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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
The Wise Fool
Read July 18, 2007, 10:00:36 PM #601

Fuckin' flagged La Copa De La Vida again on the HUB machine. I'm SO CLOSE to my first machine AAA...
Read July 18, 2007, 10:51:07 PM #602

Aed Healing D Vision twice last Saturday and failed choas expert twice on encore extra stage
Im still happy with my healing D Vision Record, still on the machine ! Cheesy
Read July 19, 2007, 01:22:26 AM #603

Had a lot of fun today playing Pro. (for the second time now) There's an accelerando tournament coming up so I'm gonna try and play a bit more. These were all sightreads.

REALLY happy with this one.

My first 11, I'm not sure this really counts though since there was like one hard part in the whole thing.

BBH is good.

This was kind of an odd chart...

BBH and I also did a sweet Handsome Character freestyle for our buddy Sumner that involved our sweet, sweet romance early in the morning. SS'd that. Not the chart. We failed.

Tomorrow Perfume- 1 again >: (
Hysteria 2001- 4 again, but on x3 this time
Paranoia Eternal- 14, first AA, on x3
Paranoia Evolution- 11, on x3
Hyper Eurobeat- 5
Surrender Your Love- 4 sightread, this is a great song
Read July 19, 2007, 02:15:29 AM #604

rofl, all my scores in those screenshots are trash, aside from Blazing obviously. Well, Feels Just Like That Night would have been alright if I hadn't gotten a Miss. I'm not sure why my Snow Dream score is so terrible, maybe the video distracted me.

Sumner made me play Xuxa Crazy and I passed it. I guess that's a legitimate 11 or something. ya.

almost passed the Banzai Progressive course but I had no idea what the fuck was going on in the last song

best accomplishment of the night - "OH GOD!"

oh and I took 1st and 2nd on Bi Gals' After Burner Climax machine loooool
Read July 19, 2007, 05:50:52 PM #605

Andrew West Horton is in town, so I played a bit today.

AM-3P- 1 sightread, it's always something, isn't it?
Don't Stop- 2 again
Fantasy Max2- 9 sightread, this is a LOT of fun

LoM- 32, more importantly, this song doesn't tire me out any more. Which means my stamina is coming back which is a really good thing. I played this song twice today and was not fazed. Time to start whoring tens. And then of course elevens and twelves on ITG/PPro.
Read July 20, 2007, 03:45:30 PM #606

gj on LoM.  Too bad I sucked both times. Sad

If you happen to remember anything worthwhile I did while there, let me know.

102 DP improvement on Destiny lol.
Read July 20, 2007, 10:25:11 PM #607


While the Rekkid Spinz- 99.26, first song of the day

Wes' and mine Ducktales simfile. It's kinda long. But it's sweet.

Selected Gorgeous2012... got this. Haven't 99'd this beforehand.

Gorgeous2012, after getting 6 and a miss. My steps.

Mojo's Aerodynamic. First play, almost comboed the run but our pads aren't amazing.

and for Wes:

He passed my ay carumba!!! sightread. It's hard as shit.
Read July 21, 2007, 12:22:18 AM #608

Read July 21, 2007, 12:53:08 AM #609

Groovestats. Or actually no. I'll upload the one with the hard and double chart later.

It's fun. It follows the music.
Read July 21, 2007, 10:11:12 AM #610

Bam bam, and that's why we have nitrogen! *clap snap voila*
Read July 21, 2007, 01:23:44 PM #611

sweeeet, totally going to play it today. This better get the BBH Seal of Approval!

(also, lol at your meme reply)

edit: uhh, Groovestats link doesn't seem to be updated, so I'm not sure if this is going to have the Double charts.
Read July 21, 2007, 02:13:31 PM #612

What? Fuck that. They're not THAT good but I still wish they were there. Also what meme reply? Also good luck.
Read July 21, 2007, 05:31:28 PM #613

I play a lot of DDR.

Some minor improvements, some really good ones.

