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January 27, 2007, 01:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 04:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read July 19, 2011, 08:02:50 AM #2326

Only played a couple sets yesterday

Sweet Things: 12e (99.56): My timing felt really off for the first half of the song, I'll have to play it again soon, since I think I can SDE it.

Love Fighter - 98.08: Miss was during the next-to-last 24th run.  Ignoring the miss, I'd have either been one under or tied with the machine record.  Definitely giving this another try soon.

Jingo Dance - 99.18 (25e): Hadn't played it since I took the record with 24e a few weeks ago.  I seem to be pretty consistent lately, if nothing else.
Read July 19, 2011, 10:06:16 AM #2327

I'm on the left for both Sweet Things and Love Fighter, and those were pretty good scores for me, too; the fact that I can almost 98 a stream-heavy 10 and sightread an 11 means that I'm getting in shape! Cheesy
Read July 19, 2011, 06:15:45 PM #2328

Wow. Nice job on Stamp. Was it on the quad stomps?
No, before. And I've blued well through the quads many times Sad

But I suppose I can always try to redeem myself

Read July 19, 2011, 08:01:10 PM #2329

No-bar 99.

It's about time I 99'd this Grin

This is definitely one of my weaker charts; I love the song though Cheesy
Read July 20, 2011, 03:15:46 AM #2330

Pretty sweet

Read July 21, 2011, 10:01:17 AM #2331

No bar; this one's from Sunday.

Machine record #1, at the cost of some pain below my left thumb.

No bar.
Read July 22, 2011, 08:04:54 AM #2332

Rudo that I Can Walk on Water score is beast >.<
Read July 24, 2011, 11:17:10 PM #2333

Getting better Grin

Easy no-bar Grin

I was expecting worse; not too bad of a sightread

Hehe, all 8s Tongue

Wow, Keby! U were right; this should be like a 10!

This is harder than it looks; it took me two tries to pass Roll Eyes
Read July 25, 2011, 05:22:19 PM #2334

Rudo that I Can Walk on Water score is beast >.<

Why thank you Gerrak. Got 90.xx on Piece of poetry.
Read July 26, 2011, 09:00:27 AM #2335

Dirt Devil - 98.53%: This is really hard to time, I don't think I'll be significantly improving on this score anytime soon.

Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride - 99.66% (10e): Second time playing it, first time was months ago.

Waiwai230 - 99.43%: Finally 99'd it (up from 99.73).

Hardware Store - 99.04%: The chart needs a slight tweak to get rid of two very awkward double steps - this chart will wind up on the new computer for sure.

Love Fighter - 99.63% (MR #1 by 0.07%): Way off was a pad echo.  Managed only 1e (next to last step) on one of the longer 24th runs, Laura claims I hit another run flawlessly, but I didn't see it. Recalcing the way off to a fantastic gives ~98.94 - I'm pretty sure I can 99 it within a couple more tries.

Drive was being finicky, so no pics for the following:

Loco - 95.33 (retook MR #1): Dropped more freezes than last time, but had very few combo breaks; nailed all the triples.

Ba Be Loo Be Ra - 99.38: Finally 99'd it, by a wide margin.

Summer Rain - 98.99: .....

Online - 99.xx (9e, 1g, dropped 2 rolls): Blue until the third set of gallops.  Those gallops do not flow at all.  I'm not a huge fan of this chart, but I really want to see if I can SDE it now.

Black or White: No excellents in the long 16th/24th run.
Read July 26, 2011, 10:46:47 AM #2336

Played with rudo last night, realized he's way better than me lol
99.31 gravity blast
98.80 smooooch remix
99.30 kahu (1great Sad
I dunno other mediocre by comparison scores.
oh yeah I finally passed quasar lol

Also last weekend I played a lot if DDR extreme. AAAed maybe 35 songs?  AAAed a set of little boy, broken my heart, sslm. Didn't play any song more than once, though we played around 120 of them plus extra stages.  Best almost double AAA was rain of sorrow. I AAAed it, she got one on the first step. Damn!
Read July 26, 2011, 12:10:43 PM #2337

So, the pads and machine at Evergreen are working well?
Read July 26, 2011, 02:53:02 PM #2338

I dunno, I was playing in Ohio
Read July 26, 2011, 10:31:28 PM #2339

Over the Rave - 98.09: Finally comboed it.

Love Fighter - 99.11

I Think I Like That Sound (Hard) - 3e (MR #1 by 2e): Blue until ~60, then two in a row and one a few measures after.

Trim - 96.93: I can probably do better, but this is up from like 91 a year ago, so whatever.

The Manhole - 3e: Blue until the freezes at the end. Out of the scores in this post, I'm most proud of this one; this is not an easy chart to time.
Read July 27, 2011, 09:37:53 PM #2340

Timing/stamina rehab is going well!

