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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read January 02, 2008, 10:27:21 PM #901

my first 100% ever. probably no more to come any time soon since i dont play that much... but i got one!!!

Read January 02, 2008, 11:56:48 PM #902

It seems that I completely forgot to mention my 33 on Kakumei Heavy.  I wasn't thrilled with that, but it's a start.  I was going to try to go to Ground Kontrol today and see if I could get MaxX Unlimited and TLoM without the pad-misses, but I didn't have time and was really stressed out. (My Great Grandfather died this morning)
Read January 05, 2008, 09:58:19 AM #903

I played Pump Pro at Acme for the first time this weekend.

98.95% on Extravaganza CZ. I got a few SDPs, but I don't remember the song titles. I'd have to look at the machine records to tell.

Tony (ancsik) and I failed the Warp 8XM (8 songs on Mach 2.0) course on the last song. That course is just silly.
Read January 05, 2008, 10:21:22 AM #904

98.05 Winter CZ
I think I might have taken the Vook record back from whoever had it, I can't remember
89.**? Blazing CZ
8*.** Pump Me Amadeus CZ (first time clearing it, first person to clear on Pro at Acme)
Read January 05, 2008, 03:53:00 PM #905

I realised that I had submitted a Still In My Heart Score as a Broken My Heart score on DDRecall today 'cause I was checking to see if Nikki's 33 on Broken My Heart score beat mine.

So yeah.  Now I need to get a score for Broken My Heart. (I need to get a score for Still In My Heart as well; the old score was on Extra Stage.)

Read January 06, 2008, 02:04:47 PM #906

Tofu states my scores before I even get to :\
Again anyways, 33 greats on Broken my Heart.
I'm pretty awesome sometimes.
Read January 06, 2008, 06:26:55 PM #907

Tofu states my scores before I even get to :\
Again anyways, 33 greats on Broken my Heart.
I'm pretty awesome sometimes.
'cause I can't rely on you to post here unless I make traps, and maybe it's me, but I think that zeppy was a little peeved by that, and I don't like peeving zeppy.
Read January 06, 2008, 07:49:33 PM #908

.59 - 2
AM-3P MAX2 thingy - 4
I feel... - 7

misses on everything else because there are no good pads in Portland

lick my ballz
Read January 06, 2008, 08:31:07 PM #909

are no good pads in Portland
Please, Art, save us.
Read January 06, 2008, 08:35:09 PM #910

Crosspost from SMGroove
Quote from: M477 at SMGroove

I did a few remixes and anothers yesterday XP

Tream Vook of the War CZ - A 60 misses (sightread)

Wi-Ex-Doc-Va CZ - D 196 misses (BRUTAL & sightread)

Witch Doctor [A] CZ - D 183 misses (also brutal & sightread) XP

Moonlight CZ - A 44 misses, FINALLY!!! AFTER SO LONG!!!!!


Moonlight CZ - 84.35 with a near fail at the end
Read January 06, 2008, 10:30:14 PM #911

after not playing for 3 months i'm better at double than single
A EOTC single
FC EOTC double (both no bar, latter on USA)

uh also i played pump pro.  i like, have played 1 game of pump ever so i'm glad i can FC 7s and pass 8s.  yep.  also thanks pump pro for sometimes having the coin slot go crazy.  otherwise i wouldn't play it probably.
moonlight on not crazy is about the most fun i can have at my current skill level. 

ps my timing is terrible.  i can SDG stuff on DDR and when I FC 7s on pro, i'm getting 97s

« Last Edit: January 06, 2008, 10:32:41 PM by manyminimoos »
Happy Redneck
Read January 06, 2008, 11:59:33 PM #912

S or A on Turkey March  CZ 3x ducks lol

I also passed a bunch of freestyle charts with ducks lol
Read January 07, 2008, 12:10:32 AM #913

AA Cartoon Heroes, 51 greats, 1 pad miss, AA So Deep, FC 23 greats

I just started playing doubles for the first time, and after two weekends of dropping 50 yen coin after 50 yen coin into the machine, I AA'd Holic on heavy with 29 greats.
Read January 07, 2008, 07:19:49 AM #914

84.55% Warp 8XM, I was in the end run on Summer when I failed...
Made it over halfway through LIADZ2 CZ.  No idea how.
Read January 07, 2008, 12:31:10 PM #915

99.10% Infection Expert 32ex 1mine
99.66% Disconnected Disco Expert 6ex 1g (wtf)

M.A.G.I.C. Speedball, got most of the way through the speedup but failed
Second try, failed the speedup early but managed to hit 22 combo at
Read January 14, 2008, 12:58:46 AM #916

Apparently all I needed for timing was a good warmup.  Still not really good but I got decent scores once I decided to kick up the speed and use the bar... I had been playing 250-300bpm no bar because it was fun.

