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January 27, 2007, 02:19:18 PM - ORIGINAL POST -

Hey, someone had to make this thread. Have fun kids.

Post your high scores/accomplishments for dance games here!

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:31:25 PM by BLueSS »
Read August 04, 2007, 10:56:11 PM #676

a couple of things
1) SN synching doesn't bother me on most songs
1a) here's a couple that I know it does on [compared to extreme]: vanity angel,... wait just vanity angel
2) I actually don't play 10 footers all the time... or at all, really.  I dunno, I thought they were alright scores for consistency, but maybe they weren't.
Read August 05, 2007, 12:16:52 AM #677

1) Didn't bother me either back when I played homeversions.

2) Yeah, I figured.  I don't know anyone as good as you who just plays 10's and up all the time.

And I don't want you to feel like I'm shooting down those scores.  They're all quite phenomenal.
Read August 05, 2007, 12:39:44 AM #678

Those scores are amazing how do you guys do it?
Read August 05, 2007, 03:06:25 PM #679

with patience

Read August 05, 2007, 07:23:10 PM #680


AAA #90 (^^)v
Read August 05, 2007, 10:58:46 PM #681

@Peace ^^ AAA


I had one great on that at Gameworks a few weeks ago. Everyone who was there knows how loud I screamed after getting it.
Read August 05, 2007, 11:10:20 PM #682

Read August 06, 2007, 12:19:01 AM #683

Quote from: "KevinDDR"
@Peace ^^ AAA


I had one great on that at Gameworks a few weeks ago. Everyone who was there knows how loud I screamed after getting it.
Not as loud as I screamed when I got 2 greats in the last 5 steps of Sexy Planet Oni. (I'd AAA'd it up to there, I almost left, but then someone notified me that I had 3 more songs to play)

BBH/Kyrn/EFUN/everyone else who was there, please validate.
Read August 06, 2007, 10:17:36 AM #684

I could see Kevin screaming louder for some reason, but I was there for Charles' and it was pretty loud. And funny. Man those furries...

I'm gonna play more ITG today. Goals: ** an official 11, maybe play all or most of the 11s on Expert, re-pass one of the 12's, 94 or 5 tell or bang. I can do it. Assuming I get enough money...
Read August 06, 2007, 01:40:10 PM #685



Probably the best part about that is that BBH then played Be In My Paradise x1 Freestyle and got a pretty decent score.
Read August 06, 2007, 02:52:05 PM #686

Good work Ethan, James and everyone else.  I played at tilt the other day and I'm still having terrible problems with those pads; almost every song I play I have multiple pad misses unless it's on hard/medium :/  You Ethan?
Read August 06, 2007, 02:55:57 PM #687

Nope. Charlene's miss might've been pad, I think the bad was me, but I didn't get a single other that day. Then again, I've been readjusting my footing so that I hit the down arrow more fully, rather than just barely nick it with my heel. It costs a little more energy but it's worth saving noncomboes.
Read August 06, 2007, 08:16:51 PM #688

I digress, Matt, our down arrow is a little crappy. Read on...

My Balalaika chart, first song of the day Cheesy

Godai's Wonder Bullfighter, some of this chart is really stupid but it's still fun. Can maybe 98 on x5 or something. I really wish ITG had .5 increments.

Bryant's got AIDZ

Darknote's Mellann. Fun chart, can probably do better. Was blue for about sixty steps.

Nice Cheesy

Here's where the pad fun comes in.

I think at least one of these were me, they were in the last set of sixteenths.


Definitely WAS NOT me. The down arrow stinks. Recalcs to 99.53, still glad to have legitly 99'd a 10.

Also: 16e Rom-J, can probably do a lot better, 10e Amore Hard, and another one I'm forgetting.
Read August 06, 2007, 08:29:07 PM #689

Quote from: "DancingTofu"
Quote from: "KevinDDR"
@Peace ^^ AAA


I had one great on that at Gameworks a few weeks ago. Everyone who was there knows how loud I screamed after getting it.
Not as loud as I screamed when I got 2 greats in the last 5 steps of Sexy Planet Oni. (I'd AAA'd it up to there, I almost left, but then someone notified me that I had 3 more songs to play)

BBH/Kyrn/EFUN/everyone else who was there, please validate.

