuck this song even though i have it pretty figured out now.  there's one run in the second half that leads in early but it definitely speeds up and sort of early-ifies and then the run right after it is slow and late.  they're the runs with the double taps in them.  they are the hardest part of the song to me Sad

#228 one try.

#229 probably my first attempt since flagging it in 2004

#230 HOLY SHIT FINALLY FUCK THE FREEZE ARROW PART (which I got through by hitting every single non freeze arrow with my right foot, which if you look at the chart is kind of annoying to have to do between the two freezes)

#231 took two tries, not a song I play often

I'm starting to run out of easier songs to AAA.  not that little bitch is easy in any way shape or form, but the other 4 are up there.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 01:37:29 AM by manyminimoos »
Read February 03, 2010, 10:03:10 PM #1564

Fuck that James. Race to 250? I promise I'll get Higher Oni and Electro Tuned in that stretch.
Read February 03, 2010, 10:05:38 PM #1565

That's 231 just on extreme

I have another 40 or so on SN and another 10 or so pre-extreme, then another 20 or so on double
edit: recall says 275 single 17 double, not a terrible guess there

« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 10:08:09 PM by manyminimoos »
Read February 03, 2010, 10:19:31 PM #1566

oh nevermind then. I thought it was weird that we'd have the same number of AAA's. if I were closer to 300 I'd race you haha. good job btw, especially on Little Bitch.
Read February 04, 2010, 06:16:59 PM #1567

Timings getting better and better. Speed and stamina still need work though... Failed Chromatic Blitz again yesterday but got these..

My fewest excellents ever on a song:


And I'll take this one back tyvm:

  You DDR AAAers need to get on ITG and show that you can nail something harder than a 7 or an 8. Just my opinion though. Im just mad I can't AAA DDR songs for shit, something about stomping it flawlessly to the beat of the music gives me greats. Sounds like off-sync to me considering how good my ITG timing is now and how poor my DDR timing seems to be... But then some people read more with their ears and some people read more with their eyes. DDR seems to be more visual whereas ITG seems more auditory. I guess it takes 1/200th or so of a second for that sound of my feet hitting the pad to hit my ears, plus the time to comprehend the sound so maybe I should just offsync a bit if I can Tongue I swear DDR songs hardly ever sound like their totally on-beat when I see them AAAd (or get the rare ones I do get) but I dunno....

« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 06:18:40 PM by Gerrak »
Happy Redneck
Read February 04, 2010, 06:23:32 PM #1568

lol you took the Be My Friend score back. Tuan won't be #1 on that song anymore. He got #1 just last week too. Bummer =P
Read February 04, 2010, 06:46:52 PM #1569

I got my first 99's! Sure they're easy songs, but I'm still happy about my improvement.

The score for this one isn't impressive or anything, I was just happy that I passed it : )
Read February 04, 2010, 08:30:58 PM #1570

You DDR AAAers need to get on ITG and show that you can nail something harder than a 7 or an 8. Just my opinion though. Im just mad I can't AAA DDR songs for shit, something about stomping it flawlessly to the beat of the music gives me greats. Sounds like off-sync to me considering how good my ITG timing is now and how poor my DDR timing seems to be... But then some people read more with their ears and some people read more with their eyes. DDR seems to be more visual whereas ITG seems more auditory.

There's kind of a lot I'd like to say but it's also subjective so whatever.
I played ITG for the first time in forevs and got 99.27 on do u love me, that's harder than a 7 or 8 :*
Uploading DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION EXTREME scores from tonight.  I'm gonna play ITG on sunday I think.  My stamina is still non existant but I think with a bit of practice I can easily take your scores.  If I think I have no stamina and got 91 on that song with the confusing 24th run... yeah Cool

also hollie congrats on your first 99s. Everyone has to start somewhere, even the best players didn't start by 99ing 12s.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 08:32:44 PM by manyminimoos »
Read February 04, 2010, 08:46:17 PM #1571

ok didder scores from tonight

warmup set (2-2-1)

I played this 5 times and got a TOTAL of 3 in the ending.  5 was the highest I had on any given try.  Nailed the end on this flag run.  Tried oni once and got none until the end and then got 4.  Whatever.  Oni is a good chart for the most part.

Down from 5.  I think it was in an 8th run but not the last one

#232.  Was maybe try #5, I think I have it figured out finally

#233.  One try.  Still did all my crazy footwork on it.

#234.  One try.  I knew I had this song figured out, just couldn't put it together until tonight.

Also got 5573 on dancemania oni (sup KEBY) but I am horrendous at i believe in miracles and captain jack.  Probably 30 of my 49 greats in those 2 songs.  721 on get up'n move and then 663 on I believe in miracles.  They have about the same number of notes...
Read February 04, 2010, 09:08:35 PM #1572

My only notable accomplishment:

Yes, this is the one from Tachyon Alpha.

PS - 32nd trills at 133 BPM aren't TOO difficult to do Grin
Read February 04, 2010, 10:00:17 PM #1573

Damn! I have some catching up to do James! I'll race you for a AAA on The Least 100 Sec!
Read February 05, 2010, 01:29:19 AM #1574

Sure.  I'm counting TL100S as a AAA but I like to think I'm really good at that song, actually.  I can consistently get 2 or less.  The 0gr run today was first try.  

I checked recall on my dancemania oni score, and apparently I improved 100+ points.  I think I can get it up to at least 5650, I'm going to keep it a challenge for you kev.  Your score was around 5390 I think?

« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 02:03:17 AM by manyminimoos »
Read February 05, 2010, 07:54:28 AM #1575

James is good



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