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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read April 04, 2007, 09:13:05 PM #276

This one won't; it's a prototype.  Prototypes are supposed to look ugly. ;P

Really, this one isn't very aesthetically soothing.  I fucked up half my sheet steel, so I have no metal to cover it with, so you see the ugly; dirty plywood.

If you're looking for awesome-looking pads, go for a custom.
Read April 04, 2007, 09:16:10 PM #277

Tongue you got a point, but when it hits the final stage, if it looks like it came out of my ass, or worse, then i wont want one. this is the FINAL im talkin bout tho so keep working an quality first Tongue
Read April 04, 2007, 09:37:33 PM #278

Don't worry, I've got some coming up that will look pretty sweet.
Read April 04, 2007, 11:01:28 PM #279

I had an idea for a real cool pad setup. i might PM you the idea later, though it's a bit complicated, and before building it you might want to get a working pad done first. but it wouldn't hurt to hear ti right? ;P lemme know if you want to know.
Read April 05, 2007, 11:00:34 PM #280

Sure!  Email it to me:

I got solder; tomorrow: THAT BITCH WILL BE DONE.
Read April 06, 2007, 12:33:26 PM #281

I won a prett badass didder tourney yesterday. Double elim, I didn't get eliminated once ;P. It was score based though. songs 1 p1 picks song, p2 picks difficulty. song 2 p2 picks song p1 picks difficulty. song 3 expert random. total scores for the three songs decides winner of that rounds. any mods are allowed. It was fun meeting new players and such and leaving with 2 unltimate day passes to bumpers, and the didder 3rd mix Marquee XD. That''s an accomplishment.
Read April 06, 2007, 07:25:06 PM #282

Quote from: "Diggit_6"
didder 3rd mix Marquee
Put that on you SM machine if you make it. =D
Read April 06, 2007, 11:05:13 PM #283

I've got an ugly pad.  It's a trooper.  It squeaks on every other stomp.  I bet Andrew and I have put a million arrows into it by now.
Read April 06, 2007, 11:24:57 PM #284

This was the first week of my Spring 2007 term at Portland State University, but I still managed to pick-up 19 more AAA's this week on DDR SuperNova (Beginner and Basic-Level levels, 1 to 4 footers) bringing my total to 50. Smiley

Within the next week I expect to have almost cleared the Beginner and Basic Level field with AAA scores, and once again focus on improving my more advanced game. Smiley

Noah Eaton
(Mistletoe Angel)
Read April 07, 2007, 01:58:56 PM #285

9 Misses LDZ Crazy. I need to play this more.
Read April 07, 2007, 07:01:15 PM #286

AAA so in love
AAA captain jack
1 the least 100 sec
1 little bitch heavy 3 times carson i hate you
legit FC super max me oni and felm
so in love was on supernova lol
Read April 07, 2007, 11:21:22 PM #287

I now have AAA's on all but 17 DDR SuperNova tracks on the Beginner level (nine of which are only one Great from getting it) with a new total of 59 AAA's (includes two AAA's on the Basic level) Smiley

Also picked up two more Difficult-level AA's today! Smiley

Noah Eaton
(Mistletoe Angel)
Read April 08, 2007, 06:08:55 PM #288

some new black flags (all on heavy)
un deux trois
Silence (airscape mix)
Freckles (KCP Re-Edit)
Rainbow Rainbow (again Tongue)

must... keep... trying!
Read April 08, 2007, 09:42:40 PM #289

Well, at least you can say you've black flagged something.
Read April 09, 2007, 07:50:39 AM #290

I can say I've AAA'd something. I got kind lady (my first AAA) a while ago. I just can't get anymore. And I've BF'd some of those like a buh-jeellion times (Rainbow rainbow, Silence, Un deux Trois) but i can't seem to come any closer to AAAing them. >:F
Read April 09, 2007, 05:03:35 PM #291

Well, actually I was getting at the fact that I've only AA'd 3-4 songs.  And those are all stepmania.  However, with marvelous timing on I've gotten somewhere around 10 AAs. . . no AAA's though.
Read April 09, 2007, 08:18:51 PM #292

oh! i get it. on the internet you can't really put the right emphasis in the right word all the time huh?
anyways: I got a near FC on Charlene EX. I missed onerandom arrow in the middle somewhere. 1 miss, 50(i think) greats the rest excellent and fantastic. i mightupload the screen i took of it (ITGPC)
Read April 11, 2007, 05:22:23 PM #293


fuckin sweet #35

Read April 12, 2007, 11:04:55 PM #294

Every time I think of that song, it takes me back to the 3 weeks I spent trying to get an A on it because it was one of 4 songs on DDRMax CS which I still had a B or lower on.

I look back on that and punch myself for wasting 3 weeks trying to get an A on it.

The next time I put in Max was a month later; AA'd it first try. D:
Read April 13, 2007, 08:21:48 AM #295

Quote from: "DancingTofu"
Every time I think of that song, it takes me back to the 3 weeks I spent trying to get an A on it because it was one of 4 songs on DDRMax CS which I still had a B or lower on.

I look back on that and punch myself for wasting 3 weeks trying to get an A on it.

The next time I put in Max was a month later; AA'd it first try. D:

well.... that's how you get better is keep practicing...
i could be all like
man i hate myself for wasting ~7 years of playing stomping games. last time i played itg 2, i 99'd a couple 12s

but yeah i actually do hate myself for wasting ~7 years of doing that
Read April 14, 2007, 04:33:10 PM #296

AAA honey punch again
1 on keep on movin dmx mix
1 on exotic ethnic Sad
Read April 14, 2007, 05:39:21 PM #297

17 321 stars
17 Kind Lady
12 I think ya better D

Uh. . . yeah, cruddy day 'cept the stars.
Read April 14, 2007, 09:49:53 PM #298


I finally cleared it! I guess I should be pleased. Tiring stuff!
Read April 14, 2007, 11:27:49 PM #299

I've boosted my AAA total on DDR SuperNova to 73 (58 on Beginner, 15 on Basic) with 13 more only 1-3 Greats from AAA status as well! Smiley

I also have 2 Difficult-level tracks two Greats from becoming my first two Difficult-level AAA's. I wholeheartedly feel my first Difficult AAA is coming within this week! Smiley

Noah Eaton
(Mistletoe Angel)
Read April 15, 2007, 11:21:00 PM #300

14g Twin Bee
A So Deep
12 rainin men
And some other shit.
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