I can't speak for Kevin's screaming ability, but yes that was pretty jarring.
Read August 06, 2007, 10:37:06 PM #690

Ethan, nice job on Kiss Me Red.  Do you think that's gonna be your first Expert Quad star? (or maybe you already have some)

Nice job on Tribal Style too.  Your FA's pretty crazy.
Read August 06, 2007, 11:31:30 PM #691

No way is that gonna be my first Expert quad. If anything on expert, it'll be TIRAR, on which I got 5 randomly and consistently SDE. And I'd need access to a dedicab for sure, preferably Seaside which has become like the best machine in the fucking state. Give me ten or so bucks and a ride down and I'm set.

My first quad overall is almost certainly going to be one of the following:

Spaceman Hard
Do U Love Me Hard
my Balalaika, Carried With the Wind Hard
Determinator Hard (yay consistency)
While the Rekkid Spinz Hard
Pick Me up and Tango Hard

All of those I've gotten four or less on, with the exception of DULM which I've never even 99'd but looks too easy not to.

And to be fair my one quadstar was Wake Up Medium in Speeder.
Read August 07, 2007, 12:30:49 AM #692

I think I got a Quad Star on Mellow Easy once. Tongue

Do U Love Me is silly.  Its hard chart's an easy 6, and its Expert chart is a 10 with 32nds thrown into 16th streams.  I somehow beat it no bar sightread a year ago (I honestly have no clue how).  Haven't even tried it since.
Read August 07, 2007, 05:10:57 AM #693

My quad star list:
The Game (Easy)
Bumble Bee (Easy)
Bumble Bee (Medium)
Bumble Bee (Easy Double)
Baby Baby (Medium)
Life of a Butterfly (Easy Double)

I've had a blue combo through the first two songs of Decelerated double and still failed.
Read August 07, 2007, 05:25:17 PM #694

Anyway, I had a kind of shitty day compared to the last few, which is funny because it was still alright.

Mojo's ***** ****** Hard, great was my fault for sure


Finally 99'd this, had 1e for a long time

Mine was all me, haha, would be 99.14 otherwise, gonna get <15 next time.

and my favorite:

Nice sia. I think the breakdown was 4/5/15/5/a lot. I had to play this because Bryant keeps trying to take my scores. And failing most of the time. <3333
Read August 07, 2007, 05:56:03 PM #695

I finally AAAed Nori Nori Nori double, and at MIT.
Read August 10, 2007, 03:46:14 PM #696

gj Wes

Tilt!'s machine went to shit in the middle of one of my games today, not pad-wise surprisingly, but in terms of frame rate it's just become unplayable. The thing hiccups and stutters so much that I get Excellents, Greats, and Decents just because the arrows are scrolling like they're on a really jittery accel-decel combo. Also it stopped reading my card, and even while it was, it wasn't letting me play any originals. I got some decent stuff before that, but not much:

Baby Don't You Want Me- 99.35, was blue for quite a while, but the one double-tap in the first set of freezes is hard to time for me...
Normal- 99.62 6e lol, first *** on this
Fly With Me- 99.13 23e, machine was stuttering during this too, and this is really hard anyway
Rom-eo and Juli-8- 12e and a pad dropped hold became 99.32, but is in actuality 99.52 :3
My Favorite Game- 98.92 32, this is the song the machine started stuttering during, but I had a blue combo into the slowdown so I know I can nail this like a prom date. Also pad miss towards the end. (not the runs)
I did shitty on Driven and Solina and OADLT thanks to the lag. It was so funny listening to Take Me Back after a game, it was like, doo-doo-doo-doo-Ddeaeufhaeiofuhasofiuha-da doo doom, da doo doo.
Read August 10, 2007, 09:19:50 PM #697

Sounds like my StepMania before I deleted my 9.4 GB of temp files on my computer.

But I doubt that's the problem with the ITG2 machine, since I'm not sure too many people surf the webz on it.
Read August 11, 2007, 04:34:05 AM #698

6 greats on felm

well okay, 6/0/1/2, but mark my word, I'm going to AAA this.
The Wise Fool
Read August 11, 2007, 11:51:20 AM #699

Quote from: "DancingTofu"
Sounds like my StepMania before I deleted my 9.4 GB of temp files on my computer.

But I doubt that's the problem with the ITG2 machine, since I'm not sure too many people surf the webz on it.


Read August 12, 2007, 07:20:25 PM #700

everything since august 7th-12th:

1 GR Be Lovin; Twilight Zone

^ best score in a long time
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