Reflex- 10 (from 14?)
Insertion- 8 (from 9 haha)
sync heavy double- 12 (from nothing)
Saints- 11 (from uhh.... uhh...)

sync oni- 4 (from 14, left helps thx Godai)
The centre of the heart- flag third to last step (from I dunno 4 or 5)

Failed Club Ver. at the end of Luv 2 Me disco due to padfucks. (a song I've AAA'd :/) I can pass this no problem. R3 is hard though.
Read July 21, 2007, 05:42:10 PM #614

AAA'd the slow part of A then fucked up the rest for 11 greats.  Still gotta beat the 7 I got a while back.

Got over 98mil on Pop4 Normal.  See GK scoreboard for exact score.

EDIT: Actually, if someone wants to try and get that score for me next time they're at GK, I'd appreciate it.
Read July 22, 2007, 12:18:56 AM #615

Re-AAA'd La Copa de la Vida
almost re-AAA'd Mr.T nobar Cheesy UNTIL THE 16THS
Read July 22, 2007, 04:21:43 AM #616

alright Ethan so I played your Gorgeous 2012 steps (both Hard and Expert). honestly I think I was expecting a little more, there were some parts that seem to be going to parts of the music that are almost inaudible, so I wasn't expecting those. That made it a little bit awkward. So I'm not completely satisfied with the steps, but kudos all the same for making a Gorgeous 2012 edit.  Cheesy   (and I'm not going to mention my scores because I suck and I was getting a shitload of pad misses)



Jam and Marmalade - 1 (FUCK)
clear Naoki Supernova Selection oni, 9127819
uh maybe some other stuff but I already forget

got 465,400 on House of the Dead 4, beating my old score of ~451k  Cool
Read July 22, 2007, 09:26:04 AM #617

Inaudible? I thought they were mostly pretty obvious, except for some of the rap parts in the expert chart. The steps at the beginning of hard were meant to go with the rap, just because I felt the synth was too boring. And I have to admit, I really love the part after the first chorus in hard with the offbeat notes. One of my favorite parts evarrr
Read July 22, 2007, 02:44:21 PM #618

While we're talking about edits here, Ethan, go to bemanistyle and download my newer HVAM edit.  I took out all the mines 'cause those were just there to look silly.  I also made all the streams properly cross-over-able.  I think there might be a couple spins, but those can be double-footed.  I think I might have taken out all the hands too, 'cause none of them really made sense.  Oh, and I made the ending super-bullshit-impossible-to-PA.
Read July 22, 2007, 07:19:21 PM #619

3 ska a go go
Read July 22, 2007, 09:00:47 PM #620

Quote from: "discovolante"
Inaudible? I thought they were mostly pretty obvious, except for some of the rap parts in the expert chart. The steps at the beginning of hard were meant to go with the rap, just because I felt the synth was too boring. And I have to admit, I really love the part after the first chorus in hard with the offbeat notes. One of my favorite parts evarrr

I'm sorry dawg, I don't mean to critique but it just didn't live up to my expectations I guess  Sad



AAA #89 - A Stupid Barber
Read July 22, 2007, 10:16:46 PM #621

Expectations? I KNOW it's better than any DDR chart for it thus far. But whatever. Good job on all that.
Read July 22, 2007, 10:40:58 PM #622

72xxxxx HDV extra stage fail
AA xepher oni
4 happy angel
8 AA
25 paranoia respect
6 max300
25 and 6? combo breaks maxx
pass PSMO with 82xxxxx

Read July 25, 2007, 10:55:11 PM #623

Drop Out Oni - 2GR
celebrate and stoic - 1GR
Read July 26, 2007, 06:17:32 PM #624

Um, so does a Max 300 AAA count as an accomplishment?  Just wondering guys.

Also:  passed Legend Road for the second time.  The Jumps in between the gallops in Maxx almost dropped me though =/
Read July 26, 2007, 06:20:37 PM #625

finally got a usb for itg, works too, passed LoM for my first time on our itg dedi, played heaven long, first try and i got halfway through it but gave up because i hadnt slept much last night, ill get it next time i play.
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