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Dance Games Accomplishments (DDR, ITG Scores)
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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM
Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.
Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!
Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS
July 06, 2007, 09:58:07 PM
Delirium is not the easiest to pass really, you should be able to get stuff like VerTex and Go 60 Go. I passed Euphoria as my first 12, but a lot of other people find it hard to pass, but yeah, Delirium is not the easiest to pass so you should probably be able to get others.
July 06, 2007, 10:01:55 PM
ive never tried vertex on foot, but i played it on sm and highly doubt i can pass it, euphora im waiting, along with bloodrush, go 60 go i get tired on, even thoguh i pulled otu delirium without too much trouble.
im the kind of player that has tons of stamina and is really good at streams, i don tknow but i really suck at all the rest XD, besides now that ive 'officially' passed a 12, im going to start workin on accuracy, its pretty sad i can clear delirium but not b e able to star a 2 step
July 06, 2007, 10:04:51 PM
adding to that last one (sorry for double) i expect my second 12 to be determinator
...has trouble with "slow songs"
July 06, 2007, 11:42:37 PM
Is Utopia a 12? If so, you can probably just spam the jacks and otherwise it's not a super-hard song IIRC.
I need to make sure to get at least 5 more AA's nest time I go to the arcade so that I can get my AA count on DDRecall over 100.
Or I can just find some of my long-lost AA's I never recorded (Candy <3, Candy *, Can't Stop Falling In Love, Dynamite Rave; stuff like that)
July 06, 2007, 11:44:59 PM
i believe utopia is an 11
July 06, 2007, 11:48:09 PM
Utopia is an 11, and an easy one at that, at least to pass. Scoring the LOLOL right foot section is always a chore.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
July 06, 2007, 11:50:49 PM
Okay. I haven't played it in ages, and that was back when I was still having trouble with stuff like PS and Max 300, so I don't have a good memory of it except that everything except the jacks are tough ten at best.
July 07, 2007, 12:22:21 PM
the jacks? How about the 8 consecutive 15 note runs of 160bpm 16th notes? I'm not so sure that can fly as a 10...
all those slow songs, I swear
July 07, 2007, 12:59:53 PM
Not to mention all the weird pseudo gallop/jumps in the second half of the song that make no sense whatsoever and are hard to combo for most players...
July 07, 2007, 01:05:59 PM
Quote from: "discovolante"
Not to mention all the weird pseudo gallop/jumps in the second half of the song that make no sense whatsoever and are hard to combo for most players...
July 07, 2007, 02:16:10 PM
I got my first 100 on pump it up pro yesterday on Monolith hard =D
99.83 Monolith expert
99.87 Zodiac Expert
99.73 on song with lots of b's in title
99.83 Maria expert
A few other decent scores...99.37 on Incognito expert I think.
I wish this game were a little closer =(
...has trouble with "slow songs"
July 07, 2007, 07:25:55 PM
Quote from: "xexy"
Quote from: "discovolante"
Not to mention all the weird pseudo gallop/jumps in the second half of the song that make no sense whatsoever and are hard to combo for most players...
I've never gotten that far. Last time I tried it, I gave up by the beginning of the left foot jacks.
James, I'm looking at the chart now, and those streams really don't look like 11's to me. They're all pretty straightforward, no crossovers, and realistically, not that fast or long. Across the Nightmare oni's ending stream is 24 notes long and only 10bpm slower, and it's only mid-9 difficulty in my book. The only possible issue there is Stamina due to how many sets of them there are, but even there I'd be hesitant to put it on the same level as other 11's I've tried just for the stamina drain.
However, the gallop/jump things near the end do look pretty difficult, again just looking at the chart.
It's not worth arguing over anyway.
July 07, 2007, 07:41:18 PM
Quote from: "DancingTofu"
James, I'm looking at the chart now, and those streams really don't look like 11's to me. They're all pretty straightforward, no crossovers, and realistically, not that fast or long. Across the Nightmare oni's ending stream is 24 notes long and only 10bpm slower, and it's only mid-9 difficulty in my book. The only possible issue there is Stamina due to how many sets of them there are, but even there I'd be hesitant to put it on the same level as other 11's I've tried just for the stamina drain.
It's not worth arguing over anyway.
I know you just said it's not worth arguing over, but I started my forum experience on DDRFreak, so I just can't help it =P
Anyways, did you notice that there are 8 runs in a row? As opposed to AtNO's one? Oh, and did you notice that AtNO is just drills and not actually true runs? Oh, and did you notice that it's not 10 BPM slower but 16? (32 if you calculated Utopia up to 332 and kept AtN at 300).
You're right in saying that Utopia is not on the same level as other 11's because it is a low-end 11, but the runs alone make it pretty hard to pass for a 10 and the right foot crap makes it very hard to score for a 10.
That's my two cents.
Oh, and sorry again for arguing.
all those slow songs, I swear
July 07, 2007, 08:06:52 PM
I personally think Charlene could be a 10, one of the hardest 10's, and that's the only 11 at the border. There are plenty of 10's at the border according to many people, though.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
July 07, 2007, 08:21:32 PM
Quote from: "discovolante"
I personally think Charlene could be a 10, one of the hardest 10's, and that's the only 11 at the border. There are plenty of 10's at the border according to many people, though.
