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Dance Games Accomplishments (DDR, ITG Scores)
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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM
Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.
Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!
Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS
all those slow songs, I swear
August 12, 2007, 09:22:34 PM
Uhhh yeah it is, good fucking job Carson. That song is late as shit.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 12, 2007, 09:55:35 PM
Carson is good.
all those slow songs, I swear
August 16, 2007, 01:53:29 AM
Wow. I had a whole post typed out with links and everything, and then the site logged me out. To hell with that.
Ra Hard- 99.55, 3p one bullshit great, can 100
Ra Crazy- 97.37 first try, can 98.5+ with practice
Handsome Character Hard- 99.11, 8p but can do better
MexiMexi Crazy- 97.48 sightread
July Euro Hard- 99.45, 7p, also, I like how both me and my partner full comboed the song, but my combo was higher because I hit more notes during the rolls. :3
Re-Rave Crazy- 90.22, I'm officially tired of this song, but still happy to pass a new 11
Emperor Hard- 99.70, 4p sightread, can probably 100
Feels Just Like That Night- 99.23, 9p 1 miss due to a missed triple
Csikospost Crazy- 96.00, took two tries, and I could do better if I remember to crossover that one part. Also a new 11 passed, but this is way too easy to be an 11.
And my best score of the night:
Had it up to the second-to-last run. I can and want to 100 this badly.
I really like Pump Pro.
August 16, 2007, 06:08:00 PM
If Pump Pro wasn't 300 something miles away I'd play more often.
However, I did fail Maria last night on my soft pad.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 17, 2007, 01:33:37 AM
I'm gonna play some patched snova on Sunday (bullwinkles). Then I'm gonna play some Pump pro on Wednesday.
I can't wait to finish my mom's floors and have a life again.
August 19, 2007, 04:31:16 PM
Passed Hybrid expert and Max Forever Heavy with a 87.xx
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 19, 2007, 09:26:19 PM
Some SNOVA shit:
SuperNOVA (Oni Course):
MaxCombo: 734
AA'd Un Deux Trois Doubles sightread. Second Heavy Doubles AA.
all those slow songs, I swear
August 22, 2007, 10:32:56 PM
Anubis HD- 99.49 sightread (6p)
Let the Sunshine CZ- 99.79 sightread (3p)
Dr. M CZ- 98.89 sightread, (24p) I can 99 this for sure next time
Xuxa CZ- 96.13, FC, this is kind of a boring chart
Blazing CZ- 85.35 sightread (24 misses), this is my first 12.
and my favorite score of the night:
So yeah. Good day today. Cool seeing Mason, Mason's tall brother, Charlie, Charlie's hot sister, Kyle, Carl, those two Big Al's employees, and Mechdragon and his friend. Nice having everyone around. Oh and Matt and Wes of course who I got a ride up with. There will be many funny videos later.
edit: Page 50 fuck yeah!
custom title
August 23, 2007, 02:05:30 AM
play nightmare
all those slow songs, I swear
August 23, 2007, 08:46:26 AM
hhahaha, well, that's two people who've told me to play NM now, and I will, as soon as I get more of a hang of single crossovers. For instance, I doublestepped most of Blazing (FC'd a lot of hard parts that way too) but I really should be learning to flow.
Also some NM charts look like bullshit...
August 23, 2007, 04:50:54 PM
Quote from: "Davyn"
play nightmare
Sorry if people like to play at their own pace and have fun.
Everything from August 16th-22nd (in no real order):
2GR Miracle
1GR Mobo Moga
^ Will get at least 4500, I was doing it wrong on Ecstacy Oni and AM3P Oni.
Also Re-AAA Sexy Planet Oni in a seperate fail run of Trick.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 24, 2007, 12:33:29 AM
On an unpatched SNOVA:
got extra stage (FELM). 105xxxxx
6 on Shining Polaris
Played my first song on Crazy on Pump Pro (can't remember what it was, but it was kinda easy)
Some non-dance-game accomps that I don't feel like posting elsewhere:
lost to Wes 4-6 at Air-Hockey-on-Crack-Cocaine. (we played on the kids' table)
beat Charlie's hot sister 7-0 regular airhockey.
Chained a borrowed bike and my own bike to a bike rack in another state then lost the keys.