5e remember December all in first 40%
12e hillbilly hardcore
28/1/0/1/1 and a mine on go60go. 28fec would be 99
Quad bumble bee as my warmup.
3e cirno's perfect math class on hard (my custom)
97.8 Kirby dirge (mine again)
4e (99.90) tricky disco
Played icwowicf 3 times; 18, 12/4, 16. The second attempt I had 5 to 96% and misread everything
99.90 driving force classical (ties my best from 2005)
99.81 (5) queen of light
99.38 (28) gravity blast
99.01 (31, 3 in run) delirium

I think that's all of them Smiley
Read July 28, 2011, 10:47:55 PM #2341

Slowly trying out the new stuff 0 ,o)

Fake Time
If Trees Could Speak
Steal and Snare
Voyage Voyage
Witches Hat
Young Man

Some are Tada's win~
Read July 29, 2011, 08:47:12 AM #2342

Made it to the last of the hard stuff on Scars of Yesterday (15), about 80-85% through. I seriously love the first half of that song. I'm beast at quick corner stomps ehehehe. I'll get this one very soon...
That makes 3 passed 15s:
Disciples of Babylon
Inside the Winter Storm
Through the Fire and the Flames

and 3 failed-at-80%-right-at-the-last-run-before-the-chorus-where-it's-easy-from-there 15s:
Scars of Yesterday
My Spirit Will go on
Soldiers of the Wasteland

Eventually I'll quit sucking gorilla nuts and start 99-ing this shit...

10e I can walk on water, first time I've played it in about a year. 6 of those were in the first 20%. Best be careful IM COMIN FOR YOU MOSES
Read July 29, 2011, 09:16:44 PM #2343

Played hotn twice, 66e and change then 58 and change. 99 is 46 so a ways to go, but I got ~30 of the second ones in the intro and mine jumps. I can do the fast stuff fine...

25 fec !
Beat what I think is one of gerrak's favorite 10 foot machine recs by... Well actually I demolished it but I'll let him find it on his own Wink  

That's it for now but I don't think I'll play anything hard, ran 8 miles last night and my legs are killing ne. And running a 4 mile race tomorrow. I am a miler so these runs suuuuuck

Mid 94 on determinator, gold to about 3/4 way thru run. End run was massacre, if can combo end, can 97+.
Played infernoplex for the hell of it, 96.63. Eh, first try so whatever.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 10:08:58 PM by manyminimoos »
Read July 30, 2011, 08:22:48 AM #2344

HOTN = Hardcore of the North right? Took me a minute to figure out the acronym >.<

And WHICH 10 FOOTER!? I know you killed Queen of Light but I guess I'll have to figure out if you took a different one. I'll take it back anyway Wink

5e I can walk on water on second attempt in a year for 99.91 IM COMIN FOR YOU MOSES
99.04 Energizer finally, though I had 2g when I normally fec this garbage -.-

ehehe Smiley
Read July 30, 2011, 09:56:53 AM #2345

I'll quad said 10 next time I go to acme. It's an official and I had blue to ~90, got 2 because I got nervous, prev best was 10 or 11 or something (I think you have about 7). Happy hunting!
Btw my ! Score was 99.21, I'm gonna catch back up to you in skill Smiley

« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 10:18:16 AM by manyminimoos »
Read July 31, 2011, 01:11:10 PM #2346

Played Infernoplex yesterday and got 98.73%- haven't played it since SakuraCon.

92.02% on Determinator (though it is not my best)- I think I figured out how to finally combo that stupid run.

My timings not all that consistent like you guys on 140bpm songs- example: Blued I Can Walk on Water I can Fly almost half way through the song after finally giving up the blue combo in the 140 streams.. And ultimately getting pwned by Allan at the end : ( Gonna work on it though. (99.70 was my final score)
Read July 31, 2011, 11:05:40 PM #2347

Preempting James' congrats on quadding Funk Factory >.<. I had 1e. Nice job hehe
Read August 01, 2011, 12:33:01 AM #2348

Nothing too good today

Flag flying high
Flag hip hop jam
16 and dropped hold utopia (9939 would have been 9953)
Quad funk factory (#4) lol howd you know?

That's it.

Edit: oh yeah I put the pic on Facebook didn't i

« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 12:36:01 AM by manyminimoos »
Read August 01, 2011, 12:54:23 PM #2349

Not all of these were on the same day:

Got the SDE

This is, in my opinion, the most difficult 10 on half-doubles (unless you're good at reading steps in the middle).

Grrr...almost... Angry

First nightmare 13...
Read August 01, 2011, 07:54:44 PM #2350

78/1/0/6 on welcome to rainbow (it has ~2010 steps), 98.1 ish. Weak left arrow didn't play nice on the triples Sad
Quad disco disco
4e on pink fuzzy bunnies at the break, then got abuncha misses but not in the long run... I'll beast this soon Sad
47/2/0/3 = 97.40 on bloodrush. Hmm...

Rudo beasted infernoplex and shining polaris. I'll let him post the pic when he gets home.

« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 10:46:53 PM by manyminimoos »
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