Charlene w/ mines is a pretty solid 11 IMO. That might just be because of my inexperience with mines though.
The only possible issue there is Stamina due to how many sets of them there are,
Yes, I did factor in the fact that 8 > 1. ;P
I didn't check the BPM 'cause I figured James was right when he said 160. 166 would probably tip it over for me.
July 07, 2007, 08:34:09 PM
yea because of the mines chalene counts as an 11 definitley
...has trouble with "slow songs"
July 07, 2007, 08:35:48 PM
Someone accomplish something already. ;P
July 07, 2007, 08:49:35 PM
i downloaded halo on abit torrent and got it to work online?
July 08, 2007, 12:37:54 AM
DDR's ratings and ITG's ratings aren't the same. ATN on ITG would definitely be a 10. Actually I take it back, ITG has a lot of inconsistencies so maybe not definitely. Konoko would be a 10 though.
anyway accomps.
all double
<3 ethan
pass paranoia brothers, 100g... breakdown something like 0-60-10-15-15. yeah 0-60. fuck dirty mix.
got past 300 on legend
got past living in america on world tour then failed on la bamba
72xxxxx d-vision
22xxxxx felm, this song is absolutely ridiculous on double
2 jane jana both in the end :<
15 no.13
i dunno other shit too
...has trouble with "slow songs"
July 08, 2007, 01:16:54 AM
I'd say that if anything, ITG's ratings are tougher than DDR's.
Again, it could just be that I'm unaccustomed to Mines and Hands, but I find a lot of 9's (Lemmings on the Run) that are about the same difficulty as many of the 10's on DDR. Although there are also some 10's (Liquid Moon) that are about on par with stuff like AtM and V, so I can agree with you that it's inconsistent.
I wouldn't call AtM a 10 under any circumstances because it's just not that difficult. The handfull of streams are as easy as the easiest in Max 300, arguably the easiest true 10 (after taking out Sakura and Xepher), and the jump section is fairly easy if you just listen to the music. And besides those parts, it's actually easier than stuff like Breakdown, Xenon, A, and a lot of other solid 9's.
Grr, I don't like how this thread's becoming a discussion about the accuracy of a lot of song ratings. Let's all agree to put in a couple last words and then go back to accomplishments.
all those slow songs, I swear
July 08, 2007, 09:10:30 AM
Quote from: "manyminimoos"
DDR's ratings and ITG's ratings aren't the same. ATN on ITG would definitely be a 10. Actually I take it back, ITG has a lot of inconsistencies so maybe not definitely. Konoko would be a 10 though.
Konoko would be an easy ten, yeah, and ATNO wouldn't be on ITG hahaha
anyway accomps.
all double
<3 ethan
<3 James good job buddy. Any other AAA's since this recent rekindling of interest in double?
July 08, 2007, 09:42:17 AM
tofu> a couple of last words? sure.
Lemmings is like marginally harder than drop out. I especially don't see how it's harder than ATNO (whose jumps are not easy when you listen to the music because the rhythm is incorrect). AtN is a really hard 9 on DDR. By DDR standards I'd probably keep it there but on ITG it's border.
The one statement I really wanted to fight with was "Max 300, arguably the easiest true 10 (after taking out Sakura and Xepher),".. you can't just make Sakura and Xepher fake 10s. They're 10s. Both are harder than a vast majority of the 9s on the game, and in xepher's case, harder than every single one of the 9s (Sakura too if you take into consideration speed changes). Obviously, sakura and xepher are "arguably the easiest 10s," with 300 coming after that. What you're doing is essentially changing the rating system. If you're going to rate something within it's given rating, you can't move songs around to arbitrarily call it the easiest.
ethan> no, just paranoia. I'm really bad at AAAing things lately
July 08, 2007, 03:20:05 PM
Paranoia Survivor seems easier than Max 300 as far as stamina goes.
July 08, 2007, 03:55:20 PM
I'm posting to make my point clearer about fake/true 10s.
Suppose you're arguing which city in Washington is the shittiest. Pretend Washington cities are 10s. Pretend Idaho cities are 9. Now, let's say that Federal Way is a really shitty city, but Spokane is worse. What you're saying is like saying "Federal Way is the shittiest Washington city, since Spokane should be an Idaho city anyway"
You can't do that. Spokane is in WA, and thus, according to this post, is the shittiest WA city (10), and not an ID city (9). Therefore Federal Way is NOT the shittiest WA city.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
July 08, 2007, 03:58:05 PM
Quote from: "CSBrokaw"
Paranoia Survivor seems easier than Max 300 as far as stamina goes.
Yeah, this could be true, despite the fact that my recall argues otherwise, which would probably be due to the fact that I play Max 300 a lot more than PS.
James, I guess you're right. It just seems like some 9's (Cartoon Heroes, So Deep, Captain Jack) are harder than Xepher or Sakura.
Although I can score better on Max 300 than I can on Cartoon Heroes, so it could just be that I'm a wonky guy.
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