Took 4 hours to get 20 miles on bike 'cause we couldn't find the bike route and kept stopping to do shit.
Almost crashed into another biker on the I-205 bridge 'cause I got debris in my eye and swerved just as someone was coming the other way.
Basically, rip-roarin' good time. ;P
August 25, 2007, 03:39:04 PM
Quote from: "DancingTofu"
On an unpatched SNOVA:
got extra stage (FELM). 105xxxxx
uh, that's not possible, your sn is patched.
where da white women @
August 25, 2007, 04:29:05 PM
lol dat a fake score
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 25, 2007, 11:00:01 PM
Might have added an extra x.
Whatever, 10.5% on the extra stage using "All Music".
waits the zealot...
August 25, 2007, 11:47:34 PM
What he means is that it must be Faxx, because FELM is not on unpatched machines.
And you totally added the extra x.
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 26, 2007, 09:29:35 PM
Quote from: "KevinDDR"
What he means is that it must be Faxx, because FELM is not on unpatched machines.
And you totally added the extra x.
Thanks for clarifying that for me.
That's right, max score is 10 mil.
I guess I must have been thinking in Extreme scoring terms or something.
where da white women @
August 28, 2007, 10:44:38 PM
stop lying
...has trouble with "slow songs"
August 29, 2007, 12:21:33 AM
Quote from: "zeppy_gorrila"
stop lying
Okay, fine, I AAA'd it.
More Awesome Than The Day Is Long
August 29, 2007, 06:53:08 AM
Quote from: "DancingTofu"
Quote from: "zeppy_gorrila"
stop lying
Okay, fine, I AAA'd it.
y do u li?
im tyred of fake frends && lyin bckstabbers...
August 29, 2007, 10:20:24 PM
A decent score from my one day trip to Tacoma
Notice the combo =D (probably not particularly that great, but my best by far).
all those slow songs, I swear
August 30, 2007, 12:02:02 AM
Nice Matt
Come to Me CZ- 98.30, 29 perfect sightread. I think I could do better on this.
Greenhorn CZ- 97.92, FC finally, I think I can MAYBE 99 this if I get the chorus down.
Zodiac CZ- 99.23 first play, Jae Kwon got 99.26 same round hahaha, 15p 1g to 16p
Go Back CZ- 99.24, fucking stupidest shit ever, 8 perfects and one fucking good from out of nowhere. Can get four or less no problem. Beat Kyle Ward's score lol. Also no down arrows lol.
Ba Be Loo Be Ra CZ- 99.58 sightread, 8 perfects. This was really fun.
Into My Dream CZ- 97.62 sightread, like 12 misses. I could get better at this hopefully. It's hard.
Dj Superstar CZ- 99.35
Dance Vibrations CZ- 99.46
Aliens in Our Midst CZ- 94.7x, 3 misses. Can FC probably. Fuck hands + mines.
Groovin Motion CZ- 98.99 fuck.
Another Truth CZ- 80% fail. This is some stupid shit.
And my last/favorite score of the night:
That great was bullshit. I don't care. I 99'd a 10 on pump. I've FPC'd it before. And I can totally beat Kyle's score next time. C400 is pretty much perfect for Pro.
August 30, 2007, 12:45:11 AM
i guess failing freckles and passing so deep on the extreme machine at gameworks is an accomplishment.
custom title
August 30, 2007, 12:51:43 AM
supernova2 is really good. unlocking stuff is really fun. i haven:t gotten any real aaas yet though. the new jp machines have flat screens but curved marquees. the b4u special has two fun sections but the rest blows. i almost cleared ngo but its pretty hard at the end. there are no double steps. everything i play is a machine record and i cant figure out how to make it show the overall best. but you can sort by top30 on eamuse. babys tears sky angel whatever is number 1.
oh i also saw someone try dead end radar special. holy balls is it hard.
e: cleared ngo. the three lives for extra stage is a good idea. tried the dead end special while playing with some other dude. god its retarded. i also beat a few of nvlm zks scores, haha.
how do i get trip machine pheonix? i think i need to get more enjoy points or whatever..
The Wise Fool
September 01, 2007, 07:38:39 PM
Davyn- What is the radar aspect for Dead End?
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