DDR: 8 on burning heat as the first DDR song after a few credits of pro.  yeah.  I tried LoM and got 18, but every great I got I thought about how off I was stepping -- that's a step up from last week when I had no idea why I was getting greats.

PRO: Without the bar I wasn't doing so hot; I can barely pass easier 10s.  I got the high score on energizer hard I think.
With the bar I can pass most 11s seemingly.  I played two 11s that tony had a low 98 on.  One I got a mid 98 and the other I got 92.  I FCed whatever the first one was, that was pretty sweet.

I still like dancing games I guess.  I just don't like to try to beat those really good scores I've gotten, and that's why I HATE playing ITG (I can't even come close to how good I used to be on that game).  DDR is okay because I don't get tired of the stepcharts like I do with ITG, which is too... I don't know, hardcore for a lack of better words.  Okay this is a total tangent so I'll sign off.  I think I'll try to pass a 13 or two on pro before I leave the area again (probably in between 10 and 14 days)
Read January 16, 2008, 05:09:30 PM #917

exotica cz - 99.40  perfect difficulty of a chart Cool
also ddr rehab
bag - 2
make a difference - 1
ee 3x shuffle - 1
hvam same mods - 3
dead end same mods - 1 or 2 or 3 i forgot
a oni same mods - 2 or 4
Read January 16, 2008, 07:18:29 PM #918

oh those are good ones.

i beat mission 7 on zero by myself (<30 misses papa gonzales nm, >300 combo enter the dragon nm, S mexi mexi another nm). had to unlock witch doctor on a machine here.
Read January 17, 2008, 12:50:03 PM #919

100% Hillbilly Bubble, I forgot to screenshot it, I should've shot myself Sad  I'll take a pic of the score and post it later.
Read January 17, 2008, 12:51:44 PM #920

Apparently all I needed for timing was a good warmup.  Still not really good but I got decent scores once I decided to kick up the speed and use the bar... I had been playing 250-300bpm no bar because it was fun.

DDR: 8 on burning heat as the first DDR song after a few credits of pro.  yeah.  I tried LoM and got 18, but every great I got I thought about how off I was stepping -- that's a step up from last week when I had no idea why I was getting greats.

PRO: Without the bar I wasn't doing so hot; I can barely pass easier 10s.  I got the high score on energizer hard I think.
With the bar I can pass most 11s seemingly.  I played two 11s that tony had a low 98 on.  One I got a mid 98 and the other I got 92.  I FCed whatever the first one was, that was pretty sweet.

I still like dancing games I guess.  I just don't like to try to beat those really good scores I've gotten, and that's why I HATE playing ITG (I can't even come close to how good I used to be on that game).  DDR is okay because I don't get tired of the stepcharts like I do with ITG, which is too... I don't know, hardcore for a lack of better words.  Okay this is a total tangent so I'll sign off.  I think I'll try to pass a 13 or two on pro before I leave the area again (probably in between 10 and 14 days)

By the way those are very good sounding scores.  Congrats
Read January 18, 2008, 01:18:16 AM #921

Beat of the War 2 [FS] CZ: Sightread and pulled off a B with 202 misses.
Read January 18, 2008, 02:35:03 AM #922

meh havent played ddr for weeks :/

have been playing PIU:ZERO psp though hahaha the game has horrible load times but i am owning up most of the songs
Read January 19, 2008, 01:41:09 AM #923

DDR: passed faxx again.  I guess my stamina's coming back a little bit.
PRO: 12 perfects on exotica and some stuff that I think wasn't my fault.  99.12 uncorrected.
also fail moonlight CZ at the very very end because i saw 1759175917591759 and decided it wasn't worth it.  I BSed every single fucking M run in that song, and the slow part is too weird for me.
Read January 19, 2008, 11:59:43 PM #924

Made about 50 cents at the arcade today; some chicks gave me all their nickels when they left.  I guess it's 'cause I'm pimp.

Love Heart (easiest course ever lol)

94988750 I think.

Everything else kind of sucked.  I full combo'd Cap Jack on Fine Choice, but sucked ass on Telephone Operator.
Read January 20, 2008, 12:31:41 AM #925

Hasse Mich CZ: 87.3x
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